puurr is f Immense Facilities for Produc- tion in Dpdge Buildings trimmed in the striped material. The four doors, which permit easjr en- trance and exit from any part of the sedan, are upholstered with plain -mo- hair velvet in a soft fawn-gray* €om*^ bined with the heavily nickeled han- dles by which the windows are easily raised or lowered, this|£dds a richness of toneâ€"which- can hardly Decade* quately described. **" A definite expectation of an un- usually heavy demand for the sedan coupe throughout the year is in- dicated by Dodge Brothers' recent completion of an immense new. closed body plant.. The production capacity is said to have been practical- ly doubled and dealers are being as- sured that the factory will do its ut- most to keep apace with the usual rush of spring and summer orders. \ - Despite the most strenuous efforts, such as a greatly enlarged working force and long night shifts, it was im- possible to catch up with the demand for several months after the improved type of sedan and coupe made their appearance last fall. From this en* thusiastic reception of the improved cars it was evident that much greater facilities would be required, with the naturaL_result. that^the.: new closed body plant was hurried to completion in ample time to meet the combined emergency brought about by spring and a sharp price reduction. With the straight sweeping body lines, disc wheels and custom windows in the improved sedan,. Bodge Broth- ^rs^ejBxnJio have considered the mo- torist's every desire in design am comfort features. Cleanly chiseled body lines, which flow squarely back- ward from the cowl, istrike the ob- server with their simple beauty. The windows are square cut in design and further enhance the straight, graceful silhouette of the body. Considerably lower, the whole ensemble in its out- ward appearance immediately impres- ses one with its- dignity ^and-harmony Of design. -:â- -.--â€"__= -- The disc wheels are done in black enamel with cream stripe and hide from view the springs*and other un- derneath parts. The disc wheels may be removed with facility and are easily cleaned. The brilliant lustre of the sedan's exterior finish is familiar to all owners of Dodge Brothers motor Icarus. In the interior appointments, the sedan leavefflittle to be desired. Deli- cately striped mohair velvet is used in upholstering the wide, commodious rear seat. In front is a deep, wide, solid seat with rounded sid£ St. Joseph Dramatists Will Offer "Old Fashioned Mother" Members of the St;' Joseph's Dra- fashioned^ Mother/' a comedy drama, at St. Joseph's, Sunday, February 2fi. ^?The^ pray,^l5Sinder^irection of the Rev. Nicholas J. Kiemer, will include T;he-windows in the doorfr^nd--body4^he~ft>Hc^wing-ea»^-TT-^-â€"-â€"â€"~t- are varnished with natural black wal- nut and" ar^^tj^U^^jfl&j^sU^Bu HISTORY, GEOLOGY OF S. AMERICA-STUDIED Half a jtfozen of the principal coun- tries of TSotith America will be vis- ited by Prof. I. J.-Cox, of "the history department of Northwestern Univer- sity, and Prof: W. H. Haas, geology department, the coming summer, ac- cording to plans how being made, and much of the work of exploration will be done on: mule-back. Approximately 13,000 miles will be covered by the two investigators. Prof. Cox speaks fluently and Prof. Haas can "get by" ^with his-store of-4angnage^The two^ professors wil start their trip the first of May. _: • - . - . *, Their route will take them to 'New York eity, from which- Deborah Underhili; Marion Schaef- j^en;^-WIdd«r=Bill-PihdIe, irChristine: Bauer; Miss Lowizy Loving Custard, Anna Weis; Mable Simpscott, Amelia .Bleser; Gloriana