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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1922, p. 1

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$^iiLii&^:ii^. intendent Declares He ^ai hWorda Quoting sit......."" KCISW onMbP ~ji? ^GWlihg of plain statent^iitiP|irfitist, for the evident purpose of producing a sensational story, is charged against the Chicago Herald-lhc^lner *nd the Chicago Evening Atoer^^ President of jPrinc^o#TheP logical Seminary to Discuss of Confidence J ):S!$MS^§>- PROGftAlM Famous Musical Organization To Ken^HSrpup of Songs ,:7 ^ri'":jf^oli?Stevenson, president of «*~ â€"-« «~~- _,,â€"--â€" -~,:â€",-rrpjjiwiHinww- the Princeton Theological Seminary, ^ptiYefi-arore b©ing-Qjie8ttoTOd^M» invitation of mm Va'tik. .naairA. .4 *1.a TX7t|l«nA*«M, «AAlr In J»Tl ATlde&VOr tO Clear UD the- m-.a._A_ W->_a wiir^~11ojjp^fcer at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club on February 6. Cipal Eston V. Tubbs Ot New Trier j Township High school jii^the accom- i panying "correction of 1b Interview given by him to newspaper correspond dent on January 27, concerningthe I change made in the semester examina- tions at the sec^i^ary- schools - - ::ff^,tNo statement?^ that we had felt it necessary u* make these changes te^wderâ€"toolimihate hysteria in the classsrooms," Mr. Tubbs deojayes^ Jp'No statemenkjgas. made to the^elfect that 'Jazz music had iresulted in the nervOuse breakdown lofllSfiw JErier Jlstudents^^TAe states tment was made that we have at New ITrier a group Of splendid boys and Sgirls but nothingi was said to the ef- fect they were 'taking the^foad^where^ ii®Si^Sl«^e#---rCorrectipiir:Si^ Iphone by a representative of the Chi- cago Herald-Examiner," reads Mr. tTubb's correction* "Several questions, 3were asked regarding the chah^sothit ?we had made to? our semester's'"'*& ^rainationsTf^slated topuptfiat the changesrwerC ih^eaiow%iaccottnt of ^nnr â-  â- fa** _ of sLt^t^iiiLa&Gtof^^r^oTir Suctingourexaminations than any- §hihg else." f^r;#e^rt past our semes- ter .examinations have counted only i^h^^^dj^l^e^^e^g^d^ e pTanTror^ah'Suctin'l tile examiiia- mi from that followed & previous fears. This information was given in slhe expectation that some sejnJManco ~§f~truth ^rould he observed in iny statement that might appear in the paper. Such statements of plain truths had been garbled and made be, "The Basis of Confidence/' Dr. Stevenson" is a well known plat- form speaker and1 educator and the Sunday |i Evening club regards it as especially fortu- nate that he has consented to ad- dress the rest dents of the north Tlore at^fhTs time. His subi ject, it is prom- 2 ItoMnJlease. teed, ^ttlL^O^ttt keeping with^ the plan :':bf "the" Sunday; Evening €luh-le«d«rs-to^pw>videfr * the public authoritative discussions on present day civic, social andrellglbus problems. Dr. Stevenson will speak at Mandel Hall, Chicago TJniversity, 'Sunday morning.