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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1919, p. 10

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:,W'->: mmw ^MS^^^^M^^S^PM^^J±W^y"B. -&&L±i& Company ^D^Details .Bobbie Burns*- often quoted query "Should aiild acquaintance be for- got V':—----i---,;:--^—.■■:-,-v^ :;:;-;:-v:iQ:^B [road, had been signed because a sur- I vey must be taken of the equipment J.avai.htble^r:^~~7:'Y-r^:~"--~.....~~~~\\ ; '"JJ-:_ ', By ^. Pi Fatch, Company Clerk| Mojida>;^evening. which was: Muster-OutTiight . for the auxiliary, corps, Gaptain rtoward -handed" the following tlielv their honorable THROUGH TRAINS ?M;; charge W--'^^ Privates OVER L TRACKS TO lii CHICAGO, SAYS BUDD transportation 55fm A:__________ Hall, Carl O. Hurlburt. . J-r^,RoJali^i^_ihis_j^eJv' Vl^er, jleorge L. Martin, Jauvey A. president of Cheaper aniir ;,»uoie convenient TeT%eeii "Clueag"cria11 d Lowry, W'ilfard H. Thayer. Benjamin -yr-bcwis,- Tl-., F. A. Farmer, Kdwiii- ^JMcFarland and Frank L,. •Miller. S77:•' These men have been drilling"witlv i' Company '•D", and -after receivrrlg; their '.-discharge.* were complimented| pected shortly* lien T51nttoh t lnT~TTnea .aT)~7e leTirr^Tf Jine^admitted that tvegotia.-t.io.ivs for. ^e-optM^vt-von-oi' 'North' Shore electric. trains direct to the loop;Jiiid' rejaelted Their final stage "";'H«*-implied that a definite announcement might be ex- OLD CLOTHES ^^h; MIGHESTVCASH PFMCE "-^^-'^^P^ VHLMETTEi 667 by'-Ctyp^vi-fr" Mo\v,ard ,for their iaith^ rfulnessaVut iliijerrecord.lor at tendance at drill. ■When A- >he".received a entrre company, as Private_M-ill'ev sieptreTF oryt; ■(early c h e e r f r o i n 11} e i^^waS one of tfoo c>l d : re!4-a 1 *k>» Tor 'drill, and a 1 vv.ay s >~ui — ha :ml t-a-kiHgrpart -in all Paul railroad between Fostef . avtv^j fcnire^-Fva»>tou.* and , \YiIs<>n av.cnue. | tin patriotic parades. Private Mitrerjias,.-use the 1i>ey .. mMlcin^ His hoine in rhicagory tweeji ■nevertheless, every Monday evening Houtrdr^mwin the' drill. • hall on—lime.; His-Teeord-Tot^-^iie^ is ex- cellent, and he" can' be looked upon as a shHvwg-^xatiiple oi a. man doing "his 'best to do his duty, and doing it well.'. .7..".; " -: ...... /^—'■-"7-~^r7. - %5. -The preliminaries . have-been in ^rrrgxess for more than .-three■'year>v- and eoht-entpl-nte th.eiise"of the tracks W ll'ie Chi>."a.g-n/ Milu aidcee aiul-St- -el^ctrfc tfJ ■t^-—rrfeg , •V-.-AsT-'ah" jlhistration oi "sacrifice, o.V timejatid coli ve n ience. -PnLvate Black- luajT^eis a1 good example^ Residing ..... -.,>-........ in Gfenvievv. it - wxry^tvct?ssary i&F^qar^rt-ritr-^g hitu to come to Wilmet.te -from Chi1 North Shore -electric .trains Vio\\Zj t he Str-Paul company:s?tracks be- j T^Central st'reet^and' Foster.! liere a siriTf leads - to the. electfeir , . depot at Churvli-sTreetr Fr.om Ce\v*. - tral stree.tTtheTN'ort h .Sho re com- pany's own right of way extends to .Milwaukee.- ...._..