Perkins, Margaret Schinler; Sukey Pindle, Catherine Evans; Johnâ€"UiderWUr-Peter^hal- mann; Charley Underhili, Lawrence Scbildgen,; Brother Jonah Quaoken- bush, Phillip Sesterhenn; Jeremiah Gosling (Jerry >, Frank Schaefer; Enoch Rone, Phillip Hillinger Jr.; Quintus Todd, Michael Bauer. ^f*: THE CAUSE OF PEACE Convalescing at Kennilworth, N; C. from wounds received in the Argonne, one American Legion man sent $1 to the Woodrow Wilson fund; 'and promised! four more payments. Many Legionnaires are listed among the donors-to the^fdTmdatiofir^- V •. depart for Callao, Peru, going via-' the Panama canal. This first stage-ofr the journey will consume about twelve days. They wilL spend about five weeks in Peru ancK Bolivia, and the remaining weeks of July will be spent in Chile. In each instance,, the capitals of the countries will be made their ^eattq^taTtersi;------Awgust^^they plan to spend in Argentina. -From ther they will visit Paraguay and probably Asuncion. In this region are located the Aguassu falls, comparable to Niagra Falls of our country. After their stay in Paraguay the route taken will be to float down the Paraguay river with Buenos Aires as their destination. After a short stay tMre, ^Professors- Cox~aiid Haas-JKilLexplore Brazil during the remaining weeks in August and the first part of Septem- ber. Brazil celebrates the centenary of its independence this year. A splendid congress of historical and scientific men and a big exposition which opens in September, will be events to attract the travelers. The American Historical Association has appointed Professor Cox as Its repre* sentative to the congress. Professor Haas is interested in the geographical] and geological conditions in South America and Professor Cox intends to do research work in his- TS^JEQgSiJSMXUiii^rexss^Lto collei Modern American Fiction fir Subject of Lecture. Series ^Modern- American Faction is the ma11c^3ib^aW"tfr p^iint ^'An^0iag ^general theme of a series of three. lectures to be given at the Winnetka Woman's «lub beginning March 16, by Prof. James Webster"LyBHT neaa the department of Engllab at jfflfi.ITnj: versity â- of Chicago., :; -M'S^mMflftlt - - The first lecture, Marchi Id, ^lll be in tHe subject material to- be embodied make a collection of books, magazines, etc^ They will in a They text _will current also have along the necessary ^paraphernalia for taking views. -The experience and observations gathered on this trip will also be used in the class room. > Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician ^_^ Phone Wil. 2o52 1150 Wilmette Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 Instructorâ€"Piano* Voice and f ~T~~~~:": ~~~ rr^H^rmony ~:r:~:~--~:~ ~"rx5 Miss Adelaide C Jones ^ Graduate of the American Con«~r servatory of Music, Chicago r Tel. WiL 2558 1530 Central Ave. REAL HELPFUL SERVICE On Alt Your Paint Problems All Size Cans, Tubes, Special Colors . Tou Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere RASMESEN'S S&SJ WINN. 344 luting. Decorating. Floor Work. _S| March 22 professW Lynn *rttl discuss "The Novel of the Economic StruggJ©/* and" the^ final lectar4&Mu$&- 2f;: 1WHT?r concern the .su1^ect;^Th#;N»T^"ot/tfte^;' Stiiritifal Coiiflictilsi"^""^"............â€" ..... """â- '*" -%i?M; WOMENj*AVOR BONUS off" Kfcnsas women pul e*ei a state have organized to bonus. Mrs. i$a Walker, woman legislator, has told the American Legion she wants nurses in- :W3iafc la^Bad~Fietlon?»