2 .. LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 191 .WARIT E FREQUENTY, ARE YOU SEEKING I Office Building Up in 24 Days FUELR LY 10 BOYS . RED CROSS FLAG Comunica on Three te oayOfcebidns CHEERFU Y TO BOYS Tile Red Cross has offered for sale providing orayoce b 0 ....-- three Red (ross flags, the first flags, Lake Shore News, persons, h General Pershing Gets Improved Mail other than the Stars and Stripes, to Wilmette, Illinois. in Washington, D. C., by the col- ServicAe skans d Soldiers to fly from the dome of the national Gentlemen: struction division of the Ary, with- Wrn Asoen s capitol. Two, autographed by Vice Just a word of appreciation out the enployment of a contractor. Write Often president Marshall and Speaker on the splendid manner in which you One, a 3-story stucture, 491 feet Clark, have been given the Chicago quoted in your last issue, the details wide, With a floor spac% of 270,000 Improvement of the mail service, and New York Chapters of the Red of the meeting of the Food Dealers' square feet, was read for occupancy an order to the soldiers in France to Cross, and are held at a minimunt Association of New Trier Township. 24 working daysafter the firsi spadewrite homne frequently and an ap- price of $16b000 each. The third, Such hearty co-operation on your ful of earth was turned. peal to the American friends and fa- which bears the autograph of Pre- part is worthy of the best support of milies to kevp a steady stream of sident Wilson in addition, is in the our people, and in behalf of our gov- Secretary McAdoo says "et no letters to tlhe boys in France, are the hands of H. B. F. Mcfarland, vice- ern'inent I thank you forh space one who g l three measures being taken by chairman of thle District of Columbia you have given us at all ttes for wants t serve fail t enlist in the General Pershing to keep up the Red Cross chapter, to whom bids the'benefit of both, government and great army of War Savers during the morale of-the American troops and should be sent. people. period end the American people. The 'three flags flew beside the Yours very truly, A military express service which Stars and Stripes over the national U. S. Food Administration, Every spendthrift dds to the war's will handle all the mail has been or- capitol during the 'second Red Cross By George F. Appleyard. length. dered established by General Per'sh- drive... ing. This service will deliver all ex- 1fagazine F So press matter bound from the United PASS ALONG THIS MESSAGE Magaznes For Soldiers States direct to the proper express TO YOUR WAR GARDENERS Monthly magazines to be sent to;0 company, anid will take over, expand " soldiers and sailors should not be1 * 0 and develop the motor dispatch serv- This is the critical season for war wo months old, accordice, gardens. With the.first wave of ingoe tha tw Post Office Department, - 308 W. Madison St. Write Address Clearly' enthusiasm on the wane, and the ang to the Post Oflice Dea et Mail for the boys in France, it is weeds and the bugs waxing bold, the and weekly publications should not W H. ho. be more than three weeks old. ***** Eat. 1855 - Chicago 06 announce4, should be clearly ad- war gardener may find all his padressed with name, rank, unit, regi- triotic effort of the spring gone to mental organization and arni of th nouige ht unless he gets out and works ' "lll""""l "lt"llllll'lllllllfl lllllhl "il "'" """" "" "" """" """"t""" tt"""t"" """ service When this is done the mili- for all he is worth. tary postal express service will de- The test of patriotistn comes with liver direct. In other cases all mail the hot days of july, when every efwill be sent to'a central point for re- fort ofnature seems against the gardirection, thereby causing delay'.", den. Plantinig' seeds in a neat row,=- This express servicd will make re- i is an easy matter but it is painful=. gulations covering the transportation pulling of weeds and cultivatig the of niail and express and the size and ground between the rowsand carry weight of package, and will establish ing water to parched corners, that liaison with the military postal raises the crop. A farmer does not r"ED forces of the Allies and the civil plant his corn, and then expects it postal' authorities in the' United to grow itself Tito fat yellow ears.- States. Lieutenant Colonel Thiorn- He gets ot't, in the hot sun and blisdyk~ e D. kov a enmd ie-tr his lyaxs cultivating it. He{ tor of the military postal express. sjfays his potatoes, and "brushes F With the improvement of the'mail up" his pea vines and "poles" his service, the army authorities hope beans. carrots and turnips must be that the families and friends of the thinned out, and tomato plants soldiers will receive new inspiration petted. for the'sending of cheerful, hopeful A mami or woman wihodeserts his mh letters to the boys. A homesick war garden is as nuchi a traitor as TThh4e1 OaOnK YOU soldier is a poor soldier, amid lack of the niaii who minis away from the __- mail is one of thme greatest factors ini army, __________ should be able in case of need to draw upon the - mnakimig a poor fighitiig nian, the=.. officers declare. Many letters, and COME ACROSS! :massed reserves of the nation.," cheerful letters are just as mmuch a __--- _ duty of the American people ini the By Jamesi J. Montague: We 'are enabled tO do so by rediscounting with the fight as are the semidimig of food and Don't