â- WM-'f. "#5 The musical program this Sunday evening will he provided by the North- western university Glee club under the direcjionJafJ^^Jaollin-PeasC^ â€" Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Bitter will render m unusually interesting pro» gram of Ionian-.;^u1sii^':;|||^e,ji:»iib»16^jrs rrciuiii»ant. day in connection with a hold-up the vicinity ot the Dempster |hri, Dempster street and Waukegan road, it is thought may have solved several recent buglariea and prowlings in the north shore-villages* The men, Thomas Hebson, taken ^ea*^the-scenw-of-th^~holia^ he was returning to the deserted bandit car; Ralph Johnson, shot by Policeman Ted Struhm, in a thrilling gun duel as the former approached the machine at the heels of Hebson; and the arrest later of Jacob Stein- buck at his home in Evanston after he had been implicated by the other is week in an endeavor to clear up the so-called "Lovers' Lane** banditry and >riei of recent jewel-ro' â- â- this - -:VicliiJty*'-"\;pti€Iif Sf Hf 15' ?g?§i. ';W!WWB coupons Jox leaders in the history of New Trier. At the outset of the discussion, ^halruMm-Hv^^Browi^r*^^ dent of the Real Estate board, out- lined in a general way the proposition fostered by the relators, stating that that organization was considered the logical agency to_sjWBBor»uch:a^rc4 ^ec^sffiee^th^mor^^ gressive members will, eventually, be called upon to seek bidders for ther forfftttft^,,ff^y^P;;,a^-. fâ„¢ faâ„¢^?8**6 sale.. â- ^^!MMB^^S&^$^M^^mi:-ii *fWiln^le^1smok'efs ^are'^ireatiBg. un employed ex-service mento"smokies'! by dropnjnfithelcoupons^asse^Uo^ ^fieliclerks at the .Robert <?«ob') McDauiel. toba<M^ -fltr ^WelOfsHroad avenue, to a box placed In: the store by tao ^ the American Legion^ .-..;;? Within the space of a few weeks the Legion was enabled to redeem coupons to the extent of $7 worth of cigars and cigarets, when have been dispatched to unemployment headquarters at Til N. La Salle street, Gbicagps ^ ^I^Ie^l6ca^"^egl^m^ _______ companying letter expressed apprecia- tion of the kindness shown by the Wilmette â- ---â€".....••*.....â- -""" the meeting the original records. In reply to numerous queriejit Mr.. Gady gave the totals as well as the amounts .each taxing body in New Trier had lodged in forfeited real estate. esil H. L. Wcolhiser, Wlnnetka yiflagf manager,' at the conclusion of Mr- Cady's remarks, outlined the_suitju^_^_^^ stituted several yearsi^^i^by^tlie^v^ TrieriBlgb â- :-- - â- â- â-  â- â- -^ --'-tmtt%&$&&$â- ...... " "" *"~ School district; dent Country f$*i!\iii.r\? 16«M* sensational before they could .be print- id in the Herald-Examiner and the American, No statement whatever, was â- â- i made that we felt it necessary to make these changes in order to eliminate H^teria^iri1ie~T5lass~TT^^ ment was made to the. effect that ^a^ music bald resulted In the ner- vous breakdowh of New T^ Sents.' The statement was made that we have at New Trier a group of _ splendid boys aMd firla^ was said tdt^ 'faking the rdad where it is easiest are ^accord with^the position that wfcsjrakenr by Superintendeht Mortensou^aidthe principals of the Chicago high schools regarding 'jazz' miiBic and<Liatei hours of hlgli school indents, no reference was made to â- i&^iW^|SBi^i^-J<:^^eAiclo&^^ i "Ninety-eight per cent ot our stu- dents are fundamentally honest and UprigM itt levefy- sense of the term. It is dnly a few who give us the least cjtoce^ som^ ing Is Jnvolvedi,'-ifiSif^|iiif5||i|^§|' â-  *;The::correctidu 'frsl^neclt?-'^'!^'-*?