IP **«mm 'fit • Mm mm Ml^^ shore news: friday;1pril i §f Gro»« PwitX^Wm^'^^i piflplff Grade - Spelling,' Contest Cross Point Public school district Ka 40 went "over the top this .week" in an old fashioned Spelling contest •gainst District 39, with Helen Neetz as the winner. 'M?'t-:;:i: â- );â- â- Helens who is twelve years of age, Has, by virtue of her singular achieve- ment, won a place in the Cook county Preliminary Spelling contest to be held in the County building, Chicago, : Saturday, April 14»:>v^i";:"^^^J^5fIS The three contestants, besides Hel- en, were Florence Burknow, Kathryn Graham, and Elwood O'Shea, all re- ceiving an average above 90 in the contest. The school is conducted by Miss Bertha Engels, principal, and con- siderable praise is due her for coach- ing.....the school team. The school board of District 40 this week ex- tended a vote of thanks to Miss Eng- els and Miss Bottom, teacher in the lo%||,grades. - ': ;^:^' Board Sees Estimates on *Park Avenue Resurfacing The Village board Tuesday review- ed estimates provided by Village En- gineer Roberts for the proposed wid- ening of Park avenue from Linden avenue south to Gregory avenue, as as for making safer and more Legion Secures Permission I To Stage Circus May 14-19 Permission was granted the Wil- mette Post of the American Legion by the Village board, this week, to exhibit a circus in the village during the week of May 14-19. The board granted permission for the circus only after exacting a prom- ise from the legion representatives that the circus would not include car well »0 »w» ..â€".â€".â€"0 ____ ___ ___ - - - - - convenient for traffic the intersection I nival features, with the attendant fair of Park and Prairie avenues and Hill stands and that positively no gamb street, by means of cutting through an arch roadway. The estimate indi- cated an approximate cost of two dollars per running front foot. The termination of the fiscal year for the Village of Wilmette on March 31, this week brought the customary authorization from the Village board to have the Village records audited by accountants. A. S.^fan Deusea SELLER OF' (|pCM) |oQD EXTRA SPECIAL flUCE SALE April 9th to 14th CANE GRANULATED SUGAR Si Ifg ; 1 With an order; 15 lbs. to a customerf,g^y.^>^ '*":^^ r-We are Agents for Wilmette, ariii cansell you anything in their catalogue at the catalpjgfte â€"* prfcer- -Give us your order iarly. Qur fresh stock of flower, vegetable and gra>s seed has just been received. ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS WMmM II Whole or one-half,fo- - f-v?;~^^OT£A Â¥M 'â- â- F0.%M 'ijiimiMA :vT" Lb. "•'â- *•.. v. *>.'"... w>'i"/".'..,i^.v', â- â- $%& 'â- x:fya tflflwfll ^?>fSSiSfsil 7TH RIB ROAST OF BEEF ;;:;Xbv^vvyv.^-*>>>:/.^>../^.>.i HAMBURGER STEAK ^ - ^ r Fresh Ground, lb. .,........... .y.. KERBER'S SQUARES OF BACON f : tt......................*.:.â- ;........... MONSOON ASPARAGUS-POINTS------------- Fancy, white, tender, No. 1 square can. Doz $4.50; Can............................... SUNBEAM COUNTRY GENTLEMAN SWEET 3D0MLL___- - ......â- -->; - : â- --- •: - The very finest quality and a remarkably low price. Doz. $1.85; can.................... RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEAS . They are better than fresh peas. Doz. $2.85. Can ........£........................• «ii_* • • â- PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES IHExtfa standard quality, No. 2 can. Doz. $1.45; il z cans v# .»»»»w»...»».