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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1922, p. 4

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^^||:irHM;-LAKE': and Reviews BY SUE OSMOTHERLYJ.JBRARIAN Olive Beaupre Miller says: "Al- though there has already been a great awakening to the importance of what the child reafls outside the school room. I feel that such reading is still regarded by too many parents as merely an amusement, of no very great importance, with no object save to entertain the child. It is therefore held to be deserving of no more atten- tion or supervisioii than any other phase of his play. My earnest wish !%otifly~iff ""torffw^^whnle siThiertr^f reading from this superficial view fand place it before you in its true light, £s the very basis of your chiles thought, of his views of life, of the - -^~â€"" standards he Is moral and ^ethical IorarngTthe~spirit that is awakening and quickening within him, the char- acter that is unfolding." In order that these Ideals may-in a measure at least be realized the Public Library is pro- viding such books as contained in the foHowing annotated -list. -Parents would do well to be more familiar Zj&th-the Jbooks- the~-*hildren-are-read- ing and to demand the best obtainable, 2i| Barainiâ€"Little match man^The zitoryoof^little man made of matches who came to life and had many won- derful adventures. Translated from the Italian, suitable-for-the-readiog-of a third or fourth grader. Aspinwallâ€"Short stories, for short peopleâ€"Little stories containing much of the absurd.anjlJmBPjsible_which is such a constant delight to children. For third or fourth graders. Mulockâ€"Little lame princeâ€"A mod- em fairy tale beautiful in spirit, un- usual in setting and theme. Mulookâ€"-Adventure.of a brownieâ€" i About a household of children who Ljiavel a jnischieyous brownie ^forâ€"a; .playmate. Mulockâ€"John ^K^^Pr^StBORTON HOLMES TALKS ARE UNUSUALLY TIMELY r-^TSseneld Tidy herplehlists _._ ,.„«.,..„ 'Duke'""of Monmouth and thereafter shares in the stirring events of the rebettftin^of/ WSBr^-^^W^^^^ Parkman â€"Boy's Parkman â€" The most interesting parts of Parkman historical works. â-  â- â-  Steinâ€"Gabriel and the hour book- Story of a French peasant boy who helped Brother Stephen Illuminate a book given by Louis Ml to Lady Anne of Bretagne. ^AVAtiann â€" Davs andâ€"deeds_=^A splendid collection of verse for chil- dren for reading and speaking. The 'poems are collected for holiday use and are about our holidays and famous Americans. .. â- ^â- â- â- --r^» Wigginâ€"Golden numbersâ€"One of the best collections of poems ever published fdr^cbildren. . ; â-  THEPUBLIC FORUM Wilmette, Feb. 4,1922. Editor, Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Illinois. Dear Sir:____i__i~. "â- ",_ . t. - Is there not a law which makes it compulsory on the management to furnish theater exits with lightsâ€"in- dependent of the electric lighting sys- tem? ^TT was InTtt^ ViUage Theater last week one night when the lights went out and the theater was