THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1922 .i.l,..- .,,.â- .,..-â- â- ..,.„....,, ,.,....,,. Av.i5â„¢ Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Uta^atati^lAtt^^ ~ talned" informally^aTtear^undar Ja^ Mrs. Charles Whitney, formerly Miss Beatrice Lackher, is spending tne winter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lacfcner in Pasadena, Cal. â€"-.-.-. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, who have been east for the past monthrex»- pect-^-^tnm^to-^eenthRroTtfr soon. Mr. Foresman has been ill for the past fortnight, but is improving. Mrs. Morrow Krum, formerly Miss Carol Sanborn, who has been confin- ed at the Henrotin hospital for the past three weeks, is reported to pe ^convalescing.. The Book Review club, conducted by Mrs. Robert McClintock, met at the home of Mrs. James Prentiss, Wednesday afternoon.____ The Current Events "Class met Wed- nesday morning at. the Kenilworth rtjlub, the subject under discussion be- ing "South American Problems . The Young People's BTidge club "met with Mr. and Mrs. Ward SUtrett in Evanston. Mrs. Arthur Durham, who has been Inline" FreS^terll^fiogB^^ ting along nicely. *"" Mrs. Bently McCloud entertained at tea Tuesday last in honor- of Mrs. Charles Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart have issued invitations for a tea Sunday ^ext in honor of Mr. Leopold SeyfCert. The Ybuhg People's Bridge club was entertained at luncheon Tuesday last by Mrs. Jlufus Sloip^â€"-^ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Hypes are spending a few weeks in Evanston with Mr. Hype's parents. Mr. W. Irving Woodward left Satur- day last (for Richmond, Va. to be gone ten days. .Mrs. Frank Avery Gerould, for- merly Mary Taylor, spent last week- end at Atlantic City, N. J. S Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Groman enter- tained their bridge club at dinner Sat- i urday last â- %?;%?' *" M;: ISiMlss Louisa Sanborn of the^irglnia \ hotel entertained at bridge Monday jJntl.-;^"-^'.- â- â- '#v....;.v.M .;" "â- *â- ' :-!< ' at luncheon FriaayTalrtr lv Mr.:' and IVfrs. Carl Keith are now at the Isle of Pines. It Mrs. Backus* entertained at lunch- eon and bridge Thursday last. ilJEWS CONFERENCES-SUPPER ! Men of the Wilmette Methodist church will hold a conference and sup- per in 4l*ejcl|udcn parlors Wednesday! evenln&J^MS^tJ^^y^ft^S^cfc ?Foltew^TnTsiipper there will be a "regular old-fashioned up - to - date iprayer meeting," according to the an- >nncement of the event. % me of our &Mi0 Customers hat a ^"t'-- â- %$ Credit account with plus which enables 7:11,; ^ purchases to be made or ^i Electrical lances On Easy Outstanding in this extensive family isjthe .^\. WF® Washing Machine â€"«n addition to household -equipment of great economic importance" a machine that takes over the hardest work In the home and does it thor- :^Bent»-a-wiii«l6r^cu*tientz....... ' W?tm^"You can. buy the-. For Two Days Onlyâ€"Feb; 21st and 22nd. Tuesday^ Wednesday, February 21st and 22nd, will be two real value giving days at this store. The merchandise on sale-has been selected from the best manufacturers in the count^-to^ low because of the buying power ofVour twenty-three stores. It ^W^^^^^^^t offerings on sale, these two day^onlyr--^---" w^^^~^^ Two Big Specialsâ€" These two values are unusual. Aprons- Come and farge;~rnade from both percale and gingham, special...... Corsetsâ€" Warner's guaranteed rust proof cor- sets, a well-made, boned corset in an ideal summer weight; â€" ~$ special.......................... t ». Ginghamâ€"â€" â€"._ â€"â€"â€"........ Good quality dress ginghams, a large variety of colors, mostly check pat- terns, Dollar Day Sale price, e < ft ........ ,4 ~ (s^w-----â- -------------- â- 'â- ptyarirlor _J!ereale*~ SG^^width percales^*! both light arid -4ar4^pattern*4n a big variety of colors, Dollar Sale price, $J 6 vafd for...................... 1 â- !-• - â- â- t - '......... J â- â- -â- ..........- Tissue Ginghamâ€"_______!