THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 CLASSIFIED ADS FEMALE HELP -WANTED "ANTED â€" A OOOD LAUNDRESS; white. Phone Winnetka 1594. L.TQ-16-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE ANTEDâ€"PAINTING AND PAPER- hangingr. Call Wil. 796-J. L.-9-tfc ITUATION WANTEDâ€"JOB WORK by day or hour. Phone Evanston 3537-J. Bert Downs.________L-14-3tp IEL.P WAITEDâ€"MALE OR FEMALE Rantedâ€"some person in WIL- METTE TO REPRESENT OLD ES- TABLISHED FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THIS IS A REAL^ OP- PORTUNITY FOR SOMEONE DE- FOR BALEâ€"IN HUBBARD WOODS; must be sold before March 1st Com- plete well built brlek bouse, bot water heat, 8 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch; lot large and high; two blocks from depot. Lots of hardy flowers and shrubs. For quick sale $18,600. Can be shown only af- ter 8:80 In the afternoon. Call Win- netka 1800. ________LTO16-8t0 FOR SALEâ€"SIX ROOM BUNGALOW; hot water heat, large light rooms; modern garage; large lot; $2,500 cash, balance terms. K. Rouley, 1630 Central avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wit 343. LTG16-ltp FOR SALEâ€"7-ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS sleeping porch, hot water heat; all modern ' improvements. 684 Center St., Winnetka. LTG-16-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE NORTH SHORE CEMETERYâ€"ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual oare for entire area; speelal individ- ual lot development; aeoessible Steam Electric and Auto roads. For informa- tion call- Owen Tenant Smith, 1167 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil..640; residence, Wil. 777-M. LTGlS-tfo HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. ___________LTQ89-tfo FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS FOR SALEâ€"KING 8; CHEAP; A-l shape mechanically; looks goods; 6 passenger touring; 2 new cords, 2 new fabrics. J. M. Brown, â€".â€" 1019 Davis street, â„¢-^= Evanston, 111. Phone Evanston 679. LTGirt-itc FOR SALEâ€"A WHITE ENAMELED bassinette, on wheels; fitted with brass rods and pink silk curtains; will sell very reasonably. 828 Oak circle. Wilmette. L16-tP FOR SALEâ€"20 CORDS 2 FOOT GREEN hard wood. For price and delivery see Mr., Rath, New Postofflce Build- ing. L16-ltp FOR SALEâ€"TWENTY CORDS 2 FOOT green hard wood. Price and deliv- ery, see Mr. Rath, New Post Office Building.____________________L-16-4tp LOST AND FOUND SIRING TOJENTER THIS BUSINESS. ADDRESS LAKE SHORE NEWS, A-16. _________________ L16-ltp FOR SALE)â€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY SHERATON dining room set, table, buffet, serv- ing table, eight chairs; Mahogany bedroom set-â€"4 poster twin beds, dresser writing__desk,-Jiight table and chairs, also rug and other house- hold furnishings all to be sold very reasonably. 5445 Kenmore Ave. 3rd Apt. Phone Edgewater 498. LTG-16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BUILT-IN QUARTER sawed oak buffet, like new; 3-section oak book-case, 8 feet long, leaded glass doors; attractive center and side electric lighting fixtures. Also French doors. 619 Laurel Ave., Wil- mette. Phone Wilmette 1555. L-16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-14-tfo FOR SALEâ€"GOLDEN OAK CHINA cabinet, oak library table, mahogany finish ^Ivan, chair ana rocKer to match. Phone Wilmette 862. LTG-16-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 WOOD court. Phone Wil. 2832. L5-tfc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE; ELECTRIC light, water, stove heat. 831 Oak- wood avenue. Phone Wil. 2094. L16-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"GOOD SMALL unfurnished house between Evans- ton and Glencoe. Phone Win. 664-J. â€"tâ€" â€"- LTG16-ltc WANTED TO HE NTâ€"it POMS WANTED TO RENTâ€"TWO OR THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms w.lth private familyâ€"young couple. Board optional. Address Lake Shore News, £-11. i______________L16-ltp MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"3 PARLOR CHAIRS, MA- hogany frame, mulberry cushions; solid mahogany library table. Phone Wil. 2094._________^______ L-16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONE BRASS BED AND springs. Double size; one curly birch dresser. All splendid condi- tion. Phone Wil. 1877. L-16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL BALDWIN player piano. In perfect condition. Costs' $1,200, sacrifices for $575. Tel. Wilmette 1998.____________LTG-16-ltc _______ FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"MODERN BIGHT-ROOM country home and five acres, situated on Lake "Ave., 2 miles from Wil- mette station and 2.7 miles from Win- netka station, near Indian Hill and Westmoreland club. Four bedrooms and bath, hot water heat. All con- veniences and deliveries. Fully land- scaped, good bearing orchard, small fruits, perenniel garden, large trees, etc. Price $17,000. L. C. Ayres, Wil- mette 891-Y-l. LTQ16-ltp FOR SALEâ€"COUNTRY HOME; CITY conveniences. 