THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921 Presbyterian Church Leader Passes Away Mn. Thomas E. 0. Bradley Succumbs To Long Illness; Was Prominent in Mission Work Funeral services for Mrs. Thomas E. D. Bradley, 1104 Forest avenue, were held from the home Monday afternoon, October, 3, at 2:30 o'clock. Burial was at Memorial Park. Mrs. Bradley, for many years a leader in the Presbyterian denomina- tion, passed^ away Friday, September 30, following a lingering illness. Mrs. Bradley was one of the foremost workers in the Wilmette Presbyterian church since its organization ten years ago. She was known through- out the country fdr her work in con- nection with Foreign Missions having been for several years treasurer of the Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest, in which capacity she was in charge of the distribution of large funds for Foreign Missions. She was intensely interested in every branch of church work and an authority on Foreign Missions. The services at the home were con- ducted jointly by Dr. George R. Rob- inson and Dr. Clelland B. McAfee, of Chicago, and Dr. George P. Magill, pastor of the Wilmette Presbyterian church. Mrs. Bradley is survived by her hus- band, a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Brad- ley Rhind, of I,ake Forest, and a son, Paul Bradley, whb resides at the home. Kenilworth Happenings Big Used Car Sale Starts This Week Evanston Auto Dealers Announce "Greatest Car Sale" North Shore Has Ever Witnessed What is pronounced as the "great- est Car Sale the north shore ever saw", is to be held in the new Lake Shore Garage, 1010 Chicago avenue, Evanston, Friday morning to Monday night, October feJO, inclusive, with eight Evanston automobile dealers combined to place before the public of the north shore what appears to be the biggest bargain in used cars ever offered in this vicinity. The dealers, it is explained, have decided upon this sale as a means of disposing "overstocks" in used cars which, while in excellent condition, must be moved to make available the money invested. These cars, it is said, represent po- sitively the most attractive offer in the history of the automobile business, and the dealers are desirous that every prospective car owner visit the salesrooms while the record-breaking clearance is in progress. Dealers represented in the sale in- clude C. M. McDonald, Rcales-Skillin Motor Company, C. H. Briggs, Metz and Hart, Tracey Holmes Motor Com- pany, Earl Coal Motor Company, Gage Motor Sales Company, Jans- Lamke Motor Cimpany. Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Miss Priscilla Rosalie White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Angler White of Philadelphia, formerly of Kenilworth, to Francis Brognard Okie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mickie Okie of Philadelphia. —♦— Mrs. Harry P. Harrison and chil- dren who spent the summer on Leb- anon Lake, Leland, Mich., returned to Kenilworth last week. - _#—, Mrs. Ben Hawkes left Thursday for St. Joseph, Mich., to be gone two weeks. —■#— Mrs. Edwin Stevens entertained her Bridge club at her home on Friday. —*_ Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling were dinner hosts Saturday last preceding the dance at the Kenilworth club. Miss Louise Tinsman, who has been the guest of Mrs. Charles Bull, left Tuesday for Kansas City, Mo. —*— Miss Mary Hannah left Sunday for Country School, Warrington, Va. —+— Mr. and Mrs. Abernathe, who have I been abroad all summer are now at home in Kansas City. Mrs. Aber- nathe was formerly Mrs. Walter Tinsman. Mrs. George Keehn returned Sun- day from a trip to Montreal, Canada, and Boston. One of the Afternoon Bridge clubs will meet at the North Shore hotel for luncheon with Mrs. Collin Ten- nant. _*_ Mrs. Carl Keith left Tuesday for Big Lake, Wis., to join Mr. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Keith will return to Kenilworth on Sunday. _*_ Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, son Hallet, and daughter Bernice, return- ed last week from a motor trip through the east. —*— Mr. Graham Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fitch, left Sunday to '■nter Thacher school near Santa Bar bara, Cal. _♦_ Dr. Rufus B. Stolp is attending a Heart Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. George Willits of the Parkway hotel is the guest of Mrs. Henry Everett. OYBUR 615 Dam St., Evanston' MATINPFS 2 .nrf 4 Etenir* 7 and 9 MRS. EMMA GOOD LLOYD IS VICTIM OF PARALYSIS Following three weeks of serious illness brought on by a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Emma Good Lloyd, mother of Mrs. Frederick Quayle, 38 Crescent Place, passed away at the home Wednesday afternoon, October s. Mrs. Lloyd was a member of the j Wilmette Presbyterian church and up to the time of her illness had been active in church work. Funeral servicei will be held at the home this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Burial