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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1923, p. 7

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-^jllllllti^^ THE. LAKE 'SHORE NE THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCft 16, 1923 8BS Famous Pictures To Be Portrayed By Catholic Club ON Friday, March 23, the Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette will portray the following pictures at the Wilmette Woman's club at three o'clock. The Christ Child ............ .Hoffman Mrs. Harry S. Klein The Age of Innocence ......Reynolds Cecilia Meyer Baby Stuart..............Van Dyck Billy Leary The Lady with the Fan ___Abel Favre Mrs. William J. Spillane The Countess Petocki .v,...Anton Graf Mrs. Hollis Gleason The Broken Pitcher ........... .Greuze Elizabeth Reichraarin The Girl with the Cherries......Russell .."'â- â- ? Willamine Oelerich f The Whistling Boy ..........Unknown Elmer Rich '- The Duchess of, Devonshire........... .................... Gainsborough Wanda Bruns The Soul's Awakening .......?. .Santi Kathryn Crush The Madonna of the Chair .. Raphael Mrs. J. C. Cawkwell, John Cawkwell The Song of the Lark ........Breton Mrs. E. E, Goller Penelope Boothby ..........'. .Reynolds. Dorothy Rohol Magdalene '.. i...............Hoffman Mrs; J. C. Cook Hope V-. .'?-â- .............. Burne-Jones Miss NanJECeith The Dead Bird............... .Greuze /-; â- â- >?*&â-  Marie Dolan •" The Melon Eaters ........... . Murillo Pahlman Boys The Girl with the Muff ...... LeBrun Annette Kelley Fabiola..................-----...... Henner ^ -^Mrs. James Hanley^^-,___ ,â€" Madame LeBrun and Daughter.Le Brun Elizabeth Kirchberg, Helen Spillane Queen Lousise ..----------------;. .Richter ^â€"---------__Mrs. A. W. Withrow -â€"Aliceâ€".--.-.-.-: v. â- ;-.................. Chase Mary Vandenorth The Blue Boy ...........Gainsborough Mary Krafthefer Lady Hamilton (as Diana) ___Romney „_w Helen Lamkey Whistler's Mother ............ Whistler Mrs. R. C. Ross The Family Group ___........Brush Mrs. N. J. Conrad, daughter, and Frances Oelerich Several delightful musical selections Will be rendered; A nominal sum will be charged for this occasion. The Woman's Club of Wilmette will act as hostess at the annual meeting ol â€"the Federation of Clubs of the Tenth District/ to be held Wednesday, March 21, at the Congregational church, begin- ning at 10 a. m. The Federation will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary at this time, and the Wilmette club has planned a real birthday party in honor of the occasion. Among the special guests will be former presidents of the district and many who were presidents of clubs in the organization formed twenty-five years ago. Mrs. Edgar J. Phillips, Mrs. George F. Cluett, Miss Carolyn Harris, Mrs. P. H. Arden, Miss Clementine East- man, Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Mrs. John R. Cochran, Mrs. L. M. Cozzens, Mrs. H. A. Bush, Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. Monroe R. Ven- ables, Mrs. David Carter, Mrs. Gordon Hannah, Mrs. Dorothy MacAuley, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Samuel Watkins and Mrs. Vesta Watkins, comprise the committee on arrangements for the recital to be given by Milan Lusk, violinist, for the benefit of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college fund at the Wilmette Woman's club on Tuesday, March 20. The entire receipts of the recital will go into the fund to pro- vide new college buildings in the re- cently acquired campus site on Sheri- dan road at the Wilmette-r Evanston boundary line. / \. ' The Misses Dorothy Beinnett, Helen Pancoast, Helen Thompson, Grace Reid, Sylvia Turtier, Helen Beach, Signe Ouse, tHildur Ouse, and Kath- ryn Shaw will usher. Every other Wednesday from ten to twenty mothers assemble to receive ad- vice upon the care of their babies from a recognized baby specialist. It is to make certain the continuation of this in- fant welfare work, and of the nutrition classes for older children, throughout an- other year, that the board is giving this party. â- ' The members of the board are as fol- lows: Mrs. W. P. Seng, Mrs. Donald MaxwelLJMiriL^John Clark Baker, Mrs. Louis Crush, Mrs. L. M. Cozzens, Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut, Mrs. Orville Jones, Judge D. M. Mickey, Mr. James B. Hoffman, Mrs. Morton L. Paterson, Mrs. Hope Thompson, Mrs. A. W. Boyl- ston~and Mrs. Lloyd Clark Ayres of Wilmette; Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn, Mrs. Fred Bulky and Mrs. Arthur McKenna, of KenTtworth,-atid-^lrg: John ^feffmanr Mr. W.C7 Miller arid Mr. John Selzer, of Gross Point. Of interest in university circles is the annuoncement of the engagement of Miss, Mary Lucile Day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Day of Englewood, to Preston Breckenridge Kavariagh, for- merly of Winnetka. Miss Day is a mem- ber of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, the Pen and Ink honorary journalistic society and the senior women's honorary society, Mortar Board, at Northwestern university. She is also a nominee for Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Kavanaugh was graduated from Northwestern in 1921, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, president of the Deru men's honorary senior society, and editor of the Syllabus. He was elected the "class highbrow" at senior chapel the spring of his last year at the university, and is now contemplat- ing his junior year at the Harvard law school. The March meeting of the North Shore Musical Society was held at the home of Mrs. David Town, 57 Warwick road, Kenilworth. A German Com- posers' program was very ably given by Mrs. Orval Simpson, Miss Marjone Mann, Miss Pauline Pettibone, Miss Ethel Flentye, Mrs. Town and Winiired „,,. .„-. ... ,. 4. Townsend Cree. Mrs. Town was assist- , This will be an all-day meeting, the ed as hostess by Mrs. D. B. Macauley. morning session to be devoted wholly Avery pieasant afternoon was enjoyed to conducting the annual business of by everyone, both musical and socially, the district, the election of officers and ^he next meeting will be held April 5, chairmen of committees. These reports at the home of Mrs. Harvey Bush, 72i are planned to carry on the' work and policies of the clubs Involved rather than a, resume of work accomplished.-Lunch= eon will be served at 12:30 o'clock, res- Greenwood avenue, when a Scandinavian program will be ;given. â- Â£^MMWMi'mmS-' o %frs. A. W. Levi of the Library Piazza ervations for which should be sent to hotel, Evanston, was hostess at a box Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, returned home on Mon- day after a ten week's sojourn in Flor- ida, visiting in Winter Park, Crooked Lake, Seabreeze and Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shields of Wash- ington,. Iowa, are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a son. Mrs. Shields was formerly Miss Edith Corrette of Wilmette, organist of the First'Meth- odist church for years. ;*: Mr^Frank Planner of Blackwell, Wis., spent several days during the past week, with Mrs. Flanner and their son, at the Fatch residence, 611 Washington avenue. The Neighborhood Circle of the Coiv gregaljional church will entertain its members and their husbands informally on Friday evening, March 23, at the residence of Mrs. Frank Watt in Ken- ilworth. :u | . â€"Oâ€" Keith Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue, will ar- rive home from Dawtmojuth for the Spring vacation on March 30. Drake' is publicity manager of the Dramatic club, which is giving its play, "The Sahara Derby" at the Aryan Grotto on April 5. Mr. Albert P. Whitford, one of our oldest residents, is sailing Saturday irom New York to visit Mrs. Whitford, who has been making her home during the past two years at 57 Gordon road, Ealing, W. 5, in England. Word has reached us that Mrs. Whitford is critically ill. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met this week at the home of Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor, 835 Central avenue. "^ Mrs. S. L. Williams was hostess to the Mothers' Club at luncheon on Mon- day last, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. G. Wray, 618 Washington avenue. Mrs. Thomas Skinner entertained at luncheon last week, for her daughter, Mrs. Theo- dore Eugene Joiner of Bittersweet Place, Chicago. Mrs. Joiner was formerly Miss â- LJIM: Helen Skinnej>;..,.&. Jorjner resident of Wtlmette^.0::kk:^ f Evanston (was actively affiliated until within two Thursday of weeks of his death. -â- v;:^.wv:t. Services were held Saturday, March 0, from th\ First Congregational church, and burial was at Rosehill. > Mr. Moore is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frank G. Watson and a Son, Ed- ward H. Moore of Wilmette.:}^^â- ::..^:A^: The R. W. Tansills have purchased Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner of 723 Central avenue, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Roberta* to Thornton Shaw Adams, son of Mrs. Elmer H. Adams of 535 Wellington avenue, Chicago.""â- "~'T]§0^r7:^^:l^^""% Mrs. M. H. McMillen, returned to'Iter home at 1010 Linden avenue, yesterday after_an extended visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Preseott in Fort Lauder- dale, Fla., and with her sister, m Wash- ington, D. C. . â-  . â-  ;sj-;vj>.o. Another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained at the home of Mrs. Collin H. Slayton, 611 Lake avenue, this week. >4;W |^ Miss Mary Jarvis will be hostess at a Delta Gamma sorority "cpzy" this after- noon at her residence, 623 Lake avenue. HENRY £ MOORE TAKEN BY DEATH â- fit*': Jennings and Aschbacher Homes Are Sold This Week M. W. FrisscU, Chicago produce trier* i chant, has just purchased the Br; Poff ^ home at 562 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka, ||g- through M. E. Barker and company. Mr. plj, Frissell will move his' iamily':idsWin«|S| hetka: about May 1. :§§ ^ ?f;'^^»S' William F. Bauer,*M 730 .CelWl^l^; has recently purchased, through M. E» Barker and company, the Jenningsi hotue at 426 Tenth st. Mr. Jennings and fani-S ily are taking an apartment m Chicago, ffe George F. Aschbacher and family, whoS are moiupg to Ohio," have sold meir^liotofl!â„¢ at 1625 Lake avenue to Paul Kerape»7VW is associated with Fred O. Nelson,plumb-' ing and heating contractor. This -'-saliL Was negotiated through, M'. :Ej:;BarlcerraiHl|^^ company.: "'" ;'k' AM Was Resident of Wilmette Since 1877 In the death on Thursday, March 8, of Henry E. Moore, 528 Park avenue, Wilmette ldst one of her earliest settlers, who came to the village in 1877 and re- sided here continuously since that year. Mr. Moore, who was in his eighty- Second year, passed away at the Henrotin the former Worthington house at Sixth hospital, death following a serious oper- street and Lake__avenueJ and will occupy >tion. He had been ill only two weeks itllater-inJihe^ trs. Tansill and the children from Cali- Pess up to the time of his last illness; fornia. Mr. Moore was born in Plattsburg, * __oâ€" N. Y., January 3, 1841, and was married Mrs. Albert J. Nystrom entertained «* Wilmette, October 23, 1877^ te^ Miss informally on Thursday afternoon at her Persis L. Munn. Mrs. Moore, who was residence, 714 Central avenue, in honor very prominent in the village, passed of Mrs. Weldort Clark Dietrich, who away a year ago. who will occupy an apartment in the Affairs of the First Congregational Boulevard building later in the season. Miss Jane Nystrom, 714 Central ave- nue, spent last week-end in Wheaton, 111., as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. H. O. Tomlinson. • Mr.' and Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 Forest avenue, spent Thursday and Friday of last week with their son, Raymond, a student at the University of Michigan. Mr. Albert N. Page, 901 Ashland ave nue, is spending several weeks "aT Tyron, N. C, with his son, Kenneth, improving his golf. . Mrs. O. G. Corns will entertain the members of her Luncheon and Bridge club at her residence, 1121 Chestnut avenue, on Tuesday of next week. Messrs. Edward Yonkers, 911 Sher- idan road, and George Emrich, 915 Ash- land avenue, will arrive home from Dartmouth on March 30, for the Easter holiday. The Philantrophy department of the Woman's club will sew for the Mary Bartelme Home, Friday, March 16, at 10 a. m. ,Luncheon will be served; ; , "Spooks" at QubDinn«ip3p|. , An "ex-spiritualisC wfill 'provu^/the. en-i«.: tertainment at the dinner of the' Men?8f|«^ club of the First Presbyterian chur|h|||f^ this evening in the church parlors. ^fff, ' • Women of the parish) will be, guesis^H of honor at the dinner which is to ^e|f^ ferved promptly at 6 ;30 o'clock. Jpmur fiarifp Handta *â- â- '"' 1527 Kimball faiUfrjpmm Instruction may bt had in Evanston at _' '. as Chicago WW- :"'r' Phontt Harrison 7949 Wm9*nsta*>l&l Hayes McKinney,- 815 Lindcn-avg- .party seeing "The Spiiugiinie oFYoutli^- r ^ Ouilmette' Country Club will enter- tain with a Formal dinner and St. Pat- " pyty "" Saturday eveninff raf.-ttiis hurch of Wilmette were Mr. Moore's principal concern in the village through- out his long residence here. He was a trustee of the church over a period of 35 years. . ___ He was a member of Cleveland Lodge of the masonic order and for many years was prominent on Royal Arcanum cir- cles. '„ . ,â- ,.. 'â- ; Mr. Moore's buiihess connections were with the American Sand and Gravel com- pany of Chicago, with which firm hc m ' BnnlneM â€"• Life' â€" Eatatf J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representativeâ€"New York Life WTnith Shore W«»Mdqyrtewi 101T Central Avenae» Wilmette Phone Wilmette 37 7r Takes Abe Worry Owt-vf fyife? Grace Forbes Frocks â-  'â- "â- '?? â- ' . 'X:'";i"f:ff-':fii'#^SS^g*fJS#^'g!gpfs "•' •- Making â-  â-  j#|ll|i|i5|i^ J^iffodR^llnss; Exclusive Modehi[^ Room 217, Hoyburn Bldg. Davit ..Street, EYan»to^;[||| Tel. Evanston 7467^v':;:':U~ili â- i.fr)^.;.S;',:.^^fp?'J^ nue. The program for the afternoon ses- sion will be under the direction of the department of fine arts, demonstrating what clubs may accomplish in this de- partment for their members and for their communities under efficient leader- ship. In several clubs' active music de- partments have been formed, which will contribute to the program. Other clubs which have done intensiye and construc- tive work in their art departments, will present living reproductions of old mas- ters. A one act play under the direction of the division of literature also will have an important part on the afternoon's program. The officers of the district are Mrs. James A. Campbell of Evanston, presi- dent; Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Gl.n- coe, and Mrs. William H. Sauer oT^hi- cago, vice-presidents; Mrs. Fred C. Clarke of Chicago, recording secretary: Mr*. Frank Gr^Gam of Highland Park, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Frank C. Thompson of Chicago, treasurer. On Friday afternoon, April 6, Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, will open her home .followed by a tea at the Drake hotel on ! Saturday-aftemon- lasty-in-konor of her 'daughter, Miss Frances Levi. Her guests included the Misses Henrietta Bird, Na- ! talie Yonkers, Jane Greiher and Mary Lilienfield. . ^l^f^,;-';^ I The Building fund committee of the Catholic Woman's club is giving a card party at the residence of Mrs. J. M. Krafthefer, 901 Oakwood avenue, to- , morrow afternoon the proceeds of which •will be devoted to the new school build- ing fund. Mrs. L. W. Crush is general chairman, of the-affair. .^4^:^,^}^^ . Mrs. Llewellyn L. Lodwick, Jr., who rrived from Centerville, la., on Wed- nesday of last week, for a ten day's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. choies, 816 Forest avenue, is entertain- ing informally this afternoon for a few of her old friends at^ 401 Lake avenue, for a card party, to be given for the~-befte'fiT~oi" the Grosse -Point Health â- * Center. This is the first Jtime that the public has been asked^to assist in raising funds, to carry on the work of the Health Center, which in general is maintained by the Chicago -Tuberculosis -Imstitutej andâ€"the Gross^ TPoint schools, with some helpi from the- ~"....... I thetown st ^ Mrs. P. J. Klapperich, 412 CentraLave- nue, entertained a party of friettds in formally at supper and cards on Sunday evening, the event being a surprise on Mr. Klapperich's birthday. The Young Woman's Auxiliary of- the Wilmette Woman's dub held its monthly social evening on Wednesday at the club- iiouseT Keffe!hiSe?3ts and decorations were in keeping with the^St^Patrick's Day- - holiday. -iJ^^-^n^^..... ^^kM»' 2Mi21iM Mire. Edward yScheideh- hgtoL 7Q4 Lake crvemie."arnved:lrrNew week. Mrs/ T;~B. Tottern507 Forest avenue; Will be hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs next week at her residence. Mr. Harry W. Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, has been confined to his home for the past eight days with an attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Nate S. Akely and three children, 615 Lake avenue, who have been spending the past month in Ocean Springs, i Miss., will return early next week/;/' v,;:;v.;\;f;;>|;'4"f.:>1?;;;;'; ":--.-® Dr. John Goller, U. S. P. H., and his mother, Mrs. John Goller of Staten Is- land, New York, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Goller 418 Tenth street, for several weeks. ,:,t-:.\-.j:--.,-i:-;?l-:;mH The Woman's Guild of the Congrega- tional church held a reception for its members and their husbands at the res- idence of__Mrs. J. A. Nourse, 1131 Grenewood avenue, last evening.â- :^,.^„i^fi>, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gordon of Whiting, Ind., announce the birth of a Marguerite hospital in Chicago. :_Miss;_Marjorie Day, 1233 Elmwood avenue, returnea" fodajr ~Trom a~^hree week^sU Ji'isit^jvith friends in "^TerrÂ¥ Unsolicited"" cmfffiDutions, however, YorfwTWeldnesday of last weekTat>oarth ffrbm people who appreciate the"value" of the" Majestic from Southampton ^and %nrti Pni.)ftâ€"W^Vrn\y^~ liii^ tniilri. Chrrhtmrfr. The Schcidenhebnsâ€"hav^ wim l^slbTe^enlaTgeTnent lyfth^ inf a^ during the^ .^.a^and nutrition^w^k^;j^^^^p^>ast six, or:eightyeeks. Mrs. Claieiice TrujseJl^oXLjolieti.J1L spent^the week with Mrs. A. T/ Pyfer, 524^fteenth stree|^v^-,W;Vv-,, 5J!i--*?u!:f't**^^'^^^£&rt£Z^q^i^0i^$i-t'^g^s^^ft£S3tg^^l^^MiagMMs. J^^^SMH^i^S^^^^i f^Sj»^-fe-TSrjgp^^^y |.',.'_â- â€¢". '^,w.

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