Itlplf Mm â- y-:m â- â- Mi !THE tmSmOkE NEW& FRIDAY JUNE 33, 19221 P 'â- '. 'J'0^t SII 'HI Kenilworth Happenings ?ll?i§$g|Pfl^! 1^(1 ^ NB of the loveliest of June wed- dings was that of Miss Ruth Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt, who became the bride of Ralph Emerson Brown of Evanston, Saturday evening at the First Con- gregational church of Wilmette. The church was beautifully adorned with palms and roses and Miss Watt, who is one of Kenilwcrth's prettiest girls, was exquisite in her bridal gown of white satin trimmed with pearls. A court train of silver cloth hung from her shoulders and her tulle veil was held in place by strands of pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of valley lilies and white sweet peas. Her at- tendants, Miss Dorothy Stewart of St. Louis, Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, Miss Helen Davis of Hub- 'bard Woods, and her cousin, Miss Josephine Barker of Oak Park, all swore taffeta frocks in the rainbow colors and carried shower 1>ouquets of spring flowers. Alfred Watt, the bride's elder brother, served Mr. Brown as best man and Frank Watt, Jr., was ringbearer. The beautiful ceremony was enhanced by the organ program Â¥ played by Mr. Seder, one of the finest organists in The West. He rendered selections from DuBois' Messe de Mar- riage, and Madam Elsie Harthan Arendt, who in private life is Mrs. Seder and a singer of great note, sang several beautiful selections, including "At Dawning," "Lift Up Thine Eyes" and "Thank-OPd-for a Garden^â€"The "Chimes" as rendered by Prof. Seder W(as particularly beautiful. A re- ception followed at_the home of the bride on Melrose avenue, which was a veritable bower of rosea Itnd lark- spur. Mr. and Mrs. Brown}<&re spend- ing their honeymoon in the mountains of Tennessee and on their return will make their home in Evansttpn. R. Pomper of Glencoe, Saturday^eve- ning at the Union neHnrclr of ~ii worth at eight-thirty o'clock. Dr, College will perform the ceremony, ij Mrs/ Alex W. Hannah and daughters |. enil-1 Elizabeth, Mary, and "Connie" have returned from Niagara Falls, where they.^have been visitinf^' â- : ».; Mrs. O. D. Jones of 615 Forest ave- mie, Wilmette, entertained at a miscel- laneous "shower" for Miss Elva South- ward of Kenilworth on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Southward enter- tained the members of their daughter's bridal party at dinner at their home on Friday evening. ! :^. s "Mr;: anil '"Mrs! Modie J. Spiegel are in the East, where they went to attend the graduation of their son Modie, Jr., at Dartmouth College. From there they went to New York to be with "Junior" until he sailed for Europe. He will be abroad all summer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith and son John have returned home from the East, where they went to attend the graduation of their daughter, Miss Cor- nelia Keith, at the Emma Willard School. Miss Keith's roommate will be her house guest for a short time||| Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett and family have returned from Conners- ville, Indiana, where they went to at- tend the graduation of their daughter, Miss Clara Ruth Bennett, at the Elm- hurst School.â€" ~~~~ -'"'7~~~T... â- â€"oâ€" Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole have sold their home on Cumnor Road to Mr. Caff of the Virginia Hotel and will move into the Sanborn home, which they have recently purchased, the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. George Shipraan have gone to White Lake for the summer. Miss Caroline Jane Everett has motored East with Mrs. Wm. Tilden to attend the graduation exercises at Hotchkiss. Mrs. George Kingsley and family have gone East for the summer. §|f§|: Miss Dorothy Stewart and Miss Anne Hancock of St. Louis, who have been_the guests of the Frank Watts, have^eturnM~Eo their homes. 05 , The taken Howard Durhams have again their residence in KenHH bhss worth. They have just returned from a motor trip East where they went to attend the graduation of their daugh- ter Misa. Louise Durham, and on their way back they stopped at Champaign tor Mr. Arthur Durham who' has T)eeh attending Illinois. Miss Elva Grace Southward, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesJ?, South- ward, will becojae-th^HbrtcTelof Herman son of Mr, and Mrs. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stout and daughter of Indianapolis, whip have formerly lived in KenilwortteAin the summer, are at_^h«--©i^ke~"hetel this year. ,,,„,, . fTa ^^ with you this summer Catharine Slater will be the of Mrs. Sam Clark and Mrs. Ridgway home guest Lee Ellis at the til her marriage on July first. iiill ^fM^lrcH^ rpOWERING back of Ol til Marquette pajiyqs ^i^^ rt||year record M go^ making, fi^^^^l^ft^ tion and:;u^|hfj^^ means building public we setve< Marquette Cement Mimufiictiiringj Marquette Building, Chicago f â- ;.. Local Di»triM*n ;;;,J* yoiucan alwaya^find spae^tor the new* compact Victrola No. 50. And it adds soj much joy to outdoor life. TKe songs oft the greatest singersv-^the thriU of stirring bandsl The gaiety of popular muji^anjl the mirth of leading entertainers! Tie VictroIaTproviHesThem alUStop in. Let us give you a demonstration and explain our easy paymentplan| Phone 4523 TALKING MACHINE CQ I) % I JtW 074 North Clark Street at SAM ATKINSON, Mâ€"gfag Piwchr Sunday, JunrSS'.rp BERTLYTEli "SHERLOCK BROWN" AND \|^.....i ROSE O'HlR: ii VOCAL SEIJECTIONS Monday and Tuesday ft.....* " SONNY "Mi â- &.'â- â- . WITH -»t^8i« RICHARD BARTHELMESS 603 Wednesday and «ISS|I(IATRIM0NY FAILUREI ftltWITH nPH fyj&Zi&§M->k$i" 6I-LILA-::LEE Mr WALTER HIERS Ipl Eitracti^n Spec'nlisU Guaranteed PainltH i STAR X-RAY M LABORATORY, ;|^ 22. E. Van Bweii ,Sl||S S^ear â- State. Aiitoi^^BWjBn iNext Door to RothwMM?* Department Stow, g district on a clean, comfortable electrll train. A cool and refreshing journey, i North ShoreLTrains make daily con* nections at Milwaukee for Northern Michigan Points/ Check your baggagejhrough to final de«tination-no rechecfcinganecessaiTmEnjoy tta trip on your way to Ludington, Manistee^ Ongkama and Frankfort