SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSON All MENTION Clara Ingram Judson To Discuss Problems Home-Making, Budgets OME-MAK1NG is to be the subject discussed by Clara Ingram Judson at the SSS 5rXwt<>'clock. Mrs. Eva Martin, a mission- Woman s -eluhâ€"ofâ€"WH--â€"- - -.-- .â€" ,„ *i,^o,,,,«-i, ,„»»*«.-+>%*, mette on Wednesday, March 8, at 2:30 p, m. Mrs. Judson is an expert on family budgets and home economics and as a lecturer has--often~Bpoken lor the "United States Treasury Department, the Home Extension department ol the ^univers- ity of 111* n-o is, and other insti- tutions. Besides being an in- ter e sting and popu?- lar speaker Mmâ€"â€"JwbV son ts~ * an author ' • of many books for children as well . as works * on home-econ^ amies,__ of their niece, Miss Mary Henderson Drury, to Mr. Eric A. Monroe, on Sat- urday, February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe will be at home after April first at 1210_Porest avenue, _ _T^_ __ f The ' Woman's Christian Temper-, ance .Union will meet with Miss Lil- lian Struggles, 609~Cherry street, Win- netka, on Monday, March 6, at two ary teacher in the South, will hethe speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Armstrong, who have been making their home in Duluthfor a number of years, are residing temporily at 2526 Harrison street, Evanston. Mrs. Armstrong was •merlyHMiss J^lizabeth McOue. â- . Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd was confined to his home this week for a few days by illness. , Mr. Lloyd deliver- ed an address before the Men's club of Sandwich, " 111., at their annual banquet on Monday, February 23^â€" ,Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Burbach find Clara Ingram Judson group of songs. A-^reeeptiGnâ€"of the new members of the club, of which ther are fifty-three, will be held direct- ly at the close of the lunch. During the luncheon hour Miss Amelia Sears will speak on "Vocational Work." " InTWeTmorhihg the oivics and logis ents, Mr. aqd Mrs. H. J. Burbach, 1020 ntiinden avenue, will return home about the middle of this month. , Mr. Thomas A. Copeland, 930 Chest- nut^rvenxrerleft Wednesday^foirWash- ington, D. C, later going on tp Jack- sonville, Fla., where he will be joined on Monday by Mrs Copeland, for a Mrs. Adele Wolf Smale_________a ^ will ,glye__a__la0ijthJ!s sojourn lative class will vmeet as usual at Isle^enTo'cTock under the diretsttoiToT Mrs, Maurice H. Lieber and luncheon will folldw at one o'clock. Reserva- tions must be sent to Mrs. T. J. Moreau. •:.-,...,...-,â- .:.. ...:â- â- ,,»,,.:-., »'^;'V,.:,,,,, The Babies Friendly^ society has sent eighty-four layettes to Armenia within the_Jastseventeen months^ besides answering seven home calls thjs winter from needy mothers. You â- .v can help this work byjsending dis- ___carded jwoole^riindei^eOT- fmnTtzwhich â€" little shirts^d[stockings can be made, b materials that can be used for the Is^fimSKS^^^___.... -, . - "2 or cash d^nationA toM^r^.JD^H. Ma^ well, tel. Wilmette 702-R. The next meeting will be held March 9 from 10:30 to 5 p. m. at 1414 Forest-ave- nue. All are welcome who can give ~ a few ltou^s^o-Hsew-for needy^ little- children. "^Membersâ€"of the Tatapochon Camp Fire were entertained at-dinner and a stunt party last Thursday evening in the parlors of the Congregational church. The Misses Helen Newey, Catherine . JMoore and June Germer prepared and served the dinner on this occasion, and during the evening each member put on some sort of a stunt as part of the entertainment. Miss Clague andâ- "hep assistant, Doro- thy Anderson, were the guests- of "Ironor; "/: .â- -. : i\^i-^HC:s:-:^.A^7~ MWand Mrs. Leslie Ferry, who have been residing in Rutland, Ver- mont for the past four years, moved back into their former home at 112T Elmwood avenue, yesterday- Missi Dorothy Perry, who H ^attending Northwestern university, and has been living ia Evanston* will take up her residence with her parents very shortly. ^ >.