22 WOMEN HONOR URSTVLADIES' Mr*. Taft and Mr*. WUson Voters' League Guests Mrs. Williams Howard Taft and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wives of the only liv- ing ex-presidents of the United States, will be honor guests of the National League of Women Voters at a recep- tion in the league's national headquar- ters, 532 Seventeenth street, Washing- ton, January IS. This announcement was received by local members early this week. More than 1,200 invitations to meet Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Wilson have been issued to prominent women of of- ficial and social Washington. Mrs. Maud Wood Park, president of the league, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Up- ton, vice-chairman of the executive committee of the Republican National committee, and Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, vice-chairman of the Democratic National committee, will receive with the distinguished guests. The reception will take place in a house of historic importance in the last century. It was in the main rooms of the league's headquarters that President Lincoln is said to have often conferred with General Grant. When General Grant came to Washington there were no suitable offices for him in the old war department, so he established his Headquarters in the house across the street. History books tell of the days when President Lincoln frequently walked over from the White House-- the big State, War and Navy building the depot quartermaster. It was in the some time. WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1924 Makes Unique Design for Holiday Greeting Folder T. Slater Gillette, 830 Lake avenue, who, since his retirement from busi- ness life several years ago, has been devoting much of his time to the pur- suit of amateur photography; gave a favored few of his acquaintances a genuine New Year's surprise this sea- son in the form of a beautifully hand- designed folder containing an original poem on one of the inside pages, with an attractive forest scene opposite reproduced from one of Mr. Gillette's many unusual photographs of north shore localities. The New Year's greeting was simi- lar to a Christmas message dispatch- ed by him to many of his friends on the north shore. »ci»K"?j.z%"^^ * Mr. ,.< &,». s. A. wh^,**, %% Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers and family returned to their residence at 711 Lake avenue, on Sunday, after spending the holidays at their winter home in Citronelle, Ala. Mrs. Alfred J. Ruby, 822 Greenleaf avenue, returned Tuesday from a ten day's visit in New York. Mr. Ruby is remaining in the East until the latter part of the week. Miss Margaret McCue, 631 Wash- ington avenue, left Tuesday to return to Dana Hall, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miles McDonald, 1239 Elmwood avenue, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Seyfried of South Orange, N. J. The Seyfrieds US Mrs. Robert C. Wooden returned to her home in Davenport, la., last week after spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue. ° ' of local Improvement" a Mrs. J. Walter Becker will enter- *° requirement, of ordinance^: Mrs. Burt C. Hardenbrook was ""^Jhet^defenee. hostess to one of the Tuesday Lunch- eon and Bridge clubs this week at her home in Winnetka. photograph of the sender's home. AT FIRE CONVENTION Chief Walter Zibble of the Wil- mette Fire department attended the State Firemen's convention at Aurora, III., this week. Social Happenings Central avenue, are leaving Wednes- day, January 16, to spend the remain- ing winter months in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons and family, 921 Oakwood avenue, enter- tained Messrs. Thomas and Robert Wigglesworth, at dinner prior to their return to Culver Military academy. Another Tuesday Luncheon club was entertained at the home of Mrs. H. W. Reno on Sheridan road, this week. Mr. Frank B. King, 825 Greenleaf avenue, is in New York city this week attending the National Shoe Manu- facturer's convention. Mrs. Frank Van Ness entertained members of one of the Bridge clubs at luncheon at the North Shore hotel on Tuesday. F. B. CROSSLE* Village AttorJ The "Kilowatt Hour;" What That Term Means fJSl Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hoffman, 718 Laurel avenue, are moving to the Shelbourne Beach apartment at 6359 Sheridan road until the latter part of June. At that time they expect to move to Bayside, Long Island, to re- side permanently. The Friday luncheons for members of the Women's Associated Guilds at St. Augustine's church, will be resum- ed this week, the first one to be serv- ed today at 12:30 o'clock. Miss Edith Cooper is entertaining' informally at bridge tomorrow eve- ning at her residence, 824 Lake ave- nue. --o-- Miss Edith Ray Young, 1319 Wash- ington avenue, has returned after spending the holidays with her par- ents in Vincennes, Ind. Mr and Mrs. M. Frank Barrett, 941 Sheridan road, entertained informally at tea for twelve guests on Sunday evening. Miss Nellie Gibbs returned Friday from a fortnight's visit with friends and relatives in Elmwood and Gales- burg, 111. VILLAGE OP WILMETTE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT '" THVo^"&Tis°F COOK fc Jftoiior Poh^CalieTto Meeting Saturday Night IBIS ¦ 9, Aat|)d,: i9T4Umette' IU,n°'8- ^nuary Fvft crossl«y, r: -- , village Attorney. (Official Publication) Report of Condition of the First National Bank of Wilmette in the State of Illinois, at the close of business on December 31, 1923. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, includ- ing rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of i this bank (except those shown in b and c)........$208,069.29 Overdrafts, unsecured ....... 5.04 All other United States Gov- ernment securities (includ- ing premiums, if any) .... 231,900.00 Other bonds, stocks, securi- „ *'«. etc..................352,826.16 Banking House, Furniture and fixtures .............. 12,803.80 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank ........... 44,275.54 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks ...... 63,870.12 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re- porting bank (other than Item> .................. 3,138.75 Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 ....$ 67,008.87 Other assets, if any ...... 10,052.66 w ECONOMY #i J ^notion's Wider Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON Toward Gconornt/rteek: J3rmgVoarnextorder/iere 'y^T'HEN your thoughts turn toward coal- economy - give centra! our telephone number. That's the quickest way of con- necting up with the best coal proposition in this town. The quality coal we sell will warm its way into your appreciation. WILMETTE BUILDING MATERIAL CO. 447 Main Street Phone Wilmette 2288 Total ...................$926,941.36 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in........$ 50,000.00 Surplus (und ........... 1000000 Undivided profits $19,258.10 ' a Reserved for in- terest and taxes accrued ...... 1,700.00 c Less current ex- penses, interest, and taxes paid .. 20,958.10 Certified checks out- StfS wii, *¦*• Individual deposits subject to 22, 23, 24, and 25, $2,072.89 check............___ 468 Ml V) Certificates of deposit due in ' - less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed). 1,717;18 State, county or other mu- nicipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this D,%n:Sid^/\' % Total of demand "" ' JU° deposits (other than bank de- posits) subject to Srvtfa - iw!3! •••;••-$490,571.57 Certificates of deposit (other Posits subject to Reserve, Items % 33, 34, and iR;n5 •••¦•......$320,907.73 I Bills payable (including all obligations representing money borrowed other above ""'¦> ............ 2,431.07 Total ----------"------- fctSSBSs Notary Public. ' j9My commission expires December &JS Correct--Attest • m DIRECTORS Edward Zip* .p*y» Nstson J-'M: A+ntt VILLAGE OF WILMETTE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 143 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS In the matter of the petition of the Village of Wilmette for proceeding to levy a special assessment for paving and otherwise Improving the central eighteen (18) feet of the Alley South of Block 24, Lake Shore Addition to Wilmette, and North of the subdivi- sion of Block 2 of Dempster's Addition to Wilmette, Illinois, extending from the West line of Seventh Street to the East line of Eighth Street, and the Alley In said subdivision of Block 2 of Dempster's Addition to Wilmette* Illi- nois, n the rear of Lots 1 to 10 Inclu- sive, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. MH ,.^D.;i^""*^ I"""""' ^nuary F B. CROSSLEY, Village Attorney. _________________________Ll5-2tc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE WILMETTE «£CIAL ASSESSMENT 0BB NOTICE 18 kEREBY GIVEN that, VILLAGE OF^WILMETW WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSBM, ¦ ™ SSSSBbW F. B. CROSSLEY, Village Attornd ------------- Ll$.i mmmnmamm In the Village Theatre Building] The Village Chocolate Shop For Your Sandwiches, Jcel Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. Where Quality Chocolate Rule* CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING HEMSTITCHING Deluxe Cleaners fffci Central Ave. "Tak*a Holida from Housework!' Eat your meals at the Wil- metteCafe. You'llgethome cooking and courteous ser- vice at very reasonable prices. Business Men's Lunch Served from 11 to 2 WILMETTE CAFE 1181 WUmett. Ave. oppoeite Vffl^e Hall 'arents' Ni bbly "Parei th school v afternoon from 1:30 t lich was plai Bn postpone lpleting th, 100I plant; ss hall and is in readir coming w The school s at the usi the morninj afternoon. ^t half-hour rision period its remain tir faculty block on, the Mluwed wall! Ith period at ifth and sixt iry lunch hoi Thursday I iner hours. [From 5 unti Etizing schoo \t new mess 1 ildren have rst supper pe fe urged to >se pupils lasses at 6:15 ipacity of tin parents will f; til the diners ProviA In order that lay know wl >ns and daug le they att« ich student H his progra /hen parent Thursday the> rams to the si Jshers will the risitors to th< Ouring the < Frederick E. rill speak to srium, on m: chool. Then, )ur. the advi icted, and the to their < fdone for the b jther visitors convenient to first adviser | Every pared tending New interested in t school, is ur; Day." For tr institution it township inh going on wit and the "Ops presents an e gaining such whom it is i early in the ; through. Fat evening shoul Hill and arriv at the school. IMMMMNHN