LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 Fuel Situation May Become Acute That the fuel situation may become acute this winter Js indicated by orders received recently from Re- gional Director R. H. Aishton con- cerning railroads in the northwest- ern region with reference to the prompt handling of coal car equip- ment. The orders sent out by the regional director may be summariz- ed as follows: The commercial fuel situation, due largely to conditions not under the control of the railroad administra- tion, is becoming acute, and the de- mands on the transportation facili- itse for the movement of fuel during the next three or four months will be extremely heavy. To secure de- finite results every detail concerned with the movement of coal and the cars necessary for its transportation must receive the personal and con- stant attention of every officer in the transportation and traffic depart- ment of each railroad. Genera! instructions are at the present time in existence but special emphasis is placed at this time upon the importance of eliminating de- lays in the movement of both empty and loaded coal cars; prohibition of the use of gondolas needed for coal service for miscellaneous material; putting into service light capacity open top cars and ballast and con- struction cars for the purpose of handling road making materials, thereby releasing other cars for the handling of coal; preferencing the repair of cars needing light repairs: prompt unloading of every car of coal received, and the policing of car .loading to secure the greatest practicable loading per car. Delays to coal cars, due to reconsignment, and accumulation of cars for in- dustries in excess of their ability to unload promptly should be reported to the office of the regional director at Washington, D. C. L. F. SWIFT, Jr., DRAWS HEAVY FINE FOR HASTE For the second time in four months Louis F. Swift, Jr., appeared Monday before Magistrate D. M. Mickey on the charge of speeding. "It seems to me," commended Jus- tice Mickey, opening the hearing "that you were here just a few months ago and that you were driv- ing thirty-five miles an kour then. At that time you asked for the leniency of the court because you were visit- ing your home for the first time aftgr six months' service overseas. What is the reason today, Mr. Swift?" "My father and I were in a hurry to get to our office," Mr. Swift re- plied. "Not so good a reason," returned the justice, shaking his head with fravity. "You are fined $40 and costs, fr. Swift." OHIO TEACHERS PROMISE TO TEACH ALLEGIANCE "I solemnly swear that I will sup- port the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of Ohio and the laws enacted there- under, and that I will teach, by pre- cept and example, respect for the flag, reverence for law and order and undivided allegiance to the gov- ernment of our country, the United Stales." Every teacher in Ohio subscribed to this oath before opening classes this fall. SUBSCRIBE NOW lllilP It Has Been Saidâ€" "If you will but let Exide Service serve your bat- teries' health you will preserve." THE FACTS ARE SO WELL EX- PRESSED THAT ANY ELABORA- TION UPON OUR PART WOULD SEEM UNNEC- ESSARY. EVANSTON "EXIDE" BATTERY SERVICE (INC.) MTTOir 1007 Daw Street Evmdon W1NNETKA BRANCH :£â- / % Prouty Court v WmnHta SUBSCRIBE NOW Education Always Help* The success of the unlettered man is often argued to show that men do not need education. In special cases the troth may seem to be conclusive, but did you ever stop to inquire what the fellow might have become had he- education added to his natural talents? He has succeeded in spite of a handicap and not because of it. SUBSCRIBE NOW Scales Motors Company 510 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON PHONE 6636 Distributors of BEVERAGES "MADE IN EVANSTON" NASH STEARNS-KNIGHT DODGE BROTHERS ALL OF SUPERB QUALITY 1 We especially recommend our Ginger Ale Root Beer] Chocolate Creme Sar8aparilla' All dealers or phone Evanston 5464 Thirsty? Just whistle for "Whistle"} MOTOR CARS Also NASH TRUCKS and DODGE BROTHERS COMMERCIAL CARS Scales Motors Company 510 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON PHONE 6636 We'll Tako It Out of the Oven for You-Hot, Luscious and Appetizing As you step into our store, we'll take it from the oven. You can see it baking before you. It will still be warm when you get it home. And oh, how good! Thick, brown crunchy crust!â€"you can't bake better bread in your own oven. We bake it fresh every hourâ€"call in the later afternoon and you'll have warm, fresh bread for the evening meal. EDERAL BREA (REMEMBER THE NAME) I Ours is a Cash and Carry Store. We choose to save de- livery expense and put added goodness into our bread. Try Our Cinnamon and Parker House Rolls We use the finest of materials, mix them according to our patented formula and use the same discriminating care that you would use in your own kitchen. Every slice of FEDERAL BREAD is made ofâ€" 1. Fine white Federal Flour 2. Best granulated sugar 3. Pure pasteurized milk 4. Real compressed yeast Bread made like that should be expensiveâ€"we sell a one and one-half pound loaf for only 15 cents. Two thousand loaves a day leave our store now. Within two months it will be 4,000. Baked Every Hourâ€"Always Freshâ€"Always Ready FEDERAL SYSTEM OF BAKERIES 609 Davis Street, Evanston .*«.-'* •'*.•*•*•' ;^./^:'4*