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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1922, p. 16

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16 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 19%S- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTED â€" DRY BASEMKN'l ROOM, unfurnished; Protestant family, near transportation. Phone R. L. Wilmette 1920;______________________________~^£ BUSINESS. MAJjfDMSIRES ROOM IN Wilmette near transportation. Address Lake Shore **»«"« A-47. L17-itc GUARANTEED-â€" OVERHAULING AND HELP WANTEDâ€"MAJLE_ REAL ESTATE NEW 5 ROOM ELASTJCA STUCCO bungalow, white enamel and mahogany â€" interior, water"heat, glassed sun porch, sleeping porch, tile bath, lot 50x200. Price 110,500. . -â€"-Modern« room-stucco 2 glassed porches, hot water heat, lot 180 feet deep, ga- rage, 113,500. , ^•. „ " Attractive 8 room brick convenient^ toall ^â€"-^SSneV-sun andâ€"sleeping^poTcnesr^Ie bath, extra Jayatory on first.floor, most --------substanfiaT construction, loT^ 1*0x210, jlTJMtfLâ€"__â€"---------â€"---------â€"â€"â€"-------- ~T~New 6 room stucco in choice East loca- tion: large bright rooms, sun parlor, hot wate* heat, tile bath extra lava- tory and toUfit' on fim noor, wooded Most attractive 8 room brick, 3 fine 1 porches 2 heated, vapor heat, instan- taneous heater, 2 baths, every conyen- >=4â€"4enee,^ car gamgar-fw-BBle-at-ft-oa*- r gain price. $25,000. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. "346 Linden Ave. Phone WiL^S FOR SALE-WILMBTTE MODERN 7 m house, lrg rms, well built, ^3 blocks " transportation, $10,000. Only $600 down, $50 month; less than rent. Solid brick house, 12 in. walls, 7 rms, tile bath, 3 iwrehes-teeli-^eep-lot, library, splendid value at $17,000. 8 room Colonial home, overlooking lake, 2 baths, sun and slpg porches, wooded 1 lot In ideal location, $28,000. - FOR SALEâ€"-Winnetka, unusually good 6 room house, frame, in choice Winnetka location; a $20,000 neighborhood. Bar- • gain at $15,000. • . 7 room brick, water ht., 3 inclosedPrchs., garage., deep lot, Indian Hill section, $13,500; wauldl cost more to build house alone. 1 HILL & WHEELER 743 fflm St. 4n ^y^Uj^Sr^ ~=Fhone Win. 142 Ltgl7-ltc $14,500 WILL BUY A SUBSTANTIAL .7 room stucco home with garage, large «lot, fine east location. ^ Beautiful 1 raonv stucco home, 2: car ga- irftge to match. Fine lot, very^ desirable ^?#«ast location. We will show this home 5 Bto qualified buyers only. _ . _ Wf^METTE REALTY - GO^ ^ilS A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 1*648 Fourth St. phone Wil. 1304 y:S8' â-  ._ jitgn-itc WANTEDâ€"TWO AUTOMOBILE SALES- MEN FOR POPULAR PRICED LIGHT CArTaPPLY 1008 DAVIS, STREET, EVANSTON. Ltgl7-ltc SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FORA good automobile salesman with branch of one of Chicago's largest automobile Arms handling a high lowered ca£ and also popular priced light tout^ Phone Byanrton^697J5_orjcaJ^^ WANTED â€" CHAUFFEUR (WH1TE)T must be~careful^lriveir and expert tne- ^anic on hig^h grade car SnmUamount â€"oTgarden and house work. Keis. <M»3 â-  position. Address 495 Ash St Winn Tel. Winn. 1417. Ltl7-ltc .EXPERIENCED automobile salesmen for high class car. Phone Evanston 6975. Ltgl7-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MOUSE BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE ----------HELP WANTEO^FEMALE______ WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. Two adults, one child 4 years. Call 536 South Aye. Glencoe or Tel. Glencoe 949. Ltgl7-tfc WANTEDâ€"A RELIABLE GIRI^TO^UO stenographic work in a North onore Real Estate office. One living in Win- netka preferred. Tel. Win. 14* or W*B. 96 .evenings._________________Ltgi7-iic WANTED^-EXPERIENCED GENERAL maid, adUlt family of three; good cook; good wages. Mrs. Saunders, 1015 forest Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 1775. Ltgl7-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT COOK AND downstairs work; white; must have good references. Address Lake; Shore News A-43. L17-ltp WANTEDâ€"MAID (WHITE> GENERAL housework or mother's helper. Refer- ences required. Good wages. Tel. Win. 521-W. Ltg-17-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT LAUNDJKJSSt* (white) for two days a week. Some house cleaning required. Tel. ^JlwfjL • ~DO MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRING On All Models DODGE GARS c. m. Mcdonald DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES submit estimates on your tendscape â€"wortcr-treesr-^hrubs and Pcr«nn*a.1?.,5°;r sale; pruning, trimming and grading, trees and stumps removed; ways put in; can furnish ..