.„.„„„. jtTOWfff'il illlllliii^ NE^ Mrs.' Mines 9iggw Auxiliary H|aiilil §11 Foi SiÂ¥rancis &S... EDWARD HINBS *'<pf Evanston has consented to act as president of the newly ir formed 0 ^women's auxiliary of St. Francis Hospital and Mrs. Harry B. Burd as ivlce president, it was announced this :^w<=>^;. The following offlftarn have boen- °?electe4: Mrs. TSdwarrt Hlnea. general ^chairman; Mrs. Paul Hullhorst, vice- it=ehai«nan,Rogers Park; Mrs. Harry IB. Hurd, vice-chairman, Evanston; SMrs. I. H. CfalfCTtt^^fcfehalr inaM, llKenilworth; Mrs. Albert H. Kbiej, re- ? cording secretary, Evanston; Mrs. feRalph Kdnle, corresponding secre- tary, Rogers Park; Mrs. B. E. Fillis, ' treasurer, Winnetka, ^0lllHs7THe~visiting guest composer, played a group of his own composi- tions; Mrs. Charles Cooley, contralto, accompanied ^y-Mrs^HCHffihrdEwarti % Organization^ t, ETS&ston. Pub- ;Mrs. George W. Boot licity: Mrs. Edson B. Fowler, Evans- ton. 'â- 'XXX':--X:,:.X X ,.v':'-"'./.-_~-~This organization has t>eenTformed by a number of women^rominentjn ^^^-m^^^^^P^^"^^ ^y^SniSpTc^^ America sponse to an urgent appeal from the doctors of the staff-aBd~the-sister* who conduct the hospital. It will aid in the handling of the_ proposed drive for funds for a, new win||to the hos- pital/' ",:C ;..,: â- •â- •.•^â- :^«fe------: â- â- "•'*â- ..... The flrsrDDjective of ^Auxiliary which will b night will be- the presei women^of-the commun* ing need for. more hos "It would be a sple Evanston-and tho North-fihorer said Mrs. Hines, "if this new wing were named 'Maternity Wing', and dedicat- ^jHto mothers. Sery e women's utlined to- on to the f the cry^ room, thing for people of all creeds and races, it is .entirely" fitting that an appeal should be made to everybody to prc*exrt~thtjsH who are ahout to become mothers. "It is startling and pathetic to think that we have not sufficient maternity hospital room on the North Shore- that we do not begin to supply our needs to thi^direetion.----------- "Especially is this true of the so- called -'charity' cases. There are many pay nothing or perhaps only .a part of the sum necessary^toZ^afeguard their lives, and the lives of Jtheir little ones,, with proper obstetrical and medical care. . _ "I find on investigation that. St. age of 50 peV cent of Jiw peases are wholly or m part charity cases. And I find further, that no distinction.is in the awards, between the treatment of 'pay' cases and of char- -Ityâ€"easea-^Rieâ€"peopleâ€"whoseâ€"mean* will not permit hospital care^are not made to feel that they are beggars, -QrZShw^rJfiy/J*^^ served attention." ./^v^f ^-^^ ; Mr. Linn is a brilliant Writer and lecturer and is giving these same lec- tures under slightly different titles in the city for the Radclife foundation. They promise a delightful and inter- esting opportunity. Anyone wjshing to buy tickets may obtain them by telephoning Mrs. John Olmstead, Wln- netka 1433 or Mrs. W. B. Moulton, Winnetka,.;.10a7ig3||£:gi^ The MacDowell Musical Club of Winnetka, presented the program at the Woman's Library club of Glencoe, onJEbunsday afternoon at the rcgufat semi-monthly meetin^^Jylr^-Edward gave two groups of songs; Miss Clara Harsh, pianist, rendered a number of selections. A paper on "Composers-of Chicago," was read by Mrs. Charles Byron^â€"--^^^ Mrs. Frank W. Van Dusen will open her home Tuesday, March 14, at 2:30 p. m.rtor the D. A. R. regents~of Chicago and th^joorth^hjore^-and-the- Shop, to meet the foreign language women. __________________ The North-Shore Vassar Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Barbara ferwin1J^11Roslyn_rjoad, Kenilwofth. Observe Annual Mothers' Day on Sunday, May 14 The meeting of the National Fra- ternal CongVess ^was held last J£ek in the Hotel Sherman, CKicag^'afra-a' resolution was passed that all fra- ternal; organizaTtiuns~otis?rve Mother's Day,, and hold special Mother's Day programs on Sunday, Mayâ€"14, of this as decided that Mother's Day heT;he second Sunday in May. The same customs will be-followed this year and in the future to the ef- fect that those whose mother still lives shall wear a bright flower honorr ancT~those "whose mother is dead, shall wear a white flower in her memory. Two to One For Soldier's Compensationâ€"Referendum Adjusted -compensation won a1 de- cided victory in the nation-wide refer- endum conductedjjyjfch^^ ^:@l»..Jaffle8'Weber Linn of the En- riisb^Department jpf the.: Univer»tty_ of ^^^Chicago will g^ve^three„ lejturejuon SSS^Modern^ ^mer4eaa-^nction^--^n^fie; "evenings of March 16, 22 and 27, at the Winnetka Woman's club, corner ^r ^bak and Maple streets, Winnetka. The i^Slhourw^ â- â- â- .....~......:â€"- -,- Your woodwork Just rtron^soap^iv^-Jt-^a.