■..-■ ••■■*■;-"■ ■'■'■■■*S«/r &' "111 WHAT SOLDIER GETS OUT 'mmrnmm of one savings 'stamp m fm 1\ single Thrift Stamp will buy a | tent pole or five tent pins, a waist belt or hat cord, shoe laces or identifica- tion tags ; two will buy on trench tool or a pair of woolen gloves. Four Thrift Stamps will buy two pairs of canvas leggings; six will buy five pairs of woolen socks or three suits of sum- mer underwear; twelve will buy a steel helmet. wOne War-Savings Stamp will buy one hundred cartridges or a cartridge belt or a scabbard for a bayonet; two will, purchase, two .pairs .of .woolen breeches or two flannel shirts; two and a half will buy a gas mask. Three Was Savings Stamps will buy an over- coat or two woolen service coats; three and a half will buy three pairs of woolen blankets; four will buy a Now Washington Avenue Charles street, running cross-town one block north of Central avenue, will, in the future, be called Wash- ington avenue. The change was ef- fected recently by the Village Board of Trustees. C. R. Hope, a resident on the street, was largely re- sponsible for the change in name, it wsa said. CHURCH UNION TO HOLD EVANGEUST^^CES Evangelistic services will be con- ducted at the Union church services, Sunday evening, at the Wilmette Methodist church. The Reverend Dr. John Thompson, Secretary of the Chicago district of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, will preach. Special music, by the Union Choir, and a popular song service directed by Professor E. F. .^^je^,^ill. fea- ture the meeting. ^'-^Smt^S^^^ ablest preachers in the vicinity of Chicagoand has occupied some of the largest pulpits in the middewest. He recently completed a $500,000 cam- paign for. the redemption of Chi- cago. The Union services are increasing in popularity, according to leaders in the movement, who assert the at- tendance at services has taxed the capacity of the church. '■'■:■ M Temperance Women Meet TheWoman's ChristianTemperance Union will meet with Mrs.Susan Sal- veson, Ash street, Winnetka, on Mon- day, March 18, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, of Evanston, will speak on, "The Frances Willard Hospital.^^^^^^^a^i.;^^;^^;^--^,,,;^.^.., ;f Loses Army Bout-v.v':';.>^:-';; Phillip Doetsch, a farmer west of the Village, and now in training at the Camp Grant army cantonment, is a member of the boxing team. He i recently lost the decision in a bout with a Camp Custer boxer. Doetsch is said to be 98 per cent perfect, phy- sically. ®fS';;-5" ;::#S^?W:W-:H;'J'P^'>S'i,v «iTHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH R 1918 BATTALION COMMANDER iKiipTO INSPECT RESERVES fp|||||jp§f ___^pPSPHi "K" Company 11th Regiment "Illi- nois Infantry will be inspected by Battalion Commander, Major S. H. Vowell next Tuesday at the Central School on Tenth streetJ||l||| <§U In addition to the company inspec- tion, all officers, non-commissioned officers, quarters and equipment will receive the "once-over." '$^0^10:. This quarterly inspection is a very ceremonious affair and is not only interesting to those participating, but is well worth viewing by the public, which is invited to attend. Red Cross Benefit Pupils of Miss Ethel Alloway Burt- nette will give a dance at the Central school gymnasium on Friday, March 22. There will be a dance at 2 :30 and another at 7:30 o'clock. The pro- ceeds will go to the Junior Red Cross of the Village. IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DUE? a» w w W*1 *%¥'• JOHN ? BOOMERS 513 FOURTH SiflUST NORTH OF "L WILMETTE REALTY CO. PHONE 1304 WILMETTE A. J. WOODCOCK c c STREET ' TERMINAL SALES LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US AT ONCE If we have your House or Vacant to offer it might suit one of our customers. LOANS WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN WILMETTE REAL ESTATE ON WE MAKE EXCHANGES- WE REPRESENT SEVERAL OF THE BEST COMPANIES INSURANCE -What do you want? ^i What have you to offer? ajasjiip '■■-">"' ®l s^%a Operation successful • :; Phillip Sesterhenn, 1302 Central avenue, is recovering from the effects of an operation for appendicitis which he underwent in the St. Francis Hospital. Evanston, early last week. ':'& ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ; m ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Legal Voters," residents of the Township of New Trier, County of Cook, Illinois, that the Annual Township Meeting and Election of Officers of said Township will take place t , April 2nd, 1918 proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The Election will begin at the hour of 7 A. M. and M. in the places designated as follows: 1—Glencoe Union Church. 2—Glencoe Fire Station. 3—C. L. Wyman.'s Store. 4—R. B. Calm's Tailor Shop. 5—Jas. Horn's Office. V 6—Indian Hill Inn; > . 7—Kenilworth StoreV v 8—Village Hall, Wilmette, Central Avenue close at 5 P. District District District District District ;-i: District jix;- District f ; District ■Entrance. ; District Wilmette District District District I 9—Village' Hall, Wilmette; Avenue Entrance. "X%:^^VM. District 10—Wilmette Fire' Station. ' 11—Robert Rae's Real Estate Office. -v 12—Village Hall, Gross Point. 13—Library Hall, Wilmette. : >: f;^l The Officers to be elected are: p^:^:;"-^ t^:-;?^;^|ONE SUPERVISEE: fMy S^tlSJ^ £!^S?<ONE TOWNSHIP CLERK; 'y!££ff: ONE ASSESSOR; X;^-fe^iM^^^"^-v/;"V::'=;S ONE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS; I I ONE CONSTABLE; ^]'^ffi03---'M lM:;>:;-nONE SCHOOL TRUSTEE/'^^^ The Town Meeting will open in Community House, Winnetka, at the hour of 2 P. M., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come be- fore the meeting.;'V-';"^/'v,,:::':^"":J;';;^;?.;"' -:y- ,; Given under my hand this 6th day of March, A. D. W,S. CROZIER, Township Clerk. Notice of Annual ELECTION If Notice is hereby given that the Annual Village | Election is to be held in the Village of J^ijmette on | .....a6;^1918ll for the purpose of voting for the following officers: I One Village Clerk, |l|ll:;-3i^,Village Treasurer,.;^ ■^'.v"-^ !i::^^ Trustees,'""'-'- ■■S:^^^JB;Sii :||Twb Directors Free Public Libary. I That the polling places for holding said electi|ii shall be asiollows:^ West one-half of the Council Chamber at the Village Hall for the territory comprising Precinct No.L East one-half of the Council Chamber at the Village Hall for the territory comprising Precinct No. 2. Fire Station for the territory comprising Pr# Library Hall for the territory^,compris|TO||S^ cinct No. 4. gfg^ Robt. Rae's Real Estate Office for the territory^ comprising Precinct No. 5. T^ question will be voted upon: 11 Shall the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette be authorized to levy a tax for all corporate purposes for the JS fiscal year 1918 in excess of 1 2-10% upon aggregate as- y sessed valuation of all the property within said Village I-8 subject to taxation therein as the same was equalized for,^M^m town, village or county taxes for said fiscal year, but not 11| exceeding 2% upon said aggregate assessed valuation? ^5 ■ ■*. ■■'.' .'"■-'■-">'.■ 'i, Which election will be opened at 7 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. , ; • , Given under my hand and seal at the Village of Wilmette this 14th day of March A. D. 1918. EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. wmmm tliJt; IS-: 'ussm fl !<9.?S;. 'SM: |lps|^;;