"IBHBP8 CLASSIFIED fADVERTISEMENTS M&EAE ESTATE OFFERS ,n 1 Ratesâ€"10c per line for e*ch in- sertion. Minimum 3 fines. Copy must be in by Wednesday "'at lfrpm. Rates for the same ad- veftis^Tnents in The-Hbake kfaore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price.|v::':':v; -^ •;..... 'REAL ESTATE ?.- a. r: eddington & co. UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS *~AJWP~ SELLERS OFJREAL ESTATE . "We have some very attractive offers in "vacant this week. "Mich. Ave. 100 ft. S^ayontage ancLSheridan ~R<L~75ft. -fronts age* at $50 per ft. for long term Jease with option to buy. 100 It. on Mich. Ave., with Riparian Rights at $*0 per ft. less than market .value. - . 123 ft, on Chestnut Ave. at $125 4>er ft- WiU divide. Several attractive loca- tions, west, at $37.50 to $45.00 per foot. 8^R. concrete house, 3. porches, water at, garage, lot-5ftxl93, splendid loca^-. ;tion, snap at $10,000. , „ 7-R.*stucco house, front, sleep.* and - .breakfast pQrches, ideal location' adja- cent to SherTBTan-Rpad. Attractive buy at $15,500. ; â- r â- â- ± §-R. stucco, sun and sleep, pchs., vapoF heat, garager located in one of the fashionable sections of Wilmette. Beau- tiful lot covered with flowers and shrubbery. Only $20;000. -^A t. 1157 Wilmette Ave*, v ' r^ Si Phns. 640-1417-2066 Wilmette, 111. LTG29-ltc SOME REAL BARGAINS 8-ROOM STUCCO, WATER HEAT, large 'wooded lot, garage. Some buy. East % .. -..........•.:...........$11,500 B^room5iejy^_aUicco; -Cash f 1.000. -fg»5gg 5-room stucco-hung. CaSh $1,000. .$8,250 Michigan Ave. lot facing lake, only $115 Maple, near "I/' -------«............. ♦. •â- § f« Wilmette Ave., sewer and water....$16 Furnished for summer, 7 rooms...$175 Rental, 7 rooms, new,= gas .. .<.......$75 M, L, MOOBY & CO, 511 Fourth St. ~ I EXPERIENCED Ph. Wilmette 2248 LTG 29-ltc FOR* SALE ^ 2 2-3 ACRES, 264,82 FT. FRONTS ON two- streets,- four blocks west of Ridge Ave. Can be subdivided into 10 lots of over 50x203 ft. North and south fronts. Price $4,000. 2 2-3 acres, 132.41_'ft. fronts, oh four streets. Can^Be^subdivided into 12 lots *of over 44x203 ft. north and south fronts. Terms. $5,000. „ â- m 5 acres, 184.2 ft. front on Hibbard Road, $3,000. 5 acres on Locust" street, $3,000. 13% acres on Hibbard Road. Terms, $10,001). ' - ' SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW * TRIER TOWNSHIP ' . ~â€"iSehaefef^ &-Golbach-^ -= Investment Securities Real- Estate Insurance .434 - Telephone 1038 • • •*â- » Wilmette LTG29-tfc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE MUST BE SOLDâ€"$500 OR $700 DOWN, then $34 or $40 per mo., like rent. New 6-ropm home; large lot; close to depots. $4,500. Owner Pavlik, 606 W. Ry. Ave., Kenilworth, 111. LTG-29-ltp SftlsS WINNETKA BARGAIN HI 5,000 FORITHIS BEAUTI^UIiiBRlCK STUCCO t;:,w_ HOME^IN &EST SECTION OF WINNETKA fr S^S One block from Sheridan Road and two blockjl from transportation; lllillMohogany and white enamel trim throughout. s ' . gS*ill ESLrst floorhas attractive reception hall* immense living-room, ,commo- Sil dious dining-room and kitchen, and glazedsun and screened porches. 18 Second floor has four master bedrooms, sleeping porch, and two baths; Sl;| also separate apartment for maids of two rooms and bath. j ^ > Bit Garage hag room for 5 cars, 4 riding horses, cleaning-room, furnace-/ iSi room <AtcoJEIdt^Watet' Pliant), harn^s-rooi^ and a-4-room flat and ha^ jf|loit'above.;; s.tl MOIR, .Exclusive Agent -p^ffllS 556 Center St^^nnetka^;Wf. of^.