is THE LAKE, SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY- AUGUST 31, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS /â- » „_„â€"! \T*\t4s*j>e Classified advertisements will be charged KJeneT&l lyOHCe*""" only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who art> regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. T}~+s*~ 10 cents per line in one paper. ^,0 cents per line in all t\.Cll(5S three papers. Minium charge !L-44nes. Average of five words to the line. No black face type usexl. MThis size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This sizt- type charged as 4 lines. Deadline for Insertions- Classified advertisements v\;ill be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock -forâ€"the- tTlencogâ€"News.-----Telephones': WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. "The Judge"â€"Teaching REAL ESTATE North Shore Bargains GLENCOE 8 room stucco home; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, porches, h. w. ht. garage; grounds 132x200 ft., beautifully wooded. Price $22,500. 6-room brick bungalow, 2 porches, large lot, beautiful location $19,000. HUBBARD WOODS Lovely white Colonial; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun porch and slping porch; beautifully finished and decorated; -----very #e*-p lot; ^trttstfcairy landscaped, $30,000. New England style home; 3 bed rooms; very large living room; at- tractive location; $15,000 WINNETKA Near Indian Hill Country club; handsome English style brick and stucco half timbered house; 5 bed- rooms, 3 bath rooms; large sun porch; 2 slpg. porches; heated garage; large lot. This is real value in a fine home in an exclusive neighborhood. Price $32,500. 7-room /Stucco house; 2 porches; nice locaftion-i*- Hr S. Winnetka. $17,500 < 7-room stucco on Foxdale Ave. with 100 •ft. of Aground; 4 bedrooms; h. w. ht., fine trees: $16,500. WILMETTE 7-room stucco; fine location, S. E. Wilmette, 4 bedrooms, $15,500. FRANK Ao REUD 956 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 Rm. 218, 82 W.Washington St., Chicago Central 5309 ______________________________LTG-44-ltc. REAL ESTATE REAL, ESTATE o J©lhiiastoirn &, C@< fpfeir Sp@en< VERY ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM KEL- lastone home, 1 year old. Splendid layout of rooms. Entire property in beautiful condition. Hot water heat; extra lavatory and toilet. Heated garage in connection with house. 50 foot lot. A buy at $14,000. __ 7 room frame and stuce©^4*ot water - Tieated, very good condition, 2 car garage, lot 50x180 Splendid section convenient to "L" and steam. $16,000. Solid brick bungalow. All large rooms, hot water heat. Also oil burn- er. 2 car garage, corner lot. Value at $16,500. Beautiful white colonial, modern and in fine condition, 3 baths, 3 fine porches, large landscaped lot, 2 car graage. A most attractive offering at $35,000. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave., Phones Wil. 68 and 444 L44-ltc '<Q> anuft a H@IM(g ? SHE IS HERE TO HELP FIND THAT particular one. Call at her new locationâ€"1126 Central Ave. 2n Floor, Room 4â€"or Phone Wilmette 215. L-41-4tc THIS COMPLAINT SAVS Y00 owe W10F, JENKS$2.5 22F0IZ PRlVATP Uf SS01S FOR YOOR SON AND YOU REFUSP REAL. ESTATE 5nnia@(t]k& $1 _ SausoiFii®©______ MOST ATTRACTIVE 7 RQOM STUCCO; tile bath; glazed scr. sun porch; No- kol h. w. ht.; garage; beautiful 85 ft. wooded lot. Choice east section. Shown by appointment. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. Exclusive Agents. 556 Center Winnetka 254 Open Sundav Afternoon LTG44-ltc REAL. ESTATE $750 $75 cashâ€"$20 per month NO INTEREST Buys a fine lot, 51x140, in our new subdivision. J. S. Hovland's Second Addition to Highland Park. Cash price. $675 "oviana s If you need a building lot, here is an opportunity to get one at the right price on unequalled easy terms. have it SafdUfori<m U WlU brlns you a S°od Profit before you pur first addition of 64 lots sold out In 11 days. If you are wise you will make your selection as early as possible ~*~ ~.~ ~ A Splendid Bargainâ€"Do. Not Miss It Office: 540 Central Aye., Highland Park, open 1 to 5 P. M Dailv Sunday from 9 A. M. 5 P. M. 'Uy' Evanston Officeâ€"-2605 Broadway, Phone Evanston 1242 Chicago Officeâ€"133 W Washington, Phone Franklin 2247 H. D. BENT, Agent. REAL, ESTATE SPECIALS REAL, ESTATE I A HOUSE AT ©NCE2 I am, in the market for 5, 6, or 7- room house on the North Shore. Price not over $12,000. Can pay for same in six years. THIS REQUIRES. QUICK ACTION PHONE WILMETTE 3035 Saturday or Simday FOR KEXTâ€"APART3HEXTS FOR RENTâ€"5-ROOM APARTMENT; two bed rooms, large sun room, hot water heat; good location. Green Bay Road. Glencoe. $75 per month. 73« Elm St. . Winnetka 142 FOR RENTâ€"OCT. 1 NEW 4-ROOM apartment; steam heat; janitor service; 625 11th St.. Tel Wil. 399. LTG-43-4tc. FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENT â€" GARAGE BETWEEN 10th and 11th St., near Central, E. C. Cazel, 1167 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 400. L-44rltc. FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE; $5 A MONTH. 1424 Forrest Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 702-J. L44-ltp THE SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER renting season is on now. If your house or flat is for rent be sure we have it listed. Call 'eLess <f& C<s>o Phone Wilmette 2794. L44-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE. 474. Madison Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 1052. LTG-44-2tc. WASTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTEDâ€"BY OCT. 1st. BY RE- sponsible business man, 6 to 8 room house Wilmette, Kenilworth or Win- netka. furnished or unfurnished. Address Lake Shore News A-283. LT44-ltp FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE â€" ONE NEW DODGE touring car never used, or one Ford touring car used one month. L. Lauridson. Dettman's Barber Shop, Wilmette. LTG44-ltc wnu Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 525-4th St. BcVi?Wo^%^F,EW.OF THE MANY CHOICE OFFERINGS WE HAVE I New, 5 rm., 2 st., just completed S 9,800 Yr old, 6 rm. bung., 2 blks to transp............. »1;1 00ft NEARLY NEW STUCCO HOME â€" 3 6 rt% } at> n- w., beautiful lot ' bedr., tile bath, sun par., 75 ft. lotâ€" and location.................$11500 owner ill. .. v................$10,000 £ew- *Jâ„¢\- shingle, colonial/. .$12,'500 6 room stuccoâ€"3 bedr., scr. pch., i w \ ^: WU., 6 rm. stucco, 3 blks. water heat, 2 car gar.; lot 50yl48 ' â„¢ • Jakler,; • • •...................