- . n experienced and competent. M^jjtg&wu- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, WJiStetka. Phone Win. 1549.________ Ltg-tfc RE timum educational process in preP^T ation for greatness is th« learning of something with uncounted difficulty, has somewhat given way.. Such a doctrine almost placed aPrfmS"P; on a moderate amount of stupidity so far as the ultimate product was con- cerned." He agrees that the child must learn not to give up because a lesson is hard, even though he somer times smiles through a tear-stained face at the end of the struggle. How- ever, regularly to drive a child to tears in the belief that he learns more rapidly under such conditions, jays Professor Turner, "is «°t hygienic^ lu^-siiBTreclr-irts^not e^ucationaiT^ ____________________ That moving pictures specially de- wiN^ETKA^A^DSGA^*E^^.^^^&fsigned^,0l classroom use,-llfcethe PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. - Ltgl5-tfc INVESTMENTS FIRST MORTGAGE 7% GOLD BONDS _ON ROGERS- PARKâ€"TWO-FLAT------ apartments. These are investments of the highest class. Incumbrance is only 60% of the total value of the security. Matures in two to seven years. , Denominations are of $100, $500, $1,000. J. H. SCHAEFER - Investments Telephone Wilmette 434 P. J. GOLBACH, Special Representative Telephone Wilmette 1038 Ltgl7-tfc films which are toeing placed in schools bv~the Society for Visual Education «!?!: Hi 'Jthe^rganuaiions working along house-man similar lines are now avanaDie, is ~ "" certainly amatter for congratulation and not the reverse. It must toe ad- mitted that the film has unique abil- ity to impart information immedi- ately, exactly,vividly, '^J* â- Â£* * way as to toe readily retained. "Things may go in one ear and out the other, asserts the scientist, "but.tney do not go in one eye and out the otner^ tEST ORGANIZATION President Walter Dill Scott, of Northwestern university has ben elect- ed vice-president of ttoe Psychological Corporation, _a_ new organization whose purpose is to apply to industry the psychological tests that were given to soldiers dufing the war. The purpose is to fit the right man to the right job. J. McKeen Cattell, formerly of the psychology department of Columbia university was ele^ted^pr^djjit-ot- ^e^Qjpormt6sr~Vewia^M7Termaa of Stanford university is second vice- president andulPftan JFL, Brimhall is^ secretary and treasurer. Edward -L. Thorndike of Teachers' college, tp chairman of the board. MASSAGE MASSAGE GIVEN AT PATIENT'S j, home by experienced masseuse.. Refer- ences___For^-partieulars Hftddress Lake Shore News A-41.____________ L17-ltc WANTEDâ€"YOUNG WOMAN TO. special-reporting work for LakeShore News. Miss Risiey. Phone Wil. 1920. L17-ltc WANTEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs Lucy Robinson, 930^ Elm SWi v^ustiiM____*j^-â€"*ist*^a^-*^ Win. S 674-W.7l -*- Xtgl7-tfT p^N^g^pT-A^F^ ^WTMG WANTED___ MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Address 724 Forest Aye. Tel. Wil. 709-R. L17-ltp H ELP~WANTEO«WAt* OB FEMALE lextra toilet 1st floor, large living r6om, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen.__________________________________________ fHot water heat. Price $ffifflO- g^rms^^,^^ ibpeh Saturday and Su^day^after^so------Bt*« fn SrT Tiouaework. Can furnish ^nr-^wn^rrSlleTdraEe Ltgl7-ltc Sb-OR SALE - JUST COMPLETED beautiful 6 room and heated dining 4 porch, brick and stucco residence; h.w. =s~*i 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice ^s-^ast-location. Phone Wilmette-1935. . jy___Ltgi^tto-- FIRST OFFERING OF LOT, 100x200 IN i Northeast Winnetka. WeU wooded and r fattractively located. ~ Price _and location upon request. Address Lake Shore Njbws A-146.