stamid around and, wish that iFederal, Reserve Dank and are thus in a position aismnunitiomi, yoU knew how to mlake . ' Pers hing Asks Men To Write The days of autocracy shorter; -= thoroughaly to gafeguard the interestsof oui customers._ The soldier's end of thme corre- We are doing thiat now, and the = .. spondemice is not neglected by Gener- army kniows hoiv l is in1B n WiltU al erhaimgayno r agYenurra obistodi yurqurtr Fi=rs Nationa a nk of vimette_ dlePrs inh as been issuae der mton yeevoerr-y officer AYnodu r wjhoe ni tioey dosu dh aveu "sd yo ne oituq, rak eeep up _Member Reseve .Bonf..h.Fedral in foreig service to 'do everything the good work, 'R =rd ' $ A , ' I iiing nhhiiss ppoowee rre, vemeie n to fuurrnhi slhi It's easy when once you begin it. FRANK J. BAKER, PWres. iBd.e nSiTt.R ONG, ' l., JC, aNshIiAeAr L Writing facilities, to m ake hs me n Whenh ist he big war is won we'll be write regularly and often to family done with the Hun, _ -" and friends at home. Part of the Anid maybe yodr thrift stamp will order reads win it, "When no letters are received from over-seas, the greatest 'distress We all wish the soldiers the best of is caused at home. They either 'feel good luck, that letters have been writteni but But wishes dom' ever wim battles lost em route, or else they imagine all Vhile the cash you can spare helps sorts of evils, such as sickness, a lot over there, wounds, even death. Loth are bad Where the good Yankee musketry for the active militant spirit .which rattles.-- every true American man or woman They've gone there to fight, and •= miust possess if ptr ar y is to obtai t ey'll f till thheeyy1 1xw"1 fi t; h t1"1 " FIei u " " ttill HI11111" t nt "iu the real.victory'that all so earnest- They're keen for the job that's as- _ _ _ _ _ _ ly desire. - signed them. _, "Letters home will bring n'iany let- And, viile licking the foe, it will. ters in reply, and the closer home cheer themis to know ties will have potent influenice' for That you stand a unmbiet hind them. good, both imi France and in the Uniited States." Whenever you look at a War Savings sign OUILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB (And you'll see 'e in every direc- ' ANNANO UNNCEE' S JULY PROGRAMl Go ittionmr ii)g h,t away (you can ,"do it to- Put the DIFFERENCE into WAR SAVINGS The following program at the Ouil- day)Aun thr mette Couitry club has been an And add to your thrift stamp collec- STAMPS AND SOME FUTURE DAY nounced for the month of July tion. July 4, open house to members and Invest all the change yau can mnanguests. Cards 8:30 to 10 o'clock in the age to spare, You'll thank us for the suggestion, ave you figured evening; dancing from 10- to 12 Get into the stamp-buying habit; how many STAMPS you could obtain for the saving in noi'csl otchkr.o ugBhoowutli ngth, e bidlaliya.r ds and ten- You wnee vleors ec,arn use what you keep, ificeetweenaFORpDriCcAeR andeon of July 1, 15,ad 29, afternoon cards. For the Kaiser will come here and BETWEENS." July 13, evening cards. grab it. July 20, informal dance. Dancing ' Unless you want to spend $2,000.00, you will order a to begin at9 o'clock in the evening. X-Ray At The Front sensible, Reasonable, Economical FORD, or buy an July 19, Junior dances." imitation of a high priced car. SCele~bryToa t l he Army Medical Department has 22 Nations Celebrate Fourth of July developed a mobile X-ray outfit for use near the front, carried on a no- WHY WASTE MONEY? Forty-six societies representing 22 dified Army ambulance. It consists nationalities of foreign-born citizens of. a standard portable outfit made After 3 million people including the. Norh Shore's prepared monster celebr.ations, page- up of a Delco gas electric set, high- Wealthiest, have satisfied themselves that the Ford is aits, parades, and speech making in tension transfoirmner, special type the principal cities of the United Coolidge tube, and includes an X-ray the BETTER CAl, and you know you can buy a $5.00 States for July 4. Represented in the table, dark room, and complete set bill for $4.18 if you buy W. S. Stamps to-day. group were Armenians, Assyrians, of apparatus for the localization of Belgians, Chinese, Czecho-Slavs, foreign bodies. Some of these out- Danes, Dutch, Finns, French, French- fits are already in service abroad and Canadians, Germans, Greeks, Hun- 55 are in course of shipment. 1 T (T NTNG IA 4 garians Italians, Japanese, Lithuan- " ' e ians, Norwegians, Poles, Portuguese, U. S. Gas Masks Effective EXCLUSIVE DEALER Russians, Roumianians, South Slavs, Swedes and Swiss. In May these In answer to queries regarding the 810 Church Street, Next to Post-office societies appealed to President Wil- protectiomi afforded agaimist mustard 'E A SO son to issue a prochamatiomi calling gas by Amnerican mnasks, word has E A SO upon all native Americans to unite come from the Expeditionary IForces with the foreign bormi in observing thmat no inforiiation has been me- c. H. BRIOGS, Manager Phones 4884-4592 the national holiday and plans for ceived that any box respirator of tlme many celebrations 4.eveloped af- 'American or Emighish nianufacture has ter the proclamation was. issued. been penetrated in the field. " ;DAY ,UL .e .:_ Officf C.E IR1629' rington Avenue Evanston hone 5 8.86 North Shore Sftri ~tratiora klinry Applyarh le _ . ~die'4 8~0 B uick and D~odge ,rot aers Motors Cars -- ~llllllillt~llll~lll= .. . . lLtl. t