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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1923, p. 31

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IcMmFIED â„¢?*?"on5 MjlMrln the district from REAL ESTATEâ€"FOR SALE Service You Will Like 8-ROOM COLONIALâ€"HOT WATER, , glazed porch, garage, 50 x 187, $9,000. Wooded corner 90 x 175 or will divide. $55 to $70 a ft Glencoe 6-room hot water heat. 2 blocks from lake, $13,500. Terms. 8-Room brick and stucco,- 90 ft. lot, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sun* porch and sleeping porch, hot water heat, heated garage. Owner leaving city, $20,000. Stucco bungalow, large living rms., 2 bedrooms, tile bath, glazed living andsleejping porches. Ji'ine wooded lotr^ car garage, $13,500.â€" Frame house, 7-rooms, central lo- cation, sleeping porch, garage, 9-room brick, east location, block from lake, lot 129 x 235, 5 bedrooms, Jbrfeaths, NokoL heat, 2 ear jearage; â€"fSSvOOO. Make-offer;--------------J*-+fl« e-rm. Brick Colonial, 1 yr. old, 62% ft. corner in Glencoe. Steam heat, oil burner, $18,000. Exceptionally well built 6-room solid brick house in Indian Hill sec- tion, Winnetka. Large rooms, water heat, heated sleeping and sun porches, 2 car garage, 50 ft. lot, $31,500. JE. E. Stults Realty Co* REAL ESTATE *YS« SALEâ€"STUCCO AND FRAME bungalow, 6 rms., br. and sleeping R&i i-w1 iflre.rtpi£ce^ «ood location. Near schools, $9,500; easy terms. 7-room stucco; sleeping porch and screen porch, very deep lot, furnace heat, $13,000. $1,0000 down will buy it. * â€" 7-Room Kellastone, ttr. lake and transportation, sun room, canvassed "$22 000t!le bath' h' W' heat' gara8re» IN WINNETKAâ€"6 ROOM HOUSE, SUN and„ sleeping porches, h. w. heat, good location. $14,500. Wallace B. Clore, Jr. & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Telephone Wil. 175 LTQ 24-ltc 790 Elm Street Winnetka 1800 LTG 24-ltc A. R. EDDINGTON SrCO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 640. A REAL GOOD HOME OR INVEST- ment at 520 Park Ave.; 6 R. frame -- with very deep lot and garage. See us at once. Only $8750.00. Easy terms. At 1426 Forest Ave. is a neat 6 R. brick bungalow with water heat, beautiful wooded lot and garage. A snap at $10,000.00. Get busy at once. A very attractive 7 R. stucco and frame house on 9th St., near Oak* â€"wood,. Jio4"wat«r.-Jiea%â€"dtningr pch., large living room, owner must sell. Price $16,500.00; make offer. on Oakwood Between "L" and steam Ry. Exceptionally well built, New- port boiler, heated sun parlor, beau- tiful living room, heated 2 car gar- age, owner leaving town, must sell, $22,500.00. 7 R. brick colonial N. E. location 2 baths on second floor. Corner lot with garage. A real home for $34,000. We have several beautiful lots from $50.00 to $70.00 per foot. Buy now as they are becoming scarce. Al-° _ so jots pn .easy-terms at $3Q.0Q t» Pu.uu per• it. in new subdivision. ______ L 24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"IDEAL 5 RM. BUNGA* - low, finest materials and construc- tion, perfect condition, glazed pch. Beautifully shaded 50 ft. lot, in choicest West Side section. Price $10,000. Owner purchased larger house, must sell, wants offer. Substantial 6 rm. stucco, lge. liv. rm., 2 glazed pens., oil burning H. W. Heat, garage, Wonderful 60 ft. lot., convenient both Steam and "L" Stations, $18,500. _ Most attractive 6 rm. Colonial, built 1 year, mammoth liv. rm. with beautiful Are place, h. w. heat sun parlor. Near Lake and Sheridan Rd.,_ farage, beautifully shrubbed lot 50 x 15. Owner moving to California. $22,500. One of North Shore's "finest homes, 8 lge. sunny rms., huge liv. rm., sun pch., 3 master bed rms., and maid's rm., 2 baths, sleep pch., all latest â€"â- ^QnjvenieBees^jaronder^^ Am&e magnificentlyâ€"woodedlot, gar* age. Wonderful value $31,000. FRINT GEORGE CO. __ Successors to M. E. Barker & Co. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-408 ___________________________ L 24-ltC Real Estate Bargains h. w. h., garage, near transportation. Price $9,000. 8-room frame home, 4 bed rooms, fur. ht. firepl., fine lot price $11,000. 7-room frame home, 4 bed rooms, h. w. h. 2 firepl., nice wooded lot, col. interior, price $20,500. Beautiful 8-room stucco with gar- - age attached, h. w. h„ 2 baths, large butlers pantry, sun and sleeping _porches, large grounds. Price $44 WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS ANTED TO RENTâ€"3, 4, or 5. or 4 £j£nished rooms. Phone Wilmette a?78. L 24-ltc _HKLP WANTEDâ€"MALE W£NTEJ^SALESMAN wiTri A CAR. M. L. Moody & Co., Phone Wil. 2248. LTQ24-ltc HELP WANTED FEMALE tHfc EVEY, DE LESS & CO. 525 4th St., End of "L" Ph. Wil. 2794 LTG 24-ltc All My Vacant „___ IN WILMETTE SAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh St., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 T.ith Riparian rights L 4 & 8 Bl 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 ft 12 Bl 10 L 6 Bl 13 L 1 A 3 Bl 17 Seven Wilmette Agents to show them to you. _ JNO. P. GAGE, B» 2639 St. Peters- burg, Fla. _______ LTG 20-tfc /â€"â€"--------------------------------_----------.â€"^ CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY. THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortajaaje Loaaa REAL ESTATE 645 Mala Street Wilmette, .III. LTG-gp-tfr FOR SALEâ€"NEW DUTCH COLONIAL 6-large rooms, sun and sleeping porch, h. w. heat. Price $13,500. Lo cated at 253 Linden Ave., Glenc Investigate this bargain Owner -o~ premises. ______ LTG 24-2tc FOR SALEâ€"-4-ROOM BUNGALOW 651 west side of Wilmette. Lot 50 x 160. All improvements. For quick sale. $6,000; $2,000 cash, rest on easy terms. Owner, Wilmette 1337. ________â-  â- â€¢â- â- _.. â-  .-â-  â- â€¢________ LTG 24-ltc HOUSE FOR SALE^-8 ROOMS WITH bath. Just redecorated $10,000. Must be sold by owner. Phone Glenooe 6167 ~ T"~~ ~' LTG 24-1 tp. YoungLady Wanted _I_^_Wezafei^desiFous^t^securlitjg the services of a high grade young lady for our office. The work consists of general office work, receiving clients, etc. Stenographic and bookkeeping experience unnecessary, but this would be preferable. This is a steady position and to, the right party we oifer a splendid opportunity for ad- vancement in our organization, -and an attraetive salary^ tostart; SEE MR. HAVILAND Haviland Realty Co. 743 Elm St. Phone Wtsaetka 577 ?C iiTG 24-ltc WHITE GIRLSâ€"SMALL HOUSEâ€" l general housework, plain cooking: other upstairs work, assist with chil- dren. Good wages. 303 Fairview Ave., Winn. Phone Winn. 862. LTG 24-ltc WANTEDâ€"CAPABLE YOUNG WOM- an, over 20 years of age to care for 3 year old boy, several afternoons a week, 40o per hour-.-Telephon& Wil 1433*â€"____ LT 24-ltc WANTEDâ€"TWO MAIDS; ONE FOR downstairs work and cooking. One for upstairs work and to assist with ?oXear oM child. Phone Kenilworth 180»- LTG 24-ltc WANTEDâ€"SCANDINAVIAN GIRL TO do housework and help Swedish cook wiVJ washing and ironing; $16. Mrs. SlH- Wo,lcot*. 302 Forest Avt, Winn. Phone Winn. 680. LTG 24-ltc WANTE^-^dliNG WdMAN WITH some experience in children's sewing. f2Kne WJnnetka 248 or Winnetka 1635. . LTG24-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE W. G. STACEY & CO. WILMETTE! VERY ATTRACTIVE STUCCO, 7 RMS.. sun parlor, sleeping pojrclL-JgfiW-port heating plant. Beautiful wooded lot, ^_ double-stucco- sealed garage, sub- merged 225 gal. tank, ideal location; investigate, $22,500. Wonderfully arranged large and .zz commodious stucco. 