______ Ltgl7-ltc -VACANT LOT TO BE FROM PRIVATE ^wner. Send full particulars to Wm. Stagery, 3719 Rokeby St., Ghicaga FOR RENTâ€"BUNGALOW & FOR RENTâ€"MODERN 4 ROOM BXJNGA- »#^ow. Living rpom with fireplace, dining -m ^Toom; ball, HKehen^i**-*uilt Jta cabl- pl|l«et, one good sized bed room, tfle bath, mm morale room pni*ecpnd^lopr, ^good base- mS: linenC furnace heat. Lot 60x140. 1% SfS%locks from electric^statlon, 5 telocks Wi":rto steam station. Possession at once; ^jg^gj^ggjAlSS per month^-JTfiJLJBUl 7.,17-Uc PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION «r- fers ambitious young man or woman .....-^--------m fifty for advancement/ have high school educa Lake Shore News X Y Z. •plcant must [on. Address Ltgl7-ltc Tire lo Jo housework. Can furnish good reference. Phone Calumet 2271. ^__. Ltgl5-3tp fiHTUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE ELECTRIC IRONS,- VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired; vases wired; electrical ap- pliances of every description-Jianaiea. Phone 1R7-I. Adaihs, Wil. 2345.> â- ,„ - _________ L17-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN WOULD LIKE general cleaning and gardening. Work â€"by^dgy-twr-hourp Very^reasonable. Tel Winn. 456. Ltgl6-3tc WANTEDâ€"WORK BY EXPERB3NCEU gardener. Small green house or some ^ouse work. Tel. Winn. 42 after 6 p. _m. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT LAUNDRESS desires work on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Can furnish references. Address Lake Shore News A-33. Ltgl6-ltc WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED DRESS- making and remodeling; work by day. Address Lake Shore News A-44. L17-2tp WANTEDâ€"MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S dressmaking. By day, $4; References ^_lurjaiimea^-JTja^^ â€"iSitp Wi|^)R -RENTâ€"IN NORTH EVANSTON, ttlSf Central St. near Broadway, east of O. & »n!V/railroad, double store 60x60 or Itel wiU divide. Rapidly growUia neighbor- jiBt hood, suitable for any retail business. *m». Steam heat. Possession May 1st. Tel. ?I0& Evanston 668. Ltgl<tltc JgANTJSD- WASHING-----TQ^HPQ AT home. Tel. Wil. 1936. Ask for Mrs. Wolff. Ltl7-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE DO TRADING. HAVE YOU LIBERTY BONDS, OLD PIANOS, SEWING MA- CH I N E S OR ANYTHING USKFUL_J^a^JTSADE_jQN MACHINES, TALKING MA- CHINES, VACUUM CLEAN- ERS,' MANGLES OR WASH- ING MACHINES. OUR GUAR- AMTl^^IS^..(^QD^^^J^j-te; As to the argument that the pictures amuse boys and girls, Professor Turn- er finds that to amuse is not in itself a crime; but with those who advance this objection, he inquires, is not the real point the fact that the particular film in question amuses without in- structing? Primarily-liwtruetive--------^~ "This fear of the amusement side of the films has a historical origin, and shows that the general public is not informed Tegarding bona-flde edu- cational filnis correlated with the text- books," states Professor Turner, un- til the present time the motion picture has existed primarily for amusement purposes. When we think of the screen, therefore, we think of being entertained and not instructed. lib- ^eedr^most^the^^O'eWedr'eo^atto^al films* oiiT ther theater circuit are of necessity built with amusement as the primary feature. The reason for this is obvious. If they did not amuse, people would not pay to see them and theaters would not run them. They ilanned_and BrMncedU^fflbsaB^ee^fc W^SCOTTPMED sists upon progres in teaching methods as in everything else, an<T declafeBTT ------- nnrninrMT Ar The gldbfashioned idea of men^------^BbPRtSIOtNt^r discfpline, which held that the op- MA*. A8K3 WARIHOU8E ACT CHAN6t Washington.