___. -A timely offering of new spring col- ors in tissue gingham. Th$se ging- hams sell ordinarily for 65c per yard, ^hese two days, $| 2 yards for...........yvrrrrvrr. . 1 Ladies' muslin gowns, an assortment of regular sizes, values up to $1.35, choice these two ^ztzi days for....................:. Bloomersâ€" â€"â€"_____ Ladies' full length sateen bloomers in many dark or bright colors; $ f an excellent value at .........7. g Marquisetteâ€" A good quality marquisette, 36" widthT^itherivory or white, a money saving item at the price of * $| 5 yards for..................... X_ Cretonneâ€"--------r- â- _ Notion Sectionâ€" Special lot of toilet_soa] _fifteen_bar_s______ fOr .................JJLtULlij. ers, n ^JLMi23 si'7!ft floxM^mop-wia^ai-gOe-bot- tle of oil,________________________$"| both for 7.......................... JL High grade stationery that usually sells for $1.50 a box; . $ | these two days, choice.,. r.. ^......, _ JL _Ajiojyiex-Jjig-J?alue_instationery^-spe- cially priced, 1 %2 for ... 77..'"... 7.7 77.7.777777777, * Justrite cap shaped hair nets, extra ^strong,f 4oubleâ€"strandj------------------$ | per dozen ..................'....... Jl Hoseâ€" 1* An excellent quality; ladies' black silk hose, smooth and even knit, $1.50 quality for these two days <fcf only, per pair> all sizes. ±.;,.Y.... f Muslinwearâ€"â- >â- Beautiful cretonnes in a good range of spring patterns, 3§" wide. This cloth can be used for many purposes. Special, 5 $| yards for ..,-----.-----.......... X Union Suitsâ€"- Ladies' summer weight union suits, both tight and loose knee, either bodice or regular styles, all bers in muslin wear, all in dltion, worth up toJ$2L00,__ Your choice ..__.7...... con- A good quality unbleached muslin, nice smoothweave, sells regularly for aie; special, 6 $| yards for ...;.................. Jl Vests-â€" Ladies* shoulder strap vestsTiather bodice or tape top, all sizes, fc| white only, 5 for *____..... 7..... 1 â€" rA heavy weight large size bath towel, size 23"x48", regular 75c value; Dollar Day Sale ^^price. 2jfor~i^\,................._± Hope Muslinâ€"- ____v____ Well known Hope bleached muslin, 36" wide, soft finish, 21c value. $ | JZMsjJjmjda^fty^ Children's H An excellent weight children's hose either black or white, all sizes up to size nine, special these two^„^ * i,H pairs for ... 7.7...----- $J Huck Towelsâ€" A fine quality smooth finish huck towel. _Thes€_s^ leach, these two days. Silk'CUove»^;:-P^:^:;^:::^ .-â- • / is A large assortment Kayser silk o Jo, snap or strap wristj-allcol^ ors, and all sizes, Dollar Sale price, per- pair............... $1 Rubber Apronsâ€" ^^ fclFull - size rubberized household aprons in a variety of pretty percale patterns, a necessity around the home, : Dollar'Sale price, $ t 2 for ..7..,.................... I Millinery Specialsâ€" _ Don't judge these hatsl by their price. Come and see ___________ . their value. Lot 1â€" This lot includes an attractive line^of winter-hatsy-^â€"~~â€"â€"'^' " H *rt specially priced at^._.. *.> . ^£.7v .^... A Lot 2â€" A special lot of'children's _hats, real values at the pricg ;oL,^ ....«_tt«jiJ.fe.-Mt ^» Our entire stock of school tarns in- cluded in this lot ' - /1SU;-: to be sold at................vili Men's SkirtS- JVlen's percale shirts in a large as- sortment xrf patterns; all^sizes are rep-^ resented in this lot, made without col* larsf $1.50 two days for II .BpjafJHbiiiiife^ A special lot of boy's blouses in- eluding isui^well-^ as "Tom Sawyer," ifAvondale/t etc.^ nearly all sizes in this 1^^"". $< lotj^Special 7..^ ^..',,.............i'7*......7,. ;l s. -A new lot of boys' ties bought es- pecially for this sale includes both knits and silks which sellâ€"regttlarfjr at 75c, Sale price, li7 ^^^__^ $| A ror .....»••............. •....i jl LJiiditiorilto ihe above, lilariy other, items will be on sale throughout the store. Come in Tuesday iandTV^daesday prepared^rtake advantage ^^^o^ the large and varied stock of new spring merehaiidise now on display. It will pay you well. '§^§:mz^:~mmz