^. Depot Win.254:? K^;tL295Ttc| WHITE Wishes ironing or cleaning hour. Tel. .Wil. 984-R. WOMAN by (day or LT29*ltp HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work with or without laundry. Tel. Winn. 820. _______ . LTG29-ltc WANTED-*MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work: also nurse. Apply Saturday or Sunday afternoon at J171 Oakley Ave. or write Lake Shore News B-25. LTQ29-ltc -- P' ANO&. T.U N ED i " PIANOS TUNED, KEGULATEJ-V RE- fplirVd; expert; best references Poster Phone Win. 509-J.. Ltgl5-tfc FOR SALEâ€"GARAGE PORTABLE GARAGE 11x16 FT. PRO- Slate type; green sides, red roof, cost $235; price, $100. Can be-.seen Winnetka Ave. Phone 718 at 985 LT29-ltp . rfenced in handling credits for per* manent position with local organization. Apply in own handwriting. Address. Lake Shore News B-28. LTG29-ltp WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GENEB- al houseworkr-no washing; permanent or home nights. Tel. Winn. 1213. LTG29-ltc WANTEDâ€"GENERAL MAID, CEN- tral, Wilmette family of 4, $15 with laundry, $12 without laundry. t Address 1044 Forest Ave. TeK Wil. 1.971. LTG29-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; .3 in family; washing op- tional. 615 Abbotsford Rd. Tel. Kenil. 1260. L29-ltc WANTELWWHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; no washing. Tel. Winn. ^T449vrrr~::r ~^â€"' -----~~ LTG39=lte WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 818 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2135. . ' L29-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID WITH REF- erence; either downstairs and cook,'or upstairs work and assist with children. Wages $15. Mrs. Harold Wilder, 508 Maple Av%. Tel. Winn. 1539. LTG29-ltc HELP >VANTEDâ€"MALE MANâ€"EXPORT MANAGER WANTS clean-cut man, under 25, who is willing to train for executive positions in "for- eign trade. "Selected applicants will be thoroughly equipped to qualify* for po- 'sitione paying- $50 per week at start. Must have grammar school education â€"and be now employed____Right man should earn $5,000 per year in,two of * three years. -Address Box 27, Lake Shore News. L29-ltc FOR SALE- FOB-SALE Sheretonâ€"design, Tel. WJ first class condition. LTG29-4tc FOR SALEâ€"ONE OAK STAND, SIN gle cot and mattress, sanitary couch and -3r4 wire 802 Lake Aye. mattress: Tel. 980-W, L29-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SQUARE DINING TABLE and chairs, kitchen cabinet, combina- tion d«sk .and bookcase. Tel. Wil. 1724, - Call Saturday.------- L29-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"34 IN. BLACK WALNUT service; William and Mary period. Tel. Wilmette â€" 7IS5FT ._______________ ___________^_______L29-ltc FOR SALE â€" ONE - SECOND-HAND . .double camping tent with trailer. Tel. Wil. 1249; LTG29-ltc ^ti m M. E. BARKER & Cpi :,Ehd 'rs$^fcMJ$.:- Linden... .^iSPT.*;^ilmet|e; ai^Sw.. 407. 11 Offer Ihese splendid ba^rgaihif V" IS 7-r. stco. In choice east section, Jbuw. heat, $ master bed rms., tile bath, maid's r. & bath* glassed suh & sip. prchs., deep wooded lot, gar. Owner gone east & must sell at once, $17,500., Make us an olfer.^ .-â- -._â- .â- ,. :;.. ;â- ,â- .-.â- ;â- ;.â- ..... .....'::.1:^_...*l.â- •â- ..:::!. 1. .......:.-. W- Beautiful modern home in very finest ^|^iohti-Bxtra--weil buiftr-9 lger-*ttnny- rms., h. w. heat, huge wooded Jot. A remarkable value at $18.00. Sohd^brick 9====r. homj^ tile goof,'_ 2 e"Bamr^excep%dnar^Bstru^t^nT^K w. hea£. Lot 100x190 in most exclusive neighborhood, dble.. gar. Owner gone, reduces to $25,000. $2,000 spent in 1m- Srovements Will make it worth $35,000. >on't miss this opportunity. LTG29-ltc BARGAINS IN HOMES AND LOTS ! NEW 6-ROOM DUTQH COLONIAL, HOT f - watet: h^a^-tile^^athr^O-foot-lotr-att large, bright rooms, $11,500. Attractive- 6-room stucca bungalow In WM good East section convenient ;to both K 9team and elevated transportation, hot i water heat, tile bath, large living-room, tlewly decorated inside and out, â- gas stove and ice box included, $12,500. ^Modern 8-room brick and stucco On extra large lot^iaiolcft East location; aH"large; rooms, garage, fHipOtt. :~~T'~- 'â- .â- .â- ;....". >We are offering^omje-fine building sites east and west of the tracks in wil'* mette, Winnetka and <51encoe. The se- fv lection and prices -are better how than Beautiful building site 100x350^ oh semi- private road northeast Qlencoe; only C':-' ^0::Per;,toot.;:.:' '-.â- â- .-'â- â- ,â- :..-.. - 7ljOf5ftx250; only 2 blocks from center of Wilmette, all improvements in and paid U tor^jonly $50 per foot._, 60x200 lot in Southeast Winnetka, 2 blks s? Jto lake* $80 per f t. Many other; attrac- tive building sites. â- â- â- â- :â- :- â- gafe?