V WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FKrrtiarv 1, 1924 13 tninent Local Women i i Wi l l Di rect Dor cas Home REE Winnetka women were elected officers of the Dorcas me society of Deerfield, at a eeting of *h e Board of Direc- hey are Mrs. C. L. Weeks, 861 avenue, president; Mrs. S. H. 725 Walden road, first vice- t; and Mrs. Archibald Lynne, Her lane, second vice-president fficers of the society are Mrs. Miller of Highland _ Park, cor- g secretary; Mrs. Perry Eade, recording secretary, and Mrs. Ci. Hlake, treasurer. Miss Anna diss, who originated the home, retained as superintendent since tion. s Home is an orphanage for 4" having been cared for dur- year 1923. About ten children en dismissed from the home, relatives, and two older boys en satisfactorily placed on a Dakota. shore organizations and indi- are among the donors for gifts home. The most important ad- A o the equipment was the com- of the isolation ward. It has ompietely furnished* -including curtains, infirmary beds, linen, and spreads. One of these beds gift of Mrs. Robert Cluett of a, and four were given by the auxiliary of Evanston. Other the auxiliary .were - two dozen The Misses Mary Mack, Eloise Smith, Marcellite Meliud and Dorothy Campbell have issued invitations for a dancing party to be given on the evening of Friday, February 15, at the Ouilmette Country club. Mrs. George L. Martin entertained at luncheon on Monday at her resi- dence, 1046 Elmwood avenue, honor- ing Mrs. C. E. Fitch and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, who are leaving short- ly for a Mediterranean cruise. Mr. and Mrs. James Foster Porter of Hubbard Woods, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Nancy Foster, to Michael W. Straus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Straus of Hins- dale. Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Knapp, en- tertained a large party of friends at the Orrington on Wednesday evening of last week, on the occasion of the first formal dinner-dance given by the hotel. Mrs. G. S. Bollensen, 311 Fourth street, who has been accompanymg her husband on a business trip through Europe, sails for home on the liner, Paris, and is expected home this week- end. Miss, Lois, McCallunv daughter of 3&rv and Mrs. Alexander N. McCal -Uunr UJ1 Chestnut avenue; underwent an operation for appendicitis, at the Evanston hospital on Thursday of last week. Miss Edith Ray Young entertained at tea Thursday afternoon com- lankets, seventyTpWelsah^waslv new bed linens, a sewing-machine ie new garments, amounting in ver $300. Walden Road circle of Winnetka and gave the home thirty ers and four dozen new dining chairs^ besides some--garments. ] piiinentarrtiiF^^ ts were also contributed by the 1m street, Indian Hill and Scott circles of Winnetka, and by the ork Guilds of Evanston and d Park. The annual Thanks- donation of the Glencoe Union school was larger this year than sly and was augmented by other onatinns from t^p ptihlic schools vanston, Ravinia, and Highland The Community Kitchen of Ev- has continued frequent donations and baked goods; and the Hub- oods bakery has also made fre- donatibtis. The Washington laun- f Evanston has for the past six y continuously donated from 40 to kinds of flat work weekly free of report shows that $1,054.54 was ided on the completion of the isola- ward this year in*nsddttto"n to $584 The ladies of the Evening Whist club will meet with Mrs. Edwin hatch, 611 Washington avenue/ next Monday evening. Miss Betty Owen entertained with an informal dancing party at her home, 725 Greenwood avenue, last Friday evening. Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, entertained one oi the Tues- day Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Pardee and family, 925 Forest avenue, moved to Detroit on Monday to take up their permanent residence. Jack Cullen, 1231 Ashland avenue, returned Tuesday from the University of Illinois for the mid-semester vaca- tion. Miss Helen Evans, 616 Gregory ave- nue, has returned from Champaign to be with her parents the remainder.©.! the week., Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Knudsen, 1126 Ashland avenue, left Saturday for Miami, Fla. and Cuba for a several weeks' stay. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met this week in the home of Mrs. J, W, H. Higbee, 810 Lake avenue. --o-- Mrs. Richard W. Jordan will enter- tain members of a Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 1012 Greenwood avenue, next week. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met with Mrs. Judson Stone, 1234 Ashland avenue, this week. Mrs. H. B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, is spending the week with her sister in Berwyn, 111. Mrs. C. H. Slayton, 611 Lake avenue, is convalescing at the Evanston hos- pital following an operation. Philip Huguenin, Jr., 506 Lake ave- nue, is confined to his home, with an injured leg, the result of a fall. Mrs. Henry Dirks, 816 Lake avenue, is reported convalescing after an ill- ness. Mrs. George W. Kibby, 835 Lake avenue left last evening to spend sev- eral weeks in Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, returned last week from St. Joseph, Mich. _ .._ Mrs. Leo Dean, 1819 Elmwood ave- nue, is HI with pneumonia. Mrs. Joseph Heinzen, Jr., 1466 Lake avenue, is seriously ill at the Evans- ton hospital. Kenilworth Woman to Head Little Garden Club Mrs. Neil M. Clark, 408 Winnetka avenue, Kenilworth, was elected pres- ident of the Little Garden club at its January meeting last week. Other of- ficers chosen to direct the affairs of the club during 1924 were: Mrs. C. D. Ewer, vice-president; Mrs. R. E. Sonnehorn, secretary; Mrs. Arthur B. Smith, treasurer. A feature of the annual meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Clark, was the reading of am interesting paper by Mrs. Walters Gore Mitchell on "Winter Bouquets" rendered particu- larly appropriate by reason of an ex- hibition of winter bouquets arranged by members of the club. The February meeting of the Little Garden club will be held Friday after- noon, February 1, at the home of Mrs. Carl Bessey, 2721 Hartzell street, Ev- anston. JANE POLSON SPEAR1N Teacher of Singing "The merit of Mrs. Spearin's teaching has long been recognised.