THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 sVâ€"• WW.......iiHiiHtrii(imnwn......mmiiiiiiiHHn........ lMI\df j 1 «i Kenihflorth INE of the most attractive of the early Spring weddings will I be solemnized tomorrow evening hv the Congregational church, when Miss Virginia Ruth Olwin, daughter of Mr. „ and Mrs, Jacob Brandt Olwin, will be united in marriage _x. John Rutherford Nicholson of Chicago. Reverend Stephen Lloyd will read the service at eight-thirty o'clock. Attending Miss Olwin as maid of honor will be Miss Katherine :heidenhelm of this village and the bridesmaids will include Miss .etty Dafter of Evanston, the Misses Margaret Courier and Prances lutler of Wilmette and Miss Laura Wilson of East Orange, N. J. Hr. Coe Adams of Chicago will attend the bridegroom as best man, id the ushers will be Mr. Charles Brown, Mr. William Avirett id Dr. Vincent O'Connor of Chicago, Mr. Roger Chapin of Spring- .eld, 111., Mr. Willis Perkins of Detroit, Mich., and Mr. Henry cooper of Evanston* Mrs. John Ann en of Chicago will play the redding march. Following the ceremony there-wHl-be a large reception at the |ome of Mr. and Mrs. Olwin, 820 Lake avenue. Following an ex- Hided wedding trip, the young couple will return to Evanston to lake their home. .--------------*__---------- Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Beatrice killings Kennedy to Donald Frederick Brigham, son of Mr. and Mrs. /rank Forrey of J610 Washington avenue. The wedding took place In Saturday, March 26, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Billings, in Chilicothe, O. Mr. and Mrs. Brigham are taking a snort trip in the west and upon their return will make [heir home in Chilicothe. Mr. Brigham served overseas with Reilly's tacks, during the war. The wedding of Miss Lorraine Mc- *ue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carles McCue, to John Sumner >ossley of Homesdale, Pa., took >lace on Saturday evening at the k™«--->l---ik.---l^miA^m---noroflfo---fi31 Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, and his two daughters, the Misses Helen and Ber- nice Shurtleff of 815 Lake avenue, re- turned home yesterday from a two months' sojourn in the south, stop 'ashington avenue. The ceremony, eighty-thirty o'clock, was •; per rmed by the Rev. Stephen A. mow the Congregational church. Mr. Jlarence Calloway of Homesdale erved the bridegroom as best man. The bride who was given away by erlather, wore a gown of moonglow atih, and chantilly lace. The tulle eil did not cover the head, but fell rom the wreath of orange blossoms 3;the.-edge of the full court train. he bridat bouquet was a shower of vhite sweet peas and lilies of the alley. Mrs. Frederick Armstrong, sister f the bride, as matron of honor, wore gowtr-of-silver-cloth-and-lavender- i iff on, with white beaded trimmings, he carried an arm bouquet of Aaron =ro5e^^nd^ttHe^of^the^aueyt [Another sister, Miss Margaret Mc- Cue, as maid of honor, wore a frock of changeable green and silver taffeta, land carried a bouquet of lavender land pink sweet peas. Eight school friends of the bride, the Misses Mary Crossley, sister of the groom. Lillian Simpson, Felicia Urner, Margaret Ellen Northland, Mary Frances Sche- dell. Jttlia Kries, Ora Whitley and Dorothy Anderson, in attractive eve- ning gowns pf the new spring shades, -formed ^an archway with-jropes or smilax under which the bridal party stood. •"'-. The decorations in the home were in southern SUiilax. roses, spring flow- ers and palm and ferns. ' Mi. and Mrs. Crossley will be at home after May 1 at 6612 N. Ashland avenue, Rogers Park. Mrs. Josepfr J. Siddall of Wilmette chairman of the Publicity, committer of the Arden Shore association, gave a luncheon at the North Shore hotel on-Thursday of this week for the members of her committee. The following women comprise the committee l Mrs. Eugene H. Garnett, Evanston y Mrs. Mark CreSap. Kenil- worth; Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, Winnetka; Mrs. William V. Schnur, Glencoe; Mrs. Orrin