SilSiiiK mm* SB9! mm wmumfammmm mmamiBemmmmmmsmp. „...„!,-; J..a-j|,!.-.,.i,-i,.|jl-,..,4„..,a sjessae SOCIAI5! ACTIVITIES rf ItEMSS OF PERSONAIKNffiTSOTON Go4o Byron Stolp Tonight to Learn NewSames AVE you ever given a chil- dren's party for one of your children, ';. and discovered that long before the after- noon was over you had run short of games to play, although you had planned a number of interesting surprises expecting them to fully cover the allotted time? Most every hostess who hasn't had some special train- ing in kindergarten or playground work, has been in this very predica- ment and now is her opportunity to become better acquainted with* social games for both young and old. * This evening, Miss Marguerite Shar- retts, a representative from the NaV tional Community Service, who has been istructing the school teachers in a course of classroom games, will be- at the Byron Stolp school-Jto assist Wilmette in getting her social and rec- reational work for the summer started. Miss Sharretts will illustrate games to be played at home, at school, in halls and other places. « a' â€"The-evening promises to be thor- oughly enjoyable* as well as most prof- itable, and undoubtedly theren^ll be many parents, Sunday school teachers, Gamp Fire guardians and other adults who work mOTWl^TeSS^wtth^chtldren, who are anxious to take advantage ot this splendid opportunity in becom- ing better acquainted^:-^^.-^ iation and Politics/lJfcJBL_iLEattt. son Kline will be the speaker. , On Tuesday of this week, Mrs. Charles Hastings entertained at lunch- eon and bridge at her home, 503 Cen- tral avenue, in honor of Mrs. Edwin PvPatch, who left yesterday for «. so- journ in the south. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Blake, 1009 Chestnut aVenue, and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hoagland of Oxford road, Kenil- worth, are leaving this week for a fortnight's stay at Asheville and Tryon, North Carolina. .'... The Philanthropy department of the Wilmettfr Woman's club will hold an all-day meeting Friday, March 17, in the clubhouse. There wil be sewing for the. Mary Bartelme home on this occasion. Members of the First Division of the ladies' Aid society of the l|Iethod- Tst Church will meet with Mrs. Harvey E. Wynekoop, 1044 Forest avenue, on Monday, next, at 2:30 o'clock. Another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will be entertained by Mrs. Henrietta McFarland, at the homet of her sister, rMrs. O. CEast- man, 1027 Elmwood avenue. .â- ---------------------------0------------------------------ Miss Marion Dunsgee, who is en- gaged in dietetic work wi th the ^The Woman's Catholic clubL ot WJk JEorest _avenue, accompanied by Mr. mette will hold its annual St. Patrick's party next Friday afternoon, March 17, at the Wilmette Woman's clubhouse, under the auspices of the Ways^and Means committee of which Mrs> A. Gv Kecr ft chairman. Bridge ^ndj!iye Hundred will be played. Mrs. Keck ^11 be assisted in her arrangements by-her-eominttteeV composed of Mta. ^rdhn^D,~Cook, vice-chairman; Mrs. Carl Rehneckar, Mrs. C, C. Wie|and, Miss Gertrude Stack, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. A, T. Tisdale Mrs. Arthur Lam- key, Mrs. Christopher Curran, TMrs. Jamel Byrnes, Mrs. Alfred Rohol, Mrs. JuUus Seng, Mrs. N. P. Anderson, Mrs. ©ervedT made W the mountain people of North Carolina, on Tuesday after- n©on, March 14. Among the things *o be exhibited will be woven rugs, cur- tain material, woven table covers, . French knot dresser scarfs, hand- made baskets and most .interesting toys, especially appropriate for Easter â€"-gifts^ The Shop.JKishejL atten- tion to its fine collection of hand painted china. A lustre tea set would be most suitable for a gift. ~~~lTifflscelIaheous shower was given in honor of Miss Ethel Lusted, on Saturday afternoon last, at_the home Of Mis- W- M. Walker, 5430 Sheridan road, Chicago. Miss Lusted's marriage to Edward Richardson will take place ^=tfieI iatter^arirof April.