in total dark- nessTThere was a large crowd pres- ent, many children and elderly people. * If some child had become frightened and screamed out, a panic would have ensued===nerhaps_a^irightful-loss of life. Is this not- a matter involving tUe public welfare? Ought not the the- ater management be compelled to pro- vide lanterns or other lighting means over exits? Yours very tralv, Burton Holmes' selection of subjects for his coming season of Photo-Stories of ^Travel *gain attests his peculiar ability for Picking topics of Jtnusual timeliness. Hia first subject, <fMexico, needs no comment along this line; everyone wahtsvtojknow about Mexico airaToseeT^lhTouWT&e eyesToTsuch experienced cameras as Jthose of Bur- ton Holmes. "Japan" as the second subject is one of perennial beauty; in addition to this fact^Ja^an^r^ inence in matters concerning the pres- ent Pacific Ocean questions brings her and_Jiexj)eoj»le_Jnto-^e-4owfront^>f popular thought. The Philippines, which are also a topic of vital interest to the people of the United States, especially now that General Wood is, newiy-^appointedas "their Governor^ General, is to be Mr. Holmes' thirJL subject.â€"All three of tfiese^cannot but be of great interest to every citizen as Veil as to those who are merely interested in them from the tourists' point of view. "Going Abroad at sssss Home" is to be devoted *. «jfflHM£g» things -which are ™»£^. ^J^*1: ful within the g«ographicaUimItaUons of the TJ S. A. and Canada, while ^round\?WoVld" will be a.rapid picture journey around the globe by a very novel immensely intereBting and pictorially beautiful route. â-  . v ~ Mr. Holmes ;will give his usual double series at Orchestra Hall, on five Friday evenings and five Saturday afternoons beginning respectively Feb- ruary 17 and 18. â-  TIMELY SCOUT SLOGANS Do a Good Turn daily. Be prepared. Boys will be boysâ€"the kind of boys men let them be or help them to beâ€" ^Wch^nali^itMt»e-so-faT-a«-yoiirarer concerned? Or aren't you concerned? Give a thought to boyhoodâ€"but do not stop with a thought. __w _Sav it in servlceZâ€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"" ^Better boisJ^LJbettex_citj^_J^tter jjitiej^JbetterJlstiQn, Exceptional Bargains In Our "For Sale" Ad* persons own ajnd Telegraph over one-half are p DO YOU KN<WTI|AT^^ Two h^dr^0l^--^S^-'^t^1 descent lamps are m^e jn |hC;^|n Statea every yearl More than 175,000 American Telephone stock, of whom women-?------.....-------:â€"-.â€"------:â€"'^-â€"^~ The electric light and power indu* try of the nation will spend approxi- mately $740,000,000 in 1922 for addi- tional plants and equipment to meet 4he-^3onotantly i^ service?^ There are the United The annual consumption of gas in this country is approximately 320,000^ 000,000 cubic feet, which is double the amouMjisMJen_YeaJB^goJL^--^ The investment of the electric, gas telephone and electric street railway in Illinois aggregates $L350,00O,000. 