E. Keller, «a- vinia; Mrs. Henry Glidden, Highland Park; Mrs. W. E. Casselberry, Lake Forest; Mrs. John C. Baker, Lake BlutL_j 'V ••- ------------- burg, Fla., Biloxi, Miss., and in New Orleans. Miss Alice Shurtleff re- turned to Milwaukee on Sunday last, after spending the Easter vacation at home. 1 An announcement of interest on the north shore is the engagement of Miss Nannine Esther Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler Watt of Evanston, to Frank Edward Mur- dock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Murdock of Cor dell, Okla. Thursday, April 7, the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church will meet in the church parlors. Lunch- eon will be served by members of the First Division,, of which* Mrs. Charles HTLundhergis chairmanr-There -witr be a business meeting at two o'clock. Mrs, Frederick Armstrong and ^mairdaughier^,â„¢who^have-rheeii-the guests of Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue, returned to their home in Duluth, Minn., on Tues- day. , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fleming of Evanston announce the birth of a son, Robert Dillon, on Saturday, March 19. Mrs. Fleming was fprmef| ly Miss Bernice Dillon of Wilmette. Proceeds of another delightful mus- ical evening amounting to $180, have been turned over the Euro- pean Relief fund this week. The af- fair was held on Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr and Mrs, Leo* Koretz in Evanston, and the guests included many music lovers from our north shore towns. The artists who pre- sented a most interesting program were Mrs. Albert Pick Jr*. of Win- netka, pianist; Mrs. Hugh Water- stone, soprano, and Miss Lorraine Ernst, a sixteen year old viol in st of remarkable ability. Assisting Mrs. Koretz on this occasion was Mrs. Emmanuel Kinstcler of Wilmette. The Auxiliary of the ^Woman's Catholic club is giving an informal dance at the North Shore hotel on Friday evening, April 8, for the bene- fit of St. Catherine's home. Among those of the -younger set of the north shore interested in this affair are the Misses Mary and Theresa McArdle, Catherine Crush, Florence Cook, Edna Seng, Rose Milltan, Elizabeth Kirch- berg and Gertrude-and~Marie O'Con^ noil. Mrs. John E. Cawkwell is chair- man of the auxiliary. The Wharton Clays will return to the north shore April 4th after an extended trip through Europe. They left late last year with their two chil- dren and went directly to the Riviera, leaving the children there and going on to Rome. Mr. Clay returned via Paris and London, and Mrs. Clay extended her trip down into Southern Italy, includ- ing Switzerland and the regions of Germany occupied by the Allies. They will again live in the James Dulan house at 1330 Sheridan road for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrey of 1610 Washington avenue attended the wedding of their son, Mr. Donald F. Brigham, in Chilicothe, O., on Satur- day last. Mr. Forrey returned to the village on Wednesday, but Mrs. Forrey stopped en route in Detroit, Mich., for a visit with, friends. Among the prenuptial affairs given for Miss Virginia Olwin recently was a matinee followed by a tea at the _ jafceâ€"giyci^-hyâ€"Mrt^â€"George W* Kibby, and a buffet supper given by Miss Margaret Dingee. Mr. and Mrs. Olwin will give the bridal din- ner this evening at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Hutson and son, Bradford, of 1112 Elmwood ave- nuehawreturned fronnrteinfliyi^ Attention is called to members of the Woman's club and their friends who are planning to attend the plays to be given by the Young Woman's Auxiliary, in the change of date from Wednesday, April 6, to Tuesday eve- ning, April 5.* , The Woman's Guild of St. Augus- tine's church will hold a Spring dance on Wednesday evening, April 13, at the Ouilmette Country club. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Howard Musson, chairman of the affair, Mrs. Alun Crower or Mrs. T. H. Maddock. On Thursday of this week, Miss Theresa McArdle of 111 Broadway avenue, entertained in honor of Mist, Marie Irene Dunn, whose marriage to James Hugh Sevin of Tulsa, Okla., will tike place on April 6, at Corpus Christian church, Chicago. The Reading Circle will meet with Mrs. J. Melville .Brown, 738 Eleventh street, on Monday, April 4, at 2:30 o'clock. , Mrs. WiUard H. Thayer, 522 Central avenue, left yesterday to spend a week with friends in Jan*>ville, Wis. The McAllister Store jiuiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiniironuimMiii^^ ^Sateen Bloomers Children's black sateen bloomers. Band top, elafc tic knee, well made, full cut. Sizes: 4, 6, Aft** 8 and 1\0. Regular 75c value for . *T*7C Children's white muslin bloomers. Good grade material, full cut, well made. Sizes: 4, OA 6, 8 and 10. A great value for . . 09v Large Size Bath Towels Extra heavy, double thread, plain ]â„¢f^I°J!L white bath towels. Formerly sold <M |1|| at 50c and 65c. Specially priced, *p*• W New Spring styles in Ladies'Geor- gette and Minonet waists; â€" _ - a large selection at ... . V* s D The very latest in.Spring Neck- wear; lace and organdy collar and cuff sets, vestees, etc., O CA from 31.00 to . ... tf.DU lister Store 1148 Central Avenue. WILMETTE. ILL. stay at French Lick Springs, In ? HAYNE8 America's First Car Phonsa; ___ E vanston 43SQS020 Motor Cava of abundant power, so sound mechanically and of auch refinement as to give the owner the constant, satisfying service to which his investment entitles him. Jans-Lamke Motor Co OLDSMOBILE 23rd Year 1013*1017 OAVIO 8TREET lAmrHathaway VioUniste I I I I I I I I I I I I I Announces the Opening of a ._:____________.__........_.....___ â- â- __________^_j Class inWilmette on Saturday I I l â- I l PHONE GRACELAND 6054 ^mmmmmm^mmmmmmm^^^mmmm^m^mm^mmmmm^ Courteous services-efficient mechanics-- complete machine shop-repairing and rebuilding all makes of cars-splendid stock of automobile supplies and access- Towing service day and night. ones. 611 West Railroad Avenue TELEPHONE WILMETT? 234 Kellogg's Com Flakes, pkg.............10c Pure Fruit Jam,15 oz., all flavors, per jar 35c dozen ............... ......$3.75 Quaker Jam Strawberry or Raspberry ami Apple, 19 oz., jar....................25c Reumberta or Richelieu Imp. Olive OH. per quart........ ........ .$135 Sylmar Brand Ripe (Hives, large size, per can 39c; per dozen .. ----- ...... .$425 Scottish Chief Brand Peaches, in heavy syrup, 2% size, per can 28c; dos. ... .$325 Apricots, in 2V2 size cans, best quality, per can 28c; dozen .--------............ .$325 Melting Sweet Peas, extra fine and tender, per can 20c; dozen..... ........$2.00 Wilson & Co. Sweet Corn, can 18c doz. $1.95 Saragon Brand Tomatoes, large can, can. .15c Lobby's Corned Beef, No. 1 can ......... .29c Marie Brand Sardines, boneless Vs's m . pure olive oil, per can...............39c Richelieu Hawaiian Pineapple, large squat cans, per can................. .35c Pure Maple Sap Syrup, pt. can 49c; qt. can 90c Maple and Corn Syrup, pt. can 28c; qt. can 50c If you want the best meats money can buy then try our Dixie Bacon, lb. ...... .. ........25c Small Link Pork Sausages, lb.............20c Armour's Star Bacon (whole), lb.........45c Swiff s Premium Bacon (whole), lb.......45c Jelke Oleo, Nucoa Nut or Dinner Bell Oleo, lb. ........... ...............29c 5 lb. Pail of Simon Pure Lard..........$1.19 Teasâ€"Beresf ord, India, Cylon or any other kind at V4 lb. free with each */» Ja7 purchased. ~^~ Coffee, Breakfast Brand, a yery fine coffee per lb. 29c; 4 lbs.................. $1.80 King's Dehydrated large Prunes, regular price lb. 40c, at lb...... Full quart jars of Sweet Gherkins, Sweet Slices of Pickles ................... Full quart jars of Old Monk Olive Oil, '. specially priced for this week, per quart 85c; dozen........... .... .$7.25 We have the very best lawn grass seed, also a large variety of flower and vegetable Charge account extended to responsible people. We have our own delivery service; that's why we can give unlimited courteous service. mm