^.'-;" " R. M. Johnston & C6?& * Linden Ave. Phones Wil. 68 and 444 L29-ltc NORTH. I^REAL ESTATEâ€"3U BURBAN tlon; SALE-^FASHIONABLE LOCA- owner moving soon; must sell 7- unusually well arranged with a^beajytiful spaciopa and sun porch off it, with disappearing windows, tile bath with built in show- er, extra -lav. 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Spencer auto feed heat- ef and Ruud InstantaneauB hot water - .supply, attractive lot witn shrubbery, * trees, garage in rear; buyer need nave Kino hesitancy about this proposition; W price -$21,500; terms arranged. ^^ILM^TE REAJLTY ipD. ^ iFOR RENT-^HOUSBl :&$ FOR RENT-r^TJRN. 7-ROOM HOUSE; 3 porches; best location; $185 per mo. Phone Wilmette 1615. L*rG29-ltc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS; cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and -ex- changed. 808 Oak St... Win. Tel. 1212. - LTGl-tfc â- O CAMP TRAILER FOR QUICK sale. In goo^^conaTflon-; complete for camping while touring. Two three- quarter beds, ice-box, etc. Cost $500 When new. Will sell to party with best offer. 682. Lincoln Ave., Winnetka*. Tel. Win. 89. " LT29-ltc FOR SALEâ€"FOUR FESTIVAL TICK- ets. .Thurs. and Wed. nights. PhOne Wil. 802-M. - L29-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other - household- goods. Highest price paid for .same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06- Emerson St., 111. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC IRONS, VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances sold. Tel. Adams, Wil. I04CL • L18-tfc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR-----SALEâ€"A BARGAINi WOODS Elictric, last model, batteries and tires good condition; slip covers Included, pr^ft $650. Address Lake Shore News B-26. TiTG-29-ltc FOR SALE-AM OFFERING MY LIGHT Milburn Electricr "like new, with g g rectifier for charging, costing about $8 per mo. Both in perfect condition for $1,100. Cash or terms. Present new value $2,750. Tel. Lakeview 6818.^ ^ FOR SALEâ€"CHEAP, A CASE KOAD- fourth model. 1622 Forest Ave. 1760.__________L28-2tc ster, Tel. Wil. USED CAR^ Let us fix you up with jifst the kind of good used cars you are planning on buying. Our present stock includes: Cadillac Suburban Sedan a Dodge_Sed^n g __j|^ Hudson Enclosed Touring r^_ ~^ WintohT-Pa^s. Touring Ford 5-Pass> Touring Overland 5-Pass. Touring • â- . Mitchell Speedster ^ Buick Panel-B^dy Truck ^ The prices of these cars are based on the latest used car market report. You may -have a certain car in mind which is not on our. list. If so tell us and we will try to. get it for you. Winnetka Motor\Co.-^'w^ Tel. Winn. 165. 562 .Lincoln Ave. m. of faculty, alumni and students, to de-J fine and emphasize the importance oil intercollegiate athletics and of foot*; hall in particular. Action by the faculty committee on: athletics to eliminate" friction and!i| misunderstandings on the administrafi||| tive side -of athletics. ..;*?$ 'â- â- â- _£'•* IS An immediate effort? insUtuted hr"^ the faculty committee, to secure «11 among conference universities, a^, _ 'Clear-cut agreement covering the1 sub|g|j ject of scouting, eligibility of players, S assistance by way of jobs. and|||pans»fe|g to athletes.. ...â- "â- â- ' , "".. ... "?]1|! An organized effort to promote -real,,M university spirit at Northwestern. ,f f| That the alumni be urged to use all legitimate means to induce athletical- ly-Inclined young men to enter North- western, r That the department of physical education provide for an annual sur- vey of the man power of the univer- sity. Wmmm^MWmfm ' II* :â- JThe hiring of Pootbatt Coach Glenn Thistlethwaite was endorsed and the lack^ of- action of university heads at a recent meeting on certain methods to induce high school students to "play" at various universities, was de- plored. In closing, the report said: "What Northwestern needs as much as anything else is to shake off the ob- session that the situation is hopeless, and In its place to substitute the idea that we must all get