^-£v^;.'â- â- .-.â- ' â- .'â- 'â- "â- ...â- â- ' -M'- are the guests of Mr. Burbach's, par- The =&Q-Ki-Ya Camp_ Fire ^GirlB, under thlTlJuardianship-efHMrs. Alfred Herrmann, held a social meeting at the home* of Ruth Rockwell in Rogers Park last Thursday. All reported a very delightful time. 'â€"-"- r : Mr. arid Mrs. Mac A. Carpenter re- turned to Napoleon, Mich., Tuesday morning, after being the guests of Mr. Carpenter's aunt, Mrs. Jonathan C Drake, 1226 Lake avenuepfor the past week.'7""""""""' "".'" 77;^":^. :.........:*............ Word has been received of the ser- ious illness from influenza, of Miss Evelyn Kletzing, daughter of Mr. J. F. Kletzing, 522 Washington avenue, who is teaching school in Indiana- T*otia. '.:...-^..>v^ --. ~------r/..77:';:;,',•â- ; r^:^: ° Mrs. George J. Kappes entertained home, 42KWashington- avejmw. There were covers for thirty guests. Mr, Reynolds, 1025 Linden avenue, who was run over by a truck in Chi- cago last week, is-convalescing at his home from resulting injuries, a brok ett ankle and Severe cuts and frgaggg: Miss M. E. Gedney, who has been a guest at the home other sister, Mrs. E. B. Mendsen, 531*Eighth street, for some time, returned to her home in Minneapolis early this week. _ ,; r Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Miss Virginia B. Smurr, daughter of Mrs. Maude V. Smurr of Evanston, to Mr. Frank B. ParkeiLQj Rogers Park. Mrs. W. E Hudson and her daugh- ter, Miss Beatrice Hudson, 509 Forest avenue, left Saturday of last week for an extended sojourn, in California and Honoluiui^^'H Mrs. John Campbell returned to her A unique as well as interesting sort Of entertainment was given at the "BomeoT theTHisses Helign-aTrd Berniccr Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, Saturday evening last, in the form of "Foolish Polite* .»»â- Each gnest was requested to present some form of entertainment for the amusement of the others and there were many delightful clever s^etChes_ajid--iBaitationsr The North End Circle will entertain at the^home of Mrs. J. A. Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue, \ on Monday after- noon next, in honor-X»f Mrs. Leslie^ "*?? Perry whorls moving back to town ^^tWs-weefe^afterla__fmir^^ sence. Many ot Mrs. -Ferry's old ^--friends have been included in the in- vitation tor Monday afternoon.-----_ «Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tidmarsk. who nave been the guests for several -days of Mr. and^Mrs-C. A. KeJle^JsjJO Greenwood avenue, returned to their home in Milwaukeron Sunday* after spending the week-end with her father, Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, 315 Lake avenues Mrs. Longfellow returned to her home in Omaha, on Monday, after spen^nl"Â¥eveTar"W^kB~with~ her sis- ter, Mrs. M. E. Barker, 832 Forest avenue. ___ ^^--â- -s-- â- â- "':â- .'â- " â€" oâ€"< " â€" :--^ Mr. and MrsJ Leland Pierson, 931 Twelfth street, will leave Sunday for a fortnight's stay at the Hotel Palmer, in Biloxi, Miss. Members of the Star club spent Wednesday at the Illinois Masonic hospital, sewing for the hospital, under leadership of Mrs. C. C. Schultz. __Mrs^ F. Leonard Larson of Glen Ellyn spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jona- than C. Drake. 1226 Lake avenue. ,, The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will meet with Miss Anna Dingee, 926 Lake avenue, on Tuesday of next WeelC. .:,;,:,,,,':,,,â€" ",:....... â- â- - â- ;;-â€"----r--â€"-;â- ; :.>V Miss Elizabeth Blaylock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BlaylOCk, 1232 Lake avenue, is confined to her home with scarlet fever. She is reported to be improving. On Thursday of last week, Mvsr^Bi H. Nicholes was a luncheon and bridge hostess for eight friends, at her home, 816 Forest avenue. Mrs. Raymond E. Crane and chil- dren, 1000 Michigan avenue, returned home Wednesday from a six weeks' sojourn in California. ; „ â€"0â€". â- •"-'"' ^â- â- â€"â€" - Dr. George P. Magill, 731 Elmwood avenue, left Wednesday evening for Cleveland, O., where he will attend an important conference. ,._ . / ,â€"oâ€" ' The Wpjman*s Home Missionary sooioty â- wilV meet March. 