THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 FOR THE GARDEN Edited by David H. Stevenson, Director National Home Gardeners' Association Editor's Note: This column Is to be nduoted continuously during the urar- cnlnR reason as an aid to amateur nrrtenem. The "hints" and careful In- ructlnna to be found In these -articles re basod upon exnert investigation of e particular needs of the home Gard- ner If V°u have a, garden you will ant to be a constant reader of .the ints for the Harden" column. Refer to your neighbor gardener. THE HOME GARDEN The Permanent Feature in every Family) The question of home gardening oes not concern a few. it concerns he large majority of the people of he United States. During the year 918 there was more than a half a bil- ion dollars worth of food produced in ome gardens in this country. In and round Chicago alone there are more han a quarter of a million home ardeners. These people are home ood producers and are anxious to get all the food they can from their round with the least expenditure of oncy, time, labor and space. The need for producing more food, tfcutorly the fresh fruit* and veg - This general need of the people has 'ed to the formation of the National Home Gardeners' association. The purpose of the association is *to show people how they can raise fruits and vegetables profitably in their own yards and make their sur- roundinsrs attractive. The plan of work of the association is, 1. To issue n monthly publication on home gard- ending which will contain the most authentic, timely and practical in- formation*. This iroblteation will 4ie the means of communication of the members with the organization. 2. To offer individual help by answeringquestions ot members by mail. 3. To furnish free plans to modest home owners on the laying out of the yard. 4. To furnish the latest and best methods of conserving food produced in the garden. This complete garden service, in- cluding the monthly publication, is offered to all for one dollar a year. It is not always the lack of ex- perience which makes gardeners un- successful. Experienced gardeners who lack the proper information make repeated failures. A case in point is that of an experienced mark- et gardener of 30 years standing who lost his entire crop of potatoes^ue- cause he did not understand how or when to spray them for the blight. The association will help all garden from thr readers on home gardening are invited and will be answered in this column. CIRCLE RUMMAGE SALE The Neighborhood Qircle of the First Congregational church will hold a Rummage Sale, Saturday, April 9, at Economy Shop, Greenleaf and East Railroad avenues. RETURNS FROM WEST Mrs. A. M. Lauermann, 832 Ridge avenue* is expected to return from California today or tomorrow. Mrs. Lauermann spent the winter with friends in the "Sunflower'* state. BIRTH OP DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. John Corrigan of Walnut avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Easter Sunday morning at the St. Francis hospital, Evanston. tables, which can be grown in all ome gardens is greater now than ever before/ Many good farms in he State of Illinois and all over the ountry are being abandoned. This ecreases food production, but the de- an d for food steadily increases as ur population increases, not to men- ion thejnereased demandMor food ade uporTus by Europe. Most people have taken up gard- ning as a recreation after working lours, and have not the time to make study of it. What they need and ant is concise/practical an* up to date information that will make their ork in the garden bring forth the greatest return. .«- • ers to avoid such unnecessary losses. Our aim is to keep people well in- formed and abreast of the times on the subject of gardening. ; The association has the services of many of the foremost leaders in gard- ening in this country. Their years of observation and experience is made available in a practical form so that everybody can benefit from it. This is a civic organization, operat- ed not for profit. Its entire income goes to promote its work. The Lake Shore News will have in this column weekly articles on gard- ening furnished by the National Home Gardeners' association, 306 boutn Wabash avenue, Chicago. Questions Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop* DISTILLE WATER ICED Black Soil for Lawns I Cinders Grading I Buikfinf Material Lawn FortiUier I General Teaming Sand and Gravel | We Build Driveways FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave. Wil.53 Boys' and Girls' Week The BETTER WETWASH 25 Founds $1.25 Phone Kenilworth 222 CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED This is boys' and girls* week at the First National Bank of Wilmette. Today and to- morrow our No. 15 Bank Puzzle will be dis- tributed among the schools of this section and on Saturday morning we^ expect to see several hundred youngsters at the bank claiming their reward. _/ â€"-*- Don't fail to secure a puzzle card. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE The Home of Savings Depositors William H. Scott Undertaker Wishes to announce that he is no longer connected with the Western Undertaking Com- pany. He will, however, con- tinue the undertaking business in his own name. *. Temporarily callswillbeTaken at his residence, telephone Evanston 2903. On and after May 1st he will occupy the quarters at 1124 Central Avenue. Wilmette, which he has leased for five years. jf\>m 0# V Cut l^CUSCIl SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510. 