^OL, IX, Ho* WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, FOURTEEN PAGES,^PltlGE FIVE GENTS DEBATING SQUAD PICKED NEW «S laents or villages, Hoards of Education, Park Districts, Issue Common Appeal % Debating has come into its own again-at New TrierTownship High school with- the announcement this week that a debating team has been leetorâ€"te-~be~~at Wiliiiette^Bank ^HeleiLJHeckler^fflMteLHaghekJRob- ert Koretz, Dorothy Pick, Elizabeth Stutson, Floyd White, jrhree of the schools to tecmefln Presidents of villages, boards of education, and park districts in New TPrier township, together with Town- week issued a formal appeal to Nejjj Trier taxpayers requesting that taxes, real estate and personal, be paid as promptly as possible to Collector Hoy I King at KIs itJiftcer In Ihe First National Bank of Wilmette. @ ^Payment of taxes at the township headquarters insures prompt disburse- ment of the funds to the various tax- ing bodies in the township, it is ex- plained; : Failure to pay taxes at the townsh4p7-^-offices -necessitates % journey to the county treasurer's of- fices in Chicago, entailing consider- able inconvenience with the possibil- ity of oversights that may bring an- noying penalties. Taxes paid to the coimty treasurer do not reach the beneficiaries for about four months x which means the taxing bodies would ~rbe forced to issue anticipation war- '4 rants .necessitating payment of inter- â- Sest,;,.. 'â- •' â- __!_______'___zL:.-.-.^-.'-'-::^-:.:.^' #-g^fe; Payment Hereâ€"Big .Saving; JM;-. ? SNew Trier township |s entitled, by #statuter to two pe> eent of all moneys .collected in excess of $200,000. Last lyeaf' this amounted to between $5,000 ...aM. $fi,QPQ, . This-flum>. tneptHer with leleT^rWlb^pefe InTargunienTatidn with other schools of the suburban league of high schools in the vicinity of Chicago. Students from which New Trier*s most capable and convincing orators will be selected within a few weeks MeiJSOlbiiiUEinii^^ IBs Prof. J. ~%*. Lardner fe r^esent - ':^Mi*'He Knew Lincoln" WW" debate in the near future are Morton, Proviso and La Orange High schools. Debating was recently revived at New-Trier" in the organization of "the New~TrieF Debating Chapman, president. club, Dwight Sunday, February 12, will be "Abra- ham Lincoln Day" withjthe 'Wilmette Sunday"_Evening;~clubT J3eryIces^:&k-~ j^ejcjallyjaj^ropjriate Ltg_ tfie qpasion will include the appearance of Prof. J. L. Lardner, Northwestern Univer- sity School of Speech, who will pre- sent ?'He Knew Lincoln," Ida M. Tar- bell's- famous ^character sketch teken from an interview with a person? acquaintance of the Great Leader and jwhjteb-^^ most intimate mslghTTntb tM"char- acter of the man who lead his coun- try through Jhe most trying period of its history. Novel Departure Promised for Next Tuesday Evening By Terpsichore deposited m the bank;c provw jgi'Mllv, !£&* .....|cTt-g>pf â- pftnftpia; and rendered unnecessary the ; Last Tuesday night most enjoyable was evenings one of the The" Com- munity Dance class ever staged. The regular orchestra outdid itself and furnished a dance program of "pep and go" that not only infected the feet of the dancers,- but made their hearts dance in unisonâ€"for it was real music. Even a "tin" soldier would have just had to wiggle his toes.,.._.';...".Jv;_.:_:-;:; ; ^=* - â- â- ' • The success of the Community Dance is due entirely to the good work of the individual members of the committee in charge, not only for Hut Btwadlly increasing .attendance,. Attractive Music Program Supplementing Prof. Lardner's pres- entation will be a group of songs by Z Mrs. Ora Padgett ^trngef, prorniftfeftfr ^hicagOr^ocaHs^^and the customary: attractive organ program rendered Mrs. Marie Edwards-Von Bitter. The organ program includes: Preludeâ€"Processional March. â- *-&& : ...................... ..^Whitney The Swan.,.... Saint Saens Offertoireâ€"Alpine Pastoral___Flagler Posttudeâ€"Fesiisafc-Mardbu __._ TO REPEAT SONG CYCLE m A PERSIAN GARDEN' "In A Persian Garden," characterized as "a song cycle/' presented at the First Congregational church of Wil- mette on November 21, 1921 with such telling effect, is to be repeated by request at the same church, Tuesday eveningp^Pebruary 21, ^S o'clock, with the same artists assuming the prominent roles. ... *r .â- . Words tor "In a Persian Garden" are selected from the celebrated work, Omar Khayyam and the leading parts in the presentation here will be taken by Anna Burmeister, soprano, of the Fourth Presbyterian church, Chicago; Mary 3Meb^t»Btr*^^ Congregational church,; Wilmettei Arthur Kraft, tenor, of the First Pres- byterian church, Oak Park, and Arthur Rain^sT^iiam "JBpi^ Lake 'Forest.t^l^^""SK^Il^^iiP^ A feature of the> prcgra^ an organ recitl by Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter, organist of the First Con^ gregational church of Wilmette and Of the-Wilmette Sunday-Evenng'club. Roosevelt lunette to Hold Special Ceremonies 1.............. ' uMMm view History of Scouts PENFIELD BACKI PLANS FOR VOTE DRIVE "William Oweii, Well Known assessment of a town tax ptHeads of township who issued the appeal with wltich their iaujperv^isioBt ®^o nicely mixed that-%iotf%ne bit of the spirit of wholesome fun and frolic is klost; and also* to the good taste of tA^4ng^hndlfta^the-dancers themselves who have toy- ally supported the committee* this week ^ were r Edward Zipf, president, Tillage ^ng these of Wilmette; John S. Miller, '^gre^ I dent, Village of Winnet -...:„ J-.;;gJ PenfleldVâ€"president, Village of ^#Glencoe; Barnes C. Murray, president, IIVillage of Kenilworth;Edward J. ^Phelps, president, New /Trier Town- Sship High School Board of Education; Edward L. Giaser, president, tJlencoe Board of Education; Ruth Snydacker, president, TCmiilwnrth Boarrt of Edli* <$ cation; William F* Babcock, president, | Wilmette Board Of Education; Laird ^sBelL president, Winnetka Board of Education; A. W. Converse, president, 1'Winnetka Park district; L. M. Willis, 3lpreBident, Keiittw^HShTzPafk distrlctX fisherman Booth, president, Glencoe ftPark district; Louis K. Gillsori, presi- Inland V, Pjerspn, New Trier township §:::clerk;!II|#5ft^ Eo the earned, in keep- the One hundred leaders in New Trier, township political affairs were guests of the Glencoe Circle at a dinner at the Ouilmette Country club at *vhich time the candidacy of Frederick W. Penfield, for the Republican noiniha- tiou for, County-COmmissioner-wasjin^ officially endorsed, and plans discussed for effecting organizations in the va- rious villages to work in the interest of â- 'â- "â- Wilmette-Vr^B:- '>toalttffaMter-:: aiid among the speakers were W. W. Wheelock of Kenilworth, Dr. Donald M; Gallie, of Wilmette, William S. EUiot of Winnetkar^n^r^MaTkham B. ml Roosevelt «b| America^ ia^niyer^ America trpopv.:No.t$,:. :Boy.. -Scontip will observe^ thJe twel^ ...... m^^SMScas^iiM Wm v:'spe^iaTr*iPe^ng'v: thififf Evening, at the First Congregqrtonal church^ ^ag^saluto^d will, be talj^^ganl r^e.S:^ylng f$ft&1' :s^etci^""bea|ingr^t©pnie hehi tnEaMo^iif^tto ;.ticcastdni£S! George R. Harbaugh, former scout- master in Wilmette, will review th& histdfyi^f -"^^Wit^i^^l^ii^t^^^^l of **th^flrst troop drganiS^Sfl^ the Allegheny Mountains." 7"^'EiS^D: Robert Stoddard, chairman of the commute in charge of Scout "activ- ities in Wilmet^wiR^reseirtrTei^^ foot and Second ;:v>GIass;^hadgesi-feM standard they_______________________ ofâ€"those who attend or know about them. Mr. Penfield is president of the Vil- lage-of-Gtencoer v :"What Kind of Brooms? ^ NexCTuesdar. it is annottnced. one of the "extras" will be theâ„¢*'Four Brooms- Danced .Whether this^refers, to whisk brooms, house brooms, push brooms with "white" wing" attach- ments, the common garden variety, or a broom parody on the "Four ___with been common broom parody Horses of the Apocalypes, witches for riders, we have been un- able to learn. Those who wish to be- come *etter^ informed on the subject or brooms4-will theirefdrevwan^ tend n^tt Tuesday night's dance in ^r^^j^afioj^^b^^^^^ktt^^ ettge^at first hand; « "BreV Rabbit and Pals" Motion .pictures especially adapted for-children andb shown each week at St. Augustine's Parish house on Wil- mette avenue, are attracting wide at- lljwlmette Seeks Reduction pi Efftii^-:ln. â- Gas.' and Light' Rates |p Village attorney A. C. Wenban, by |#tfthority offHfehe-^Wilmetteâ€"-Village i||Board of Trlistees is joining with ;||Evanston and Oak Park offlcials in seeking a reduction of gas and elec- Jlri6^Jight rates for these communi- *&<?: Ities. Request V0mflfe~6e&& xse pumic l^lmission «nd work in that direction now in progress, it was