7, at-the Methodist church at two o'clock. Mrs. Mrs. Thomas E. McGrath enter- tained at luncheon and cards at her home, 219 Ninth street on Monday of last week. __JDorothy^Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke" L. Hayes, 911 Lake ave- nue, is quarantined with measles,., 'â- "*" â€"o-r Miss Eleanor Thayer, 610 Central avenue, has been confined to her homeâ€"this -weeki----- -^-^=^^r^zzr^^=- Mrs. Charles Barrow of Park Ridge was a visitor in Wilmette on Thurs- day of last week. • -^â€"~-^wN~#7*i Mrs. Lyman Drake is confined to her^himie-a1r^3^-L^ike~aTemie7with^tnF .;"' â- ';;â- > l^:'/:P'^:%^^c^':- ';â- :""': â- -.'" â- "Mi^George Suhllbach, 1606 LaKÂ¥ avenue, is in Dubuque, la., on busi- ness this week. Mr. Prentiss Couffer, 903 Lake ave-l hospital with f inmgn^|gret nue, who has been ill at the Evanston | home early this weekv|g|||ggg ': :-:-2:x7^^^^^h^,^llaim6- Office -$$g%'^: â- '". w&â- â- â- â- â- 'â- •-^'..... fcoomi7, Brown^iui^ingâ€"Hours rU>^^M*iMM*V^&m Telephone Wilmette 2557 Residence Phone Wilmette 8558 ^ANCY DRESSED CHICKENS ORDERS DELiVERE^";:;S^^ SAf iSFACTION: GUAlAif lli-'ll Sifc i|Hfi| Spring Millinery---- â€"thatWill[fdsj^S^^M 1181" F T.WKE R :*imM-L:I MKE M â- ^â€" Tkt Stow «/ Personal Strtic im^Â¥ilm*tt*=Ai*fwr MILLINERY aid DRY GOODS â- ^----f^wt wul ejâ- Ut track? !.,-â- â€"â- â- â- â- â- â€"â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- «-«»»««««"â€"*«»»â€"*«M'^ COMMUNITY DANCING £very Tuesday Evening Byron C. Stolp School 10th and Central :; Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 iES^Dancing? B :30 -to-ltioO Admission 50 cents per person, 7~^â€"^~in^tai!lm]jj^ »♦»»»»»♦♦»»»»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦» Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Goodhue, 245 Linden avenue, have both been con- fined to their home with illness this past week. ; asisbdftffl^^ i^s^lt day^Mr^Tidmarsh attended the N. B. A convention at the LaSalle hotel, during his .stay here. - ~ __^ iMrs. R. L. Blodgett" 6f Madison, Wis^ was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue* this pasijweek. On Wednesday ^nd TlhuTgd^y ftftiyrrioona of last wggk. ii Mrs. Tucker entertaffieU ittforaiiaiy §â- ; m honoir of he^^ngkter^;.,^||g-â€";?: i^^^faWlarsf Edward" Carlton Page if^otDeKalb. 111., annonnce,the mait|age Greenleaf avenue, underwent an op- eration for appendicitisjit the Bvans^ tonJuosidtal J^sAJWeek. :±s-a-^-^----â€" Victor Records are'ierelUSi Three records^ hy^^J^L^^^ artist, FeodorGhaiiapinv New Tec<^jiw^y^n^2^zr~Wri^: Alda Homer Bori Kreisler v DeLuca , McCormack Gigli Morini Heifetz Zanelli. F -^iJghiladelphia Orches®i_^ Rachmaninoff The dance records for this month are unusually good. Benson's, Orchestras'vie with each other in producing sparkling syncopa- tion.""" Mr. andn^srHiram~GÂ¥e^lieTTe^BmV ly sold their house at 726 Ninth street, and have gone to Freemont, O., where they^ expecQo locate permanently. M^s TDoris Lane of Oak Park spent the week-end with her fgrandparejits, Mr. and ^TMrsv Henry: CI.-'CobpeT, 924r - Lake avenue. ore TALKING MACHINE CQ 603 Davis Street ston mzm Telephone 4523 m jmmE ^i|lnanshif>r it is uiiderstood/that your||i^^ ':S:":i:shop. M am not in the business toj^^M. Mf, :â- give the people of'Wilmette-4»ssatis-|f|^||- 0;; faction; just^he undcarstankinfif that |||^J ||^ott^av^a^^ ::'^ -mechanics: available-; ;iiMr. ;â- J.;_;Helton_^^^, ^t7^; for the past years ]^ speciaUzed, in all makes of carsi and I can frankly r-#%--say there is not a car in existence | that cannot be put in first ^l_I|' condition under his supervision^ W1UET7E EXPRESS and .GARAGE EDWIN C. LINDGREN Eli;.'â- %;§S" Proprietor R.J|. HELTON llillllllttl ♦♦♦♦♦♦•»»»»♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦»♦♦♦»♦ iHS