mwm .....\Mimx..;â€" â- . ... v~^.^~^.^...................--^ypggg^^ f *#lie candidacy of Charles Ringer, at the present time a member of the Board of Assessors, t<$ the Republican 'nomination to the; office of county treasurer is continuing to threaten the harmony of the anti-City Hall Iforces. Attorney General Brundage continues to avow his staunch sup- port of Ringer. And Ringer apparent- ly is in the field to make the strongest I race possible. i Records show that Mr. Ringer has ^always received a huge vote in the North Shore district whenever he was a candidate for public office. Repub- licans^ this region are already dis- playing an eager interest in his cam- paign and the circulation of his peti- tions. According to his workers, the Ringer petitions were signed by over 20,000 names after four days circula- tion."' '"" sions topio "The Ne^yAmertcan.? .Friday evening, March 17, will be "Ladies Night" at the Men's club, the wives of the members to be enter «*roo v& wn uiwiuwb •«•» â- "* ,».«••>..- C1BBB *" utuiat; ' u» >'• tained this time.Dinnerat 6t80â€"pre-tx:W^S.T m~Servtce ind sennpit~**t »..-%.__â€"JI __Ji . _ . â- â- IkM Al*«* imam ITIltA«»M ._â- . .. '«_ . )â- . 'â- â- At'*:""1' "X-"% â- ?: â- 'â- y-<A\V pared and served by the men. There will be a musical program and an ad- dress by Mrs. H. C. White of the "Woman's Cty. club of Chicagp.,,, Next Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock church service Mr. Arthur B. Farwell, president Chicago Law En- forcement League, will speak upon the subject 'Xaw or Anarchy/* Mr. Par- well' will also address the Sunday SChOOl. ....^yy^.yy.*; .. •â- ^â- ^^^^^^iâ- -^â- - The Westminster Guild will give a party In honor of their mothers next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the church. Beossa ter Easter. Instruction is free i "kSi! 11 Efipiyffc ,Services 2d. Sunday in Lent; 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Ha|l. |he church. yySf) B': v;<1 Subject:] •'Victorious Faith." j Matthew 15:21-28. On Tuesday evening, March 14, at 8 o'clock, the regular monthly business meeting of the congregation will be held at the^church. All members are ^JOHN'S LUTHERAN Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician f Phot* WiL 2tf52 1150 Wihnette At*. RESIDENCE PHONE SW m requested to be .presentllll^^B i â- .jj*"-'"-;j-Tri-';,->"--.â- -*S",'*i.'i<!^-^!h*;-./:"T"]:"?!-.-'^:â- ;:^v '.'â- â- "â- â- V"'â- 'â- -â- '>â- "â- â- 'â- "â- '/'â- V.^T^xh'-i^^f'^fp-'-'^^ â- â- â- â- â- ' The confirmation of this year*s class of catechumens takes place on Palmsunday, April 9, in the ui$c'"""' service^ at H o^elookr Instructorâ€"Piano. Voice: ;g^J| ;; Harmony ;||fil|i^ft|| Miss Adelaide C Jones Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago Tel. WiL 2558 If* 1530 Central Ave. COMMUNITY DANCING Every Tue«Iay & :.gfc ' tyron G Stolp â- ».^.rW' 10th and Central J.'§^§mM ':. ...;â- .'â- â- ;â- •.â- v,.jâ- '-'"*â- â- : â- â- 'â- â- ;â- â- ;;' Class Lesions 7:45 to 8:30 yy:-/.: Dancing 8:30 to tl^xw};Bi Admission 50 cents per peraon, fc^^Pincln4in|j, '^Jpjgjgjj-.,.;' D,.LEklE W.JONES iHH s PHYSICIANrT-CHIROPEACTOR-^GUOSTW^^^^^^ ! â- m^&. y . ->ii Wiknette Office ^jm^^^^^m^,: * Room 27, Brown^uUding-sfliours: 10-158 A. M.2-5-*#-0,-P*;'lfl Telephone Wilmette 2557 1 Residence Phone Wilmette 2558 WEen~1l!^^nge^ the Board of Assessors in 1918, a re- count \vas necessary due to a vote fraud. The courts finally declared him elected by a large. majority. In this office, he has achieved a reputa- latcis- Linden and Prairie aves., Wilmette. ^Herman W. Meyer M.A. Pastor. 406 Prairie av. Phone 1396. ,youched for by all who know him. • J; Long and successful experience in business together with his work in public office gives him excellent qual- ifications for the office of county treasurer, an office transacting more "business than any other in the county. ,, Senrtces-eleryllS^ inette Woman's club, Tenth street-aniL^ Grooenleaf avenue Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Church services at il Ar Mr~ i^^Adult Bible iclass conducted by the Rev. Homrighaus. Sunday school, direction-Mr. JL. JE\ Mueller, superin- tendent. alRev. Hirsch of ^Illinois Synod, temporary pastor.,ti^^;^xM0^ IT Lenten^services at priyate residenc- es each Wednesday evening during Lent. Time and place announced ^frwoajthe pulpit each Sunday.