- T ■_i The operation -trains between avemiev . where . oi Tegular elevatec Foster and; Wilson -the—Northwestern 1 >fanchr~pr the-~elevat ed begins The new =£3^0—tO-participa.te in the drill, and It lit^ht-aUoiig: auiil edi'ojvs 7jour iiey; "to return to. his home after each -h-.e^'- lVa; ;;77.g7^-^r-i]tfr^---N c v exthiil!gji^ jS^^Sg-y'-faitlUul. 7' m--. atteTrdarifcei iraiTr him" hiprecognition been- , t hi tribute ■"-is r+a—serviG^gr ll.e Wifmette /Guard drill corps as7 exactly two hundred and lour " *A\hen been in progress for years n eg^i 11 a f ioTi?s.' c; o v e r nT ere 1 y t li e~op era S4mr^--t-rTajuA t he . s*a me r i g*li t of w a y. w li i c h w oil Id dispense."with" theVtiec'eTssity of .Trans- Ter-ring passenger-s-^ei11 ier- -at- I->a-\'is street or Central street, as now is practiced; ~"—~~~—~—•'•■..-. ■ ■■ ',"--'" Mr. -Budd said that thi probably would not l>e . ahl Every T«ar With This FEDERAL 1SHER ErcpcrtohaveT c otvtputed' :tli'2 caving; effectoi equally i.t tKel? average li.:ie tItrotr,>,!i tKeg use of tIia--"Fc3iei^l Electric" Washer tu $210.40 Can^ 77^~weeks Old on Monday evening '■¥ we l-.ad.mtr regular-d-ri-U.- Not a week !£ has passed but that there, has been ?f "■'.-drilling in the-school hall. . From this ^ ofgairi^ation Company '"Kr1—of the-(p S^plltii^iiifatvtry .and Conipany "'D" of T^-rheT-lst Infantry- of the Reserve -i-1^1 juUivihave c'oiiie into exjsteiure. ;y ■■ 7-. ':■ \ln. U's 're-ny:uLk£, t\-tptain Howard gave our- tfre- infonnatioti that in a D" of"the-." Rv ' sli</(t time Company •"■1J,7'pt "s e r v e Ivt i 1 i t i a wou 1 d a p p roa c h^t^eh < 1. And it will l>e but a' short time'when j=^--rhp -t-<^hpan-y—i^v- m-vtstered _ out • ami tttt^hc~TTTerrri)ers-of—the-c-onipaiiy recebc ^ theif hArorabl'e discharge. The W'in- i?: net'ka."company was inustered out" otv 77- -..Friday of last week, and a]mo>t any fr^7.day, we can expect the t m»+'-4-t«^iii«a- btit;7prncei s to" perform ', * lie . satni' service .for Coin).-a!iy-'—L)". ;-.\ .v., *.'-':-. I lave you what Ave-him 'ever : investii>-aTetl -try-o+t er-SrOtf- _0»5r wartTi* cfas^ To rearti. AVc teach youhowto.handle'calls Jbe- lure -vDu_a.fe'-s.ei)'t to aniofttce. s== you afford tawesh the old fe^a^hx5"is^ \va witKirt yc>iir reach? MAiCE WASHDAY TKe Federal will do'all the; hard work of wash day for7 you a^ nQthiiij^ olso cm t'o-— a_- -whale^weekTi-washing oa tfier line in an hour or so, at a cost of " =^ C5alU_9t::.w:riai?. fa* descriptive -^ literature. Ilectric Shop u BARNARD'S FOR 33 YEARS ALWAYS RELIABLE Half th« Knack of Sucoass in Gardening la In Using Good •••* Barnard'a Qrasa 9—d, Shrubs, Bulba, tr**s, Barly Vagatablsa, Flowara. C«ll or twd J» CataUf. Tht W. W. Barnird Co., SMdthltn, 231235 W. Madison St., Chloat; tlmttarai»U 9^m *»«•••: •!»