|^ racicB0liiai3iilLY Si! use a n because- «Sf AWDARLV| ElICTRgpOVlS :"Fill 'ill':the:;spect:r^ â- â- ^machine^^^er^^^e^some^^of-^tit0^tg^^m features of the "StajrMai^'^llillil- ^^^^Ss trie""^""^ ITfiey are SAFE because of the doing awa| ^yithmatches-and the mena^of an e^^ fire; then there is ho |>osj5rhi^^ nor can there tre arrexptosionv IvM-il They are ECONOMICAL I because, equipped as they are with insulated, hea^retaini ing aluminum oven and wells the_food continuej ^ to ^)ok for a long period after the high heat isl^ -ilwf t>ff^-the.-Eiec^ vantages of a ifirelej •objectionable features; there never is aw sive odor or taste, due^-to^ the-^ct that ui_ _ ^Standardl WelSp^ cooking heat as is the case in flreless cookers| At this low temperat|re food will cook^ll^ug^i|| for less^ than 2 centsJ^!We call attention to otiir1 ^0T* moder whl^ circuit/^-^-::'^-;-"-^1^^" 'r0$^& Randolph 3900 B:i 209.... N|^ichigai^lv4|i Chicago, has these stoves always on display for your 'inspection.- Jd^P^^^S -it-*- 614-616 DAVIS STREET j 6 Phones ?S?S 2751 190- NO TOLL Reverse Charges If Wilmette Wire Is Busy ' Our Make-RiuB^^ There Are No Sales Lik& Ours SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1, SND ENDSJSJfflJRDAY^iMARCH^Sg #§ $$â- &§ ^aOJkllNE.JCnojcVJhe^ sparkling dessert, OO^ per pkg........ . SAMBO, the delicious Pancake Hour, regular +5er sale price ........ t2c olive oil, large tinlir3~forTT7T... iO^HBuraa^& ASPARAGUS, Ex largeXans, Sweetheart ^t QQ Brand, cuts and tips, green, 3 for,-, .v.,,^^*' Elgin Creamery, SI jit 'A per' id* • •" • • •»• • • • BIG Sale Wednesday and Saturday Only C 10 jjoiinds, sold only with $2.00 jor der, not including butter, flour, 30^ eggs or soap...................."' ***** tl«.â€" Cercibta, now WolWTI^OTPiWltive*HgT flg TlOUr 1y ,a8t time at this price, »/8-bl.... ^l.U5F f .._ Washes the most delicate fabrics, 3 oOfc *-"* pkgs. for m^g3' ,Sfrf>P AmeHcan_ Family, 10 liars S?c; per ^g^gg Fe|» MfiLBtfea^ 5 bars Kitchen lQeittei&r«^ €5c M;1L- Carnation or Pet, ||c 1V11IK tall cans, each.............. ..... **~ Com Flake. &"?'"':* r.. 2Z:*'. ^ 29c WheateM ^S^!?^^^ C^^i SAS^l^'^LS^-ss 19c; Crackers?- B^-^-^^a-h,,l?^««=5=»r-':2Se-' 1*^.^^- - Genuine Sarita Clara,.....^r/.^J$&$£ AQg. Vw' #i:l Genu lne~TlaTllh^ Special, this Olive AJU sale only, per qt. .......... o â- '" Lee & PerrlnH* Good for all meatsy DaUCe Per bottfe CREAM OF Dr. Price's, ^O^JWHEAT ... , Baking Powderâ€" : Dr. Price' large can 24c Beets FOUR BIG SPECIALS FOR ALL THIS M Cake Flourâ€" Swansdown .or Roxane, per pkg. ^ ?a-^y Da* R«d wiscctesin SWIFT'S DIXIE BACON, Sliced of inr^Si^ntJ1 . 07^ "*> PCJ can 22c? 411 9C per lb..........:..., .|. .. .,. ^ ..,,......"^ A^C Soup-â€" SWIFTS PREMIUM HAM SHANKS, per lb* .•_• ••••••••> • ~*::*>- â- â- •â- »â- ;*•••*>•.-:# â- â- •>.â- •; • â- fe.jfc Monarch, none better, 3 lbs... .. ^9c Campbell's Tomato, 3 cans for.w..,.,, a OQ^ SWIFT'S PURE BUUC---lARft-B#,-..,,^,,#4^ ZSf C â- - 20c per lb. or 5. .lbs.---£o^oi0y^^^lMiilft^ WERNESIMY ^^" ur w- ni,ir ««• Be«* Stew, solid meat, •%gfe?Pur« Pork Sausage Fancy Wisconsin pack, per . A^1* i m.«* «-- iw "* Large halves, lemon cling, per can 19c; ? AA^ no waste' pCr lb" *" *'***â- Meat» per lh' **'" ^ - -â€"-â€"- -^-i^â- lauiâ- Fresh Lamb Patties _________ onl Peach Larg< can 39c; Native Rump Pot Roast f> A ^ ib.;: oUC per can 39c; Dozen .^-.vj #4e4t) Honevâ€" Apricotsâ€"• ^*^ Honey- Pure White Clover, per comb Brisket or Rib Soup Meat, per lb. ....... fefc Fresh Spare Ribs*. Smoked Boneless, Cot- tage Hams* per lb..... In^ heavy svjrup^Jarge cans, per can 29cjt *tl)oz Fresh Green-Shrimps, |j*,^jbj^^ Gordon Boneless Cod- fish, t lb. boxes ^Ll-jeM Direct from Crisfield, Md. Large Frying Oysters, N. Y. Counts, special, qt... Pure Raspberry and Straw- Gumâ€" SATURDAY Legs of Lamb,