^>^, A union meeting of the Woman's rHomerfand Foreign Presbyterian so- ciety will be held In the Second Pres- byterian church, Michigan avenue and 20th street, March 17, beginning at 10:30 A. M. Dr. Cleland B. McAfee will be the speaker for the morning. In the afternoon there will be a denL- onstration by the Westminster Guild and an address by Dr. Edward A. Steiner. Luncheon at noon^ The Woman's society will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, March~T:c The morning hours will be devoted to sewing. At 2 P. M. there will be a meeting of the joint Home and For- eign Missionary society. Mrs. Fred- erick B. Quayle will give a review of jtheJForeign Missions text book "The Kingdom and the Nations." Mrs. I. L. Simmons will speak on the Home Mis- OUR FATHER'S FAITH-r- P OUR COUNTRI'S LANGUAGE ^The- third of tho midweek Lenten services will be held on Wednesday eve., March 8, at 7:45 o'clock. The pastor will speak on the text 1 John 1:17: The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin, tak- ing as his subject: "The perfect Sav- .ior.'V;;:^:v.|r,V:': "-.y-v ^yy;/- â- yf-~ Classes for the religious~instructiou of children are held at the church every Monday and Friday at 4 P. M. Parents are encouraged to send their children-eight years of age or -above. Enroll at any time but preferably af- SunpkJest OneReasonWhy ICASCAW^ QUININE Acts On The Spot l.Drop.C.-B^:Taietin»fiauofcto y-WtoV- ;' '.y.:;'â€" â- ' -•:::::, -^f^r.â€"~t 2^ bstanlly the UUet l*wbnt fiiintcgratiiif or "brMking up." 3. I»10«ewubtliemed^prtp«i,lie«are thoronglily nixed with wmter. yllbo^ HSTs C B. Q. TaUctt act immcdi* | atdtr, pn wBtHwtliort dthy an&bttm ^mIubk Colds and La Crwpe bag before ordiiunr tablets, by actual tett, are «b- sorbed by the etomacb juke*. To prove tab, sabject otber tbaa C. B. Q. Tablets to tbe tot, and observe that in most instances u boor or bmi« u i«e^ed for cooplcte dbintegratioa. -...y^ ~ â- â- •;'-#S ,-'.- --B Demand C. B. Q. Tablets in red box bearing Mr. Hffl's portrait and signature. W. H. HIU. COMPANY. DETROIT' «M) to let your car go without attention until a gerieraL 1 breakdown occurs, and then have to lay up^or ex> .-tensive-and expensiyje rer^i>i. â- .;â- . '<^^^^^^^ 1 ^ms^^m^tke better part of valor" I ^and4t is the better plan to have your ear^ inspected periodically, which will result in keeping it in good" condition Uiroughout the season, atan^nim^ expense, and but little loss of time.'"ypp-ifi'^fX-^ Saturday, Marefe- 11, 1922J SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 39 1 Cook County, Illinois PROPOSITION TO PURCHASE A SCHOOtHOUSE SITE -r^-^Ffce^i^ to authorise the Board of Education of School DUtrict Number 39, Cook County, Illinois, to purchase a scjioolhouse site in and for said School'Diati^^;^^^:;| 1 PR5P0SITI0N TO ISSUE BONDS, The proposition to authorize the Board of Education of lotHeamora on April 1 of each of the years 1928 and 1929, to hear interest at the rate otfiye per:cent {$%) per annum, payable semi- an- PROPO^OK TO^O^ Place a cross (x) in th^jpace to> the right of the• d^cnpliSii fdr' :which" you desire. to^ yj^te.g|*^<SS^;l|pp?^ 'The East Five (581.83) feet of Lot Five (5> (except the East Sixty-six feet thereof); li|JTni East Five' Hundred Eighty-one and Eighty- J||e^|||^||» (581.83) Jeet of Lot Eight (8) and pSe^SistlFive^^ (58133> feet of Lot Nine (9) (except the East Sixty-six (66) feet thereof) all in the County Clerk's Division of the Northeast fractional Lpiar±eiLj^J^^ (33), Toy^iisli^ (42), Range Thirteen (13), East of the Third Principal Meridian, Cook County, Illinois; all of said premises being one contiguous tract of land ^ and lyfog between «^ Hf* the East, the first allejf North of VV>sliiu^ton Avenue on the Se^ an^ the first alley south of Lake; Ayjeiiiip^^ ....................Ill ..._... â- yjjj%fajmâ€"ji^v£i- Il|f Avo^desiimg ST^ ed, should insert the deacriptiou ^e^ in the blank h^tj^iSm^p across (x) in the space to the right .^M^fg^^^ Ai-fm-s^iiSiS, PI $^i&i^£^'Mzi^^ ;^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^|J^^^^^^^^||ii