9 rms;, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, 3 extra toilets, and lavatories sun and breakfast porches, 2 heated sleeping porchs, vapor heat, full at- tic, double garage, $35,000. % ; j WINNETKA "~~'" Substantial Brick, 9 rooms, 6 bed- rooms, 3 baths, 2 lavatories, sun par- lor, large open porch, vapor heat, '600 gallon capacity, double heated garage attached, one block from lake, $35,000. 336 Linden Avenuei Phone Wil. 308 -_______^:.................... .......-; â€"-"â- -'- â-  LTG 24-lte CHOICE 7-ROOM STUCCO, EAST Lo- cation, wooded lot, rare bargain. ^813,500.......â- â- -â- - :â- --:......â€"-- --rr:~ râ€"-*--â€"-â-  i Lots on Sheridan Rd., call for list of »6od bargains. The last lot left in Wilmette at the price of $25 per ft. Cash required, $200. Hi New and modern 6-room stucco, h. ^wiWr-feeatr large-^wooded-iot^-lllvBOO; :;.,:j&-: 9-room stucco, semi-bungalow, 3 Tooms, oh secohcT floor. Large wood- ed lot, 2 car garage, $12,500. ii$: 6-room Colonial, water heat, new *nd modern, choice east location, $12,500. ".IS* : 1 M. L, MOODY &Ca FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED OR UN- furnished Bungalow, five rooms, bath sun porch. From May 1st, One ok two years lease to responsible party. Telephone Winnetka 1753. •:â- 'â- : L24-ltc. WA.NTED.__ FOB NEW TEA ROOM IN Winnetka, woman for general work and experienced waitress Phone Glencoe 451. LT 24-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHiTE GIRL FOR. pLa^S cooking and first floor work; $2(1 Ref- erences, and experience .necessary. .,. Phone Winn. 986. LTQ 24-ltC WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENEltAL housework, family of 2; bungalow. Phone Wilmette 521. 705 Gregory Avenue. L 24-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE, 131 ILLINOIS Rd. Lake Forest, with three bath- rooms, five bedrooms, sun parlor, etc. Phone Lake Forest 160. L24-ltc TO RENTâ€"ARTISTICALLY FURNISH- ed bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large fire- place, near Skokie Golf Club. $125 oer month. Your lease. 466 Adams St. Phone Glencoe 927. ; »LTG-24-Itc. -^WANTlIDrTO RENT HOUSES WANTED TO RENTâ€"5 OR 6-ROOM house near transportation.â- :% Will sign long lease. References. Address Lake Shore News, A-140. L 24-ltp WANTED TO RENTâ€"5^ 6R 6-R66k bungalow or house on North Shore, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Wil- dmette 1080. * LTG 24-ltc i- â€"wishes position as housekeeper. Good plain cook, experienced in care of sick; willinfr to help in ttny way. References. Saldry reasonable' Ad- dress. Lake Shore News, A-I37i. LT 24 FOR RENT OFFICES AND STORES FOR RENTâ€"OFFICE! ROOMS G. F. Gonsalvesâ€"Phone Winn 62 LTQ 24-ltp STORE SPACE IN WINNETKA^TO RE- liable party. Phone Winnetka 1811. LTG 24-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS End of "L," 511 4th St. Ph. Wil. 224* LTG 24-lt© 2 STORY, 7-ROOM STUCCO, LARGE lot, 2 brocks to transportation, $13,* 600.00. :.â- !â-  2 Story 5 - room frame. Large lot; 75 X 156, jiq,flttn.ft«r___^ C61on1al^ti*ame7_B^riooth7^porches, terms, $11,500.00. ^--------- ___ S€HAEFER & GOLBACSf 909 Ridge Aver «? WILMETTE, ILLINOIS " .Phone'364 See Us For, Acre Tracts! LTG 24-2tc FOR SALEâ€"CHOICE 50 FT, APART: ment site on Eastwood Ave., Just south of Isabella; $150 per ft.â€" Pv 50 ft. lot on Greenleafâ€"between 6 ^nd 74h Sts. $110 per ft. '$ Choice .100 ft. corner ftt Kenilworth â- â€¢r-snap for immediate sales. $100 per ft. .End 6f"IK HILL & STONE Phone Wilmotto 1644 L 24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"COTTAGE, LONG LAKE, 111. Price $2,500. Phone Wilmette - i^-â€"_ „ = «.». . . ., ,i;.,,.^.J....;,-.i..:^.S^f:_^|gS|g^ WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE ^awith couple desiring 2 rooms and Use of kitchen and dining room in C. S. home. Call Winn, 567. ___________ LTG 24-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED FRONT room, 2nd floor in private family. â€"Three blocks to station. Phone Winn. 415. LTG 24-ltc CKNTRAL HOTELâ€"NICE CLEAN outs, rms., steam heat, hot and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 620 Main St£W». LT5-tfc ROOM FOR RENT FOR 1 OR 2; GEN- tlemen; 725 Prairie Ave. Phone Wil- mette, 442 after 6 p. m. •LTG 24-tfc WANTED â€"WHITE WOMAN, FAR'!1 time. Laundry^cleaning, six o'clock dinners. 1015 Forest Ave., Wilmette 1775» L 24-ltP WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HSeS S?rk- £r°,od c0°k- *18- 617 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 136. LTG 24-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR WOMAN-_GER- man preferred. Must be good cook. Phone Wil. 1353. L 24-ltc FOR SALEâ€".HOPgBHOLP OOODg FOR -".SAL'E-~ANWqu^I â-  - ' FO^R^P^Sl-. er, chest of drawers, drop leaf ta- ble^ Windsor chairs, melodeon, hooked rugs. Phone Graoftland 8516. :'. '••-• :"•â- "â- ; ":<â- â- 'â- 'â- â-  ..:â- â- â€¢. jL»TQ24-ltc for salh_iv6rÂ¥ suk-ko?M mm. consisting of davenport, rocker, arm -Chair, table, table lamp, floor lamp, rug, draperies; almost new. ..Bargain. Call Glen. 867, p LTG 24-ltc F(Jrâ-  â-  SALE ^â€" 'I"piB^B','-feROWN â-  MA- hogany bedroom suite. 3 wicker chairs, oak library table, Morris chair and kitchen cabinet. silPhoneGlen- ooe 888. ,"^.;lTG-24-ltp *^ FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, Cart. Anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum - ber, stoves. 808 Oak St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 1212; - LTG 24-tfc H FELLâ€"DEALER IN used household goods. Ave. Evanston. NEW AND 1644 Maple Phone Evans. 103. -â- â€¢â€¢ LTG 16-tfc FOR SALEâ€"FUMED OAK DINING room set, bargain; brass bed, $20. Phone Wil. 1234. L24-ltc SALEâ€"MAHOGANY FOR_ SALEâ€"MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, tea cart, plain blue rug. Phone Winn. 1247. LTG24-ltc FOR 8ALEâ€"â- AUTOMOBLIEB A Real Used Car Bargain 5 PASS. REO. 4 NEW TIRES, PAKIt and top; like new. Excellent condi- tion, mechanicAUY^-JLtOW-^mileage. =9ttwmr-^^Wilmelte WLTG 24-Tte Dodg«, Bnlck, Ford, Overland, Corn- monvrealtfc, WUlya-Knlghta, Oakland. we have all the above and more. If you are considering buying a used car come in ,and let us show you what a complete line we have with prices^from $50 up, cash or terms. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka* HI. Phone Winn. 16S XiTG24-lte FOR SALEâ€"BUICK SIX, 4 PAS 1920, upholstering like new> tires good, finish good, motor, perfect. This car has been used very little. It is a wonderful buy at price we are asking. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka, 111. Phone Winn, 165 LTG24-ltc POK . MLE~OVERLAND TOURING car 1922 Model driven 6000 mileB. ex- cellent condition, two hew tires, others good. Many extras. Phone Winn. 12. L24-ltp PIANQg TUIfBD Rented and % V^ FOSTER Telephone Wl LOST AND FOUND" LOSTâ€"COLLIE DOG. _ gone since March 30* -Call Winn. 188.; LTG14-lto LOST-SMALL '.WHITE â-  MALfial.§^M poodle, â-  "Fussy.*" .â- â- . Recently â- â-  cllW^U^PSilSS 'Reward. Phone Wilmette 810. ^--;^;^SpSiis â-  â- ;'". v"--"-:,J. â- â- â- :-> mm STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. â- -.â- â- â- â- â-  â-  feiSWSd:': MANAGEMENT,.. OTsWOTATI«m#T-5*«&<*& WWCn REQUIRED BY THE « ^.. ACT OF CONGRESS OF â- . â- â- â- â- ^mWWSm ;&•?-,;^ • 'AIJ©U:SlV'-a4,.t»ia, mm^M9sm0^ Ot The Lake Shore. News, publishe*'if!!» weekly at Wilmette, Illinois, • for Aprlt II^IW state, ot: niiaoi*^ \^m*i$msm$m!m$®m County of Cook i--; â- $'V%:Mm&m^mmwsmm . Before. me,, a.: Notapy: FublicVin .'.and;*Siltfl for â-  the-'State â-  and â-  '.county aforesaidpflitl personally appeared Lloyd Hollister. who, having been duly sworn accord* +tngrto tmr^wspmrn: and says that he 11 the Business Manager of The Laka Shore News, and that the following; la» to the best of his knowledge and be« lief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the Pt- circulation), etc., of the aforesaid pno* lication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act Off August 24,, 1912, embodied in aaotfonJ^tiilff 443, Postal Laws^^:;ahd^;:^Kegulatlon»»sl^^^ printed • on; the^'rey^rse-yoI^>thiaiSigjaifc^.;;^ il^Hl "Witt-----~rrr^rrrr-~rr:^... !â- :â- .,,;;., ;â- â€¢ â- â- :'y^r^,g^-r:,^tv_ . .,|SSSSl» 1. That thc-:names.. and addresses of^ISmM the publisher, editor, managing editor. mWml and.: business managers are: ::K-v'-Vt"'-â- â- â-  -€ilfMmM ..Publisher, â- Llpyd. Hollister,Z;tnc4^i%'§l$llm corporation). 1222 Central". Ave.,' wih#i»ll mette, Illinois." â-  -vi!8ii|| :-:..-Editon..Edwin^W,---Web^rT;4841r-Jinia^,'*«^^ way "Terrace,'- Chicago, 'Illinois.. L>f3gflfl§tl 798 Cherry .St., winnetka, Illinolav.;--'*4fpfS« 2. That the owner ts: (If the publ!- Wim cation is owned by an individual hla W&Wi name and address* or if owned by more ;*S||f| than one Individual the name and ad» if flISi dress of each, should be given below;:liliif if the publication Is owned by a cor- ««t-fc. ^SlBTK«rD,«tAC! «57, ?£& poration the names "and •«ldr«sea"^ot:ifSlii quick sale, $575. Phone Wtan^ 61^ {he stockholders owning oT?olo^ off IpllS â€"â€"-----â€"â€" LTGZ4-itc per cent or more of the total amount off P»fi --------------- ' ^ --â€"•â€"â- ' -â- 1ven.rUoyd\Ho|II«IOiv^^s<^41* FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL, housework. .Family of 2. Phone Wilmette. 931-J. LTG 24-ltc WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. Phone Wil 848. LT 24-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WOMAjjT_WITH_DAIIGHTER OF 6 -Itp REFINED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DE- sires position as mother's helper in Protestant home. Good references. Phone Wilmette 768; afternoons or evenings. LTG 24-ltc YOUNG GIRL 19 DESIRES POSITION. Experienced in, dry goods store. Can use typewriter. Address Lake Shore News, A-139. LT 24-ltp YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WILL care for children afternoons. Can £urnisbj r^f^erences^^hotte Wil. 1302/ â- â- ::r>- ^:;^:i^;^ -w..-^ •.,:••... , V â- ..;â- â-  r.:v. .â- â- â- â- ', \L 16-tfc DRESSMAKING WANTEDâ€"BY" DAY Suits and coats a specialty. Phone Wilmette 2690, 236 Linden Ave. LTG 24-1 tn EXPERIENCED DRES S M A K E R wishes sewing and alterations by the day. Phone Winn. 855. LTG 24-ltc COLORED WOMAkâ€"WANTSâ€"WORK by week in small family. Call Evans- ton 7038. LTG 24-ltp HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE GRASS SEED Attention f We can supply you Grass Seed, Bone Meal and Sheep Fertiliser •,^s* wholesale _prices„:;v;;,,;'|| USE OUR PHONES mtaaHr^rrJi Ml Phone*: Wilmatta 'j*M, 2787 RUMMAGE SAI GIVEN AT THE LADIES' AID Society ofiWUmeUeJMethodistS-; church. Friday, April 13, andt Saturday, April 14; Butler's% Shoe Store, corner Main and :^:;Wilmette.