13.600.000 telephones States?.;,:, â- ,:^;^r""' annual consumption "TTcglohial playTtejricting_*, session of the Continental Congress, will be given by "pupils of the Seventh grades or* the Wilmette schools Friday, Feb- ruary 17. Mrs. Vernon, teacher in the. Seventh grade, is directing the play. i „____„ ____Halifax gentleman .,,..., fdeal picture of home lifet in Engl pili during the 18th century. The hero J flit a man of high principles and gre*»* nn. If8lf-:bility of character^ liflt Gordyâ€"Storiea_oI_ American explor- lliil ersâ€"-Aims not to present complete ii® biographical sketches but vivid pic- i§!8t tiires of the^seork of many men dur- SlSlingtne early history of our country. Ilfffl^'Hallâ€"Handicraft for^iandy boys-- iHS A practical book for boys wlu> want §S§lf to make their work pay. Special at- ^S^'tention^s^given to articles .which- ^can With© mader of matefiali w hoy c*dinaTfiiy fSSShas on hand. Woodworking, brass tISittcVaft, a wireless outfit, stunts for a â- â- â€"â- â- - "aeroplanes mdi 925 Linden Avenue. SELLER JOF GOOD FOOD ^ 513 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. Grocery Telephone»?S10, 511, 512, & Meat Telephone 514 , â-  5 0? PAQH Owh .bdXarry -'.-.- - 5% DiwountT-C^ yO__Vj^O«jJ ___On order* of Jl.OO 1T "V-» ft fMyff!*1 CASH ^DISCOUNT and DeBrered . 2% Discount Profit Goods. True picture of boy life at Rugby un ider-4Ae^^amou«^r^A^old^-pur^ed^ ition is nicely illustrated by thejahead _^ . *...-.•â- *,. Wr^rs ~ ^^~^fo)uld have seemed a fairy tale, the ?^S--About Harrietâ€"By one of4& ^attainable vision of some di"eaffier. Y SCOUTS CELEBRATE More\ than two miUon boys have stibscrib\d to the Scout Oath and Law and taken part in the Scout program of character-building and citizenship- training acUyities during the past twelve yeaTsT The extent of htese in^ dividual efforts and advancement to- ward good citizenship, the Daily Good T^irns done by scouts, the com- munity Good Turns by troops, the body^ and mma^building hikes and camps that have suck a large place in the program, the statewide tc^rwtth the war, constitute a chapter in our historyâ€"and particutarlyâ€"iir the"^iis^ ofy of the boyhood of Amerca, that' SPECIAL PRICE DOWN SALE Feb. lMQsm lgjh ^GRANULATED SUGARâ€"Eastern, pure white, cane granulated sugar, $t:5a of more. Ca^T or cliarged. No cash discount. f 10 lbs ... -.............................-...................... • • • • • • • • - CI^EAMERY BUTTERâ€"Extra fancy quality. a ^,: ^ W"SZ Bulk, -per "lb. ^,'.'.......:. â- .'â- :...'-..-;-'. •: •â-  •â- â-  .-^^^^ i. FRESH EGGSâ€"Absolutely fresh, candled eggs. Dozen...........• • ••-----• •.......••••.• •••••;-----:.-----••••*• ".'"â-  1J ' AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"One of the largest bars of Laundry ffW'?r';;< Soap' on themarket, 66;."bai:s' in box.. .;.-.;.^J^;.^tTv.-..,.......v.^. >;:}\r *.• •..•,,v.v-,v-: No cash discount, 10 bars^i^g^V'."^ -... • • • • • • • • • • • â€" • • •................ With an order ofZis ::;;;::..-* 57C 44c $3.90 60c JBlXiRIDAjGRAEEFRUIT^Large stz< :. :3 â-  for -.^»:4ikâ- .â- ,«.« '»...â- â- * •".*• • • .