THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 SSmE™» nS^Mm mmM jjfb 1 4^- I ! JocklHappei\ii\dr Wilmette ^Kenihrtortk" by Rufk Rwley k_ •"mmJ PbP»^......",M,"«l85ift ""'".....II.........•.....•'•' NNOUNCEMENT has been made of the engagement of Miss Constance Kroh, of Cleveland, Ohio, to Captain War- ner B. Gates, United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. ___.Henry B. Gates of 1126 Wilmette avenue. The wedding will take place at an early date. .------------♦------------ Of interest on the north shore is the announcement of the mar- riage of Miss Marjorie Davis, daughter of Samuel Davis of Chicago, to Lisle M. Albright, son of Adam Emory Albright, of Hubbard Woods, on Thursday evening, February 24, at the Ravenswood Con- gregational church. At present, Mr. and Mrs. Albright are stopping at the La Salle hotel. Mr. and Mrs. George Park, of Glencoe, announce the engagement ot their daughter^ Dorothy Dale, to Cecil W. Boyle of Evanston, and of Greencastle, Ind. Mr. Boyle was formerly in- structor in chemistry at New Trier high school. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Van Ness of 731 Laurel avenue an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mabel Ruth', to Robert H. McElroy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McElroy of 704 Sheri- dan road. The wedding will take place in September. A large group of representative men and women from Chicago and the north shore attended the "in- spection tea" at the Winter Camp at Arden Shore on Saturday after- noon of last week. This camp, which in summer is open to mothers-and children from Chicago tenements, in winter is the home of undernourished Mrs. O. A. Hinsdell, accompanied by Miss Harriet Carlson of 501 Washington avenue, and Miss Ethel Wray of 618 Washington avenue, left Wednesday evening to attend the In- auguration in Washington today. Fr om^ therer-MrsrHmsdelh wiH-go^m to Boston for an extended visit, and the young people will go to New boys sent out by the Chicago Board | \ ork where they will spend a week. of Education to be built up so that they may qualify for working cer- tficates. The new recreation-hall,â€"the gift^ of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hamill of Lake Forest, was formally opened on this occasion, and a short and to-the-point informal talk was given Mr. Clow, in whose employ there are a number of the boys who have been dismissed from the camp. Assisting Mrs. Carl Latham the president of Arden Shore Associa- tion, in receiving were the follow- ing officers: Vice-president, Mrs. Robert B. Gregory and Mrs. Grant Ridgway; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Parmelee; record- ing secretary, Miss Gladys Spry; corresponding secretary, Miss Eliza- beth Thorne, district chairman, Mrs. John Slade of Evanston, Mrs. J. J. Siddall of Wilmette, Mrs. Mark Cresap of KenilworthP Mrs. John The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with Miss Lil- lian Struggles, 879. Cherry street, Winnetka, on Monday, March 7 at two-thirty o'clock. This will be a Mother's meeting, in charge of Mrs. Jonathan Drake, of Wilmette. Miss Alice Shurtleff, who returned from Milwaukee, to spend last week- end at her home, 815 Lake avenue, had as her guests, the Misses, Verna Wilson, Carrie ~E. Baxter and Sylvia Leonard, three teachers from the Riverside high school in Milwaukee. â€"•â€" Mrs. Harry T. Richter was host- ess to one. of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week at her home, 707 Greenwood avenue. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Wolf, 819 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons, of 921 Oakwood avenue, entertained at dinner on the eve of Washington's Birthday at the Ouilmette Country club. There were covers for twenty- four ' guests. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Landis, who have been living in New York the past year, are visiting Mr. Landis' parents, Judge and Mrs. Kenesaw M. Landis at the Chicago Beach hotel. â€"•â€" A-O-Ki-Ya chapter of Camp Fire under the guardianship of Mrs. Alfred Herrmann, hikett^to Northr Evanston yesterday to attend the basketball game at the Lincoln wood school. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Boyden of 829 Park avenue, will leave today for an extended trip stopping in Cincinnati, Asheville, Jacksonville, New Orleans and Memphis. Montgomery of Winnetka, and Mrs. Frederick Penfield of Glencoe. _*__ â€"•â€" The Tatapochon Camp Fire Girls are planning big things, but big Jhings mature slowly. They are plan- ning to go camping this summer, but camp takes money and so they are, thinking of ways and means of earn- ing some of that money. Next Fri- day a Food and Household Utilities Sale will be held at the Congrega- tional church under the auspices of the-Central Avenue Circle and the Camp Fire will have charge of one of the booths, making the things themselves which they will put on sale. There will be a large assort- ment of needlework, aprons, hot- dish holders, and fancy gilts such as organdie flowers hand-made hand- kerchiefs, etc. Mothers are particularly invited to do their marketing for the day at the Sale, andPto visit the booth where a few head-bands and other Camp Fire equipment will be exhibited. On Thursday afternoon, March \7i Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng will open her home at 401 Lake avenue, for a card party to be given at 2 o'clock by the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, for the benefit of the European Relief. Tickets may be secured from any member of the Ways and Means committee of which Mrs. John D. Pahlman^ U chairman, and is assisted bjr Mrs. Charles Bunte, Mrs. Henry Weihe, Mrs. A. W. Boylston, Mrs. I* Andersom Mrs. A. G. Keck, Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mrs. Walter Peter- son, Mrs. A. L. Norrington, Mrs. N. J.