--Music News, Chicago. 1159 Wilmette Ave., Glover-Brown Bldg. Wilmette For appointments telephone Wilmette 2922 :iiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiinii i miiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiHiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiii ntKiiiiiiiittuiuiiMimnii*iHiiMiMJnrnnMMiit*jiiiiiiiiiiriniiriMi< nijfuiijitiiijiiiijirtuiiujj MI ti j u M«n JiJ uriiiix* Jijji*t)9iJtWMJiuiJMiuMttu44^v. of Vincennes, Ind,, who is visiting her. Miss Margaret Lee of Evanston, is spending several weeks with Miss Beth Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, during the absence of her parents, who are visiting on the coast. 7 riends of the home in addition to gular cash contributions arid sub- ns by which the home is sup- Olher substantial gifts were al- ived. North Shore Alumnae of the iial Kindergarten Elementary |e will meet for luncheon at the fton hotel in Evanston, Satur- •ebruary 2, at 12:30 o'clock, Tm- mterests -witi-lnr-drs- ^cnrtide^Cr-LrelreT - 0"f Frank Blymyer returns next Tues- day from Ann Arbor, for the mid- semester vacation, to be with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake avenue. Mrs. Harold Daly, (Rose Schildgen), who recently underwent a mastoid operation at the Evanston hospital, is convalescing at the home of her mother-in-law, in Chicago. Telephone Evanston --35«r-- RIDGWAY'S Itore-for Children 99 -- Telephone Wilmette m Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, 1010 on its beginning last year, Two Chestnut avenue, are . leaving next- i4ts of--$100 each wen; _rjaeigat"Wednesday - foF^saUena, California, stka will be the guest of honor nil speak on certain phases of Mid Welfare .Work in Illinois." VVays and Means committee of r Illinois Republican Women's and iho Woman's Roosevelt dican club are giving a card in the Florentine room of the ress hotel, Tuesday afternoon, lary 5, at 2 o'clock. A short mu- fprogram will be given. Reserva- for tables may be telephoned rs. Frank Schaedler, 301 Sher- road, Wilmette, chairman. e Delta Gamma sorority of North- ern university lias planned a large it«WL_lm4g€--p*rty---foT - the-eve- of Wednesday, February 13, at Evanston Woman's club. Pro- will go to the house fund. Miss ietta Oliver of Evanston is chair- of the committee in charge. . and Mrs. W. B. Weimers, 191 er lane, Winnetka, announce the of a son, William Bernard, Jr., unday, January ?0, at the High- Park hospital Mrs. Weimrrs is dan<?htrr of Mr. and Mrs. Char- j Decker of Winnetka, formerly v*ilmette. rs.John CoufTcr and her damjh- fiss Margaret Couffer, have left ^npeles and tpken an apartment \\2 Dix street in Hollywood, Cal. [rs. William F. Babcock of Wi il- ea leaves Sundav to attend the [ival j>t Dartmouth college, as the of her son. --o-- ie Thursday Luncheon and Bridge was entertained by Mrs. Ira •s. who is residing at the Evans- botel, this week. [rs. George Butler will be hostess >e Drama Studv class next Tues- at the residence of her daughter, Percy Cutler, 1016 Ashland ave- l\'i. f, p . fl M r s < E d wa rf 1 LilirnfieW, IMiehipan avrnue, left January 19, an extended tour of Kurop*. where they will sojourn for several weeks. Thirty members of the Sheridan Shore Yacht club of the north shore met for dinner Monday evening, at the Orrington hotel. The Friday Luncheon and Bridge club is being entertained today by Mrs. Eaton G. Qsman* 801 Central avenue. : Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eaton Bigelow, 1239 Lake avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Suree, Tues- day, January 29. Protect Tour Eyes from Sun and Wind In summer the EYES frequently become bloodshot from the irritat- ing effects of wind and dust. Murine relieves this unattractive condition almost immediately, as well as eye» strain caused by the glare of the sun. To look your best after a day tn the open, use Murine. Its soothing, re- freshing and beautifying properties make it invaluable to vacationists. If used night and morning, Murine will impart a youthful glow and sparkle to the EYfcS. It's perfectly harmless--contains no belladonna or other harmful ingredients. Our attractively illustrated bock," Beauty Lit* Within the Ey«$,» ulU how to prop- Murine Eye Remedy Co. Dept. 23, Chicago ( / J UNE. EYES mm 1 Infants' WearJSale We are pleased to announce a most opportune sale of Infants' Wear at both our stores. This sale should appeal to the Mothers as it will greatly aid in the completion of the babies' wardrobe at prices which offer worth-while economies. Silk and Wool Shirts, formerly 95c, now 65c Silk and Wool Bands, formerly 55c, ^ now Hand-Made Slips Formerly $2.00 Now $1.45 Gowns Formerly $1.50 Now . . . . . . . . . . 95c Terry Cloth Bibs Formerly 20c Now 10c $2.50 $1.65 $3.50 $2.-25- 45c 25c Petticoats Formerly $2.00 Now $1.45 Flannelette Wrappers Formerly 75c ^Jow . . . . • . . • . . . . . . 4 , 5c Diapers Formerly . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 per doz. Now $1.95 per doz. $3.50 $2.25 $1.25 "95c a I 1 1 Ar no l d Kni t We a r Towels, Wash Cloths, Night Gowns,'Baby Pads CARROLL RIDGWAY Inc. 3 a z 5 72 3 i 3 w 619 Davi s St reet Evans t on I a I s t = 1160 Wi l me t t e Ave . Wi l me t t e