•, •. • • tweleve years. The extent of these In celebrate .f^*^e^lU"aelue7eineiill' of these things„in_-_Uifr42flL-Ahniversary^ of the Boy Scouts of America. fe^rijywi^r^ff^ best known librarians of the country. •the object of the book is to make ci^ children feel the interest and^signlf^ enhee o%he life tnat is passjng wound them, and to make country^ children^ understand better how the days of the K 0Jr a 8E88lOM ^22^^ ^-Tho Gulhnette coun<*rl&!^ M^^nd-^^wa^b^fuV 4#nfamiJamMjUate^ :^^^^^^^^^mr^^&m^Tuesday eveSSg. Febraarr^-at ^^SJ^^^^^^^^ ***** **Â¥* hall.-^portan^bufiinesa ^^^^an^^w^°^^^^^ is to be transacted, according to tho ^^efleid-Jim Davis-A story ot councU leaders, th^^evonshire-constand^^uj^era yt a hundred yiwM'\ia^.vi^^:W8|W-. *jai atmosphere is correct. Jfey^ PIERRETTE BONELESS SARDINESâ€"In Olive oil W&& Large"â-  can. Vz s.: v:C^'.: •;.\•:•:•.;;• +t':'\?. 'W> J^OOiaNG ^PPLES^S^^ 10 lbs, ."â- :.'iJ:tTrrv-i ........••.• • • • • • idc -ei s*m3 o^t-»iS« *^p« iS *»8a4MB eraofeuii qti) oqi ii^ era - wiii-uasci ©ma asi** -!-=•â- - X^WFECTTIONERS-^ siit m We are E^in^a- rugs in tftis one especi^tty orientiLls^are 6iir s^ecialtT- them itnd-xetum^them to |rou brighter an^c|^tQgr th^^eFhefore] S;^|j|fe| Aram K. Mest Han Strawberry and Raspberry at Sacrifice price to dofse out 15 'moz* jar^Doz. $2.75, jar.... ,23c 1JEINA PURE OUVE OIM This is a delicious, pure, sweet olive Oil, quart.. .a. ^.. ..|M0. CHASE & SANBURITS SEAL BRAND Coffee; 2. lb.;-.caii...^;V..>.;...;....^.||c. IpRoast 5>antosf a_^weet mild cof- ^^ee^aTa veriTspeclai price, lb, 24c OOLONG TEAt- 3a No. 26-27;- lb.>v..........4?c ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEAâ€" M-3, lb .....................45c RICHELIEU ROLLED 4)ATSâ€" %here areno finer nutde^ JLarge 7~oz. pl^gii^^-^i^^ JMEAT DEPARTMENT RICHELIEU ClANBERRlT * ........ SAUCE^^â€"^;-: â- : -â€"-v-^^ lilHome^made pork sausaj^rni^^ iffty 7......................... .32c l^amb Patties, lb,.T..^.v....3Cfc^ S^reast of Lamb, lb.7v.>... ,8c fixative Pot Roast of Beef lb 24c lltHamourger^jSteaj^^lb Old-fashioned, pnre^ S lb~^30c^ RICHELIEU ENTIRE WHEAT flourâ€" :,.. m.. „â-  5 lb bag ........ -p...... .35c GRAHAM FLOUR-lla^ai ^ c ♦fhC' â-  -;:"Z5C RICHLEiEUPASTRYFLOURâ€" S lbs ......................25c fcELLOW CORJf MEAI>-1|£ â€"â- â€"5â€"lbs--â€".^^^_^tji...... ....••••.Tl5c DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHATE s 8 BAKING POWDER .... _.12-©^.can-^^ criscoâ€" illigiiiiiail â- â-  _ â-  "", lU • • '•""•'::*,"V-Tr-iir.V: ♦â- â- .Hh.'*""* W-'..'*:-*-"*""*'."« '*±*:#:.M-«i.lwV LARDâ€" ^Pure^Jb-----,„.,,....... RICHELIEU SWEET PICKLES Tiny sweet gherkins. They are as fine as can.be produced. 10 oz ilbottle ........:....... ... .40c RlCHLIEU CRYSTALIZEDiiffi .GiN'Gfi^;ir#^Ji:^^a:r"" ^4 Xi}--£axi^?~P*?Vi'j=i±T^^ .48c CANTON PRESERVED; ; ^ GINGER^vt^ltgli^g^g^ Small pot .. ..-„............ .55c RICHLIEU STRAINEDfssifiiipii HONEYâ€" â- .. ^^ggf^ SUNBEAM MINCE-MEA'iys _ __Jfcry ^ne^o^ali^3^ Jtki|ar74yc In shells, fresh roasted It>.,. J6c •:P^AJ{UT^^!igSiffSSiSi IS Jumbo salted, lb.^inW..