afatteau HBSBte«ssa=a THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY; JUNE 2t 1932 Foreign Born Are Home Builders Editor's Note:â€"The accompanying article is the first of a series of spe- cial articles on the subject of "Home Ownership", a vitally important ques- tion of interest to all citizens. psiSKfB By EDGAR TAYLOR WHEELOCK {Copyright 1922 by International News Service) Any officer of a Building and Loan pV"*fl L Association will tell you that wher ever there are large numbers of for- eign born citizens their association % membership rolls are made up largely of that class. There are associations % whose membership is exclusively Pol- i- ish or Bohemian. '::,::.i:.â- â- â- !i|Sfi#|ggsSipi I.. .During the last half tttt#!!QG^ can citizens have enjoyed remarkable " prosperity except for short periods of # industrial depression; This prosperity has led to a high standard of living â- 'I and extravagant habits have become 4= too= common: among native-born Amer- t leans and. the second generation of the : mon people of the old world. It has not been a matter of choice with them. -; They faced the necessity of practic- ing thrift or going-hungry a part >of the time. The saving, habit is as nat- ural to them as breathing, as sleep, as hunger and thirst. It is born in them and. its, practice is enforced in youth by necessity and precept. "f:^: "This makes it comparatively easy an absolute necessity among the corn- foreign born. They have assumed ^harth^1goTjrd*tiffies ^oula^alwafs con- tinue and they Jive up to the ltflait of their incomes. When we realize that, of the 24,- 351,676' homes in this country, 12,943,- 598, or 54.4. per cent, are rented, the importance of the housing problem is easy to understand. In order to make the most of the great wealth of their country Americans must be- come a nation of home owners, hot a nation of renters and drifters. The building and loan associations are the only organizations in existence that .are working exclusively along that line. Consult them. ^-f§M§M â- v _. â- ,"â- .. ^pj^JlLi.-. Miss Dorothy Smith left Wednesday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Leslie H. Taylor, In BJrie,.Penn^^j|^vg>f^ ; Miss Barbara , Crowe entertained "The Bluebirds" on Monday afternoon. Practice" Ecofiim^P*^ Economy is and always been /TT^HE first requisite «f; Js^of a ^odd should *i? mm.^ _ wholesome- SnessP Our bread has If that quality. It is made llby bakers who know SShewâ€"out of materials llthat are selected with ifexpert care. Qur bread ijlis a worthy food. ;S#;l:Ki^ ^Baker^ 111 "/h the Heart of lipl.. :wumette":mim 1 1162 Wilmette Mm&j Av e n uemmm H Jgf droning.-. Board " ...... " "".....~MiMi"" j^;' e^i^"^piir^baieir'^ 'of it mm* Witt Electric Iron .50 HHl down-$l a month ll^;;;./:.;. V . - ----------------.......-............ l^nlfoMie best Electric Irons ill on the marketâ€"many ± thousands in use ';,;.t ^^^fchU bargain chain* will illlllbe sasJlaU* during » fiaad p^^pMjd bri«f pariodjmly r for i toreigm^born citizens to secure homes of their own and explains why they take advantage of opportunities afforded by building and loan associa- tions to invest their savings at interest until they have enough to enable them to become borrowers and build for permanent , dwelling :*t,v I FINAL MI88I0N 8E88I0N The final meeting of the fiscal year of the woman's Home' Missionary society of the First Methodist Epis- copal church of Wilmette is to be held today at the home of Mrs. Harry, tion of officer* for the ensuing year W. Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue. Elec-|will take place. ;k|| IRON at* If. women ' would only take Nuxatcd lion when I__ feel weak, rundown, tired outâ€"when they are pole, ner thou up voue and bagnxdr-then are ... sands who aught readily buUd _.. their red corpuscle*, become rosy cheeked, atrong and healthy and be much* more attractive in every way. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the healthy glow i, of youth leaves their skin and their â- â- •§ i charm and vivacity depart. A two g * week* course of Nuxated Iron // works wonders Jn many cases, i A Satisfaction guaranteed or fj money refunded. At all V. good druggists. jt m '"'â- * ' piripw EVANSTON MOTOR SALES CORP ^Lis*^y^ Formerly f«isipifc#^^ii|ii|p MOTOR CO. , 1013-1017 DAVIS ST - PHONE 4260-e620\|ggM||s EVANSTON ?.;,fe;.4«fc]tse$'-: :';;:<(«â- :â- :>Â¥':^.!-:W":.:-'.#-',.,'-7;'>>i:*fk"%-. .-'^ â- , ._>- ^WS^^y^^I^t^^ 4^ . _»â- ;';â- llllllllllllill A V lAf IT I #^PM^^B'::;^ ililoSHviriSs^ If you «rw anticipating • new car this spring Wf^I: would suggest placing your ardor St this tlmo.|||^^^^' D. D. PAttlSON' When" something goes wrongpand y0uf f^i^ yourself miles away from any and every place, set up your wireless" apparatus and send the distress signal. VvVll be sure to rssp6nd in a friendly way, in the shortest possible space of tim^fe n^^SiSm @l|ii# WE HANDLE COLE BATTERIES mm Towing Sert>ic0iDa0ls& Night ii|ii|pi^ ISIIB^S Expert â- fiepctftm?*mm^^- IL L E RIB RO SI NORTH SHORE GARAGE jplfff I Wilmette 234 Opposite the Northwestern Depot ^^^^feSSlilfel^^ft^ii^ilS^^ 611 West Railroad Ave. i?i/FAWCET||,S WESTERN ;k::&jH| 'funeral DifeEcroie^HiBlli iftfiroivE. Tci â- :k||!^||SSS Ottr. coiig(g^|Jf|^ ||lmost:EFFICIENX.aM::|^|^^ land to supply ni^ MJ«%^ ithovoiT'l-OWESTXOST.|.piW Si ^ "^i^^ii^P^Sii^fii â- IliJ^^lLAPY ATTENPANli II. I m- lU K HI V- iPP^IWpiS^a'"' ... . ................................................. i..i;':^**-. * * •â- 1"^" 5'M^^S^Ift^S^P â- '1M ft m Anin^#flil8M%ISIi&Sl^^^S •:^*ate&»;i-i«««SBsSM^,.-,,-.;p '10M"iSa^1lt'ltli Phone Evanston Evaiisl^ailJIIPiiiSiW^ ";;;;-Vr^^Miliffii^^'::;;::"""MmiS.l^mMMS^77", \y-- :Mff&&??Ji;&Wr"T^^^