together on a united program designed to work ou.t the solution of our • probteinV^^T^r^ Committees S a y s^Sehool Must Get Good Material After nearly six months of quiet in- vestigation, a special committee repre- senting the trustees of Northwestern university, the Northwestern Univer- sity Alumni association and the Chi- cago Club of Northwestern University Men has submitted a report on vari- ous phases of Northwestern Univer- sity athletics. The committee, headed by James F. Oates, an alumnus and also a member of the board of trus- tees,-found" that, among many other causes frequent changing of football coaches and consequent reorganiza- tion of the football system of instruc- tion injured the chance's of Purple elevens during the last thirteen years. Other causes of poor showing were the suspension of football' activities en- tirely during 1906 and 1907, which lost the university much prospective athletic material, and the wide physi- cal separation of the downtown I schools and the Evanston campus. The committee recommended the follow- ing: j .:â- :â- â- ;â- .â- -â- - â- â- 'â- - ';-yn*-$% That a campaign of education be carried-on under the joint supervision M Tm 1*1 -il E;'Fraripe"'In#'Scotland Once Allies. te^ Foench influence is very marked In a -number of Scotch words, which is not very surprising in view .of - the fact that from the early pan of the Four- teenth century until the accession of James VI to the English throne, France :and Scotland were : allies. i^;S|S§^igj Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Uli|pv Evanston, Illpjgllp llll'^OW 'SERVINC|||i| Luncheon: Table 6? hote^ SOc -,uhm? anrhArlarearte-immm Aftepopn, Tea^:J8 :Q0191 :W DiiuierlllpiaWSDuii^ Anchor I*in Special, $10C|| Sunday Dinner: $1.00 anf IllIIIH-':$i.5oi $10° DANCING'M Saturday NighU Beginning June3rd.; P0^R, RENTâ€"SMALL FURN. HOUSE; -"good location; Winnetka. Close to * â- ^ trans. Living room, and dining room combined; bfedroom, kitchen and sleep- ing- porch]:^ptknace heaf." $75- 'per mo. 1 year lease. Hill & Wheeler^ 728 Elm' JA^AN^EO^ WANTEDâ€"SMA1.L HOME, BUNGA low preferred,,furnished, June to Octft -^akme_HigJbland--Eark_73&«3BL,_ J*±***. St.. Winnetka. LTG29-ltc FOR SALEâ€"VACANT .'Glencoe :-Lake' Frontfilliil 3 ACRES RIPARIAN RIGHTS, PrNE colonial house, half mile from ^etfot* Owner, P^ J. Woolley, 69 Park -Ave., ^6Jencoe^^^-"---'^^?^',S":-^-^:7~'LTG29-2tp Â¥OK SALEâ€"4 LOTS, 75x30a EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, IS min. walk |.to depot. $13.50 per front foot. iTeL. JVili 715?3NU: J- :: LTG27-tfc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT^ROOM. SinTAfeLE^ POR ZT two. Tel. WHTÂ¥69-W. LTG^29-ltc FOR RENT^- DESIRABLE ROOM. Price is reasonable^*: Man preferred. "â- â- â- Tel. Wil. 19W. fe§l LTG29-Itc W^NTgD TO REI#r^.RQQMS Yputig business woman wants ropm near village. Phone Wil- mette 2348,during the dayv ? L89^1tc FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED APART. UNFURNISHED furnished rooms. LTG27-tfc FOR RENTâ€"4-ROOM apt.; also elegantly Phone Wilmette 1080. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"I^ALl" WINNETKA- LANDSCAPE-GOâ€"LET U& submit estimates on. your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale-; .pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man stent. Mr J. Sul- Pihe Street, Winnetka. LTG24-tfc livan, Mgr., 882 NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plaiit- â- ing and care«of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Sugrosser, 1030 Cen- --tral Ave. TeL Wil. 708-M. LT28-4tp WANTEDâ€"ODD JOBS DST PLASTERING ^f m A 25 oDown Payment on FORD Cars Effective Now! 'â- â- "â- "â- 'â- â- ' .. - 'â- ...•: .." ^ .,.- ' --â- •â- --:;- you afford^ to he without one? | ^^1 Touringâ€"Starterâ€"D em. Runabout [%&M a a a a $143-57 Down $36.55 monthly 43.20 MiM -«t U 221.05 244.15 it U lit 47.75 tt SH; I Including insurance and[jen^dMariock & ^^^iM^^nmmmmt. ^ CfttJRCH8sTREET ndable Cars ^^ajfela^fegjj^jSSgM P*igS^Ji.'* M. P. LpUEN, Sales Mg«» Phone Evanston 4884 Ey^NSTON.....J 3 1 Next to Po.