state'd at i»^^eekfs^oar^=i5essio3 lllliliVALENTINE :pAHCE^0£±. The Valentine seasoirwiirb^ appro^ ^Woman's club, Friday evening, Feb- ruary 17, when the Social committee and the Young Woman's auxiliary of the club will, join in giving a Valentine party and dance. The affair will be informal and tickets are now on sale. From of fun. all we hear, TF promises lots Announces Special Sermons On Doctrines of The Bible Unusual interest is attached to the announcement of a special series of sermons to be preached by the Rev. Herman W. Meyer, at S:t. John's Lutheran church beginning Sunday morning, February 12, on the general theme "Fundamental Doctrines Of the __________^hich"" wfllive em phasize, increasinglyv^jUiie -neGessity of indoctrlnatng men ^.wth the Gos- per'y'the pastor declared in announc- ing-" the"'1special: series^w~:f^W^^mW/ which are free to all the children, de pict, for the most part, the themes of fairy-lore and are selected with utmost care. ')":':,:-'-'.--'. â- .â- •...:;,.;;:->. ,.â- â- ..,.â- .,.,â- Thursday 12ki%er^^^f^^^sa^^ there will be a two-reel Harold Lloyd cbmejy entitled, "Hauhted Spooks^ ^B^r^EibDltltnd His Pals," and Is it true that the north shore is fast becoming an art center? " Is it true that we are being recognized outside our- own little North Shore world'?- ^.M^^^^^^^^^^^^^i However, someone 'has!";'s'ln.ent|onea the north shore and its artistic work, and the artistic appreciation abiding here; to MrT William Qwen, a Shake- spearean actor with twelve successful seasons on Broadway to his-'credit, and someone impressed it so firmly that Mr. Owen is desirous of bringing ~ "......."""......... ' ' Ipi _ . .. rfe hq^^:! ttv .cprpr^re^n^^^^/".";,:...,.. It is stated that Mr. Owen will use the New Trier auditorium and that the performance will "corned off^ fin about-three^w^ekap-^ â€"-_ ^: !_ _ â€"It-will be of interest to residents of the North Shore to know that Ralph „ , _. ^, . _ . .... ^ _, R. Bellamy, welt-known for his matt4€«aclHElobinspn of Northwester^ uirf ceremonies and assist the Scouts Itt making • memorable this twelfth; anni- versary of the Scout movement in America, is extended to all parents and friends of .Wilmette scouts.^^W'. As indicated in the subject of *€&< mef^Scoutmaster Harbaugh's talk, Wilmette 'has the distlnctiou of be- ing the home of the first boys' scout troop organized fn this section of the countirjr. Men who w«<re members of the original troop are now active* in::i'fujrtherings#be-:<^ o^-ih^^iworid wkr, . Roosevelt troop reclnlfy hike to Patten gymnasium, agement and acting with the North Shore Players, will play a prominent role* with the company. ' ~:~.â€"f-t^t The play; of courseris well known as it had a long and successful seas- on Broadway at the Savoy theatre, its cast including Miss Edith Wynne Mathison, Tyrone Power, who will soon appear in Chicago in the role of "SOS** 2£Y^^^J^^r^m-^^^ing Jew, and Walter Pathe News reeL Programs will«befla^ 3, 4:15 and 7:15 o'clock. The films for next week's entertainment are to be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, J. '.Baker^^JiO?'. Lake'„avenue.i«:,sS^g^; AT MOODY CONFERENCi If S. Willard of Wilmette, attended f:,W. The Fbuhdef's Week conference at â- The Moody Bible Institute, this week; |Phe purpose of this conference is to strehghteh'ytfie7 ^j^ ^ evaitigelicaT ^Christians l^gainst the attacks of nTOdernism^^oh ^t^o"-one Band, and fallacious cults" onr~the other, and to stimulate missionary zeal. QICMN^AT^ENXEBIVVJMMENT "Floyd^^ Brown,^.':'magiela3i;':wiiX7r<^de Interesting diversion at the Epworth gue entertainment to-be-given the Wilmette Methodigt church,! Fri ^lafc#^nin%^Peb^ OtheÂ¥- entertainment is to augment the '-tShoadlitaer attraction. â- â- - Mrs. Ellen Terris Woodwort! Brooks, wife of Alden F. Brooks, died at the age of 78 years at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George W. Maher, in Kenilworth, Thursday, February 2. Funeral services were heldâ€"Satur- day at South Congregational church, Chicago. Burial at OakwoodsJ » BUILDING PERMIT WITHHELD -Sanction was withheld this week on an application for a building permit toerectW^ road avenue. The Village board re- questedthat action be deferred pend- ing the passage of the,proposed JWil- a^t$e^^Ei?