^^^---=-â€"- Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Wash- JiigBaclyenuer ieft last evening for a month's sojourn iriHFlorida^stopping fifrst at Daytona, and later driving to -MiamiT-tobe theguests -et-Mftr and- T8frsT~XrW. Wigglesworth, at lUelr winter home there. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Harlan, 43} Sheridan road, Kenilworth, entertained the board of trustees of the Congrega- tional church, "andTtheir wiv#s_and Rev. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd at a picnic supper at their home, on Mon- day evening. ___ J. Harmon Rindell, who is in his junior year at the University of Illi- nois, and was an honor student at New Trierv as well as president of his class, has been elected to the honorary fraternity, Beta GammarSl£maT~ The last lecture of the* Current Events Class at the Woman's club, Mlas Hazel Jftusseiuaooa Elmwood avenue, had as her week-end guestT Miss Edna Bonheim of Chicago, '^M American Red ^Cross, in St. Josephr Missouri, recently underwent' an op- eration for appendicitis. T^T/^'T^'t^' Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Darwin, 1441 Mr. and Mrs. David Caldwell, of 616 Isabella street, have moved to th$ ^North Shore hotel=^~&======_~~w and Mrs. F. F. Kenworthy ot Austin, will leave Saturday night to spend three - weeks in T^atUiiB^i^^n^;.^^ â- There will be an organ recital given by the Order of Martha In thefaudt- torium of the Brown building, on Wednesday, March 15, at three o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wray enter tained the members of the *,H7~aHd~ w." club at dinner last evening at their home, 618 Washington £ venue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rink of Chi- cago, formerly of Wilmette, are re- ceiving congratulations upon the birth â€"-----â€"â€"â€"â€"-- ^^ 3. Miss Roberta Skinner, 723 Central avenue, is spending three weeks ...with friends in Wheeling, W. Va. Mr. Royal i>. Smith, 706 Elmwood avenue, returned Saturday last from aJbflisinasiL trip to,Peoria. Mr. B. F. Lewis, 908 Central avenue, has returned from a visit with his brother in Valparaiso, Ind. Mr; G. Norstrom, 1356 Greenwood avenue, loft Wednesday evening on a business trip to Toledo, O.________â€" Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cozzens have moved from 1533 Highland avenue to 906 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. F. I. Walker and her daughter Peggy, are visiting among various olti friends in the village. Mr. J. P. Sheridan of Lake" avenue, is in Minneapolis and St. Paulson a three weeks' business trip. a -; ^ Mr. Samuel t)arst, 727 Central ave- nue, left Mondayvevening on a busi- ness tripr to TCansas^City: ZI_HZ2.1^1 TheuThursday__Luncheon *?lub meWr^â€" CHAMPION>H£lfe BWIlf Sim yesterday with- ner, 629 Central avenue. ^0^f0mj;'4^P Mr. and MirsL Charles Carnahan, fOtt Central avenue, have returned from St.. Joseph,, Mich. . ^W^i^***-* ' Miss Francis King, 714 Greenleaf avenue, is confined to her home by illness. idrfy aftefnoon, March 20, har been scheduled as the date of_|he.^* - championship swim ib '-be engaged Wr byvNew Trier High school and B*^i |; anston High school natators. Th© r swiinrm Patteargynrpoot^ Bvaastonrs ^ will determine the champlonahip of the Suburban league. The teams stand one all in tteir two ^Beoton^^ counters. â- â- â- :•. :<â- ^:';"â- ' â- .