THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 Classified Advertisements R ATES--10c per line fo.' each insertion. Minimum 3 line*. Conv must be in by Wednesday et 4:00 P. M. Rates for the eame advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, wfNNCTKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c line. Black face type charged double price. ^ HEAL ESTATE._______, . VOR SALE - WILMETTE-OWWJUI l«avln«fc must sell; attractive 8 room KKTk cholceat North East section; Remarkably well built 9 r. »tc In lSStNorth East location fine -jjggm and breakfast i>chs.: *«a«fltIlu,,y wooded lot: a sacrifice at % 15.500. Excellent value in 7 room stc. In No. Svanston with hugre suri parlor; own- er-already pone; must sacrifice for quick *mfei ofnly ^0 500. E Z errns Vacant--finely wooded lot 50x124 in M Vl section at *only *48 per it. A wonderful site for a nice bungalow or small residence. Also beautifully wooded lot on Park Place in No. Evanston at $65 per foot. M. E. BARKER & C6. End "L" 405 Linden Ave. Tel^WTL 407 n^riar^lfvin^o^. fiM$S Soma bath with tiled floor, extra favatoryi house recently decojated throughout. Easy terms. $12,500. Exclusive agents. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock. Prop. • jl| 4th St._________Tel. Wil. 1304 S^g----SAT.E -- JUST COM ri.ET E O. beautiful 6 room and heated din- ing porch, brick and stucco res - dence; h. w. heat. 115 Sixth St., Wil- mette. Choice east location Phone Wtlmette 1935^_________ I/TG4-trc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR OEN- eral housework. No washing. Phone Win. 1137,______________ LTQ8-ltc WANTED--A YOUNG OIRL. TO ASSIST with housework or maid for general work. No washing:. Phone Wil. 1507. L8-ltc NURSE--MAID TO CARE FOR 3 YEAR old jrirl; stay or go home nights. 240 Essex Rd. Phone Ken. 1885. LTGS-ltc HELP WANTED--MAL.E WANTED--A NIGHT OFFICE AT- tendant. Phone Wil. 1711. LTG8-MC SITIATIOV WANTED--FEMALE DRESSMAKING PHONE WIL. 2332. LTGS-ltc SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE__________ RELIABLE MARRIED COUPLE would like to take care of home dur- ing owner's absence. .Can furnish best references. Address Lake Shore Ntws E-29. LTG7-3tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE MASSAGE AND MEDICAL GYMNAS- tlcs, residence treatments ..given. Hugo A. Lundstrom. 555 Provident Ave., Winnetka. Phone Win. 937. LTG6-4tc "FOR jjgjgg--HOUSE* FOR~RENT=FURNISHED HOUSE IN Wlnnetki. east of tracks. 3 block* from station; seven rooms on first and second floors: maid's quarters with bath on third floor. Handsorne- lv furnished. Hot water heat with ^No k » burner. Double parage. lar*e grounds. Rent. $150 monthly Som Feb. 1 to May 1 with possession, January 20th Appointment by• teg-1 phone; Lake View 8026;_____LT»^tro P<m~RENT--FROM JAN. 1 TO FEB. 15th 6 room furnished house in No. Evanstoh! 3 bedrooms; fully quipped with all conveniences; W-™clf"J» cVal and phone for •Bt^9ra£SS Phone Evans. 6960._________LTGS-ltc FOR RENT--UNUSUALLY ATTRACT- F<?v\ 5 room newly furnished home for FOR berger. ... ,.. . ,.,.,.,. ...... Hertz Phone Wilmette 906-M. WANTED TO BUY -SECOND HAND furniture and other houssboM goods. Highest price, paid for «ame. Crojt Furniture Store. 1004-6 Bmeraon St., Evanston, 111. Tel. 189. MISCELLANEOUS________ BLBCTRYCALT~H6USBHbLD APPLI- ances repaired, sold and exchanged. R. I. Adaitos. Phone Wil. ««gj?Q7.tfo PIANOS^UNED, REGULATED. RE- paired; expert; best references. Fos- ter. Phone Win. SQ9-J LTG50-tfQ --------------17QST AND FOUND. LOST--TRAVELING BAG DECEMBER 25, from auto, Glencoe to Chicago. Reward. Phone Glencoe 746^ LOST--CAT; MALE: ORANGE PER- sian. Reward. C. R. Perry. 272 Sylvan Rd., Glencoe. phoneLTl^8n,cl^c 697.______-i. Judge and Mrs. Walker Everett ?rave a dinner Wednesday evening or their son, Walker, and their daughter, Caroline. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx enter- tained at dinner Friday evening in honor of their son, Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis and son, Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark. Mrs. Walter Marx entertained at luncheon in honor of her daughter, BIG PRIZE MASQUERADE Thursday, January 19, at Jones Hall, Wilmette, by the Dell wood Club. Everybody welcome. Prises »L^Jejt - NOTICE Will pay reasonable prices for motion picturefllms. Phone wU^JSJT°*J™* KENILWORTH HAPPENINGS The Evening Bridge club met at the home of Miss Ruth Woodward Thursday last. , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman entertained at dinner Monday last. Mr. Roy Jarett who underwent an operation at the Evanston hospital last Friday evening is improving rapidly. The Kenilworth club entertained Jean, Wednesday preceding ihvorth club partv. * the THIS PASTOR ANl55JiT WINTERTIME FIsS^ Rev. A. 0. Sohomvwho ori« . coming pastor of the WilS* ^ lish Lutheran church last SnrS? ?"* pastorates in cities of thl t ,d Superior region, is a confirms H» tertime "Isaac Walton" m'd **• Proof otthat assertion is gjVttl . the report this week that the nl n is spending several days WrS* at Pewaukee Lake, Wis. XPERIENCBD'WHITE MAN WANTS ™V » u 1' „ XKT-AnrvAav house cleaning and working around with a children's party on Wednesday houses; 65c per hour. Oliver Hertz- afternoon and there was a young lve o room nt*wi.v iu....o..^«.-------- iTx months, beginning; Janum. Tel. owner at once. Winnetka ggfo^ F0R_SALE--HOUSEHOLD fiOODS*" I OVER $20,000700 WORTH OP OUR sample stocks of talking machines, pianos, player pianos, vacuum clean- ers, sewing machines, motors, man- gles, and a few records, were dam- - aged by water when a fire started in the next store to us. On every article on whieh we were made an allowance by the insurance adjust* ers we will make discounter'of fror- 5% to 33 1-3%. Our regular guaran- tee goes with every purchase. Easy terms if desired. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 654;____ __;______LTG5-tfc FOR" SALE -- FURNITURE. -RUGS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts) 808 Oak Street. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl-tfc SALE--PIANO; (OAK CASK) afternoon and there was a youiu L8-4tp people's dance in the evening The Misses Dorothy and Emily Foresman were hostesses at dinner on Wednesday evening. Miss Hellen Reeves was a dinner hostess Wednesday evening, and later took her guests to the Kenilworth club dance. Miss TRuth Woodward was a dinner hostess Monday evening. Miss Helen Cresap was a dinner hostess Thursday evening preceding the dance given by Mrs. Edgar Stevens. $75.00. Phone Win. 850. LTG7-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE -------FOR REOT-APARTMEWTS fOR RENT--5 ROOM FITRNr^PART. North Evanston: convenient to trans. Reasonable. 2322 Harrison street Evanston. Phone Evans.^4333. L8-ltp 55--w*MTRD"l;iD"RE^T-HbME. WANTED TO RENT--S&11 ALL HOALB or apartment on North Shore. Fttf nlshed or unfurnished. WfcgfSfo FOR SALE--A BEAUTIFUL MARMON sedan: A-l condition; 5 passencrer. Tel. Wil. 1297.________ LTGS-ltc FOR RENT^ROOSfiT FOR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHET) room; 1622 Forest Ave. Phone WL FOR RENT--FTTRN ROOMS: HOT ainu F°coldRwater 629 &JNffi?\K^ Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. lii4f-uc =-----jjjgflg WATtTEP-FEMALE AREFINRn WOMAN IN THIS SUR- urb genulnelv interested in estab- lishing herself in a well paying. Per- manent business where she can also ™nde? service to others will read teWce fl^i»53TM?|85 Journal and Dec. Woman's Home | ^SeTm ^arsh^V^ « Bldg. at once for Information. Ex- ceptional business f>PnortunT,iTVG8-ltp FOR SALP--1§TSr^M-A ^FOtS'" FOR^SALE^XHAS _AIRKT)A LE PTTP- pies. healthv farm raised stock; best watch dog- anfl children's net. Come and take your nick. Will deliver. Address Lake Shore News _ Aired ale. _ __________ L7-3tc "FOR raT.E--TWO THOROUGHBRED cockerels, one Plvmouth Rock, otre Buff Ornington: from splendid win- ter laying strain. Also "ewly laid eggs. * Phone Glencoe 557. _______ LTG8-ltc WANTED TO JBUV--MISCELLA^EOlfs A STEAMER WARDROBE TRtTNK. Must be in porfect condition. 1015 Forest Ave. Phone Wil. 1775. LS-ltp I 615 Davis St., Evanston Monday, Jan. 2 Continuous 2 to 11 Earle Williams in "Lucky Carson" Tues^Wed., Thurs., Fri., Jan. 3, 4, 5, 6, PRlSCILlA DEAN in"CONFLICT" The Big Picture of the year. Full of thrills--Ex- sive showing on the North Shore. Jan. 9-10 -- "THE SHEIK" DOUGLAS &URBANKS presents THE THREE MUSKETEERS Adaption, Costuming, ftesearch under GKitrd KboblOCk. Direction under Rod Niblo Photogiaprrv und^ ^thur £deson WINNETKA COMMUNITY HOUSE January^-5-6 4 and 8 P. M. Admission 50c EDINGER COAL COMPANi 1301 Lake Avenue Phone 642 WILMETTE, ILL.