s'ir" fv * u'l ^ â- «•â- 'j-"1!-,**(i v ilSlli ^â- im;irnwniW-r'iTTCO|j«jTi j;^iii'<til^lw..*SCT TSIEWSlOJlINTERES3flN%SrORT]H illlfpllfp' to Be Speakerft Blf* ilWrCft. U."".......... yi-f Hg Woian*ft Chfistial^;T«lS- perance Union will be host- ess to the various woman's organizations of the North fg Snore District in the Wil- inett^ ^^Methodist cnurcn, Monday afternoon, February 6, at 2 o'clock. ^Mr'-'ilLrB. Stephen LJoyd will conduct devotions; there will be two vocal v solos one by Mrs. Leslie Hanawalt â- T"-;: and 'the other by Mrs. Ferdinand Lrarsen. Miss Elizabeth Gordon will speak on "Effects of Scientific Instruc- D£. tion in the Schools/* Mrs. P. A; Schumacher will review laws of the S various states relating to temperance. Superintendent J. R. Harper will ri*- speak on some thingsthe W. C.'.T. V. L_l can do to help the schools. Dr. Gil- bert Stansell will discuss the subject ' "The Present Crisic in Temperance Reform." Â¥ ,;, Light refreshments will be served. I The Winnetka Woman's club met ~T^ regularsession, January 26, at the club-roms__ Jots.- J^ GL Walling presided and made the fol- lowing announcements: __-The Citizenship eiaesF^undeirMrs^ Liebel's direction, meets at the club- room Tuesday mornings at 10 o'clock. « A marked interest is shown by those in attendance in the knowledge of voting and of the way in which our laws are made and administered. These lectures are free to all women -of Winnetka." â- ^-".Tt^â- â- 'â- '-'â- "' On request of Professor Tubbs of vthe New Trier High school two rep reflen^yes^wBro^electeA.^____" Tcprer tflL cwSperate with an advisory council which will confer on matters of interest to education in the town- ship. A plea was made for clothing for -the Park iRidge School' for Girls. This institution is. doing a very good work-in providing a home for girls who have been unfortunate ai|J are without homes. All clothing, except- ing shoes, is needed for girls from the age of seven to sixteen, and the club members are asked to bring any such donations to the club-rooms and leave in care of Mr. Anderson, any time be- fore^ the, ,rn$^? jrejjular meeting, Feb- Fifty dollars has been voted by the board fur tfifi;.,N*"* '****â- ntAiat^°^ Armenia. .......v.- ;. ;**â- â- The Civics and Philanthropy com- mittees have secured Mr. Walter Dodd to speak on the subject of the Constitutional Convention at the meeting oh February 9.v/: 4*1':->•;•'â- Very interesting reports from the Tenth District meeting of Federation of Women's clubs, which met with the North End Woman's club, were given by Mrs. Allan Wolff and Mr*. Edwin E. Brown. The subject for the afternoon pro- gram "Psycho-Analysis: Its Relation to Education," was most earnestly treated by Dr. Edmund Jacobson, who is a psychologistâ€"and a practicing alienist. Psycho-Analysis had it* origin among_a circle of physicians about fourteen years ago and ha« been found valuable in the treatment of nervous and abnormal cases. Dr. Jacobson stated that only an Intro* duction to the subject could be given In the short time allotted for one ad- dress, and it is safe to say that m^hy of his interested listeners wjffjwiali to pursuethe« subject further; At the tea tables, Mrs. Justus Chancellor Jr., Mrs. Montague F-eiry^Mrs.^.liandon Soyt and M?s. Mortimer B. Parker served. It will be Husband's Night at the Woman's Club of Wilnfette on Friday evening, February 10, at 8:30 p. m. This is a yearly 'event to' which all club members look forward with inter- est. The officers of the club and their husbands will act. as hosts and hos- tesses, andjbhe. gentlemen will be the 5rlfflJueltK~~^ :^-^~..:^-.