-Ikmw ......mgl. LAMP SHADES Made to ordjerâ€"Old ones repaired and sewing by the day,â€"Call EVANSTON 7371 j "Movie" Entertainments â- ^11 lo£ the home §:||i:?|§ of the family ";:"rJ2 Frank McMillan 6500 Ravenswood Ave. '||'1';:;;;Chicagp,. 111. J|g Mrs. Powell who has been the guest tf IIIIIIIIHHIXIIHIIIII^ QfJiejLSisto! |^ __________^s^ajj^a^^gg^fcgji^sgffi to her home in i^ungstol^T <&. Mrs. Frank A. Brown^sraiLJiostess- to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week at her home, 612 Lake avenue. Mrs. Donald Payne, 815 Forest ave- nue, left Wednesday for a ten day's visit wit&TMrsT Bennett TSIcTCffistry~fif Paw, Paw, Mich. Miss Eleanor Lewis, assistant librarianTaTTSorthwestern university, is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. * M Mr. Augustus B. Hartman, 706 Liri- den^venue, is in Sheboygan, and otfier Wisconsin lake cities on bueinesa this week. The Clare C. Hosmer family, at 1232 Forest avenue, have been confined to their home during the past week with illness^â€" .<~^p< After an illness of some six weeks or-se^Mrs. Herbert B. Mulfordrof^ 835 Elmwood avenue, is able .to be about again. Mrs. Knox Smith will be hostess to the alumnae of chT jOmega this-after- noon, at her hbffie,~2752 Woodbine nve- nue. Mrs."C. P. Berg^and heri son, Eugene, 1320 Greenwood avenue, have both been ill with influenza this past week. The Manuka. Club was entertained â- at^ the^irome"dr"Mrs._FrA.- Karst» 1Z16 Forest avenue, yesterday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. P. W, Idler, who formor^ have moved to 982 Ashland avenue; :mm$m- Friday Eve-MarcK 10 ; or Saturday Eve-March 11 MINSTREL SHOW Ouilmette Country Club Ticfeti^ne Dollsr^-" Console Vi new styles with the most enthusiastic .approval.. ,^^gffl^r7J^^g^^^ We wauW ml !'Mi beautiful instruments, There^re^in stock no-wT hundreds of ff^ these "Kardjto get" | VictoriiReeords.tilSlii "IBelow^is. a partiallilistl of fcumbers ^which should be in every home. m Wr-. Hl« pitt^^^^fa .Andante, -from---yifth-'Symphony£^;^^fSaffii5^^ '• â- .'â- â- S5275.........'........... Victor Concert JOrchestri;' : )^jS0§^^^^ Sill? Danube Waltz.,. ;'..w'€t^-.'.-..........'......:...:.... .Strauss "|6|k^S; -: 74627,;......,,.>..;.v.'.wA.*:...Philadelphia Orchestra 3^:-;teHf|S^^S 74548 87513. ,... Maud . Powell- â- '*vlli^^ .. .Alma Gluck and Zimhali§t K-i Largo from New World Symphony..'..........,'â- ."..... \Dvora$. .,.,..,.1.,,,n.â„¢w _ 74631 ,....,.........../..â„¢add|«i»..Dr*hfertr»:VL^:;.^;\*^i^^ â- â- 'â- ;,-â- â- ;*'â- 'â- ' 3$275- :^^'*;2^.ii:^*^^ Matche Slave .:'.V * â€"'•••â- •' 55105.. 'MM. ,36167-. Polonaise â- •'â- Militaire.^>'i» â- ;.:,.:,..'.â- ; 74530 .... .â- .â- .';'$i\:.: S 35241.;..... i. '.â- .-., ...........â- â- -. .Tschaihowsky ^.»Victor Herbert's ..Orchestra' â- :^,i.-!^ml00^^0M ;;,;;*,.>;,:'.'.'.......Pryor's Band '^»^^sMSm::mMMs '.'â- '......"':".'?;H..Paderewski .. Vessela's Italian Band Triumphal March from Aida... 36195 .^.'. viiW-i v.. v.. y .Verdi B>^ry^s_BaniL^ 603 Davis Street Evaiiston ^NoHb Store II TALKING MACHINE CO II â- - __r WW Far the most prized possessions in jftour home are yoar beautiful Oriental rugs,S Keep them cleanâ€"and when ^rou have thenr leaned be sure that us, with- the~assufs A>e returned to you^spotless and fe- ^^ftieyEare eleane4^% our-expert^TEitrvr markably well pressed. r^leaners jvhO' know xugs. for and deliver this work. fLfJtHCER & FLINKER MILLINERY and DRY GOODS% illli: Jtutmtst cfU* Intkp _|;:^; ARAIVnd^EST.yttW^ 607 W. Railroad Ave: Phone Wilmette 1949 NORTH SHORE'S LEADING RUG CLEANERS