EfSEf"*"'"" """" THE LAKE SHORE NEWS; FRIDAY; EEBKUARÂ¥ 1*, 1M& mUSL SHORLNEWS Established 1912 with which is combined THB WII^MBTTB -OCAli NEWS _____~â€" Established 1*98 ^ ISSUBP FRIDAY OP BACH WEEK ^a..:;;-»-'"~. • *^ â- fey , â€"*AK» «H«»B! PIWUSHING COMPANY :|g-/|;. ^ 1222 Central Aye.. „Wllmette, 111- . Wllmette 1020 Telephone OTTWSCRlPfrION........»-ga-OO A YEAR - All communications tniist• - -he-*- fto- coâ€"n>anied by the name and address or i*a writer. Articles for publication ^WlFmftV the editor by Y^ZfJZ noon to insure appearance in uurrent issue. ' ..:_________ i Resolutions ot condolence, £f***~°* thanks, obituary poetry, notices of. ;&t%n£wS% otter affairs where an admittance charge will be niaae or sS^conSctkm taken, will be charged for aX regular advertising rates. , Entered at the postofflce^t Wllmette, Unilnols, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3. 187» TOOTHER AND DAUGHTER IN THE^SETOHEN -Mi-Sv Herbert Hoover, headol the Girl Scout organization, urges ^the home training of the girls of ,^|he nation; in domestic ^affairs[Jyy itfieir mothers in their own home Jkitchen^iand sewing room*. _1. It ild-be^. harking back to the |iays when the housewife^was cpttd of her ability to bake and ^ibrek, when there was little or no IhelrXf in the kitchen, when every ^vhen ^he should preside over the jgjrl looV^d forward to the tini activities of her own culinary de- artmentr-andr-Mother was* the est 4ieacher-toLwhonL she_jcould maintaining their conviction, ar- rived at, presumably?-by consid- eration ^f the evidenee-g^ven-at the trial. ^Aiove of seeing one's .name,in print is -a-too- general fail- mg to make it a,dvisableto ex- tend to women, or to men, either, the easy opportunity which "hang- ing** a^ jury aflfqrdsT In sensation- al trials marked by lurid testi- mony such as has been charac- teristic of the two which have recently filled the attention of the public in California, it is partial larly undesirable" that comment should be made upon the person- nel _o£the jnryv discjussiojrotAhe number of men and women, spec- ulation as to the probability of the women holding out for acquit- tal without reference to the xhar- actef of the evidence given. Too _____________________ many people are unable to resist iEBRUARirt7rl922 ^he^emptation Td~secure a^imnt- ~~ â€" page notice, too many ready to Times lave x^iShged since Inother was a girl ^and the madd- ltts-of today lcarirth^ii^ieus^hold science from trained teachers in Ihe schools, learn of food values irid food properties, how^tCHpe& lorm all the processes that enter PftioJthe keeping of the house and S Ihe making of garments, without, 14lways, however, taking in any 1|>£ the significance of the work I that she is taught to do, nor their I relation to the making of the „___^m^^^^^^^ llother to do things in the' way ^thar she had learned from her Mother, and she from hers, had its advantages and its* disadvan- tages, MThere w^litlle_oi-seience and much of skill and experience triiuch- teac^mgrlJut^thefe ***** was teWhed at the same time the satis- fection tr^at comes from making the home serve the real needs of -fatmlyr-a- -lesson-that-is--not- nr&rned in the tnosr up to date laboratory in the land nor taught |y the most erudite teacher of Ihe sjcience of iood and so-called ^t>mestic aft. ^We^cannot disr science, but we r^ould he a fortunate people, in- «} <|eed, w/sre there^ to be^jreawaken- jp§#go:bi^e:6^'t«8t% of the home ipiSraining of girls in the_ doing of |^i^ertasks jnaT enter.Into Ihe mak^ ^|jigL.j3iithe home... ^'/ :^:\.^^^n i£^Â¥:niisiake for publicity to je given women who serve upon juries arid prevent agreement up- #i a verdict by^ insistence upon put the state to_the_ expense of a re-trial, too many delight over reading the columns of evidence recorded in the press to warrant any unnecessary obstacle to the prompt reaching of a ver- dict.It is quite possible, of course, that there may be con- viction behind the woman? who persists in her position as to the question of guilt or innocence. But silence upon the matter of who is„r^s^irL__le=fo^the long deliberationâ€"of the jury would leave only firm conviction of the pinion-^ai reason for holding to it. irrir........ srrrrrrrr ^-GET-^Lfe-frHg^ FACESt Mye million jjujs^ be used by the American Iiegipn jtruits service and: compensation.__drive_^__tQ_ TnidBrfaKe_~by states.. Eaefe Tfian 1m ____ who served during the world war will be advised of government benefits, urged to carry government insurance, and asked to designate the nature of adjusted compensation he wishes* PROBE "NERVOUS" PATIENTS "I^ervous"â€"ex-soldiers present a special prdblem in hospitalization. Neuro-psychiatric tfeatment at Gov- ernment institutions is under investi- gation by the American Legion, and a iferen.ee ;f>f.'rMjfiPft.t_yltfitgj^.f|__jh>8^^ TH ere is a combination here ot fireproof storage space--ari^^ ^?o:omprehensjvej^ parts and tires-glass carried in stock and fitted to broken windshields and closed car windows-^ battery siervice-and ^? Jully equipped paint shop. Come in. -*- WM. T. VV%Hl^p Winnetka â€"z 562HLincoln AvW Phone Winnetka 165 QRIENTAL GAS LOG POWDER Changes the flames In the. fireplace to an Iridescence of red, blue, green and purple. Beautifies. the home. Just sprinkle on the log? Comes In 3 sixes: 10c, 25c and 50cJ_Address Box 10, Cicero, llh, X>«TENTA_^QAS LOG POWDER CO. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. "O.^^B;i"FACTOKy~^" C.H.BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenu* The Smartest and Women In Chicago have their Sport and Week End Shifts ^2 MADE AT ^ THE WILSON ^SKIRf SHOP J^Mi1ae%ltli\ your^in material" Suite 4418 Stevens Building ~ Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAQO 16 N. Wabash Trairet R|pilaf ly oii the are coming to bii appreciation of the convenient and ^yhoHy^3£^Hen^tHm8por^ by theNorth Shore Line. The advantages of electric locomotion are manifest to everyone who(has enjoyed ^Tnu^overTrutlouTeTIlt^re^ of ^eed^^^ cdJaoldit teoiis a in> service and laceommod^ too, -^rr '..... tf the assurance*© f Why Not Take Advantage ^J^;iC(Bn)0f^ie^..ilci^eJ is