$14,000 .............................$10,000 E- side Wil., 8 rm. stucco, wooded .............................$10,000 6 room stuccoâ€"3 pches., gar.; fine loc, east Winnetka near lake.$15,500 Fine solid brick home just reduced in priceâ€"5 bedr., water heat, 2 car gar., large lotâ€"now only... .$17,500 Well built new 7 room home close to lake in Winn.,â€"3 bedr., den., bath on 2nd fl., large liv. and din. por., water heat, 2 car gar.; beau. loc. • •••..........................$22,500 32 acre estate just outside Liberty- ville, new Cofcâ€"homeâ€"9 rooms, 2 baths, comb, heat, garage., barn and other bldgs. River runs thru landâ€" $5,000 cash, bah terms......$32,00* RENTALS New 4 room flatsâ€"2 yr. leases; $125 month. 8 rm. houseâ€"2 baths; $175 month. Be1?!1' F2 S«h/wm * V........"• • ^.OOO innBi. 81«le Wil.. 8 rm. stucco. 100 ft. lOt .... «OC AAA \* V TTNr n _ :v-Lujj » • . *^5,000 u- ,Ev- ? rm. stucco, near schools and lake ...........$23,000 ®e® Bo CH@r© E.E.StaIftiJReal4yGn>« 790 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph Win. 1800. LTG44-ltc 5 r. frame. So. West, lot 71x75 onlv $7,000.00. 7 r. house. No; West. H. W. heat. $9,500.00 X r. stucco. No. E. on Elm wood Ave, Cor. lot and garage. $16,500.00. T r. brick hdme in Indian Hill. ? H. W. Heat, 60 ft. lot, 2 car garage. 5 A real snap, $1.7^5.00.00.' 9'r. stucco in best North Evanston location, 2 baths, Sun Par. Break, and sip. pchs. only $23,000.00. Beautiful colonial on Greenwood Ave. near Sheridan Rd. $40,000.00. 10 r. Col. in Kenilworth. $55,000.00 VACANT s 50 Ft. lot on Lake Ave. Special I>rice this month $60.00 50 Ft. on Ashland $110.00. Beautiful 50 ft. lot on 9th St. Must sell at once $125.00 N. W. Cor. Forest and 16th including Garage. Only $3,500.00. â- â- " \. R. EDDINGTQN & CO. L157 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 640 •^^â- .••'•â- ';V;-'\. L44-ltc. Serializing in North Evanston and -WILMETTE PROPERTY 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 1750 .______________ LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW SIX ROOM COLON- lal; hot water heat; immense livinir room; three large, airy bedrooms* $"4!500 n8P°rtati0n; easy ^""J; Owner leaving town must sell modern eight room home on Green - tifa,n^nue.: Parted condition; bSS- tiful lot; asking $18,000, wants offer New s,x room brick centrally lo- cated; sun parlor and sleeping porch- deep wooded lot; fine construction: Kla?^ly PHced- A8k «â- "" pS- .Owner^ must sell beautifully wood- U of isIblfla187LStErtW,°0<i J^outh r 8JSaS%nL^tiiS5gment site left ^JF'JS*06 100^foot corner in Kenil- worth near the lake and a real bar gain for cash. If you are looking for Snc« communfcate with us at BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COTTAGE; 7 large rooms; 3 baths and extra lava- tory; h w. ht.; 2 car garage attached to house; 9,200 sq. ft. of ground and adjoining ground available. 935 North Ave., Winnetka. Apply to J. Willis Jackson. LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"80-ACRE FARM IN Southern Wisconsin. Unusually level ground, all under cultivation. Well fenced. Good house and buildings. $13,000.00. « Terms . -Address Lake Shore News A 281. LTG-44-ltp. FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFULLY WOODED lot, -50x215, near Central and- Ninth. Have purchased home and must sell at once: very low price. Tel. my broker, Wil. 1304. L44-ltc INVESTMEHTS HULL 404 Linden Ave. »T©ME Tel. Wil. 1644 X44-ltc WILMETTEâ€"NEAJi LAKE, 8 RM stucco, Ige screened front and rear fprches, water beat, w-ooded - lot1 5'0x 00, see this $15,000. HSAUTIFUL BRICK. EXCLUSIVE and artistic design, 8 rms, 2 baths, pex lav, lgre built in sleeping pch, Slge. sun por. side open t><^» K**»g> ^attached and heatea cor. lotâ- â- -â- cen itrally located. $31,000. Ve are exclusive^ f agents for the 16 Linden Ave. A BUSINESS Ph. Wilmette S08 I/T ON SERVICE I N V E,&TJXRS _n_^ ___ I can recommend for invest- ment the Preferred Stock in a large Illinois Corporation organ- ized in 1907, that later will yield about 20 percent annually based on present market price of this stock- Telephone Wilmette 2108. E D W A R D A. PR ATT, INCOME TAX COUNSELLOR Residence: 1224 Elmwood Ave., ___ Wilmette LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEâ€"AITOMOBILBS blMmig EnaltSir© Stoek ©ff ew anadl U^ad Cara New Wills-Sainte Claire, Tour........ S'Sooo"©6 New Wills-Sainte Claire ...............* ' °'U° Rdad (fully equipped)......... 2SS6-»rt New Dodge Brothers 1 V2 ton Truck, (express' '* "•*>" iq?oball^,c1an«l.eXchan8S bo^>' to su»t........ 1630.00 ly^J htanley Steamer Tour.7-40 (like new, mileage 4445)...... \ 9q7r. nn 1917 Buick 4-cyl. Panel Delivery .......... -»<o.uu "io»"n<f»00d b*°^; tj1"**" and mech. condition____ / 1920 Stewart 1% ton Truck, (platform body, overhauled and painted) 1920 Oakland Sedan. Repainted 1920 Ford Coupe, grood condition...!.'!....... £62 Lincoln Ave. WERSTED MOTOR CO WINNETKA Sale Price $2300.00 2500.00 1330.00 1300.00 200.00 450.00 350.00 225.00 Phone Winnetka 165 WANTED TO RENT^-dHfiUSE WANT EDâ€"SMALL HOUSE OR BUN- galow by Oct. 1st. one or two vear lease. Rent $100. Tel. Wilmette 2475 or Irving 6323. L-39-tfc. HELP WAWeD^MALE WANTED TO ItKXT-INFlRMSHKD HOUSE WANTEDâ€"6 OR 7 ROOOM HOUSE from Wilmette to Glencoe. Will pay $150 a mo. Possession Nov. 1st if possible. Give full particulars. Ad- dress Lake Shore News 'A-284. _«-^-_1_____________ LTG44-ltc FOR REJiT-HOOMS F^RrtRPNT-TV?RY PLEASANT, MOD- ern furnished 2-roorii suite in new home; suitable for 2 or 3; near trans- portation; gentlemen preferred. 1133 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel Winn. 1874. LT44-ltc WANTEDâ€"CHAUFFEUR FOR DRIV- mg and general work. State whether married or not. References required. Address Lake Shore News A-285; ____________^ L44-ltp HELP. WANTEDâ€"FEMALE- WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults in family; need not be experienced cook, but must t)e willing and courteous. Private r?om,,and bath. Apply in person. 41» Washington Ave. Glencoe, ---------------â€" LTG-42-tfc. FOR RENT â€" TWO FURNISHED rooms; E. side; near transportation; will give breakfast to gentlemen employed, or kitchenette privileges to couple employed^ Wilmette 2706 __________. LTG44^!tc" WANTED â€"GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, and to assist with cook- ing; small family; no laundry, would take foreigner. 924 Chestnut, Wil- JTel^Wil. 2888. LTG44-ltc WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED WHITE io.?i!?' sVi} hswk.; small house; no laundry; $18 303. Fairview Ave., Win- netka. Tel. 852. L44-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE TO RENT WILMETTE - REMARKABLE BUY IS OFFERED IN nZZ1-*at£C*co; choicest west side sec- tion, 3 blks. steam station; lge. liv pch., 3 bed rms.; reduced- to $11,500 Owner must-sell 7 rm. stucco and "ii?nISheXwra 1§r2'-y\'rm- screened rn£ct\"+h- w' heat- h«avl»y wooded ?.?.,ft- ]ot. sarage; midway between â„¢an» steam- A real buy at $16,000 ^â- ffffl "J*1? »'*mooo; in perfect con- i«ltloiH~ choice east side loc; con- venient both Steam arid "L"; h. w «e5 ' i1 lgre- s«n"y rms., sun parlor ^"«8jfegp. pch.. garage; wondgrfar' ^ " «>tr ejccelleBLt value* $18,500 End •%," 410 Linden Ph. WIL 407-408. ^_,,,^-^,,.>,,, .• ^,.>.w,,,,,^a-sa*|5 L44-ltc WSiffiinietlka9® N®w Ma§@ik Tempi© is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etcf For rates and available dates ^ee the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda PholTe 1211 WIN?JET|CA Meyer Bank:J&d|S ^1R u RENTâ€"IN WILMETTE. FOR »ifhhxgra(!e business men, well fur- 2,s(f1.ed,s",t|-consisting of living room, Spivatl h^°°ms' and Pr^ate bath SYaiL hTOT?e 2^ar transportation. Address Lake Shore News. A 277 ::_ . '; L44-itc 2nhP,ntIKE ^TOc ^aMMUNICATE f rooS^1, °I C- S.-Couple desiring «ril?i°JS8 a.ndTXSOme housekeeping 'tS ffef '"Hubbard Woods home. Tel. Winn. 567. LTG44-ltc o^ ¥£~JT2 FURBISHED ROOMS, 2«f.* i 8re-fr^t roo«». and one light ^?£>k,1ep,nj? roo'n with kitchenette, centrally located. Tel. Wilmette ^U93- ___â- LTG44-Itc ^Snl'S^^^^?01*1' SMALL C. S. rt^.*!' 'no other roomers; board if ^ desired.; reasonable. Wil. 874-M __________________ L44-ltc lip! INCOMPETENT WHITE inaTd for general housework, small modern house; private room and bath; good wages. Tel. Winn; 133»i . •,..,- : â- â- . â- â- â- LTG44-ltc WANTED â€" RELIABLE GIRL TO help with general housework; good wages; Winnetka 601R. 1457 Asbury Avenue. LTG44-ltp. WANTEDâ€"GENERAL MAID; $18; NO upstairs work; plain cook; fond of ch"d,r,en;. references. Tel. Wilmette 1422- LTG44-ltc. WANTEDâ€"GIRL OVER 20 YEARS OF age to work during- dav in vui»b-<» Chocolate Shop, Wilmett?. Villa^c 1_____ LT44-ltc. W^.«.T^D~WHITE MAID FOR GBN- w»ihi«^U.SeWor^ an€L cooking, no ?on« S' eood wa&es- Tel. Wil. £90S' LTG44-ltc RBNT^-OrriCES AOT» -«>wi^« ^•SSl"!^ °pFTCTB ROOMS AND Tef^Winn °ftlS- G' P- Gonsotves. â- -•**'•* â- nn; *2- LTG44-lte ::*fe':"S;'^;: .^:. *'f^iiMi^t^^^^^m:^:£. iM FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT ROOM WITH Trief Hi^^^^^T^ a^NeS Wi'nn.1?!^ Bb6ooVMd traL"TG44Tf{c F(£R R?NTâ€"FURNISHED RMS ALSO nearealleitr^«apt- TeL ^ ' >«5S near all trains. LT25-tfc WANTED â€"EXPERIENCED * WAIT- ress; best wages, Tel.-WinnetkarSST LTG-44-ltc. CieartR1it aH°TE^-ROOMS: STEAM jty..u~-UHiO~.~:~Q29 Main St wnmnt>» ^SfS'tST®1^ PRONT ROOMS. TT5talleALferU^f;ffmHSHED.K^MS Tel Wil gii'fti house-keeping. Wm^ED^C!II]LD'S EXPERIENCED qk«2S't* ^"'a â„¢*ses. Addrss Lake Shore Mews A 278. LTG-44-ltc. WANTEDâ€" GIRL FOR GENERAL. housework. Tel. Evanston 7134? *M& ____________ l.TG44-ltr^v wanted; hpnie nights preferred. Tel. ^SlTtT ATIO Jf WA^TED-FBMALE WANTED â€"SEWING: PLAIN AND - w»i lres-8.!»a.king d°ne as liojne or LTG44-ltc. MilW^ik^M^^^M^