^SiSf^fSi-^PP^ P^f^fffjffrfy **» TAKR^HORE NEWS. FRIP*v AUGUST 24, 1923 'i- ilifjfeiJlMSaSi* !• ;3li Kenilworth Happenings Mrs Ernest Fleischmann's mother, Mrs Sarah B. Anderson, has returned from Maine, where she has been sum- mering, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Regneas, and granddaugh- ter, Charlotte Eva Regneas of Mew York City. Mr and Mrs. John P. Booth, Ab- bottsford road, their son Jack, and daughter, Miss Jessie, left Saturday for take Geneva for a weeks outing. ^ Mrs. Richardson of Minneapolis who has been visiting Mrs. John Benham, Kenilworth avenue, for the past three weeks, is leaving Saturday for her home. Mr. Hunter Hicks, 241 Melrose ave- nue, entertained twenty of his friends at a dinner at the Union league club, followed by the Sox-Yanks baseball game. Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, entertained at luncheon on Mon- day for Mrs. Albert Rockwell from Cal- ifornia, who is visiting Mrs. B. ri. Knapp of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx, 522 Essex raod, and their son, Walter, Jr., returned home Tuesday after a motor trip through Wisconsin. Mrs. J. C. Carpenter, Woodstock ave- nue, arrived Sunday with her family, after a two months' visit in Akron. -Ohio. The friends of Mrs. L. Arthur Nel- son, 357 Cumberland avenue, are happy to see her convalescent after a severe illness of several weeks Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road and her three children, are at Pelkan Lake, Wis Mr. Crowe will join them next week. Miss Betty Ketthlm, 611 Abbotts- ford road, left Monday .afternoon for Ludington, Mich., to visit her aunt, Mrs. Noble Gillett. Mrs. McDougalTr'eUirned Friday from Gull Lake, Mich., where she hai been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber and their daughter, Janet, are visiting the Misses Lovedale, 42 Kenilworth avenue. Mrs. Arthur H. Kudner, 16 Warwick avenue, is in the Evanston Hospital for an appendicitis operation. Miss Belle Thomas, of Minneapolis, is spending a few days with Mrs. Charles McCue, 633 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lawrence, 520 Lake avenue, will return today from an outing at Ephriam, Wis. â€"oâ€" Mrs. Howard Payne, of Berkley, Cal., is the guest of her brother, Dr. Frank Earle. 923 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Douglas Flood, Cumnor road, has left for New York, where he expects to sail for Europe. Mr. Arthur Mcintosh, Jr., &**$£ road, entertained at dinner at his home last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs..B,C. D°%^eggr road, are vacationing at Spider i,aice, Wis. Miss Grace ChlffeTof Iowa univers- ity, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, and their small daughter, Ruth, are motoring to Manitowoc, Wis. Miss Charlotte Walker of New York is visiting Miss Helen Cresap, £M Essex road. Mrs. David E moTheFin Canton, Ohio Loan Talks -°â€" . ... If you are one j>f_.inany persons Snydacker j^yjsiting^ â€"biiytng^your home under a land MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Call or Write for Free Booklet. Chronic Ca3es==jtha4=fiyL=to=£es|»QL _ ^o^Fthef^FealmenTsespeclally solic- ited â€" But why wait for your] trouble to become chronic? Electrical treatments are especially recommended in high blood press- ure, nervous troubles, post operative adhesions, ulcers, abcessesand all female troubles. ELECTRO PIT LABOR AT< 1113 Capitol Bldj_ â€"-â€"â€"TelTTJearborn boytng^your home under a land contract, we have a plan enabling you to borrow up to 60 per cent on a first mortgage. This may be enough to pay oft the existing mortgage and the bal- ance of the contract. In addition to the satisfaction ^which every one feels at having the title to his home in his own name, -you have one obligation instead -o*; two. Is our plan not worth investiga- tion ? „ GeorgeH.Taylor Real Estate Mortgage Co. IVSIOTHEBAPY I tATOHY I ^ 159 N. State St. I .rborn 9583 II mperiai oufEfing"^ 312 South Clark Street Telephone Wabash 1246 CHICAGO Chicago Real Estate Mortgage Loan, Correspondent The Pruden- tial Insurance Company of Amer- ica, Newark, N. J. DRESSES and Sport Apparel REDUCED PRICES for July and August Grace Forbes Shop Room 217 Hoybura Building EVANSTON Phone Evanston 7647 Mtss Phyllis Ruf Cumnor road left Tuesday for an extended trip in tne north. Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road' entertained at a dinner at the North Shore Golf club. Rev. and Mrs. Stephen A Lake avenue, have returned their motor trip to Yellowsl kit Miss Caroline Gromann, nut avenue, is visiting her Le Fevre in Palatine, 111. RAZOR BLADES Sharpened Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to vou. Double edge blade*.-.35c dozen Single edge blade*___25c dozen Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 hour service. Give us a trial. Chaivdler's A </buntain. Si?ua.ro + &k *T B VAfrJ & T O f4 |^ .44iASfe-pS% BLACK DIRl ana ® FILLING Whether your needs are one load or a hundred, we are now in a position to make prompt deliveries. Lime for the lawn EWNGER & SONSC Established 1907 * ^g Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materia| EVANSTON r^NlLWORTH|| WILMETTE WTNNETKAi| GLENCOE itsrs NO COAL HO ASHES Kleen-Heet Automatic Oil-Burning Systems Are Proven They are long past the experimental stage. "Thousands are in use today all over the country and thousands more are being installed this year. ARE QUIET Kleen-Heat has but one moving partâ€" the motor-pump-fan unit which draws the oil directly from your outside storage tank and delivers it to the fire-pot along with the proper amount of air. There are no nozzles, whirling discs or high speeds to &$%v!^,&^,~>-^^-~~^---â„¢~-"-^ ARE WORTH THEIR COST A Kleen-Heat is an investmentâ€"an improvement to your property as well as a comfort to you and your family. In terms of interest it costs you less than your janitor service when you use coalâ€" far less than your own time is worth "tending furnace." INVESTIGATE NOW Orders received during this month are insured installation before cold weather. Let us tell you more about Kleen-Heat. Visit our nearest demonstration rooms and see a system in operation. ti iFU'ard ••'*..«. »,j.rj;gsu :*•>-.â- •- I Division of Window Boiler & Engineering Company 175 N. Michigan Ave.â€"Chicago North Shore Branch 817 Chicago Aveâ€"-Evanston Phone Evanston 9235 after we sell you a car or render you service, you are not completely satisfied, WE SHALL NOT BE! If the price, or the car, or the service does not your proval, we'll do a^ necessary to see that it 1 does. We'll not be sat- isfied 'til you are! ^^ GEORGE W. SLOGUM- ,,. ~tj Dealer in Willys-Knightj and Overland Automobiles 566 Center Street ^i^TeLWinnetka 112S Wmne&&, W"