will be at St. Mary's, Ohio, Saturday afternoon. Rev. George P. Magill, pastor of the Wilmette Pres- byterian church, will conduct the ser- vices, assisted by the Rev. Quayle of Ottawa, III. Saturday October 8 MARY MILES MINTER in "Moonlight and Honeysuckle" Pathe News and Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday October 10 and 11 WANDA HAWLEY in "A Kiss In Time" Wednesday October 12 BEBE DANIELS in "One Wild Week" Thursday and Friday October 13 and 14 CONWAY TEARLE in "The Road of Ambition" CHIROPRACTOR LOCATED HERE Dr, L. W. Jones, physician and Chi- ropractor, with offices in the Mailers building, Chicago, has opened offices in the Brown building, 1159 Wilmette avenue, Dr. Jones will divide his;time between Chicago and Wilmette. The family home is to be in Wilmette. Saturday October IS GLADYS WALTON in 'The Rowdy" Mrs. Frank Cherry, son James, and daughter Jeannette, returned last ■week after a three month's trip through Europe. COMING (Catherine MacDonald in "Trust Your Wife" ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "Remorseless Love" Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaren in "My Lady Friends1" NORMA TALMADGE in The Sign on the Door" MmmmmMMtmjjunumnm. CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames; Sash. Doors and Interior Finish I 910-912 Weld Street, CHICAGO jsPhtwi* Ltrtcoln TOtJMI '"" ZTT*""":' •~:'<i*r,v ■:":*?"••?■*■ -■■■--. ■.*.-«>. -..,,..-*- -.-,r.. .^.. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Cresap are now occupying the-V. K. Spicer home un- til their home is completed. ■ —♦— Monday last was the opening- of the Union Church Guild, at which seven- ty-five were present. Luncheon was served and the work planned for the year. Dr. Coolidge gave a talk. __♦_ Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Ellis and son Tommy, who have been the guests of Mrs. Ellis" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, have returned to their home in Evanston. _#— Miss Winifred Moore of Boston, Mass., is the guest of Miss Harriette Ridgway. Mr. Walter Bew of Atlantic City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chandler. Miss Helen Reeves left for school in Virginian on Thursday. _*— Thursday was the first meeting of the "Neighbors", and the program in- cluded a delightful musicale. _*_ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Alton of Winnetka, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. Wellington Coolidge of Winnet- ka, formerly of Kenilworth. Mr .and Mrs. W. C. Everett and children have returned to Kenilworth after spending the summer at Wau- kazoo, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah are being congratulated upon the birth of twin boys, on Monday. They have named them William and James. _*_ Miss Margaret Taylor is entering the Domestic Science school in the Tower building. _*_ Mrs. Fred D'Aix left Monday for a two month's motor trip through the East, i Mrs. George Shipman was a lunch- j eon hostess Friday at her home on Warwick road. , , | ■'- .■■',—♦— A birthday party was given in honor ■ of Mrs. John Marshall Roberts at the home of Mrs. John Olsen. —♦__ Mrs. H. C. Macauley, who has been the guest of Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., has returned to her home in Louis- ville, Ky. wm^mmm^mMMMm/MfmMmM//m^^^mM/^^^/^^Mm^mM/Mm^//m^ MARTINE School of DANCING Re-Opens October 7th OU1LMETTE COUNTRY CLUB Ballroom and Aesthetic Dancing (or Children Classes open to non-members Address Edgewater Beach Hotel Phone Edgewater 8380 ^WMWWWWW^^ Chandler's + Jvuntairv Sauare *■ fa BVAN STON y Disc wheels an* everything-- Packed chockf ul of kid joy are these newest coaster wagons - they have disc wheels, roller bearings and all the latest improvements. Put the youngsters on wheels- We have every variety of vehicle - - coasters, velocipedes, auto engines, joy ponies, trucks, scooters and a largi number of others. Now Open For Business In Our New Shop Johnathan Apples Finest for eating, cooking or baking Sale Price $3.50 per Bushel Potatoes The finest grade $1.79 per Bushel Blue Grapes,Large basket 15 Sale, at $1.50 Iceberg Head Lettuce..... 10c, 15c, 20c Cauliflower ...... ......15c, 20c, 30c Cabbage-----...........*.........4c lb. Spinach..........,.............30c pk. Spanish Onions ...;......-----.. .5c each Egg Plant....................10c, 15c Green and Red Peppers.........15c do*. Green and Wax Beans . .Lowest Market Price Sweet Potatoes .. .1.5 lbs. 40c; 3 lbs. 25c All kinds of fruits for canning and preserv- ing — at Lowest Prices. Malaga Grapes ., Oranges . I .. 15c, 20c lb.; baskets 75c ......29c, 4»c, 59c do*. Cooking Apples, Rome Beauty and Greenings.......................3 lbs. 2Sc Jonathan Apples....................... .19c lb. LULIAS BROS 937 Railroad Ave, Wflmette Phone Wilmette 159 WE DELIVER IN WILMETTE AND KENILWORTH ysjapv "ssw? ■^pi:^f^:^:0m^^^^wm^f ;:m^m?9W^s^^¥X^^^s^ii-M^: 1^WsWM0W&&W§^