*♦*•..27« .. wasfie<t^fefl> '^k :^sm Trr.8!K£!lc No. 2 i S|out of the market. l!t> '8ozw net,â- â- '...... PERN ^^Contains only the meat Jlgrape fruit; scooped out flltions, and sugar. $3.75| can . i w v can. 38c of the^ in sec- No. 2 can. Doz. '^^.:.;.®.'..32c- RtTMTRAY At>RTpQTSâ€" FILBERTSâ€" Naples, lb .... â- -.---.,..,... ENGI^IT^WAXNUTS^ ... ft) ... .. .,.,...»>•'. ..*..-..:...............ii5-^:i4j?C_ SHELLED NUTSâ€" S tt> __r.ff:':'t:?:f:t^;T.^t:mc SNOWBALL POPCORNâ€" Package ..-. Smyrmt Large B crown, lb/.3zc DROMEDARY DATES^-^^^ Package ........... •.'.. iti^-522c BLACK FORD DATESâ€" lb .........____............32c SUN-MAID SEEDEB^s^s^w RAISINSâ€" jm^^i 15 oz. package ...-.........23c WALTER BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE-^lffiji^M=il3i. â- : m â- â- - lb ;-.-.-â€"tVV77tT'H'vv;^;-r:;r:.:^7^|c; WALTER BAKER'S COCOAâ€" %lb can ......;... .........21c BETSY^OSS^ ASSORTED ^Wf CHOCOLATES- First quality cltocolateg. y ox, ,...60c 1 lb net _______ -tSc-lHeHOCOLATE'DIP ' CARAMELS^IP^isse^r^^s^:-. MINT 'PATTIES^I*? ' *T'" lb -......... ^. ./.â- ,........... .30c MARSHMELLOWS^lii^i^ :.ib ....„...-........::r:r::7:m MONSOON GRAJPjBJEIJLY--^ Pri«ro^o2r7ar~T777777.....20c SWEET ORANGE MARMA- LADE-- â- ' :^mM: .l^^i Gordon and Dillwoftif"'W*'oz.'"'^"' Jar........................_..30c HELMET^APRICOTSâ€" ? ^P^gMM^^a^ Heavy-syrap~NoT S£- canw5ggmfte4 OTatititafe-^hiaE- wtltT^l omya short time be cause anyone can see that the] a^fe^remely cheap, Doz $IJ0 can tv7Tw7i";«6" m Fancy, heavy syrup; large No. ':^m% can; doz. $2.75, can ....24c lQOLD^N=®KKt^=PEAXHES-- IllYellow. Free. Delicious Peaches^ tliFirst quality^ Heayv syriipigNo^ "^%~wmTaoz. $3.85; can 7^T.35c RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN Ipii PINEAPPLEâ€" - :„ ;ilS?S„ lis is absolutely 4hVfineat-<|na*^f ...;ity^..packed|piiPe*rfect â- 'â- ' ;$lices.^ wtfl^ayy syrup. No. 2 can, Doz. $3.35; can ................. .28c AINSLEY'S^FRUIT SALADâ€" 'The original canned, assorted IlirmtsjEo^salad; large Jfo. 3 can "^"50c; large &o.'lTcan:^;fii^33c RICHELIEU COLOSSAL ^i| GREEN ASPARAGUS TIPSâ€" Finest quality, No. 1 square can. Dozs $480; can v..♦,....A..4^«i virgin cornâ€" lllliliBili afl^ancy, sweet Illinois. Doz. $1.50; -£iSfc-C&nS . .i:n-rr»Tit,i:i,j..;Mm ....Z.S.C." RICHELIEU GOLDEN BAN,?, TAM CORNâ€" -.......- -~:~-M â-  Supreme quality in canned corn. _ Doz> ^.75y^an^.^^^8ui^Jj^23c DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED * SWEET PEASâ€" i® Exceptionally fine and very rea- sonable; doz. $2.60; can ... .22c RICIJfEMEIt SIETED^WEETz WRINKLED PEASâ€" These afe just like fresh peas.^ â€"-Do«r"$3;25; can ;7;7:rr^^:.28c WHITE PONY TOMATOES-^- Extra Standard.' No. 2 can. Doz. $1.50; 2 cans ......;.... ...,»25c MONSOON TOMATOES^!! JFancy quality^SLarge No. 3 can. Doz. $2.00; caih ............. 17c RICHELIEU^REBf ^Bl^NS^?;:tffl;t^^;^. , No. 2 can. Doz. $1.50; 2 cans, 25c RICHELIEU SAUERKRAUTâ€" '3 Extra' quality. Large No. 3 can. T5bz; $£50; tatiii .- pf-; ^^K^^^^pffSP^^^^Ki -pj^.i-M -Mii.

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