THE LAKE SHORE NE"" -- *v SEPTEMBER 14. 1923 3m Wilmette Homes The J. W. Rtuh Home Wilmette residents who have been accustomed, to nue or south on Eighth street" will recognize this place as the residence pt Mrs JZ Lte^irS ST^r. mo by M. R-H who was a, ,ha. «ta« ^Here *s at many other Wilmette residences, nature is responsible for the beaut^ff the place. The deep green lawn, the tall dm. and ^ng vine, ffive ^particularly "woodsey" atmosphere to the dwelling. Th s effect is hefehtened by the presence of numerous pigeons and other wild l.fe. ?he rear of the house are cherry and pear trees that would make any fruit -Trs!" Rul°h is also the owner of a heavily wooded country home across from the Glenview Golf club. "/The title of the forthcoming Warner brate the wo-ld's premier of the W^ -fehwshrJ4fcTicretra Lombard," has been ner Classic, "Where the North Be- SdtoCeless Marriages/ It gins/ starring R,n-t,n-tin, the famous & stated that the reason for this is the Police Dog hero C aire Adams and Set that movie fans may not be mis- Walter McGrail led the grand march led into believing the photoplay is a with the other stars following while Costume picture, as "Lombard" is a Rin-tin-tm barked his approval. province in Italy, and "Lucretia" was »e first name of the lat,e Madame l^rgia^M^nte-Blue and Irene Ricrt j§re starred in the feature. ;Los Angeles was_ recently given the TdreiT"oTTneeTTngT movie stars face to face when a special, night was set |side on the Cinderella Rodrf to cele TANGLEFOOT Sticky Fly Raper Most effective and sanitary fly destroyer known. Collects and holds flies. Easily disposed of. No dead or paralyzed flies fall- ins everywhere. Sold by grocers and druggiBts. THE O. & W. THUM CO. CRaND RaMTO. MlCtt Office 607 Main St. Phone WiL 296 Established 19d6 A. C. WOLFF s .,...*** 'fin SHOP FURNACES and REPAIRS CLEANING and REPAIRING METAL WORK GUTTERS, SPOUTS, SKYLIGHTS TILE, SLATE and LEAKY ROOFS Evanston to Glencoe Shop 1124 Greenleaf Ave. Phone WiL 158 ATTENTION! SIGN UP WITH MINUTE MEN (Continued from Page 1) neighboring suburb, has more than 7,000 members. Wilmette should not lag,behind, but should have at least 5,000 members. Are you willing to help in this great work? The Mmute Men need block guardians and can- vassers. It is their purpose to give everybody a personal call, give all a chance to show their colors and stand for the Constitution of our country. For Good Government^^^^ -----Tirts-TS^fire^^feat^rTfiovement for Good Government ever started in recent years and it certainly should be unnecessary to have to appeal to the people of Wilmette to support it. How many will assist us? Please let them do so immediately. Remember, next week is Constitu- tion Week and September 17 is the birthday of the Constitution of the United States, so let all get out and demonstrate, as we have done many times before, that Wilmette is 100 percent American. The captain of the company is Mr. Leslie W. Millar, 510 Washington avenue, Phone Wilmette 1841. r . Communicate with any of the per- sons named below at once if you are are willing to assist. Sign cards promptly when they are handed to you, if you ar*» not now a member Precinct Lieutenants Following are the precinct lieuten- ants: George R. Harbaugh, 4219 Fores avenue? 12th Precinct; W. C. Rem hold, 1005 Ashland avenue, 13th Pre- cinct l Charles S. McCoy, 730 Ash- fand a\enue, 14th Precinct; George B. Burk ,611 9th street, 15th Precinct; A A Gilbert, 111 6th street, 17th Pre- cinct L E. Ashley, 415 9th street, 18th Precinct; John J. Mills, 400 Park avenue, 19th Precinct; P. A. Hoffman, 1638 Washington avenue, 20th 1 re- cinct; Mrs. Chas Whiteh.ll 1517 Forest avenue, 21st Precinct; Dr. L. C. Ayres, Glenview, Lake avenue, 22nd Precinct. ROUTINE JHJSINESS__ business Customary routine business was transacted at the monthly meeting of the North Shore Real Estate Board of Suburban Chicago Monday evening ot this week, it was announced !>y of- ficers of the board. Luiias Brothers Flaw5 W^f Another Fruit Mark* Luiias Brothers, well known WiM mette fruit retailers, are planning *£ material extension of their commer-f cial activities in^the village, announc-5 ing plans for the establishment -off another market to be located in thel new Nelson building, Central avenue! just east of Wilmette avenue. Luiias Brothers have other ambi- tious plans which will be announced in the very near future, it is said. BUYS^COZZENS HOME J. A. Kolb of Oak Park has pur- chased the S. M. Cozzens residence at 628 Isabella street, Wilmette. W. G. Stacey and company negotiated the sale. Now is the Time to Plant Your Evergreens Will be glad to furnish you with estimates and give you suggestions. Grading and Landscape Gardening Schuleman Bros. Tel. Wilmette 2565 For Your Drug Store Needs Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmett^ 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. DANNEMARK'SFELECTRI£_&H0R 1155 WILMETTE 6UENUE WILMETTE FIXTURES APPLIANCES WIRING PROFIT BY OUR SERVICE" OPPOSITE UILLAGE THEATRE TELEPHONE WILMETTF 214 D a d s e Brother 5 TOURIN&> Th comfortandi>eautyof this new touring car are instantly apparent. Long underslung springs, deeper seats and greater body length have resulted in an unusual degree of riding ease. The boay is exceptionally trim and graceful. Swung low to the road, with long, straight hood-and-cowl effect and tasteful appointments, the car reveals new value and sound workmanship in every detail. The engine--which remains essen- tially the same--needs no eulogy* It has proved its power and econ- omy to nearly a million owners. Your Dollars Will bring home some Real Bargains if you send them here Dollar Day, 3 lbs. Bacon, sliced...... 3-^50 ft. Keystone Clothes Line.. 3 lbs. Extra Value Coffee.......... 4 cans Libby Corn Beef . . f........ 4 cans South Haven Peaches . J^J^HsJLMxtiry^iasite TSBet PapNerTl .00 5 Large pfcgs. Automatic Soap Flake $100 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Fresh Dressed Country Squabs, each ^FreihrCresi^d^jSngr Chicken, lb.....40c iLe* Spring Lamb^^ :e and Ridge Aves. Wilmette 113-114