^^-^.......±^^?^£f£%%*$tri&- Evanston, Illinois. 3. That the known bondholders* mortgagees, and other security holder* owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there aro none, so state.) B. R. Morgan, Chicago, Illinois. "â- ' 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders.' -iff; ^3pl|%s any, contain not only the list of stock* liSiii holders and security holders as tliejS ;^HSlSl appear upon the .books of. vthe-:coni»'--SS?wi^i pany but also, in cases where the stock-:r:-'i#Slis holder or security holder appears upMfc Sli||p the books of the company as trustee oi1 fif#t| in any. other fiduciary:. relation.-* tho:^WMm name of the person or corporation to^^^W^m whom, such trustee is acting, is â-  gfivenp.:pl^li also that the said two paragraphs con*? #lfl|i» tain Statements' embracing':•' aitlan^tfi'Sfilil full knowledge -and. belief, as .to - thii'-vSMtM circumstances and conditions under ':-:$^m which stockholders and security hold* ers who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than .._.„, that of a bona fide owner; and thla 3ISI#f ^ affiant has no reason to believe 'that v;-SflllSl any other person, association, or cor*&.5w poration has any interest .direct .or :|-»i;':i^g^®f« direct in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. m 6. That the average number of cop« ies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the malls or^otherwiser^topaid subscrtbers^lur* ing the six months preceding the date shown above is (This information Is required from daily publications only.) (Signature of editor, publisher, hunt ness manager, or owner ' RADIO, DETECTOR AND 3 STAGES of amplification, 1000 miles guaran- teed on horn, includes 4 tubes, bat- teries, and horn, $125 complete. Phone Winn. 855. LTG24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"TAN CLOTH DOLMAN wrap, $12. Several hats at $1 and $2. All in excellent condition. Also dog house of solid construction '. tin. Phone Wilmette 1438. L24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"RADIO SET COMPLETE including aerial. Cost $150, will sac- rifice for $40. Call Winn. 1934. LTG-24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"VARIOUS SHRUBS AND all kinds of perennial and gladiolus bulbs at Perennial Garden, 1050 Oak St. Phone Winn. 329: LT22-4tp FOR RENTâ€"8 LARGE HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms. 1st floor, partly furnished. Phone Wil. 1327. L Z2-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS., ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT &*tlt± ROOM FOR RENT-^CHOICE QF RMS.,, in private family. Also garage space. Phone Wil. 738-W. L 24-ltc PLEASANT ROOM â€" NICELY FUR- nlshed near transportation: Phone Winn. 713. LTG 24-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOM WANTED^ TO KENT- wmm&.RO0Msmm t Tentâ€"1 of 2 rooms with bath; i wish board also, r Telephone Wilmette 2007. Â¥ L 24-ltc RESPONSIBLE FAMILY WISHES TO to rent about 5 rooms or small house. Clean. Wilmette:"-to Glencoe. Phone "~~" ;KS~r^,^:,,.. LT.24-ltc- WANTEDâ€"WHITE COUPLE, FOR housework. Man to do gardening, woman cooking and housework. Best wages. References. 