â€"Extension of the Fed- eral Ware house Act so as to provide for the licensing of warehouses used for the storage of agricultural pro- ducts, is provided in a bill Introduced in the Senate today by Senator Har- ris (D), Georgia. Sell Your Home in a Dignified Mannerâ€" tonv Phone 654. ltg-17-4tc ^Tearfuhl^an^ genie, Says Educator "Must an education me gained through a vale of tears?" asks Profes- sor C. E. Turner, national authority on the teaching of biology and public ^♦*«* health. That moving pictures in thel8^JSM6^" scholrom tend to make the process of gaining an education too easy, he says, is one of the strongest arguments their assailants have marshaled -against-them.â€"T3 ^______ ment Is thai the pictures amuse FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE TOtt TIENTâ€"7 KOOM HOUSE, 274 SO. Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. I block north § of Scott." Tel. Gleh. »45 aft*r 7 p, m. - Ki'/: • :. -Ltgl7-ltC i KOOM M&Tm&Tsr^mamrTjp next â- *b «to public library. All modern improve aig^ments; :.TeL -WIL 2144. a%: ^: ^': ^FQR'; RENTâ€"ROO.MS- â- â- ;â-  •- - BEAUTIFUL LARGE FUKN|SHED BM. ala© heated garase. at 1021 Central Ave. Wllmetter 1^ 1^. *S5-W. S^ ,„ <A â- ..:v;v;.;-i Si&:..^:,.:.,-::.;,^»^sLtl7-ltc «.- WOn RENTâ€"FURN. ROOMS} HOT AND PI«-,« cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue. Iliil Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lt7-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED JtOOMr-ALL inconveniences, reasonable.M Applyâ-  629 Metric Avev TeL WIL 284S^te Ll7-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONE MASSIVE 3 PIECE mahogany and leather upholstered par- lor sevH45. Also ash -sifter, $1.50. Address 1081 Central Ave., Wil. .TeL Wil. 935-sW.â€""â- â- â€" Ltl7-ltc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, carts, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lum- ber, stoves. Anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak Sfc, Winnetka. -Phone 1212. g Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE- SIMMONB-iVORY ENAM; lessor Turner finds neither viewpoint tenable. Being a member of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology and closely identified with the Society for Visual Education, Pro- fessor Turner is in a unique position to know ^hereof ne^ speaks. He ln- pg^^Sa®^»ea^iS(Sp(^ * m^n^~_ beeS^heJcaseJf their sole purpose had been education. In genuine educa- tionalâ€"filmsr amusement snd eveiy other interest are subordinated to the development of the instructional phase of the subject. " "I have shown such films to a great many educators/' dechiiredPjofessor Turner,~^S^^wX::wo^::^^ne*i'^' amusement objection raised; JBorLaill it ever be raised against any film pre- pared by thoughtful and experienced educators for educatjtonal purngses/ :^3t^-^pr3iipjigX3n^^ screen lesson to run a film andr let it rest there. The teacher who uses a film without preliminary or follow- up work, and the teacher who allows the .pupil to sleep through his prepar- ation" period, never checking up his knowledge, go togetherâ€"and, adds Professor Turner, "the quicker they As an illustration of the saying of time and expense afforded by the mo- tion picture* he quotes his 0Wir_ex:' perienwjnj&ejura_pf_a ""' ^Tng^md^infintaunethods^ -"pe^StSng?5 posals in cities. "By a' fifteen-minute showing of this film it was possible to secure results which could not other- wise have been secured except by tak- ing the class on a full-day field trip." Such- a trip, for a class of 150 men, represents an expenditure of five months' time fpr_ai sinslfr individual* and an expense of $200. eled bed, complete with springs and nprove-, ^aaattress^ almost new^.i7Tet^WHj Ll7-ltr Address 017 16th St., WiL Ltl7-ltp FOR-SALE-=SECOidD-HA^«rBTJNrPAR5 Idr furniture, 1 corafy leather rocker, al- so small ice cheste Tel. Winn. 526-. â- â- .. â- â- v-'---^ ":f:!,-'â- ' .'â- ' Ltgl7-ltc SIMPLEX 1RONER SPLENDID ^CON- dttion, new cover and motor; $90 cash. PHone Mr. Adams, Wil. 2345. .;â- ;_:â- â-  •-.•â- â-  , • -L17-ltc TWO VXTEL- wamtepl-to mivâ€"mseeLLANEOPS waSted " 'An-j.-nu' TO BUY SECOND HAND furia{ure~^£nd other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost a.- Furniture Store, 1004-6_J!meraon_Jltt ie^ ;^Eyjroglottirglr-PhTme~l89L Ltgl7-tfc â- tp *j%>uni<aith Square + EVANSTON 4 finish <o^ at 718 i2tb^ St., Wilmette. Tel. 984-R. Ll7-ltc "a ^ two. TeL WU. 96M»7 WAyiyym *Pft RENTâ€"FLAT OR SJ---------- llftihouse(8 to S rooms, Glencle to Evanston Ltgl7-ltc y5aJTB^~^07^3NT^AY.lST, S, 6, -.JS or 7 .room house on North Shore. Ref- « lerence. Smatt family. Tel. Rogers Park 4887. â- â- - 'â- â- â- "^ -â- â- â- â- ;-' Xtgl8-3te USED CARS FOR SALE FOR- SALB-^LATE MODEL LEX1NG- ton. 6 Passenger touring, with good __tires, Qabrtel-^wubbersr~^wo^irofflpeTsr Johnson curtains; everything In first* %^M8 condltloil^^ ^"ialeT Phone Evanston 6975. =Etgi7^ltirlJ8| PARTNER WANTED no children. =®xPER^r^EEKBBPER WITH REFER- ences as to ability and^reMaWUty"de=" sires'partner having North Shore place ?ritn large grounds and some space in uilding near steam road ox-Milwaukee . * v electric station. -Start smaJl-withznjr * L „T^rate tovostmenti fttK^^rowT^^TJTwo^^ ' <sJtak« care of», 26 or '50 colony apiary on xâ€"'â€"-------AattrfeBs^HShey Producer A»40 LlT-ltP ICare iAk^^Shore News' IK E e pic KosirTmrcrH N^ITH^fflEBOOICivtalKET^, You want the books:bf Me day^We-pride^ ourselves on bur ability to supply you, fojvo^ we keep our shelves up^o-date,%ith ^lewrfS lers. loesnt prevent us from, lr«>«>piri^ g^ fill! supply rtT tht* n\Anr ~elasslcsT~^^ -WW%e^ r 'â- â- â-  ^Wv?^:; â-  r-: -' . Buy YcfcrBwfa Will SeiJLatlPJficaJO«ered ^CttnTourexpect a brokerHto-try to_get you the best-po^iMe^prlce^ for your property knowing that a dozen others are offering it also? No; he'll do what you've forced him to doâ€"sell it if he can, at the price the purchaser offersu-If he. doesn't, one of the others will, and he knows it. .â- ...^â- r.:, ^tymrWMpSSCWSfb^Ssr^o protect' protect him by making him your -you, you should as a matter of fair-,, ness and reciprocity be willing to exclusive agent. List your property with one live, wide-awake firm, who'll only ^ccmsenlLjto__puah_it~ *plat5ed-wt«r"Thenrexclusively. It'll serve you better than ten dead ones who list everything offered but sell little." "V "The exclusive agency listing is the only way a broker properly can serve his client," said Mr. Levy. '•Would you have ten lawyers rep- resent you in a lawsuit, each work- ing independently of the other? It Is better 4o be ^e#esented by one exclusive agent ^han to be roisjeenz, ~fesenteaT>y ten ^IPSBersTZI _ Bays Dozen Uneven Too Many ^ "Prom 'one a#ent you have a %ight to demano^ proper attentloiL ----*e--iy©ur^-propeiiy^^On1| " We ^ire-rep*'iatin^-aat-artiele-that- appeared in Sunday's Tribune by Mark Levy, forr8er president Cook County Real Estate Board. Hill & Wheeler have always been advo- cates of ownersV listing homes»ex- clusively. We agree that if you list exclusively with-a^ealtor who is laay and without "pep," m one who dbes not appreciate the trust given him, you lose, but whether Hill & Wheeler secure your listing or not, you will find it more satis- factory, more dignified and the only high class manner in disposing of pect anything. Why not get the kind of service that is most likely ..,to resultâ- m':;a'"saie?:v?i:;:^^^.-,;r;-v-f'.,';v, -M "isn't the sale .of your prpperty *>f sufltcient importance to be handled in a systematic and per- sistent manner? An agent working Dnly on exclusives can give each property owner attentipn, can af- ford" to advertise it, and more likely to effect a sale and at a better price. By giving an exclusive agency to a reputable agent you avoid the possibility of being sued for commissions by some one or :noreJbrQjsejca_yoxi had forgotten you TiacTTIsted your property with*'ft List your property exclusively with Hill & Wheeler; We have three offices, three live organiza- _Joni»_Xast-weelcwe^oloTa^lbrln^ Wilmette for $26,000; house in Indian Hill f23jOQOLanplheri in-Wm^eTklT^»^W07^ We can sell your home in a high class ^dignified manner. Phone Winnetka 142, ask for Mj. Smith. We have a large number W ^buyers for homes * '££. to 530,000 WHEELER wilmette Office m 401 Linden Ave. â-  Phone Wilmette 93 r Winnetka Office £â-  743 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 142 .. -::-'rChlcaoo':OWceSS* % 638 Sv. Dearborn St. siiwMiBMS^^

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