-%>.. ^Superintendent EstcM p TubbW^ Carleton. The program ffll^include an ad- venture film entitled "Netting the Leopards"; animated cartoon of Ae- sop^ fable "The Hare aud the Frog"; a hunting stor>/ "A Day in the Wilds," and a Harold Lloyd Baseball ^edy-^ntitled^-^Gver^the- Pene^": Performances will fee a| 3, 4:16 ^rid 7:15 o'clock ii Mr; and Mrs. G. W. Springer,^f24 Forest avenue, are providing the films for next Thursday's ehtertaift* 1M SfS Woman'. Club and Auxiliary Valentine Dance gf|Mdayf ____„ %venlngf Fo1»ruar|r 17^"wHl .,.„„..jiW.'^l.oc«£Blion-.ot. an interesting Val- entine party and dance to be ' given. jg§f§f at'-fie Wilmette Woman's :dub:-.under. ffflithe^plitt;'auspici«- :of the' ^Club ^Social. ^auxmary. Tbeffa^ fSygau'h^tiCkets'^are^fi sale, mi^m^m^ t^^^^PSI^Itoiiag' Woman* â-  auxiliary "held i^|^il':phflauthroiiIc meeting last Wednes- ^|iij|auyf:-eveiiin&":making a layette to sup- ply a call from the Gross Point iiplii Health"tfehteiS â- "" F^lolying the sew- IR£ff|lng an old fashioned "Taffy ^11" was «ii@iHenjoyed, -with â- ' â-  thirty^eJghtlLjsroun*-. iwomen^ to the^artyr Franks Wilson very kindly served In the capacity of candy maker so thatrthe taffy-was^t illedi4?erfect^Lra©eord^ns-^^^ "lar^^Bembejre..:- ..}_^' ADDRESSES YOUNG PEOPL ««.. Clyde NortoS, president of the ||Northwestern university Y. M. C. A. ^^^||wtUvij^ei^~:l>ef6re. the Young people's :iggll^^uiiion- at'Jbrt| WHmette_paptist church fj^ffgSnhdaly-^ove^ihg, lanuary^*' " "•" *" ^Ise^^^iMftktog: Enough SMr gMs* quartet WflT provide '%*â-  pro- gram of musics of Adventures Mejt Cltildreii'i Movie* A Pathe program which promises rich and instructive" diversion for the children ofj Wilmette, is .to be given at next week's ♦'Children's Movies" toâ€"St^augustine's Parish^-House, Thursday, February 9, under the di- Tectorr Rev. Hubert ill Kg:'.'â- :Temperance Meeting I^Women ^ot ?the north shore, repre- senting the various clubs and woman's civic organizations in this vicinity, will hold a Temperance conference at the Wilmette Methodist church Monday afterhoonr February 6, M p j^glock, as ^e guestsr 6t the North| Shore branch otxtho Woman's Christian Temperance Union. "^ Mrs. F. A. Schumacher of Chicago and the Rev. Gilbert Stansell,rVastdr of the Wilmette Methodist church.^ Will be\the„speakers,;;iii^«|-i ' §k^^^W^: ^i^^^^^^^^^^'S^^^^^i^ l^urtt^^Yottin" !'FlSMir"I" Into Mi In your store rooms, attic6 and cubby boles jfeer%are£ of furniture; many pieces only in the way to you, that ArWERTISE THfeM ||| ^llrHS VVAil^ADS? ilmette Post No. 46 American Le- gion wishes to thank the public for the donation of the coupons, which were placed to our iKncln the cl®aj| store on West Railroad ftfetttte. 'There weroMvMdloilarj cigars and cigarets redeemed , In the few months the box was up, the cigars and cigarets being turned over to^tlw^uniBfn^Ibyed at^Tl N, La Salle "We stnriavÂ¥13ie%ox % the store, whichTs^Spelrateor^y^Robert McDaniel, and to thejutnre any coupons^whloh, the^smokers can spare will be greatly appreciated by the Post. K^L- Wilmette Post No. 46, â-º American Legion. ^arted^^tra clean slater with pr< pects that all taxes and special High School Students Aid "The fund how being raised to pro- vide the Visiting Nurses of the Gross Point Health Center with a Ford car to expedite their work> has beeii swelled by $8, according to an an- nouncement at the center this week* that the Sophomore class- at New Trier High school has made the donation as a portion of the receipts of a? re- cent Red Gross ^benefitâ€"dahcev ^ §heck for $8 was received ®is weeK y Health Center officials from Win- fleld Taylor,! treasurer of_tte classm The Ford fund hat^been ^brought nearer realisation by previously re- ported gifts of $50 or more by indi- viduals and social groups. 