^ .-.,.....••%. ^ ••••â- •; •»* ffc 37%c 16c 25c jilOiEUEU^MAlJ^jn!RINGLESS3EAN^ Extra fancy quality, No. 2 can. Doz. $3.10. RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE iF^atmot be^nade finer-in quatity^t&fge Nbf | 7^2 CanP Doz $4.25; can ..'............. PLYMOUTH ROCK BARTLETT PEAS Fine quality. Heavy syrup. Large No. 2>_ can. â- ass m PAIRY WHITE FLOATING 'TOILE1* Wb^^m^^W'1^-. ?-. 0»kc...... v.. :.:. ';':â- : .â- :/..:.'.,, «c CRYSt^L WHITE LAUNDRY f;: 10 large ^;#ji^^^ DANDY BiiibOii^^^l^ ' Well made. 5 sewe<U Fine PEACHES Fancy, Dried, lb. . .29c broom cocn, each. ..S5c O-CEDAR SANITARY =OIL J|f COFFEE / Roast Santos, splendid value, mfld and sweet, lb. '..J7. ...,.-.2fe. RAISINS Sunbeam Seedless Sulta :â- • 15 oz. pkg. i..........;.£J/; 15c REINA OLIVE OIL-; ' \j Pure, Italian. Quart can ..$1J5 ,,,,,,)-,sr ,pOIX»«5TEA^:..-l^:iii::;-".^^ » Very fine Universe No. 677 CI; % lb. i;.:-...:.;;.'....,.....,. .w. . t 45c FLOOR MOP tepacli«|fp, pwOXEDAR FLOOR OIL "~\ .-Largev:12 bz^ bbt.,;. p, ^:J^^^^%^(^%^^SM^. RICHELIEU CALIFORNIA,-^,:,-:. . ch;;beu^:-'T01Let|||||^^ ^^.APE^fff.---â- ;:'V;-rt .:.|#? , \4 i^|;i!Sl|S!§ .ifedium size olives. Large qt. _HNSON'S FLOOR WAX'^--::«â- RICHELffi|LP!|i^^lA|^ , ism^r^^^MMEf^Sm^ wm^^vt^ r' 'SYRUP Wmm^^m-r-^mj^^m^k ' i^-i^#*^«iMtf ;i^^^^i*?.' 11There ls no finer â- mafe-.. Q*,srt â- ,. Ha can '<<£§$* â- ..fj;;*;;%^^i'^^r Sails^galvanized . . . 12;,;quart^^^P^^^g?ff, OLD MANSE MAPLE:: AND 90c ling be permitted. FORD ACCESSORIES SkokieMotorCo Winnctka Authorized FORD Dealers ?ilfSi l|:^K;l|IIiii|^i^i^ fflp^jUUJUUUiJ^^ Wilmette Cafe I 1 1181 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Village Half Come in some evening and get an Al steak, French fried potatoes, and delicious coffee. dub Breakfast 6:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M Table D'Hote Dinner to 70 cents Luncheon 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P. M 45c and 50c Sunday Dinner 11:00 A.M. to 8: 30 P.M. Regular Dinner 85c iah Chicken Dinner $1.00 Short Orders at All Hours v»»»mmm^^ at Greatly Reduced Prices Suits such as tHese did not "just happen" "wholspent months iri designing and plan*, ping the g-arments. i They represent the!: fbest that is to be obtained in suits for women.!- N6r|f did the prices at which Imltits ^Jjust hap^ejggiisThey too, are the Result of careful planning, on our,.partj and Ja determination to jglye l'|>ur customers "truly remarkable values at a time when they can secure a^ fuIT^ea|ons wear. Take advantage of these reduced prices 'howB^MMUr â- â- â- % ifw%-: :• ..^mif:- ^W(;^>B^&- The sizes of these suits are from 16 to 38.11 Included are several flwof :the;ne^..J-piece styles. [.â- *,. #: $29.50 fe |uits worth up^ to $39.50^ #39*50 fB^tt $47.50 |or^ suits wortlr up to $65.00 IA11 suitSv are grouped under; these three prices. '&W:^3m?/l .*$ ^ateri ^|tri^tiy|^f;;^lie--:best quality^ All era-; ijjroidir^J|s^^ trlnimihgs hafmonize with the matlrials J on., which;-they Are used. Hill 'â- Siis^Wif- â- ;t$Sfi^l; Coats R&a&onc^ I viceable fabrics in becoming styles, wili|| I appeal to wonien who demand good lpofe-flf. ing'garments ^t ;a reasonable-pricev^Ve:;:^; are showing afi unusually targe seteexlony J -suggest thai yw<^^ these garments, since ^hemsd^ 9$M '.SI â- Si •fe^gyr-?H^- M Wilmette Avenue lliliiiiiBiyVilmettel pis ^1