** 22 THE LAKE SHOP* NRWS, FRIDAV «ttPâ„¢MBER H. 1923 THELAKESHORENEWS Established 1918 » with which is combined THE WILMKTTE LOCAL NEWS Established 1888 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1828 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Telephone ........ .Wilmette 1020 SUBSCRIPTION 92.00 A YEAR All communications must.be accom- nanfed bv the name and address of the writ??. irticlesfor publication should ftadh^he editor by Insure appearance In current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of th?nK,,UobUnuSary> poetry, notices of en- tatttainments or other anairs anremittance charge will be made or t collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette, nifnX as mail V1?1"^^ *1879 class, under the act of March 3, 1879. '" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1923 •BBSSSII I ii Separate the Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Muzzle the Dogs. Build the Truck Road. THE GATEMAN SAYS "Almost time for the 5 .05. There she comes. I'll, have a nice cool idrink out of the thermos. Pretty good, but I could make good use of something with a little more kick. Well, I guess I better pull the belk Queer how people rush across just as soon as the bell rings. Sometime fhe gates will come down on one of those birds. Guess I'll lower mine flow. Pump, boys, pump! Whoa! ^ . Say, where do you think you re but rather where the giving and curves prepare him for appropri- ate action. And who can exag- gerate the joy of a thirsty driver when his attention is called to the fact that a spring of clear, cold water is waiting for him be- side the road? And as he goes skimming past a beautiful little lake is he not glad to be told by a sign that it is "Diamond Lake ? Church advertising, once thought undignified like sack- coats at an afternoon wedding, is now necessary. One's attention must be called to the coming of events; otherwise they will pass unnoticed. SOCIAL CENTERS It speaks well for American communities that in so many of them meeting places are provid- ed for men and women of foreign birth. For example, every Thurs- day afternoon and evening, girls of Scandinavian parentage work- ing in Wilmette meet in the club rooms of St. Augustines' Episco- pal church. There they have their own sewing parties and meet by themselves for teas and suppers. We believe that this sort of social undertaking will best^nc- ceed where there is no thought of ulterior benefit to those pro- viding the rooms; where the church, for example, does not ex- pect that these new neighbors will come into its membership'; :vm$m3'* _gQix£Z Back up! Don't you believe in signs? When they go down, that means a train's coming. People are sure queer beings. Just like hens. Jt's a wonder there aren't more ac- cidents. \ "Look at the people getting olf 1 I suppose they think because they've been in the city they've been work- ing. Maybe they think us fellows don't work. I'd like to see one of them have my job all day. Hed find out what real work was. "Maybe they-iftrmV they could get along without me. Well, if I quit, half the population would be carried off in the ambulance. No, "thaSTsafe^ "What I don't like is them kids that run in under the gates and across the tracks. If I could catch one I'd spank a little sense into him. Hullo, Tim, how's old 15 working today ? . . . That's good! So long! See you to- takinV-are perfectly^sincere and disinterested. As a matter of fact, tfcese co- operative enterprises do cgnduce to the strengthening of com- munity bonds. All concerned be- come better citizens. morrow4 "Up with the gates, boys! Come on! That's the second time to- day that fellow, stalled his car on the-traeksrâ€"Say, why doTrVyorrgef that car fixed ? Here comes Murphy in that nice new car of his. Wonder what he did with his old one! I'll put down the gates just in time to catch him. Did you hear wis brakes squeal?" JONATHAN GRAY You remember Jonathan Gray who died defending his right of way, and who is now just as dead as if he'd been wrong? Every driver ought to think of- ten of this martyr to strict ob- servance of legal regulations, right but dead. 2_JLL.jsojnjeJimes-4ia^pett reckless driver shoots across a boulevard directly in front of the car you are driving. He certain- ly ought not to tlo such a thing, and you are legally justified in smashing right into him. But what's the use? In fact it's best not to be ex- cited to profanity, or .even to anger, by these road fools. You meet them everywhere. If they're dangerous, avoid them. ^member-"Here lies tBe^body of Jonathan Gray." THE TRUCK HIGHWAY 1 Bvery few weeks sees the-tr- highway from Evanston through Glencoe on its way to realization. It won't be long now before there will be a heavy concrete roadway, forty feet wide, through these four prominent Itforth Shore" towns. -§ The late^r^s^iTtonivarxr is^ the acceptance, by men Representing these towns, of the $100,000 al- lotted to them by Cook County as its contribution to this laud- able work. _This f mount, though covering less than one-third the estimated total cost, will go far towards giving us what we have long neededâ€"a through truck high" flPKf? ATTENTION I%Sighs showing the number of fthe road and distances from im ^ortantcitie^^ddjgr^ajlyLJti ^plea^uTeT~cTlnoto^^ one is driving on highway 50, intending to turn left on 15 when he reaches its intersection with 50, -------- â€" • â€"- --.--• ----- ~wouraT»e~l*olnt^^ ago he became a hus DEAD LETTERS The figures alarm us. Tn one short year seventeen million pieces of mail missed their true destination and were interned in the Dead Let- ter Office! And in these stray pieces pjLmaiLlhere was more than $100,- 000 in cash! Because of carelessly written addresses all this money failed to, reach its true owners. It's encouraging to believe that prob- ably the Dead Letter clerks correct- ly re-routed some of these poorly addressed communications. *?..:â- *â- evenTa dress on envelope or wrapper were plainly . printed ? Would it work an unnecessary hardship were it re- quired that these addresses be print- ed by hand or press ? LELAND PIERSON The death of one young in years seems peculiarly untimely. One feels as if a man or woman cut off in the prime of life were somehow or other unfairly dealt with. Perhaps this feeling that an early death is especially to be mourned is not entirely justifi- able, but can we help sorrowing mrexJtheJloj«£r-ir4a4^de it has really blossomed? Leland Fierson was only thirty. Only six years ago he- began his career as lawyer. Only three as to the whereabouts of 15 did he not know that a sign would tell him when foe %asi.tbteemt four ^litradpetofeBEffia^3f r=^^^ I51^i!**wii§^ |pd!Catin^Sri|^ht hand and left tjiiid turi^ aid the traveler. The fdreteUwjg approaching band. y Alid^iovvlie^haTgon^* Regret |s of no avail. He was an^esii^l citizen. He diel hisjsyork- weiL Butter You are tearing down and re- building your vitality. Are you rebuilding as much as you should ? BOWMAN'S MILK is a build- er of vitality, the elixir of life. It contains the elements neces- sary for proper growth and body development. Drink more milk, at least a quart every day. INSIST ON Bowman \fjjk DAHW COMPANY JJJU11V -^One of this Century's NotableJEngineering and ArchftecturaLAcliievementSv .7"'^Even is far as it has progressed in the two years of its building, St. Mary-of-the-Lake is a garden spot of rare beauty. The plans, which are steadily being developed, will make it ii the show place of America in magnificence of s^ope and beauty of detail. St. Mary-of-the-Lake, at Area, Illinois, is a seminary where young men are educated|f^ for the priesthood. The erectio&,o£Ji«ildings, roads and bridges, and the laving put of ||i| superb gardens, is going forward under the guidance of Archbishop George W. Munddein. The cost is to be approximately ten milliqn; dollars. Visitors are invited to St. Mary-of-the-Lake and we suggest that an early fall trip to Area by North Shore Line would be a delightful and long-remembered outing. THE NORTH SHORE LINE HAS A STATION AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE GROUNDS OF ST. MARY. TAKE a North - Shore Train to Lake Bluff Station and transfer to the Libertyville Division* Hypocrisy is the homage which vice renders to virtue. I! NORTH SHORE ucago norm anore and Milwaukee R. R. Co Wilmette Passenger Station g Xdephpne 2514 ^ 4