38^y| Logan School Will.Get.iliill;- 'I!j;lt| New Rano Vety S^cwi - The^Logan school Is to be provided with a brandtnew piano as the re* sult^of a^tenefit Cai^TpaityTgiveii last week by the teachers in the schoo),:iwith the co-operation of the tion. '. ;"""":.': One\hundred and sixty dollars was realized at the Card party, and that sum, combined With a» equal amount contributed by thel-Board of Bduca? tioh, insures the early purchase or Logan S^oc^jParjBUt-TeUcher jiw In the list of donors to the^ard- pary; app^eiaiBg to last week's issue of The Lake Shores NewSj the names^ KasoajiiSJ^e^itere^an grocery were omitted through e*row LECTURE ON ROBER-T BURNS illnstratod lecture on Robert Burns was given-the Junior English- classes at New Trier_ High school Monday by Pro^ H. B. Hildebrand, of the facuity J ill^Bteru^ slides of Hndebmadron a recent ScoUand, provided a torJhe^lectur^. Re|ire«entai:ive^^^^^^ Estate Board Plans For Instituting Legal Acti ll^i^eaTl^roperSealn^ T. Plans to foreclose all forfeited real estate in Near Trier township were discuSfi^dliiita *ehe*al way Monday of this Week by more f&m forty rep- resentatives of the twenty-two taxing bodies in the township. The meeting, 4ield-at 4*«w^Tr^^Hgh^to the North Shore Real was perhaps the most â- thPiTlng iff â- s^lyywiniit Estate board Jftsjiinis^rbflBttiSiM^ Ff ed W. Cady, an auditor connected With the Cook County treasurer's of* flees, and who is a resident of <Hen- jr«F- ___ sent figures on New Trier properfarUiides sentially the same as theN suit to be insUtuted in the interest of the entire towwh^lS.:BF^'^rtue^ of ^iie.jacUoh Mr_^Woolh48er--,.declared~-Wili f38$P:" l»-:::ypnera1«fpop|terfetttt^^ alone, exclusive of special assessments and personal property taxes, expressed great satisfaction at the proposed legal action. He explained tie dssi | perate financial needs of some of the boards, which condiUoa he said. Is growing worse with each succeedinc year as more forfeitures are added, i ii TPracttcsl^ every rtpresent^tlvormT* t~--il the meeting expressed approvsl of the contemplated legal action and -jk.im&^^i^ intimated that the North Shore Real Estate Board: would . besj^hiiiei«a| penBe in the prompt institution bfe-^ suit ;;;;-,:'.": ^: â- :::"'.â- : ^^:;:^m^ . tloht ^a^otoD^teeJll^^ |»olnteo/-compTlsjte^ tive,frem'each village,'aM-\'cm>iifmmm.rt oach taxing body in the 1kowJlshtoout|^^ side of the villages. TMs committee-; wilFsW^witti thel Taxation .coimuttteep-â- :>' of the Real Estate board and listen -tiEt^coaerote-^^ through the suit which the will formulate as quickly car . ^ ^ committee as^ojsjyble^ The committee membership Btigh^i Edward J. Phelps, President School board; Edward Zipf, Presi dent 'Village of Wflmetter Frederick WV Penfleld, President^ Village of Glencoe; James C. Murray, President* Village of KettUwortti^^a^^^^WeoV hiser, Manager Village of Wlnnetka; Edward Zeutschel, President, Village of Gross Point .. :JFohiii%Se4«ef^P«s^ School district. sessments on the 45ft-lotsHprolyei^to Sherman M. Booth, presideht'of the the suit, would lie paid- to the 'futtire; Blgh Jtoiioof Ilip^ tioser Phelpikjp^ejidejat^of^^ l^ew^TrlerHIgh school board, whose interest in collecting forfeitures lies principally in the fact that that ta^* ing body has by far the largest stuu iny^ed, amounttog to approximately; Jsen ^^^'Bripu Gleiico" j^arltl; District, pointed iotit" â-  'at: the conclusion of the session that, much as the total amount collxxsted, the action would be warranted in that it would clear ufr tfcft tltlesiseithat^tu* ture taxes and special would be paid. BLANKS ON $5,000 INCOME NOW READY; lAVAILABLEAT â- 'â-  '«T- Forms for thejfUin iaxa^ente)ittes ove year 1921, can be the Office â€" S-icStj of returns of obtained now at Of the collector of toternal revenue, John €, Cannon^ tfee |^st District of Illinois, in the Federal 'Jraildifig,; 'Chicago.; â- |.p||||;|l«iSI- The form contains*six^ages, twooj ^rhicii aW devoted to W,^*?â„¢'H^ to a duplicate to he^etained^^^e taxpayer, and two to instructions. £he TrtanS^wllll^s^htto'P«^ons who ffled iimllalrTOtliritt^^ to receive a torni doesnot relSly^ Jp iaxpayHSof^iii-obllgat^ time on, or before March 15, .1922,4f the return is l»a^«^^ca^dar^yea^ basis. â-  *^?'.â-  The forms foj^nlia^cpmes^less than Ij^COW a ;the-:.above 'bfilces4||f||||||||||^;^|;; Complete Urganizatibn, liOfficersi HearJ|^ finery-seven" â-  ilortn ^-||o^^||lBut^; â- , aTtended the first general meeting of the recently organised Bl^ =ciub^o|^ ?New Trier Township High school, hi the school auditorium last Friday evening to effect complete and Anal Organization. President Del WbrtbH togton, a delegate to the :recehtr::coiW yention of Yi M. C^A. boyS at Decsjt |ur, RK," anoT leader in the movemei to-start-a- Mr. and Sfrs. A. Highland aventie ta> Georgia^ B. Rouiand, iiil have gone to Atlan- ^SOpJtlliEAEilNE; Again we rnus|. jm.>|i 'YBe1^n^e'x>fiice "St.- the; . . Shore News by Wednesday j^^se^wejsk jo£ Jn»f%: tion. T BIG SESSION presided... at_ _^_.^,^__ ^^^ The Constitution and By-laws of organization, were reaa and adopted, following which ©lectio fcer^Twaitc^Mwete^wi^ selected as vice president, and Ru* sell Thompson as treasurers ^^ K At the conclusion of the business session, F. M. Richardson, of Evana» ttm aTmember of tne Y. M. C. A. Inf ternational committee, addressed the h*»ys on the subject "If You Can See Red, You Cant see Straight." ::HlS^ps5sS1 talk was. illustrated with accounts ofigljllf his-personal.. exi^ences-tor-ar^receW^^a trip through Europe. •."â- .â-  feiigife ..- Other .speakers included .Principal|§§gf Eston'. V.^Tubbs, -of 'New:-Trier v:Hlgh^i^^ school, and Leslie Dodds, of Winnet- Jijfc?â€"â€" â- 4 Following the speaking" program the boys repaired to the gymnaBium at the request bfrProgranl co)amittef 1 Chairman'"Tom" Fitch, where ,- twU'p||i •hours' .ofJJ^nleJ|.â- '»'*', â- -*«***-:â-  ««^ ,**±§mmM ICE-BOUND STEAMER .Coast"guards~~wenlpevthe rescue Sunday of § small^eamer held fast to the vice oft the Wilmette shore. The Steamer was said to hate been ice-bound for two daysi The ^ews during ms^fBpi0&M7J^i!^ato^ Ice doe as a picnic ground, cooking M their meals and taking

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