- iDevil. hates lye jand mce with Blue_ MSD«TUSt,ETawtoal MaTl Next Week Molaay i- Tuesday --^* iipVednesdayâ€"Thursday ^PARAMOUNT PICTURE . rnhan*s Great Stajg- Succe... Don'iMia»Thi«Mo.t Entertaining Production f jr Friday,^ii,,March IT March 18 H&3bci1^iii5ff measure. â- ::z^~~~~~ nz_-~- "From the'U. S. Chamber's point of view," said John Thomas Taylor, vice- chairman of t.hA Am^ri^tm legislative committee, "the referendum! was a flat failure, for that body rep- resents the most highly organized op- position to the bonus. By trying to separate the cash features from the more productive provisions of the bill, and by other means, it has done every- thing iiuita-power to influence Its con- stituent members against the bill. In spite of this fact, the vote shows al- most .2 X^X'tKVGT9\A^SMSXM§mik.:^ "The Legion despises unfair dis- criminationâ€"cash and the other fea- tures cannot be separated as the U. S. Chamber separated them in its referendum." ">-'(.'â- ,â- k:MUnX^ Appreciating fully that Spring is close at hand the Renneckar Drug company this week institutes some important alternations designed to facilitate business and add to the gen- eral appearance ^cT^tJhe store. New cigar cases, new magazine glands^ air °1C|n?ea^ainpases, are among the^con- templated improvements. It appeals to people of refined taster- Blue Devil. X,tgl8-^ §^Si>tt^'t^ Every man is not sure of the source of hisincome, and" how it comes to him, and whether or not it i9S$K$J^^^^i$h-; our services, it is a simple taatw^^^i^^Q^^^^^^^' Randolph 2037 or â- Wilmettm 2270 With our simple system, your own personal set of books, trade of every tran^tion^n!_Be^ep^ gladly explain. i^->K-;:-;^-^ii-%;|5^^f!Cdrtified Public Accountants â- .lilliHi 3IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIillllllill GENERAL BODY" REBUILDING ^^EPAflMNG and PAINTING iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimutuiimiuiiiiiiiuit . BEST of WOr NSHIP i_ â- -.â€" nuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiniiiim ESTIMATES CHEERFU^^ 1223 S. Michigan Ave. YOU NEED «iii They are as big as corda«£v;;:; They are better than cords. are inexpensiveâ€"selling at standard-febri VM': ley are guaranteed^OT 10,000 miles against stone bruise, rim cut and blowout. i^'T^BriLiftgrejitexi^^ 6. They resist oxidation on the dealer's shelf and on the spare rim. # * ^-There are no blietersfhuckles, bulges, strained places or misplaced bead wires. Internal HydrauUc expansion practically eliminates hidden defects which â€"-CaUSe-blOWOUtS*-------:-----f:-------â€"=~- ~ ~ 'â- -â€"â€"â€"---â€" â€" . â- â- :Ap-,.^,..p;, 8. Fabric is waterproof-uthe Toron treatment resists the action of water. 9. Fabric layers have greater tensile strength, y::; 10. Hydro-Toron tires wear only on the outside. Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process "iaraib1g^8gp7^i^jd^njce_^f^e old iron core process, with crushing pressure from the outside. Hydro-Toron tires are expanded into shape from within, producing a smooth* fi^wless,evenjy built tire. tl >rie insures absolute protection against rotting by water action. Toron has an affinity for rubber, causing toe fabric to absorb 10 percent more rubber than iabric not Toron-treated. "" 'r~~^""'.......... ~~~~° Let Us Demonstrate Them To You -&B£? ^nfer^|3ttltiii|»* time, ^ tion|;?J$:"the:;;^^ umif;^oiiceriiii ipparel anc Dear KkW^<^"^5u^^ for the Kidches is a splendid idea,- and should appeal to every mother who is on the lookout for anything which may he good for her chil- dren. I, for one, ani^very[pKJjj^l: lax how iny children appeai^no^ matter what may be the occasion. Tsfiallwatch tfiexolumn for good: 3uggestiohs!S^%^.pf^ vjp^-: â- ,;. pcrllaps'you"1 wdluj|m^ terested to know what a brigl^ 4fGdche NookVLM\rmm&m" m iSMil- girl, and I Jike everything my Mamma get from you. So does proud of the nice things we buy from- "tire zstore^^^chadbei What have y^»u ready for ^ring?* . Answer:. iiere. they '^r€»i Refreshing Frocks, all ferent^ojie^rg^^ arious materials, mclud- 0xep^Sv1 PeterPaii, and Sport Skirts, ®T\veecl^ smart Plaids and checks. l^A^-â€"^ WM. T. WEHRSTEPTt__ ':"â- v:- 562 Lincoln Ave* Winnetka, mmmmmm ^^»U$M&iS'k â- ^:gSSrW"^' ata tw [^^PRS gj^w^^ Attrac^iveJHb^of^^ ancTotheirlffiS^ long Streamers of beat Grosgraine Ribbons; also ^dSea^ifS^ trimmed with dainty Rib- bons and Flowers. Like^ wise, the boys will find a grea tl assortment .of jauntyTHats and Caps. %s If you did not visit our ^Qrle3Sh«sriar^a«^ol^« Church Bazaars this Week, see many of you can 3 â€"41ms attractidiiagjallllTTjte Store For Children. ^m^&^lSsMI&MMS^^M -rs '«&$ \M£ mnF a:«r slfeSSiiSSsiif^ 'â- â- i^ffe: