ii.l<Wliair-^w #|iig?w|^fet^^ p^iiMiiiipBiypi mm mmWvWM^WMImt' "M; â„¢fPSi! "^^"â„¢miiWvfmfl:li 22 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS/FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1923 LIBRARY GIVEN $380 FROM PLAY McKeighan Pens Thanks to Citizens The Wilmette Free Public library fund has been enriched by more than $380 in consequence of the production of "Three Live Ghosts," given two weeks ago at Byron C. Stolp school by the NoFth Shore Players under auspices of the Wilmette Improve- ment Association. Appreciating this generous re- sponse on the part of Wilmette's citi- zenry, Albert A. McKeighan, presi- dent of the Improvement association this week penned the accompanying letter of thanks: Thank You "The Wilmette Improvement Asso- ciation takes this opportunity to ex- press its thanks to-the people of Wil- mette for the liberal support given its presentation' of "Three Live Ghosts" by the North Shore Players on March 22. "The results prove that the Wil- mette Public Library is very close to the hearts of our citizens and that they will not be slow to respond when its needs are presented to them. "To correct a misconception we.de- sire^to state that alf of the net pro- ceeds of the performance go to the li- brary. Neither the North Shore Players nor any member of this as- sociation received a single penny for their services. The amount accruing to the library is $386.84. Wilmette Improvement Association. ------Albert A. McKeighan, president." dividuals Who made such generous donations to the book drive includ- ing the Central Parent-Teacher asso- ciation, the Logan Parent-Teacher association, the Laurel School Moth- ers' club, Mrs. L. E. Youngquist, the Womans Catholic club, the Wilmette Improvement association and all pri- vate donatprs to the fund."_____â€" Library Secures $1,018 in Book Fund Campaign As a result of the Library Book drive $1,018.39 and 250 books have been added to the library's book as- sets. Commenting on the results of the drive, Miss Osmotherly, librarian, said. "The Library board appreciates the help which Wilmette citizens have given in the driver^ It wishes to thank those organizations and private in- North ^~^ 5134th Street Shore ^^M Wilmette Properties ^^ A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop, GOOD RESISTANCE Electricianâ€"-"Watt" reaction do you get from "ohm" brew? ' Engineerâ€"Well, it has a "load fac- tor" of about seven per cent but it doesn't "phase" me. FORD WASHING Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St., UlUmette, Bl. Everything for the Automobile MOTOR OVERHAUL This includes new PERFECT CIRCLE PISTON RINGS, new wrist pins, all bearings tightened, screens cleaned, ignition checked and adjusted, and motor tuned up. We are pleased to find that with our excellent facilities and accurate cost accounting system that on the ordinary six cylinder car the cost of the above work is about $90.00 J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen Where Your Business ^Whether you order a half ton of coal or a carload, you will receive the same conscientious Service Water Heaters Bought in our current sale obtain for buyers the lowest possible price and as the appliances are installed without cost a saving amounting to more than $25 in each casej CWe have had to largely increase the number of Lovekins origin- ally ordered, but we advise action. $10 down and $10 a month Demonstrations at our Gas and Electric Stores, Evanston '^^^i^i^^Sfbp^ Telephone 3900 ©ur WHinettf cuttomeri may faacli our Evantson Stores or any Department in our Evanston office through phone Wilmette 5& of Northern Illinois that is a peculiar attribute of the Edinger organization. The more we serve the more we succeed and we1 have succeeded. But this success has npt come from our Plants or Money or Salesman- ship. We have made ourselves efficient servants of your health, comfort and happiness. This has held your patronage and your patronage Has brought our Success. â- * . ' • To jpur many Patrons and Friends our advice is: Place your order for next winter's coal NOW. The prospects for. cheaper coaLaxeL not bright and this April's prices are the lowest for =some time-pa£t-an4=4nay=4a4€€==af A full coal-bin maketh a light heart and by ordering im- mediately you may approach the Coming winter with assurance and.....confidence..[ : _^ â- „ ;-;;„......ii-JlLii^l^V......-^^LJ^-^^4±-*t^- ' We now have a complete stock and are in a position to" make, prompt deliveries. May we not have your order now and the pleasure of serving you? "T Edinger and Sons ^EoidBetter^Coal Established 190? |||T^P^^ 643 °i WMMMMMIMMS^^SiM^6MiSSIi:i^MMM l^i^^i^^^^^^^^B