__Conrad, Mrs. Charles E. Geisse and Mrsrff. C Fisher." t*» ^-n.iTT-VA rAmpFire^AekLa CeremoniaTlueeliflgTast ^nrsdaraf* the home of Ruth Caldwett. Cath- erine Colton and Ruth Rice became Wood gatherers. A new plan, that of holding a meeting every other_week. and on the alternate weeks, to spend, the afternoon on a hike of some sort, was agreed to by all of the menajersv Arrangements for a hike on Good Mday,_are now under way, as Mthe %st anniversary of this camps first ike. â€"*â€" Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall and small daughter, Betty, of 1040 Elmwood ^ventre, accompanied by her sister, "Mrs. W. E. Ten Broeck and daugh- 4er-,-Miss Jean, formerly of Highland Park, are leaving Sunday to spend the coming two months in Clear- water, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher have returned from a trip to the West Indies and Panama, and at present are making their home at the Evanston hotel. They expect to re-open their home at 716 Central avenue about the middle of the month. â€"•â€" Eight members of the Infant Wel- fare board attended the monthly luncheon and meeting held on Thurs- day of last week at the home of Mrs. C.-A. Eldridge, 1011 Greenwood ave- The Friday Bridge club is enter- taining with a cafeteria snpper_this rening at the home of Mrs. N. J. id, 914 Elmwood avenue. £ nue. In the afternoon the members sewed for the New Trier station. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown, 612 Lake avenue, returned early this week from an extended trip to Honolulu. â€"♦â€" . Mrs. John W. Panushka will be hostess to the Manuka club on Thursday of next week at her home, 1224 Forest avenue. â€"♦-^ Mr. Frank B. King, 829 Greenleaf •avenue, is attending a convention in St. Louis, Mo., this week. On his return trip he will stop en route in Indianapolis, Ind. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roseman and family of Westmoreland Country club, are spending a few weeks in the east visiting friends of Mr. Roseman's. â€"•â€" The Young Woman's Missionary society of the Methodist church met on Tuesday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Thomas West, 1027 Central avenue. Mr. Arthur W. Allen, 803 Chestnut /aveirue7~wftl leave _ Saturday for Ormtind, Fla., where he will join Mrs. Allen. â€"*â€" Mrs. Ralph Baker will entertain the members of the Thursday club at luncheon next week, Thursday, at hffr home. 1226 Ashland avenue. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend A FREE LECTURE ON lence BY. BUSS KNAPP^CJS^B OF BROOKLINE, MASSACHUSETTS Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Tuesday Evening. March 8, 1921 At 8:00 o'Clock IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE COR. CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET WILMETTE, ILL. â€"•â€" Mr. Samuel H. Darst, 727 Central avenue, is in Kansas City, Mo., on a business trip this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keehn of Kenilworth are sojourning in Hono- lulu this month. . â€" *â€" H. C. Anderson .and family of 1234 Hill street, have moved to St. Joseph, Mich. WHEN YOU "COME BACK" NEW CAR Manufacturers, business man, salesman, pro- fessional man, and worker are hitting the line lard todays get back to normal times. Whatever you may be doing in this big pro- gram, you can do it better and faster if you own a car. Prove your convictions by riding a brand new Hudson or Essex to success. We-are-equally at-tlie-service- of ^the- new- buyer and present owner. lilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiinii......iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimmimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiiiiiiii Hudson Motor Co. of Illinois EVANSTON BRANCH 1S22 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, III. Phones Evanston 343 and 720 A New Hat By using Elkays Hat Dyes you can change the color of any straw hat and * make it look like a new one. Perma- nent colors and any color de- sired. SPECIAL Saturday Only Delicious Cadet Chocolates, either sorVortafd^eenters, 59c Pound RENNECKAR DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE -===- Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 WE WILL MAKE YOUR PHOTO FREE / / For the TRIBUNE'S $20,200 BEAUTY CONTEST Every North Shore Girl Should Enter This Contest EUGENE L. RAY . PHOTOGRAPHER^ Hoyburn Building EVANSTON Phone 223S Mail or Present thit "Ad" for Appointment CHANDLER DORT Famous for Its Marvelous Motor The QUALITY goes clear thru STEPHENS SALIENT SIX Sold and Serviced Exclusively by EARL COAL MOTOR CO. 1019 Davis Street, Evanston CASH - TERMS - TRADE USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT Phones 578 and 57» BURNS.TOGGERY 631 West R. R. Avenue Obp. C. AN. 1 Exclusive Line of FURNISHINGS for MEN and BOYS Why go Out of Wilmette when your needs can be satisfied by us? Our aim is to handle high-class merchandise and guarantee satisfaction. -,__________________ ______ '