• MmMI S». m« a»fcw "i" »•««••. Phoo» Frsuhlln SSS If. Mm War <• aivtlMmtaraj PLANT-NOW 71 WUT ADAMS STSUT Mi-JunktB Advertls.u,{Comp«tty. Chicago 41V j&is ains in lires J\v^a 'fortunate ptrrchase iir~largg^rtnriTtities,:direct hV-thc ggm-anufacturers we a re a Me t b s e II. *f he se auto titob i 1 e tires of all %£& ^sizes at remarkably -low prices. ^M •i^ TIRES AT LESS THAT YOU CAN BUYe THEMg ANYWHERE ELSE-IN CHICAGO OR THE ENTIRES- NORTH SHORE DISTRICT. 30 x 3 31 x 4 HERE ARE AtFE^tSAMPLE PRICES 7. 7 77$12,SO ^.32'x 3^, $16 50 and . $17.50 7 21.5© : '32 x 4, 21.50 and./ ^22.50 34V4r$23.50 and . 7^T$24J07;7fe>£7:;l-7^^ "'"-;-. -"'.V-Awi A44*4)tlier Sizes at Proportionately Low Prices 7 7- ^Sare" inivney : biyth^ways. Buy your' new* tires—treTc -at^^e>yr Have your old tires retreaded by our l.ive-Kubber Dri-Kure ■procesT' at a cost of one-third to one-half of a new tire.—■. guaranteed' for ^500 .miles....7..,..;,....,,,_.;J7.......:,„..:,..^..,7;_sr^._^.:.......,;. j ... 1,;:. EVANSTON TIRE TREADING CO. The Tire Merchants of the North Shore ^DT^Lii ~_ " -rr, V JEL .. '"- 7^p--^ 'W:-- ~W-^W- on 6537. 1613-1615 Sherman Ave., Evanston TOPPOSITE CITY HALL SSI ■', II-Sl-" We ^iye you a liberal starting j 75 -akiry .ruid' advxince yoir.fr£X|tici)t- j 7 iv thereafter.- ^^^^^:. :r":=:": *«»ir^#s^s»gata£«* .-Ivverjj:-. hTcfrrDer of the coinjiany wa's 4^^S^^^M;-prev>*fXLLedi_vv'it'b the ronmlinH-iit s of i -j) ?iyT-;;'^7l7i7^£77,lihe.. "Chica,*4o ..lJ,ai!y- Xtws," a Cupy oi 777;7-;fei^;^-^~riJts ja-zar'iiQ'ik ltiii1:'-^^; ■•;'• .l-yn-vW. i'TvtiTt.-ri C'ozy, at'*r:tcti'ye' rest r<>uins'aro rovided for your Vujoymen 1^777^7 ."Warbeo.k.7 f^r American S+ddic f>:ulors anu 7-iaiits much .■Marine's." The" v a'ltt.a >le ..iniorm-ati< >n" =tni 1 ttary iratter^r-^+id \vi 117-be^hu .. ;L'-'oi:r". ffftic'e ttit ] pes ft ion-with ti '.Ids Seven Isijuads . took a. >hort '.work.- onl it' 'lire sl1u>"1 yarrl—Monday- eyen- -"■in^V-.aji.d there \vai_ plenty of snap "an:i .L,it:yer'. to the' drilG^The nia^FH=- the . evenirfs";— however, to ail informal rpcrt' a.s- ■..:n r<-^c%vas t,'i\eii («ver t-seuiiily in the hall. Reside, the ceremony of. muster.i;fig^ 'r?y•■ out" the .men' in the auxiliary. .therxr %a<i^a s'-.T't1 of ope.li for^u4W-nrnd, ctts-, _^__^^______~open to c.u.v,kur. ol lv<*wTtlie urtn might'."apply,-, in -;tl:.e'7ltu;ture,- soy/e ot the lessons of c if izen>hiji^^hith-;h.ave~...been" em- plias ii"e/! in' f he compan'y. OiTeZ" t pp-ic dey'eloi ed from the d'ay's- news of laboTT.troubles: and unrest at. various p<)iites: A.nothe-r' serious problem re- Cejve4-' special attention., namely. the training prt.hleiir of. genera 1 mi li t a r y jTf^1re~i?Trtte d Slates." ~H .'^7 . l'.itb.ers ' and mothers of boys in TNJat'■'.• :^ ■:l^-.T<.'FV'Ce: h^iv*: -followed—the progress^ of- our sfe!ectiv e. seryiee ar- .my, ajad-^ui" voluntary army and navy po more earnestly than have thoVe men irr the ^tate-service who did not have sons, on active duty. All of them have seen wonderful'possibilities of bene-ht to the,youth of th.e land in peace-tirne training—:fo say nothing Votuig women. 