THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921 < The Epworth League of the Meth- odist church will give a St. Patrick s social oiUlriday evening of thigjyeek in the church parlors. An invitation is extended to all members and friends of the church and league. Several unique plans have been made and the committee of young folks who have this affair in charge prom- ises that eyeryone^jyUr have an in- teresting time. "Miss Helen Stover of New York City, who has been a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. I. K. Stover, and Mrs. Stover, 1044^ Ashland ave- nue, for several days, left on Wed- nesday for Portland^«gon,^where she will join the Portland Symphony orchestra as a lyricr soprano-----Miss Stover has posed on several occasions for Montgomery Flagg, for his cov- ers for the Saturday Evening Post. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vaughan Bright of 731 Ashland avenue, have issued invitations to one hundred quests for a dinner dance to be given on Monday cycqigfcMarch 28, at the Ouilmetjte Country club. Mrs. Bright is plannfing to entertain at luncheon and bridge in her home, early in April. â€"- The marriage of Miss Mildred E. H. Hansen of Wilmette. to Herbert W. Bidwell of the Aviation Camp at Great Lakes, was solemnized on Sun- day, March 6, at the First Baptist church, Chicago. Rev. Francis C. Stiller read the service, » Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simmons of 700 Central avenue, have moved to Litchfield, 111., where Mr. Simmons has been called on business. Mrs. Simmons was formerly^Miss Made line Carnahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan. Mrs. Harry I. Wolf, will be hostess to one of the"Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs next week at her home, 819 Greenwood avenue. Miss Blanche Bilharz of Baxter Springs, Kansas, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Marshall Davies, 530 For- est avenue. ^_Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Copeland, 930 Chestnut avenue, left this week for an extended stay in California. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest avenue. NORTH SHORE LEGION RALLY SET FOR WED, MARCH 12 North shore posts of the American Legion from< Evanston to Lake For- est, inclusive, are completing prepar- ations for a grand Legion rally to be heldâ€"Wednesday, March 30, under auspices of the Glencoe Post of the American Legion. Churches, clubs and civic organizations of the north shore are to co-operate in insuring the success of the undertaking. Prom- inent speakers are to appear on the program of a great open meeting. The announced purpose of the Rally is to get the north shore in-> terested in and solidly behind the north shore posts of the American Legion in all their forward move- ments. Further information will be found in next week's issue of The Lake Shore News. LOCAL K. of C. ENJOY FOREST ENGINEER'S TALK Members of the Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus, enjoyed an interesting lecture Tuesday evening at their regular meeting given by Chief Engineer Ransome Kennicott, of the Forest Preserve board. Mr. Kennicott's talk was both entertaining and instructive. Stere- opticon views aided him in illustrat- ing and describing the chief points of interest in the forest preserve. Deer's Grove, Palos Park. Camp Reinberg, Des Plaines~River, and Indian trails were specifically mentioned for their many features. WILMJETTE-HARVEY MEETV TONIGHT IN BASKET TILT Wilmette public schools' basketball team will play Harvey, 111., schools this evening at the Byron Stolp gym- nasium. The game, scheduled for lastr Friday evening with the same quintet, was postponed owing to a death in the family of one of the Wilmette players. The tilt which will decide the gram- mar school championship of the north shore-will be played next Wednes- day afternoon atâ€"theâ€"Lincolnwood school m Evanston, with the Wil- mette teams opposing the Evanston clan. -r- TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT - SOLD - RENTED - REPAIRED - All Makes CHANDLER'S FOUNTAIN SQUARE PHONE Ev. 123 The Central Avenue Circle is con- ducting a Food and Household Sale on Friday of this week in the par- lors of the Congregational church, beginning at ten o'clock in the morn- ing- . . The Travel club was entertained on Tuesday at luncheon at the home of Mrs. Charles G. Haskin in Qtencoe. An interesting paper on "South Wales" was read by Mrs. E. B. WHee- lock, during "the afternoon. Proceeds from the card party given on February 11 at the Wil- mette Woman's- club amounted to $35.30, which sum has been turned into the Silver Jubilee fund, complet- ing the total amount pledged. Little Marion Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Page, 1023 Ash- land avenue, is convalescing from a broken limb and severely sprained ankle, the result of a fall which oc- curred a month ago;------ • The second division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church was entertained at luncheon on Tues- day in the home of Mrs. H. E. Poron- to, 901 Elmwood avenue. Mrs Charles G. Decker was hostess to the members of the Fourth divi- sion of the Methodist church on Mon- day afternoon at her home, 0^ Greenleaf avenue. The Washington Avenue and North End Circles of the Congregational church will hold a rummage sale at Economy Shop, 1147 Greenleaf ave- nue, on Tuesday; March 15. Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm will return home for the Easter, vacation on March 26 . from John Hopkins Dietetic hospital where jhejs study- ing this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake of 933 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, of 704 Lake avenue, are registered^ at the Gray Moss Inn at Clearwater, Fta. The members of the First division of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs.^lauthHRtcfi^lQ33 Elmwood avenue, on Monday, March 14, at 2:30 o'clock. ~~JfrTss Martha Jenkins of 602 Wash- ington avenue, returned this week from Elgin, where she has been spend ing the winter with her sister, Mr!.* C. B. Comstock. University of Wisconsin" alumni and alumnae are-giving a luncheon at the Palmer House Saturday followed by dancing in the Victorian room. " Mr. and MrsrCharles Hastings, re- turned to their home at 503 Central avenue, last week following an ex- tended trip to Honolulu. >fc-sv George D. Upson was hostess to the Comanci Card Club on Tues- day at her home, 607. Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Mr^Knox, 110 Unrest -a-i^nnift^ Kaw*- returned- home from a six-week's trip in Cali- fornia. Mrs. L. J./Van Inwagen of Hins- daTe, 111., is' spending a few days this week as the guest o.f Mrs. RichardW "Jordan, ' ^â€"oi. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avenue, is plnnninfl tn feturnrhorne from a two month's so- journ in -Californiaâ€" about Apr4h-nVst. The "H. and WV^Iub met on Tues^ day evening of this week at the home .of-JMr. and Mrs. J. G. Wxay, 618 Washington avenue. „ CHANDLER D â-ºTEPHENS Famous for Its Marvelous Motor The QUALITY goes clear thru SALIENT SIX Sold and Serviced Exclusively by EARL COAL MOTOR CO. 1019 Davis Street, Evanston CASH - TERMS - TRADE USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT Phones 578 and 579 The Better Wet Wash 25 Pounds, $1*25 PHONE KENILW0RTH 222 y/he Chocolates-with the *Hbrukrful tenters THEY make you "Choc- olate hungry" to look at them. All your favorites in one box. Oh, but they're delicious ! And they are known to many young ladies in this town already! At cur Candy Counter, in hand- some, full-measure boxes. Renneckar Drug Co. <N TAe 1*t&naJUL Store Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 Make Our Store Headquarters for Easter Candies Join Our Hoover Club $1.00 Paid in Delivers It Beats.... As It Sweeps As It Cleans JOIN NOW We want 100 new members this month. Your Hoover will be delivered the same day and you will be ready for Spring housecleaning. Phone Evanston 1024 Electrical Department fWNIAIN 3QVARE.- IVAN5T0N =