175 Hazel ave- nue, Glencoe, phone Glencoe 873. LTG24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE â€" A MISSION SOLID ___4uihed-x»ak4lbT*Fy-setr^ery^ â€"beautiful mahogany bed. Will sell cheap. Phone Wilmette 36; between 11:30 and 12:30 noon, and after 6 eve- nings._____________ L 24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WALNUT DINING ROOM set, used only 1 month. Table, chairs, serving table. Berkey and Gas make, excellent design, very reson- able. Phone Winn. 1045 or call 695 Lincoln^ Ave. â- â- â€"-----~â€"J*TG-24-l*<r MAH. 8-PC. WILLIAM AND MARY dining room set, solid oak library table*_one 9x12 Turkestan Wilton rug. will sell separately. Phone Winn. 788. LTG24-tc FOR SALE^WILTONL RUG; UPHGL- sTefecT mahogany-fireside chair and .rocker; living rm. table, mahogany, > 60 in. Good condiion. Cheap. Phone Wilmette 922-J. L24-ltc FOR^AL^L-a^AS^T^VIHtlELlABLiii" 4 burners, 2 ovens and broiler, $25. Barg«init-r-*Se"e^ir"' Sunday morning only.. ,702 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. FOR SALEâ€"EXTRA HEAVY WIRE netting, also new lumber, for par- ticulars, . phone Sheldrake 5946. L24-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"IRISH TERRIER PUPPY, 4 mo. oldy female, pedigree, $50. Phone Winn. 1247. LTG24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONR TR OLD PUJIE blooded Scotch terrier, registered. Phone Winn. 383. X«TG24-itc WANTED TO BUY-^.MISCELLANBOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston. 111. Phone 189 LTG14^tf<t MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE MOVINGâ€"PACKINGâ€"SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chairs and Tables for Rent Phone Bvaatoi* tH!:iy.a-;.^vg^ Wilmette 183^ Wlaaetka 13S2 %TGX0-tfc PLACE YOUR.. .._ with Halcycona Farm for eggs pro duced by hens kept in sanitary con dition. Happ and Hibbard roads, •: 'Wilmette,- -793.«ii^^#a.S«pp -L5P24*Itp stock should be given.) Lloyd Hollister,'-rmmWB Inc., (a corporation) '*â€"'â- * -â- â- -- - Cherry St., Winnetka, Illinois; §V..'i* Bateman, 735, Michigan Ave.. Wilmette, Illinois; Gustaf Nelson. g06 Elm Su Winnetka, Illinois; E. C. .WelssenherB\^#*2»?P-' â- 813 Elm: St.. Winnetka, .IllinoisTâ„¢ m W^H Hill, 545 ' Lincoln^Ave.. Winnetka, Illl*':' |*p|^ nois; Frank A.' Wilson, 1162 .Wilmetta,-:fW6f^i Ave., Wilmette â-  Illinois; Ben Pw Klefen |f||a 1301. Asbnry ..Ave.. ..Winnetka,; IlUnolsS-^ilM Harry Lynn, Kenilworth. Illinois; â- -A.':C":«; Woln* 1124 Greenleaf. Ave^ WllmS|^!-»^ Winolsi A^»^Bow4n«*ir^i WJ^ 'i )'•â- 'â-  LLOYD HOLLISTER. 5rlb«"'" ' "" " .^Sw2rIl ^*â- â- "â-  wnd""' subscribed before, this 2nd day of April 1928. w-S-«»»w , (.Seal) .CHARLES E. .HOTZE.siiliaii (My commission expires aJifafM 111 â-  1927.)". ': ;'v;:.';;'? SCHOOLS HOLD ANNUAL Ttie successliir closing of the Wffi| mette grade school basketball season has left grade school athletes with! nothing^ to talk aiojut except the ing Field Day. For the past |»s| years Field Day has been an annual event at Wilmette. This year wffl."IJsj no exception and the meet will he held about the first of June» accord-| ing to L. F. Todd, director of physical education. All the pupils in the grade schools: will be divided into weights. There will be three divisions for boys and three for girls*â€"light, middleweight and heavyweight. . In each weight it is planned to have 16 events for boys and for girls. Among the events Willi be found the 50 and 100 yard dashes, the high jump* the shot out and the half mile race. -Priaea- wilt h forrftrst, second and third-irf»cej^:,|Bi:w^^JiHB9M addition.to individual:pri2es..the;ro4«tt.fef^iBi receiving 'the most, points ' will • s^|iiilll a suitable trophy. Tfct. Field.' DtpHiijjl is scheduled for the New Trier field. The- basketball season, whicJt-"lii»^^& just' ended,.- was a.. great success: forIptiltj Wilrililte. The ^ heai^weight .tepa^Mtl rniem^he^h^fstTiry,eaf%lpst bat^atll game land won eleven^* The light- weights â-  were not quite so fortUH«te*fcitg§i making, a' percentage 'of xO^^^^mmmw ^: ^^^fc^l.

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