16 SHOSE NEWS. r"'"»v*^«T * !923- THE LAKE TA* beautiful mam en- trance of The Orrington has a circular driveway that motorists particularly will appreciate. For the Convenience of Prospective Guests WITH the opening of The Orrington now only a few days away, the number of people inquir- ing for accommodations at the Davis Street and Hin- man Avenue renting office has become so large as to _HZ2â€" necessitate the reopening of the office diagonally op- "~~ posite the hotel, on the southeast corner of Orrington Avenue and Church Street. From now until further notice both renting offices will be open from 8:30 A. M. until 9:30 P. M., daily and from 9:30 A. M. until 7:30 P. M., on Sundays, Returning vacationists and those who have not yet made reservations are assured prompt courteous at- tention at either of these renting offices. With winter approaching, there is much to look for- ward to in the comfort and pleasure of the homelike accommodation The Orrington offers, free from the cares, worries and expenses of keeping up a house. There are many very desirable one, two and three room apartments still available for those who wish to enjoy the new furnishings and delightful new environment that has appealed to so many North Shore residents. Reservations should be arranged now, as a full house is anticipated September first, the opening date. alfc m i-liSs