-- 'II^ZJu^' , Mr. MacGregor Jenkins, publisher of the Atlantic Monthly, will be the speaker of the evening, his subject being, "Fellow Travelers." Mr. Jen- kins is a man of affairs and his liter- ary judgments have most sane and practical cast. His lectures are foU of genial humor and unaRticipaw wife V ~*â- â- â- â- •::--';'&i:Su(;i«liii];S:i - W^feW&-- " •' ;1: Flora Waalkes, soprano, Will furnish the musical part of the program. Miss Waalkes is a Chicago artist wha has rapidly come to the front and accord- ing to the principal Chicago critics is a real artist with a beautiful voice, used' with' inteUgence|||||^|J^|i#||__ â€"The-; Civics" aW I-e^^rve-depart- ment of the Wilmette Woman's club, wil have their second meeting of the series in Citizenship under the direc- tion of Mrs, M. H. Lieber, pn Wednes- day, February 8, at 11 a. m. This meeting is open to the community. ; A class in parliamentary law will follow this meeting. â€"-" ORCHESTRA HALL l Coors* Aâ€"5 FRIDAY Evenings Course Bâ€"5 SATURDAY Matinees MEXICO - - - JAPAN - - - PHILIPPINES - - tSXSko AT HOME AROUND the WORLD Feb. 17,18 Feb. 24, 25 - Mel. 3, 4 Mch. 10,11 Mch. 17,18 $6. $4. $3 wrXx Mall Orders Now ^•k:Ji;-$Mp!"'""'""""'"""'"^fA^s'."'"'J~"'"" '"'ftl*"#feiSi>ife'^SlSk*3^fest' •. " -|«i-, era'â- ' â€" r#* fj if %.<:&>$$â- y^i â- •-.'mmMmM£ikmM&....^jjwsm tjgyfy^^-., :0 ::tr^J^^tX^M^^m,. miil' in the hi Wits. Glover-Browrmmmmgl Febructn Home Cooked Foodm of thi _ â- v, ni2nesttr\Jvatuy&mmm*^ Oirfets T^eff^oig^laT ill;. GAIRIKG FINE Complete and attractivPLilii bf Gi^tti-s'^ ;;:73^S^^ai^lw aU occarioni S^^l*NirS> Phone Ev. 770ll|;J6I3 Orringtoti;Ave|^Evanrtoi| SiSIMili: ife$j^| §MffSM ,-Syi ;'H*II iddieNbi 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette %M Well-mannered children are loved and admired, and are all the more winsome if well dressed. The Store For ChildrenJs devoted exclusively to the needs of youth. Take advantage of many bargains remaining in our final clear- ance of winter wear. â- './â- ", "Every winter dress tidw in stock will iye Sold regardless of costjjg oneof three groups, at $4.95^ $9.86^iOrJ£UM ^c1^ Here is your opportunity. It ttavl i LIMCOJLN^JBIRTHDAY PARTYr-^atfiotie^eeli Ji ebrations are always inspiring, especially to our American My^thpKTPDIE NOOK has a large supply of PAVORSj ttDECORATIONS^ and PARTY REQUISITES for any *lestive*^easionS^Bon*t forget to select your VALENg ' 1|TINES early. â- S$^"^t^^^";"'""' :' v/ Pink silk figure! brocades, sele^d for jheJLdu^ UTiusual^ Kghr an^^ Jerseys Long skir^g and short skirts; medium busts and low busts; Warner ^tnd Redfernijj models; here are the details of just a few to give you aa uiea of t^ j ;jquaHty_^dh^^txj^re^^ - AVERAGETIGURE ^':>:*u-^:^' ' ;-:';;--^--v/::.: '..-^M^MlSMSli^ Back-lace mbdel nicely constructed of ptnk brocade; well boned inbackf^ twojnch^ to^j^ys^lac^rjnimedx ^thiiee^pali^^f^attersj".. ^ n^Tr^^Tv ^...... .$15.50 Pill Back-lace model in a pretty pattern of pink brqcadpj. one inch top; long skirt; three pairs of garters, |7.50 l--:.^3m. ..SLENDER-TYPE- ^0MfTmm Very easy and comfortable model of pink Jersey with satin stripping; lightly boned; soft top; steel comes to waist-line only; long skirt; two p^T^ljgSrtersj^afe, ticularly suitable for sport wear;.. ..^i- •• • •'*&•*" zBacMice modelMjink bxoi^de^oiie^ch^t^^ ihsertrm top; twiTTJairs-â- â- x^^g^t^s'MM^^"'^^^^'~. Baick-iace model of pink brocade; very low top; espe# dally long skirt; insert of elastic at top and elastic around skirt of corset to keep it frbm riding up; ?11.^ An exceptionaliy beautiful pattern in pink brocade; this back-lace model has medium bust, and is well boned; the top has an elastic insert at the side and tere is another in the skirt; three pairs of garters; .:.,.;.; v.. ;;.â- .....'..... ,:i .....\v.:.r^;;,.>:fell.ife*:..$13.50 ^fi tye have some excellent hip girdle models in tfre §^ellkmtvn^ BRASSIERES ^Mm mimmittimwi wmmm SSe.-SI«K*** EfW^BARTELMANN CO, ^rEOiti ^^a|p%^p^i^n3^te^^ £$$Hl- 010^12 W§y St&t2 CHICAGO Near North and Clfboturn Ave». liPs^f' t2.S0 1.00 ili 7Sc A newtSortment of pretty as well as^ practwa) .moAel&siich asâ€"^ Omifeination satin laM lace lined with net; this one iS|Ia,,v •.....• A Cluny lace pattern, long^iines^4ined with net ..•_•••••..------: •'. A very'practicarand'ii^lmciei *i hew "browed material •• Long, straight boyish form, in pink brocade, light weight ....... â- FOR THE STOUT TYPE PinW hrocad^ wtth^ rubber insert^t bottom; ^orni fitting--vyrvTTTT.-----,.„..-.. _ . . Modei^^nk^iped material; wide band of elastic^ ^ SertSa^e^ia^'material^ ^^m^.^^.^^^.yM^.....Ss^^^^ W^^^SSSM^