WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, TANUARY 11, 1924 13 on of the iociation will of the Dn 30 o'clock. Mr? finnetka, is iation; Mrs. ston, vice-, jmpson, of Irs. R. S. Pettii enue, Evansto >n, December 0 recently „ home in Scot ir. Adam Ma e marriage se sck by the Rp the residence ss i, Mr. and Mrs :tka. Miss Efa 1 the bride jaret Wood John Muni >est man; rformed in as followed rs. MacKill lmette. )8 Greenwooc.; luncheon w4 el on MondayJ ughter, Maryl chool for thel /ers for twenj evening MrsJ nner party a'j theater parrrl Iks that saiw| orth has rtto spend thv with her par- ti Segsworth, • finance, Mr. .vas a guest ist week, re-f n Sundav toj ! Theological! . Moore, were] rday eveningj e, 1038 Green- ation of Mrj rsary. There j re en wood a? ir holiday i" uth Hypes in Song Recital Sunday at the Studebaker kN Sunday afternoon, January 13, Miss Ruth Hypes, soprano, will make her professional debut in cago at the Studebaker theatre, at o'clock in the afternoon, fiss Hypes, who is well known along north shore, and who is the daugh- of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hypes, of Michigan avenue, Evanston, re- lied in the early fall from Florence, where she spent the past winter lying with Mario Ancbna. a former liber of the Metropolitan Opera] many. She has also been a pupil Miss Clara Munger and Maurice of Boston and New York. Aider the direction of F. Wight arm, and with Mrs. W. F. Hypes the piano, Miss Hypes will offer the awing program: Quel ruscelletto .......... Paradies Nina ................... Pergolesi Madonna Bionda ...... Barthelemy Aprile ..................... Tosti Mi chimano Mimi (La Boheme) ........'............... Puccini Le Moulin ..........:-----. Pierne Ils'est tu, le charmant rossignol ................. Gretchaninow Petite Flamme ..........Eourdrain Le Papillon ............ Fourdrain Ah! je veux vivre (Romeo efr Juliette) ............ Gounod Old World Dance Songs Gavotte. Gigue. ............. Montague Phillips Silent Noon...R. Vaughn Williams A Fairy (written for Miss Hyoes) ............. Cora Willis Ware My Lover, he comes on the skee ..........H. Clough Leighter Tickets for the concert are on sale the box office. and Mrs. Charles G. Smith, 1325 reenwood avenue. h?ve ha" ?s their lests over the holidays, their son, Dale Smith of Duncan, Okla., Id their son-in-law and daughter, and Mrs. Rolland Montague and children of Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. [ontague will remain here for sev- eral weeks, though Mr. Montagute |nd Mr. Smith returned early this reek. The Travel Club was entertained at incheon on Tuesday at the home of David S. Betts, 1025 Thirteenth treet. "In the Congo District" was subject of a paper read by Mrs. lorace Drury, during the afternoon. Captain and Mrs. Richmond and small son of Springfield, 111., are oc- cupying Mrs. George Butler's house at 1011 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. K. Estabrook Wahl will return shortly from their wed- ding trip in the east to take up their residence at 150 Laurel avenue. Mrs. Wahl was formerly Miss Margaret Tilt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les A. Tilt of Chicago. Their mar- riage occurred on the evening of December 29. Miss Virginia Belt, who returned to Ferry Hall on Monday, after spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William O. Belt, 720 Lake avenue, had as her guests over last week-end, Miss Addah Jeanette Leland of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Pauline Roynon of Chicago. Mrs. Charles Braithwaite, 906 Green- wood avenue, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. A. Maynard, 731 Central avenue, is leaving Wednesday of next week for a three months' stay in California. Mr. Braithwaite and Mr Maynard expect to join them the latter part of February. The Infant Welfare Society is hold- ing an informal reception at the home of Miss Edna Lewis, 908 Central ave- nue, on Monday, January 14, to meet Miss Gladys Spry, of Evanston, chair- man of the Woman's Auxiliary of Chi- cago. Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Addison Warner of Chicago, formerly of Highland Park, of the mar- riage of their daughter, Ruth Constance, to George Wearr Tracy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wearr Tracy of Glencoe. Miss Eleanor Gage, returned to Cornell college on Sunday after spend- ing the holidays with her father, Mr. John S. Gage, 1134 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Deutsch of 777 Michigan avenue, left Tuesday for their new home, "Coral Gables" in Mi- ami, Fla. Mrs. William A. Mann, 1121 Green- wood avenue, was hostess to the Drama Study club on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Koontz, 1121 Ashland avenue, left Tuesday to spend several days at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poronto, 901 Elmwood avenue, have returned from a visit in Rutland, Vermont. Mr. W. C. Shurtleff and his daugh- ter, Miss Helen Shurtleff, are leaving Sunday for an extended sojourn in St. Petersburg, Fla. During their ab- sence, the residence at 815 Lake ave- nue, will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shurtleff. Mrs. John W. Iliff and Miss Dorothy Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue left this week for California where they will spend the remaining winter months. Mr. Ili/f will join them later in the season and they expect to return to Wilmette sometime in April. Mr and Mrs Charles E. Hotze, 1229 Hill street, had as their guests last week, Mrs. Hotze's brothers, Mr. Harlie Gibbs of Ithaca, Mich., who was en route to Florida, and Mr. Carl Gibbs of Elm- wood, 111. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cross, 401 Tenth street, announce the birth of a son on December 27, at the Evanston hos- pital. Mrs. Morgan J. Hammers, 807 Greenwood avenue, entertained one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs at her home this week. St. Augustine's church will hold its annual Parish dinner and meeting next Wednesday evening, January 16 at 6:30 o'clock. Mr. Lawrence Bateman, 735 Mich- igan avenue, has returned to Lake Forest college. The Reading Circle will meet on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, 723 Eighth street. A Luncheon and Bridge club met with Mrs. George H. Bird, 1010 Chest- nut avenue, on Tuesday of this week. The Thursday Luncheon club will meet with Mrs. Foster Branson, 807 Central avenue, next week. Mrs. Fred C. Spinney, 619 Forest avenue, is leaving Sunday, January 20, for a two months' stay in California. Mrs. Henry B. Gates of Evanston has gone to St. Louis to be the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Cap- tain and Mrs. Warner B. Gates. Later she will go to Fort Smith, Ark., to be with her daughter, for several weeks. Bridge and Mah Jong were played following the dinner party given last Sat**day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Roberts in their home at 1033 Greenwood avenue. There were covers for sixteen guests. Formal Dinner Dance Orrington EVANSTON! ILLINOIS Wednesday Evening, Jan. 23rd You and your friends will enjoy the formal dinner dance. Special group tables can be arranged for private parties. A wonderful Table d' Hote dinner will be served from 7 P. M. until 8:30 P. M. A la Carte service also throughout the evening, until midnight. Harold Fair's famous college orchestra, won- derful music, delicious food and the pleasure of the most attractive ballroom in this vicinity. Plan now, to come! Table d' Hote Dinner Including Dancing $2.50 Per Cover k la Carte Service Cover Charge $1.10 Per Capita Telephone Your Reservation--Evanston 8700 RIDGWAY'S CHICAGO'S MOST DISTINCTIVE HOTEL CATERING TO AN EXACTING PATRONAGE Looking from the Salle Royale " SMART PEOPLE are finding the best at the Sovereign. . . . at the Saturday dinner dances... . in the pool, the rooms, the restaurant! There's nothing quite like it in Chicago. And yet Sov- ereign excellence costs no more than average mediocrity. You are cordially invited to The Sovereign. DINNER DANCES Every Saturday evening at seven-thirty. An Unusual Hotel Convenient to Town and to the Country BY TELEPHONE SHELDRAKE 1600 KENMORE AT GRANVILLE One block West of Sheridan Rd. at 6200 i|r Phone Evanston 3511 "The Store for Children" All our wonderful Winter Coats for both Boys and Girls have been specially priced for a Complete Clearance. Girls' Coats Many attractive styles in chiviots, chinchillas, bo- livias and marvellas, both plain and fur trimmed. Values $12.50 to $70.00 Now $7.75, $14.75, $18.75, $24.75, $37.50 Boys' Overcoats Splendid quality pebble cheviots and chin chillas in blue, brown and fancy mixtures. Wonderful saving on every coat Ages 1 to 16 years Values $14.50 to $30.00 Now $8.75, $10.75, $14.95, $16.75 r 20% Discount on All Boys' and GuV Shoes Ask to See Our "Atta Boy" Shoe for Boys 619 Davis Street Evanston Carroll Ridgway