511, 512 & 513 . Wilmette-Central A?6. Mid 12th St. dephones 510, 511, 51 Meat Telephone 514 % CASH (DISCOUNT Cash and Carry • On orders of $1.00 or Profit Goods. 5% Discount Cash and Deliwed - ... 2* These do not apply to Most Department Credit snd Delivered, one order delivered free SPECIAL SALE APRIL 4th. to APRIL 9th FRANZ KRENN Landscape Are the best. My new stock oY flower, vegetable and grass seeds, has Just arrVed. I ca/s.11 yon anything in Vaughan's catalogue at the catalogue prlc*' ' *« sase Washburn and Ceresota. ,- â- $1.35 They are delicious now. This Is the season whan they are the sweetest and most tender. 150 size, dozen 55c; 176 size, dozen 0|* 45c; 21S size, dozen ............ ' Vaughan's Seeds FLOUR -PILLSBURY'S wm California Navel Oranges orida drape fruit - «-- ......• 2 for Greening Apples Spl^.^lity:Hafd:^t.fru"......... 65c Gardener Sells Fiuit Trees, Perennials, Shrubs, Manure, Black Dirt All Kinds of Contract Work Phonesâ€"Winnetka 694-1368 AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP- 66 sy2 oz. bars in box.....».HJI 10 bars. No discount..... .V .Tic LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" One of Procter & Gamble's best. This is old, hard stock, which makes it more valuable. 120 6 oz. bars, in box......$4J5 10 bars...... ...............P». GOLD DUSTâ€" Large No. 4 pkg., 33c; small..5c OLD DUTCH CLEANSERâ€" Package.................«>â- « • He KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" Large package...............7e SCOURENEâ€"Scouring Soapâ€" _ It is much cheaper thaii Sapolio. 10 csvkes........ .••»... • ••»»«• '.awe LUSTRE SANITARY Olt MOPS The most handy article a house $140 ..48c 804 Elm Street Winnetka, III cap possessâ€" Each ..â- ................ COTTON MOPSâ€"Starâ€" 1 lb., each............ BROOMSâ€"Little Tons- . Well made, fine corn; Each..75c CLOTHES LINESâ€"-â€" Braided Cotton, 50 feet......45e Hemp, 50 feet....................2*« WASH BOARDSâ€" Charter Oak, large. Each...15c AMMONIA-Purity- _ 25 oz. bot.. 18c* 12 oz..... ^ .ttfce CANDLESâ€"Rayo Whiteâ€" Self fitting, 16 to lb.......... .3Je rvCEDAR OILâ€"12 oz. bot......45c LUSTRE MOP OIL AND POLISH Bottle----- ....... .......pP LIQUID VEHEEeW ^Makcl:iildr^furmtnrc look like new. • «- 12 oz. boU, 50c; 4 oz....•• â€" ;?* BR1LLO ALUMINUM POLISH^ Large package^ JONATHAN ATflJeR^--â€"â€"" Extra fancy, hard, perfect fruit. 10 lbs* «•••• •••••• • •••• • •••• »â- *»â- â- " CALIFORNIA LEMONS- Large. 300 size. Doz........25c WHITE ONION SETSâ€" 4 pounds...................• ,.2fe COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos. Wonder- ful value. Makes a mild, sweet drink. Pound................Me COFFEEâ€"My Own Blendâ€" I have soldlhis blend of coffee for many years* with ever in- creasing success. It is equal to any coffee in cans at 45c or 50c a lb. Pound.............3fc YELLOW CORN MEALâ€" 3 lbs. .............>-.........*•« GRAHAM FLOURâ€" 5 lbs........... .......•*•* RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOUR- 5 lbs..............:....'.....^B* PREMIUM SODA CRACKERSâ€" Sell in bulk at one-half the price they sell for by the package. Pound - - --.................22c am«l4Xf^l?h%^.HWC m^KeXes^d.n1^ MACHINE SOAP CHIPS- 16 ox. pkg. LARDâ€"Pure bulk, lb. ........lie CRISCO- ; • â€" 3 lb. can 69c; V/2 lb. can......35c 1 lb. can ...'.-----.............24c DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERSâ€"12 oz. can......2tc RYZON BAKING POWDERâ€" 1 lb. can......................39c NAVY BEANSâ€" Pound .,....................IHc LIMA BEANSâ€" Dried, lb.................. -Me RED WING CATSUPâ€" Large, J&-i»^-PO^g^^« LIPTON'S YELLOW LABEL TEA Cylon and India. ^ lb. pkg..4te OOLONG TEAâ€" :--------:------- 3/a, 50c quality, lb.........4* GOLDEN EAGLE WHITE CHER. RIESâ€"Superior quality. Large No. 2l/2 can. Dozen ...... ...............$4Jt Can..........................Me HELMET PEACHESâ€" Armour' fancy quality at a snap price. Large No. 2yz can; heavy syrup. Doz., $3.45; can......2fc RICHELIEU PEARSâ€" California Bartlett, No. 2 can. Dozen......................|SJ0 LUXURY 'APRICOTSâ€" ' A bargain. Large No. 2y2 cans, fancy quality, neavy syrup. ' Doz.. $320; can ....... ......27c MONSOON PEELED APRICOTS Extra fancy, No. 1 can. Can..........................21c Dozen ___................. |2.5§ RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN ! APPLEâ€" The quality cannot be improved, -^^©oz^ Can No. 2 can, sliced ....$4.15 35c No. 2V2 can,sliced.....SJt 42c No. 2 can, grated-----4J§ 35c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, white. No. 1 cant. Doz., $525; can ----....-----. .45e RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€" The finest quality packed. Dozen, $2.4"; «•*«- 14c 9 oz. bottle COCKTAIL SALMONâ€" No. V* can ..................2tV PLYMOUTH ROCK SALMON- ln olive oil. Large can, $4 size PEACE EARLY JUNE Remarkably fine at a very low price. Doz., $1.40; can......12c DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED SWEET PEASâ€" â„¢Sn»llrt*ndw, sweet. DoaL, $2.40; can .............2«c â- â- M^ â€" 1 " '