7 rooms; hot water heat; gas, electric light, city water, oak trimmed hard wood floors, cement cellar, barn, garage, chicken runs, one and one-half acres; 35 bearing fruit trees, fifty berry bushes, flow- ers, shrubs and shade trees; good school, churches, suburban trains, etc. Phone Deerfleld 217.-J. ^ _________________ LTG16-2tc FOR SALEâ€"BARGAIN; 6-ROOM MOD- ern house, newly decorated, glassed ----living and sleepingâ€"porches, large garage, convenient to transportation. Owner leaving town; must sell quick. Phone Winnetka 1492. LTG-16-ltc BARGAIN SALEâ€"MEN'S AND YOUNG Men's clothing. We are going to sell out our big stock. We are overstocked and we need the room. To make more room in our store we are go- ing to cut the prices much below 50 young Men's suits, regular $25 value for $8.76. Sizes 30 to 38 only. 50 suits at $40 for $19. Sizes 35 to 40. Latest style and high grade quality. It will pay you to come and look over the bargains and we also have ladies and men's second hand cloth- ing slightly worn which will be sold very low. Ladies' Coats and Suits $5.00. Men's Suits and Overcoats $7.00. Men's Pants $2.50 and up sizes 32 to 40. CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE 1944 Maple Ave. Nr. Foster St.A Evanston, 111. * - _______--------LTO-«-4te TREES REMOVEDâ€"WOOD CUT. LET me take out your surplus trees and cut them into firewood. I use im- proved machinery; quick Job; Don't wait till spring; your lawns will be damaged. A. P. Graham, 216 Nanzlg Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2196. _________LTG-14-4tp LOSTâ€"SMALL SILK BAG CONTAIN- ing pair sandals and pair glasses, while leaving C. & N. W. train at Wilmette. Finder phone Wil. 2089. L16-ltc LOSTâ€"A BLACK LAMB MUFF SUN- day evening at Elmwood and For- est Ave., Electric Station. Phone Wil. 773-W.____________________L16-ltp LOSTâ€"SATURDAY, PAIR BROWN tortoise shell glasses. Finder please return to Mr. Doll, Wilmette State Bank. L-16-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"ONE FURNISHED ROOM for "single person employed. Phone Wil. 1417. T16-ltc- FOR RENTâ€"WELL FURNISHED steam heated room. Phone Wil. 1080. Lll-tfC JJOMES z 5 room stucco, Winnetka ......----........$ 7,500 6 room frame, Winnetka .. ---- 8,000 1 room brick, Hubbard Woods................ 18,500 8 room stucco, Hubbard Woods ............ 15,000 7 room frame, Hubbard Woods .. . 15,000 11 room frame, 2 acres, Glencoe---- ----37,500 8 room new stucco, Glencoe..... ............ 26,500 FRANK A. REID REAL ESTATE 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300 DO YOUR TREES NEED ATTBN- tlon? Have them treated by experts. Now is the time to have them prop- erly sprayed. Phones Winnetka 1294 and 818.________________ LTG-14-4to We Abo Carry BRUNSWICK, fSONORA and COLUMBIA *v* Patterson Bros. 828 Davis Street, Evanston Telephone 654 Evanston Easy Payments Oprnn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening^ Repairing On All Talking Machines <*sJ* TRY AN EDISON RECORD ON YOUR PHONOGRAPH â- " SCHAEFER AGENCY FOR CHURCH papers and magazines; lowest prices; best clubs. Tel. Wilmette 969-W. _____ L16-tf FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNETKA; DANDY nine room bungalow; two baths, three porches, beautiful high lot;-im- mediate possession . For quick sale $10,000. Phone Win. 1689. ___• . LTG16-ltc They saidâ€" Capt. St. Clair Street couldn't fly to Alaska â€"but he didâ€"with help. They sayâ€" We can't find a six or seven room house to rent in Winnetka â€"but wecanâ€"with ^neljK- SAM SMART 110 So. Dearborn St. Chicago Don't Forget to Replace the Receiver Telephone usertl&e-urged to replace the receiver promptly at the end of every conversation. 'If the receiver is left off the hook, either intentionally or accidentally, "It completely cuts-eff your tele- --^pione fron^elwybthe^lmd^uire^ arsons calling that your telephone is out of service. By replacing the receiver on the hook at the end of each telephone talk, you-keep your telephone door open and assist in maintaining good service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Save lime North Shore trains leave Wilmette at frequent intervals and go direcitly to the heart of tlihiceio^toth^ terTofevery foop^ettrity. You lose no time on street car, bus or taxi. North Shore trains operate directly into and loop "L" stations. Besides being con- venient tor the loop, yon can_aW-get elevated trains to other parts of the city without leaving the station ^ NORTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue