THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 aET 5yuAU SttS CHAMPIONSHIP Lose One Game in Eleven Starts and Are Still Going Strong; Play Harvey School* Tonight Due to the remarkable success in the current season the Wilmette Public schools basketball team is laying claim to the grammar school champ- ionship of "the north shore. Coach Todd of the Public schools five has whipped his team into tip- top shape with the result that prac- tically every opponent on the sea- tnn'; srhcd'ule haM been defeated Ten victories, and one defeat is the enviable record of the team. The lone defeat was administered fry Glencoe which won by one point with the aid of several high school players.. The Glencoe team volun- tarily forfeited both games which were scheduled with Wilmette^here- by losing any claim to the title which it may have coveted. The local outfit will be accompanied by a large crowd of rooters on the jaunt to Harvey this evening where -a-4tard fight is expected. The Harvjey lads will play at Wilmette Friday evening, March 4. v. The locajs defeated the Central school of Evanston at Evanston last Thursday 15 to 12 and the following evening Lincolnwood of Evanston was handed a 9 to 4 njuhbing-at-the Byron Stolp gym after the Wilmette second squad had defeated Kenil- worth's best quintet 4 to 3. BUILD FRONT ADDITION TO WEST RAILROAD STORE Public Library News and Reviews BY THE LIBRARIAN Same house, reproduced In like manner after the application of Elastica, the Ideal Exterior Wall Covering* (Send for dc- acri pt i ve matter.) Coleridge defined prose as words in their best order; poetry, the best words in their best order. We con- clude that he considered poetry the finer art. TtKbe well read one must know representative writers of this class of literature. You no doubt are more or less familiar with poets of the older schools and wish to keep their *poems fresh in your Memory, go then to the Public Library where for the asking yott hmy-4>orrew-eop- 4es of Scott, Tennyson, Wordsworth, Holmes, Field, Riley or Whittier. After renewing your acquaintance With these men compare them with the strictly modern. In this class are many notables. The following is a partial list of recent poets whose works you can find at the Wilmette Free Public Library: Edgar Guest, Alan Seegar, Joyce Kilmer, Rudyard Kipling, John Masefield, Edgar Lee Masters, and Alfred Noyes. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued from Page 6) An improvement^^ more than or- dinary interest .is the brick front ad- dition to the Kenilworth News Agen- cy, now under construction at 617 West Railroad avenue. The addition brings the structure up-to-tlte build- ing hue of the majority of buildings in that block. The new addition is to house a branch of the United Cigar Stores Company under the management of Robert McDaniel, Jr., son of the owner of the building. This depart- ment is expected to be open for busi- Tie"s s on 7MarclT~TSr*The Sews agency and bicycle repair and vulcanizing shop will be continued in the other departments of the store. __A_rmbJicJiujicheon will be served to day at 12:15 in the Parish House. There will be special talks for school children who will be served promptly that they may return to school. Busi- ness people will also be served quickly. Next Sunday at the 11 o'clock ser- vice .Mr. William W. Crissinger will tell of the"activities oT Christian traveling men. Mr. Crissinger is one of the leaders of the Gideons, the association of Christian commercial travelers. It was, ar his suggestion AFTERNOON COOKING CLASS PLAN AT COMMUNITY HOUSE ___TJiefoilowing--eA^H^t^i-are scheduled for next week at the Cornmunity House: â€"Sunday, meeting of Finnish society. Tuesday evening, meeting of Mrs. "P^tersOTT^s cooking class at 7:?0. Ev- ery member of the class is urged to attend as the advisability of an af- ternoon class will be considered. Wednesday, meeting of the Philan- thropy department of the Catholic Woman's club. Sewing frofn 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. . Thursday, meeting of the Finnish society. Saturdav, violin class with Glenn Halick. SCOUTS IN BASKETBALL IMELIGHT ON SATURDAY Tomorrow night the lightweight team of the Wilmette Scout Troop will play Troop 510 of Chicago at the Byron C. Stolp school. The Glencoe A. C. lightweights and Scout heavy- weights will complete the program which will begin at 7:15 o'clock to enable the Chicago Scouts to get home before morning. There will be no charge for admis- sion and no collection. Everyone is invited to show the visitors that the ~!â€"people in Wilmettp arp awarp of the fact that they have a Scout Troop. -Theâ€"Scout-teamsâ€"will go to Glen- â€" coe Monday night for two games with the Glencoe Troop. HANIM,E-EmSX>N-3HONOCRAl Edison, phonographs, records and attachments are to be provided north shore residents by Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street. Evanston. accord- ing to an announcement at the music store this week. It is said that every- thing pertamnHr to Edison machines will be-found in s.tock at the Ervans- ston store. that the Gideons undertook to place a Bible in every hotel room in the United States: and Canada. Since then they have placed 45,000 Bibles in .hotel rooms. Mr. Crissinger is a very interesting speaker and a large audience is expected to be at hand. The speaker at last week's Lenten service for younger Children was Mrs. Burt Crowe whose talks prov- ed very helpful to the boys and girls. The regular monthly meeting of the Vestry will be held on ne Wednesday evening, March 2. FOREST PRESERVE ENGINEER â€"^TO SPEAK BEFORE KOFC'i Ransome Kennicott, engineer for the Cook-^ottnty4n>rest Preserve dis- trict will speak in Wilmette Tuesday evening, March 8, before a regular meeting of the Ouilmette Council of the Knights of Columbus at Jones' Lodge hall. The lecture on the for- est preserves will be illustrated with sterioptican views. Joseph Schroeder, veteran of the Argonne in the world war, addressed the members of the council at a meet- ing Tuesday evening, relating some of his experiences on the battle field. M. W. A. CARD PARTY AND SUPPER TUESDAY EVENING Wilmette Camp No., 10334 of the modern Woodmen of America will hold__aL_xegular meeting .'Tuesday evening at Jones' lodge hall. After" the routine business has been transacted a card party will be held for the members to be followedibytiyi oyster supper. . "Ther Wilmette camp meets~bn the first and third Tuesday of each, month. SOMETHING FOR SHOPPERS â€"Service,- of a ^hara^re----perhaps unique in shopping spheres is_prom- ised -women of the north shore by the Wilson Skirt Shop, 1418 Stevens Building. Chicago. The Shop offers^ ^ o^show _ s a m p hTs ~ of thevery latest "crepe mohair" material for sport skirts.-â€"The Shop offei s. ti 1 sa. X& -tell "111e shopper wHfeVe to ptircbase these newest patterns. For Sale feautiful Mori 34 car in Wilmette; Cali- fornia top, newly painted, new cord tires, thoroughly overhauled and guaran- teed by the Marmon Co. Tor demonstration call 938-J Wilmette Accurate pen and ink reproduc- â- \ tion of photograph of house before the application of Elastic*. Modernize Your Home With Elastica TRANSFORM it into a residence of permanent beautyâ€" cool in summer and warm in winter. Make it fireproof, crackproof and waterproofed. Elastica will convert the oldest frame house into a handsome, lasting dwelling. And it will accomplish this transformation at an astonishingly low figureâ€"a cost not in excess of two seasons'paint bills. Elastica is an investmentâ€"not an expense. It increases the value of property from three to four times the cost of its ap- plication and greatly reduces upkeep costs. Elastica may be satisfactorily applied in extremes of tem- ^^wteter-or^ummerF Let us tell you all about Elastica and what it will do for you. Write today. Wisconsin Lime and Cement Co. Chamber of Commerce Bidg., Chicago STANLEY STEAM CARS Sold and nerviced pertonally From thin Expert Service follow No Starter - No Clutch - No Gears To shift. The fuel is Kerosene mU» â- Ssaolas* *ar la driwa and understand rrtcci rangm irom #«V0O up WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 OYBUR I f 15 Davit St.. Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 Saturday February 26 in "DIAMONDS ADRIFT" Pathe News Rolin Comedy FRANKLIN Sales and Service ike to own Sales Co, Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston HiiJumiiiiiiiiiiiiir'iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii'i"ii!;'iiii!iii:iu......iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiiitii.......iiiimiiiiiimimtiimiiiiiiii- TYPEWRITERS All Makes Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired | Easy Payments 1 PATTERSON BROS. |_£28 Davis St. Phone Ev. 654 Evanston, 111. â€"Qpt»^Tw*d«y, Thursday and Saturduy Evening* ^grtttttMttwimmumtumniimHiiii^^ NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday February 28 and March 1 "ISOBEL" . with House Peters and Jane Novak Wednesday March 2 CORINNE GMFElTfcz in "It Isn't Being Done This Season'* and Friday. March 3 and 4 MARY MILES MINTER In "ALL SOULS EVE" Saturday March 5 JUSTINE JOHNSTONE In "The Plaything of Broadway" RESERVE THESE DATES Mary Pickford in 'The Love Light1 March 7 to 11 Inclusive Charlie Chaplin in"The Kid" March 17, 18 and It IT BEATS... AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS The Largest Selling Electric Cleaner in the World The success of our product has been attained entirely upon the satisfaction and service rendered every "HOOVER USER-T^ *__ . ____ Therefore THE HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER CO. is exercising great care in the selection of its dealers. -- Replaeemerrt- jories-cavered-by^dur one »year guarantee are only obtainable through the authorized Hoover dealers. P.A.DARB1 ELECTRIC SHOP 1106 Davis Srreet Phone 2230 EVANSTON, ILL LORDS, Inc. Fountain Square Phone 1024 EVANSTON, ILL. Are Authorized Hoover Dealers ~ih EvafistoSr THE HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER CO. The Oldest Maker, of Electric Cleaner. NO. CANTON, OHIO HAMILTON, CANADH