16 years of wanted for tlTi? or over Apply to Chief Operator at \\{tI- | liiette,. W'innetka or Glencoe■"".* of tke. Tiomies ot a real instead at >ape/r-j>reparedness at all_--times. :raining will strengthen and rracv' like otirs. stttrh training willt hi -aw insurance against war 'father than an'incentive to fig In. "' -^- tint—tt7.iji easy, _ag we get 'farther and farther- avvay tV:r.:. the fearful days of the world war. for people of p;tc:irt^r tendencies to forget some of thtir entbusias.Vn for general ^s a-^^govertm^ep tafc policy^ anrtiit r?n seeiffiv^^to^usTThat t^e"Rel.erv^e^lilitKj ^77t men can peitorin a great service li "they do their utmost-ip keep aKve a' strong sentiment in -rersaf:L-iriiH4*ry- -training. ^*D" iirerr :'-wiH~cliQr'tiii5;. "rrift A capaT>le~ cornniittee- has been working for the past'twer weeks orr _a "plan for-prganizing the "Company •D' associatioiiJ' Tlmt_jnay not prove on, hut it describes the project. will !>e a sort oi^ veteran corps, wl 7wilfftneet it ytated^mtervair^ind -by c.^n^ waFanswer wnever"3tQ Belmont 4 Sheffield, Belmont Fx.L Station Telephone Graceland 5461 Bargain Matinees, Thurs., Sat, 25c, 50c SUNDAY MATINEES 25c to 75c :7S7 NIGHTS 25c to $1.00— .."." U/rCIf STARTIN6 y a v A Wttl\suN mat MAT.4 TheHMo«t^S%iRatiaBaI TlaynoTTHe Day M. DUMAS' Wtrtt tlTREDIX Portraying Life, Love, Youth ana "—iheJZnlire Gamut of Human Pas- sion Most Alluringly. # ^XBeHHy li, "Freckles^ cr:<»t t!|ci.t (ln.r.Kiiii, Tic paints it as \virmi ^/rt'.wtrnTsit. t:Ie-cho(-).ses" his invn. (Ic^nrations, has a4>orcli aiicl yard all to iin1yelf.-^rrivereys/ii(.) one to raisc-liis n^irate7;nefeW>oj; tf>-pouudjon .steam pipes. 7T:2\\rii!i "rents' on tfoHncrease^housands ofQ]|cag<;rf)c(»ple: arc going: to own their S s^oun place tor the first time in their lives^ Tli^y'i e ^un^ to f >t"HiI> at once, ~ ^Willie niateriqJs^Jabor, and hioderate p-jces-are availabie., ■.7'T^^V;}v.-.^'7^?:£ EulIdin^Prices Relatively Low : Friers of building materials have struck, a fair levil. whieh-economists say vyill,-probably hold. : \\.hen you tio-ure on putting tip a■-hotfc*e-t*r^ a'>arr- meiit you'll find, costs lower than you thpti^lit. : YoToioir't ne%i all the monev to rnifrd^lTere 7 Consult Ybiir Local Lurnber -Lumber is most adaptableJorj^y rn^fo,rt.nf*1< homes put uo ata°minimum of expense Takes ,7;;7your architect and contractor with you and con- PI ^':;sult youriLocal T.umber Dcal^-T-iIe*^an ex—^ a^T^perr on wpod^-^can^givc you A^a4ua4)t- advic-er ^e tTiiicago builders who will puUip yourJiome ||||H is complete stocks^ ready for immediale de for a pavin '-nt down of only 10% or 45%. -Bmld:ngand Loan Associations andjRanks wjll j3 ^loaTrappTOXTniat^ly 60% of the totaT'-yhlue of^| LyoilrZpro^ertys-—yx»ff=^y^bff^farTloan as Tent 7 livery injure you prompt service, look tUaT~T7atuTe7 Don't-over- ^Own home—then votir rents can't ^^£ TTicrca^^ The Retail Lxrmber Yards of CHiicago and Cook Couni^r

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