HALT BUSINESS FOR NEW TRIER PICNIC allegation, and a thrilling engage- Sis promised. Both t»»M have been displaying »Ple"dl* f^â„¢, *eh" season and an evenly matched en counter is assured. Game time is 4 o'clock. Band Concerts and Dance Mindful of the possibility that there may be 7^SS5t"S «eaâ„¢^ â€"ion, the Music committee has been ^engaged m ar- ranging something of genuine inter- est for those who desu;e more peace- ful entertainment There will be concerts by the Chicago E evated band in the afternoon and early eve- ning hours, interspersed with the music for the dancing. There will be ample seating accomodates ini every section of the grove, so that friends and neighbors may gather in. groups for quiet chats while enjoying the C°LongS'before sundown the dance pavilion will be the center of interest Bert Says Kiddies Must Have Best of Everything The kiddies may count themselves as peculiarly fortunate ,n having Bert W. Blow as chairman ot Kaces and the Children's parade. Mr. Blow announces at this time that, far from being an incidental at- Bert W. Blow traction on New Trier Day, the chil- e the center of interest. dren»s actjvities will be one of the a^carefuMy selected orchestra from, dominant features, among members of the Elevated band ^ unrUn^ >a n\m\r furnishing the music irnisning mc mu^.^. J|f Then, at 9:30 o'clock, experts will light the fuse that starts off the big fireworks display which is expected to be the crowning event of the clay. There will be dancing until mid- "'Free bus transportation will con- tinue through the afternoon and eve- ning, so that the picnickers may come and go at their own convenience. The picnic grove is situated on the south side of Lake avenue, one block west of the Ridge and Lake avenue intersection. There is a large, free parking space for the cars. Count Emil Nord In on the Big Holiday Jobs! Emil Nord, Wilmette genial mer- chant tailor who believes in doing things in a big way (he is co-pro- prietor of what is perhaps the most modern tailoring establishment be- tween Chioago ;and Milwaukee) is What's a picnic good for, ^any way," he argues, "unless everything is arranged to show the little tots a real time. After all, that's the "best fun dad and mother get out of the day." So he has provided for a variety of interesting contests, a big flag pa- rade, eats and special gifts for the children. Of course, he'll direct the competitive events for the older folks, as well, and Bert can do that to a nicety, for he's had lots of experience at Winnetka Community celebrations. In private life Mr. Blow is the big man behind most of the po'ful exca- vation work one views when big building are being erected on the north shore. He uses the biggest^ shovel hereabouts. It's so big the^ have to operate it by steam. _y Kiddiesâ€"iBert is "steamed up" to show yott a big time next Thursday. on all Laundry Work brought to our 6ffice and called for 5 1$& %ii [ Our delivery service is taxed to the limit, and rather than add another truck, we are offering our customers this big dis- count. CentraTAve. and Main St. WILMETTE This Gentleman Comprises Entire Music Committee J. C. Gapen, one of the important officials in this vicinity of the Public Service Company of Notrthern Illi- nois, and an aggressive member of the New Trier Commercial associ- atipt^corn^rJMs^he^ejitire Musie^em- mittee for New Trier Day. Mr. Gapen will usher the big Chi- cago Elevated band into the north I shore next Thursday and he'll also secure good music for the afternoon and evening dancing. Emil Nord putting forth superlative effort in con- tributing to the success of New Trier Day. Mr. Nord is assigned to several im- portant New Trier Day committees and he is finding time to give every item under his direction the same bus- iness-like attention he accords hk thriving tailoring establishment. You'll see Mr, Nord at the picnic grove, and you'll surely find him smiling. USB rifll/RME Night an* /'J^% Morning «»<^^yP^ Have Clean TOUR EYti Healthy Eyes If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Bum or Discharge, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine. Soothes and Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Wrmfitr FntGvt&oek JMURINB CO., 9 Eâ€"t Ohio Street, Chicago Complete Service For All Makes of Cars Storage Supplies U-Drive < Cars for Rent Evanston's Newest and Finest ? v; jgj Apartment Bul|^g|^ig^ located at Kedzie and Michigan Avenues, it is equipped with ^COMBUSTION FUEL OIL BURNERS for heatinar and hot water. hr Mr. Johnson architect and jowjiejLjif__th«--h«ttd^ ~ __lii^MIr-BUR^,HH^"a^^ investigation of all oil 'burn-' *er«. it was Mr. Johnson's decision that the COMBUSTION FUEL 8§OlL BURNER isjhejnos^JEEI^IENT and ECONOMICAL on I|! There are over 300 more installations on the north shore that lift will bear out Mr. Johnson's good judgment. * "^Tlbtof Cars 562 LINCOLN AVE., WINNETKA A modern garage, serving its community with the Best; whether it be Service, Parts, Accessories or Supplies. Dodge Brothers^^^^ W^ Claire Automobiles gilp'^v l^^^*i^SSM^^^^SS^^^^B^8M^^f«^