^0~^SM5t* A plat presented by the owners re- questing subdivision of property at idanroad and Maple avenue, was I returned to the petitioners by the Vil- 1 age board this^jgee^ for additional details ^SOUNDS LIKE, REAL PARTY m Tomorrow will be a banner day for the Intermediate department of the Congregational church school, when a "big party" is to be held at the^church* arranged by the Social committee. An interesting program has been ar- jedr^neiudllig^iftmosg races, dancing and a one-act burlesque Als©i-there-jwill^ be Tefreshments fur- nished by the old-fashioned "Dutch Hampden, the famous Shakespearean actor. This is a piece that should interest everyone and! it is expected -Mr. Owen and: his company will, be corded an enthusiastic reception. ac- enjoyed a Evanston, where first class swimming tests and merit .badge testaj!!were iiviiB-'^'iw'- versity. Twelve Scouts succeeded In passing the first class tests, ^prhlle fic&,qualified for merit badges^ f!! r- jTfag^troop jg now y in chalrBe I of TKRu*br~Giimpre; scoutmaster. treat" method. Wilmette Man To Address £ Session of Walther League E. Wiederanders, 1507 Highland - _avenue,„Wilmette, it to speak before the conference of the North Shore Zone of the Walther league of Lu- theran Youiig People, -Sunday, Feb- ruary 12, at Libertyvroe. He will re- late his experience in a tour cf European countres shortly after the close of the World war. ' The Walther league comprises young people's ^societies of the Lutheran de- '",".."..".'.&?.......... zone includes societies in the and towns from Evanston to gan, inclusive. -â€"Delegates from- all the villages in WKea ypu are spending^ money loi classified ads, remember the fact that the customer you are advertising tp, wants s full aMisalption of ^-aftiele you have selt^-^iili Sons and Daughters Guests of Presbyterian Men's Club The Men's club of the Wilhiette^l Presbyterian church has arranged ani unusual dinner and program for the 1 .evehing^of'"ffr3d^ Every father is asked to bring 311w son or daughter or both and every gon or daughter is expected to bring his or her father to this Sons' and Daughters' Dinner: â- iispia' -villages Wauke- Duncan-Clarfllfiilf S. J. uuncan-uiarK wnp has been identified with Boys' work for yea%s will he the speaker. KHi^sutyeistiiwilL: be. "My Neighbor's Boy,^ and those who have heard him report a treat in store for those who attend. Holism a resident of Wilmette. f ? Arrangements have also been made to have a colored quartet sing some of their jubilee songs during the eve* The Men's:-club does:jib'r:liniit-';lt8;:;M ^Bip-foâ€"tnoae=aRe5ding"" t|ip-.^Pffi8E Presbyteriiin church bu| cordial invitation to any men In tie community who enjpy a pleasant evening once a month, a good dinner iJSew Trier-township wil attend the„ ^nd-excellent speakers, sessions _ v|?fg:| III Theiri0i^^ are to sell it ta them.* To New Trier High Faculty The increase in enrollmentat New Trier Townshhip High school for the^ new semester which opened this week, has called for an additional teacher in English and History. Miss Martha Lapham, - of ^Chicago, was chosen for that position. She holds an A. B. and an A. M. from Northwestern university, and last year was granted a Fellowship by the University of Pennsylvania where she recently completed post-graduate woBE: This week was "Dodge week*' lot Wilmette. Four hew Dodge carp were deilvere4-4n^~the__viUage^dM^rUlg the week-by Qr M.^feBontdtl, north shore dealer. Cars were delivered to, A. H* Andrews, 1329^ Efinwood avenue; iA< J. Crane, 342 Gregory avenue; N.IS. McLean, 524 Fourth street; B. M. Qol- yin, 1601 Highland, avenue.; Jill ^EAD_Y_FOR_BJ^L_DAN( - "Members of Newman Court, No. BIX, Catholic Daughters of America, have completed- arrangements jfor^a^ dance to be held at the Evanston Woman's club, Thursday evening, February Iff. UDE* inc» i~L*/\aairitLU brated <^HuskM {THare orchestra^ The Newman court7 Jurisdiction extends from Evanston to Lake sive. .i HEAD ZONING ORDINANCBS® The Proposed Wilmette Zoning or lage Board; ol Trustees for adoption, was! read; section by naection; at^DtiaF board me^lhlg Tu^elday^ second reading of the ordinance scheduled for Tuesday evening* Fetfe ^M ^wJBenv ft is important measure will expected, be -.'jis^g^fe- the Si Miss Emma Louise Blaul of Burling^ '"' ~csvmr la the guest of Mjc; unit.UtRfc?" Marshall Davies, 630 forest avenue, j i