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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, Anniversary Supplement, p. 22

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Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WILMETTE LIFEChristian ScienceK. C. Cazel Active inChurch of VillageVillage Public LifeChartered in 1896I for Nearly 40 YearsOnErnest C. Cazel, co-owner of the November 10, 1896, FirstChurchRidge Avenue pharmacy, has been of Christ, Scientist, Wil-metteserving the village as a pharmacist, was chartered under the lawwithsince 1908, and is 10 members, all of whom werenow associated informer members of First Churchof Christ, Scientist, Chicago.It was recognized as a branch ofrl business with" \ I J. B. Seyler, whoI became his part-the Mother church, the First Churchoner in 1932.f Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.,onArriving in Wil- February 28, 1897.Mrsmette on Septem-. Elizabeth Webster, an earlyber 18, 1908, Mr.student of Mary Baker Eddy, waschairmanCazel was first pro tern of the meeting atwhichemployed by the church was formally or-ganizedH. K. Snider, own-.Arer of the Wilmettee Still ActiveTwPharmacy on theo of the earliest members arecorner of whatstill active. They are Miss LouiseDolwas then Westl and Mrs. Minnie Fulton of Ev-Railroad avenueanston.Fromand Wilmette avenue. On Decem- 1896 to 1903, services wereheldber 23, 1909, this business was moved in a small store space at 1152Centrato a new store at 1167 Wilmette ave-l avenue and for the nextnue at the corner of Central avenue.three years services were in a publichalIn 1916, the partnership of Sniderl at 1217 Wilmette avenue.Thand Cazel was formed and .later ine church edifice was construct-1923, was changed to the corpora-ed in 1905 at the site of the presenttion of Snider-Cazel Drug Co. At thischurch, 1003 Central avenue, andtime, Mr. Cazel purchased the inter-services were first held in the com-est of Mr. Snider.pleted building on May 13, 1906.This edifice was considerably small-On the Central avenue side of theer than it is now, and had a seat-store, Mr. Cazel recalls, stood theing capacity of approximately 200,old hitching post used by Dr. By-It was dedicated on September 24,ron C. Stolp.1911, having been completely paidFire and Tornadofor.During the last of February 1920,Church Enlargeda fire broke out and damaged 75 perBecause of increasing member-cent of the store, making it neces-ship, the building was enlargedsary to move to 1159 Wilmette ave-in 1916 to accommodate more thannue where business was resumed theCHRISTIAN400 persons by extending the build-next day across the counter of SCIENCE CHURCH as it appeared about 1906 (top photo)wheing and raising it to provide theorange and lemon crates, whichn it was built. It was enlarged as shown in lower picture in 1916.Sunday school room in the base-served as showcases.ment.In four weeks, the drug companyA reading room was established inwas returned to 1167 Wilmette ave-the business district in 1915 andnue and on Palm Sunday it sufferedsince 1935 has been maintained atanother loss when a tornado brokeLits present location at 1133 Centralthe windows and drenched the stock.avenue.On Village Board J. THALMANNThe first free public lecture onChristiaThe drug business was continuedn Science given in Wilmettewaon Wilmette avenue until in 1940,s held in 1899. Since then thewhen a merger with the presentBORNchurch has expanded its yearly pro-store on the corner of Lake avenuegram to a contemplated six lec-and Ridge road, which had been pur-tures during 1947. These free publicchased in 1932, was effected. Sincelectures are given by authorizedthis merger the business has oper-IN WILMETTEmembers of the Christian Scienceated under the partnership of Mr.board of lectureship and are de-Cazel and Mr. Seyler, both of whomsigned to acquaint the stranger withare registered pharmacists.this religion.RAISEDOutdooMr. Cazel, who served as villager Lecturetrustee in the years from 1927 toIn 1941 the church sponsored an1931, as a member of the playgroundoutdoor lecture in the Wilmetteboard in 1930 and 1931, is a pastIN WILMETTEamphitheater and since then thisnoble grand of A. T. Sherman lodge,has been an annual event. TheseIOOF, a past master of Wilmetteare believed to be the only out-of-lodge, No. 931, A.F. and A.M., anddoor lectures on Christian Scienceis a member of the Wilmette chap-INgiven In this part of the country BUSINESSter No. 253 R. A. M. He is a mem-and each year have attracted aud-ber of the Chamber of Commerceiences of about 400 persons.and of the Rotary club.29 YEARSDuring World War II, two com-mittees, working under the auspicesMANY DITTIESof the church, maintained an aver-Village Trustee Orville Guy Daily,IN WILMETTEage shipment of 100 pounds of cloth-who has been a village trustee sinceing a month to needy persons1941 and a member of the planningthroughout the world, as well asmanboard since 1946, has just completedy knit garments for service-LANDSCAPEmen. At present the church is send- DES1QNWa iylemaertts term as commander of thee post of the American Le-ing a continuous shipment of foodgion. He was master of the Wil-parcels to European countries, andCONSTRUCTIONmette Masonic lodge in 1935.intends to continue this work as longas the need remains.VILLAGE ATTORNEYMAINTENANCEPublications WorkFrom 1923 to 1935, Hugh StuartCharles H. Jackson, village trus-Campbell, a resident of Wilmettetee from 1907 to 1909, was villagefor many years, served as Christianattorney from 1919. to 1925 and againScience committee on publicationsfor six years after 1925. He wasfor the State of Illinois. This posi-master of the Wilmette lodge inPhone;tion involved dealing with the state1919. Mr. Jackson died in 1940. WILMETTE 561legislature as well as press, radio,and others.Christian Science board .of lecture-TreIn 1936, Harold Molter, a residenteship gf the Mother church. Will B. Surgery Spraying Nursery Stockof Wilmette at the time and a mem-Davis, 433 Maple avenue, is also aber of this church, succeeded Mr.member of this board and recently-CWaimnnpebtekll. Mr. Molter now resides inreturned from an extensive lecturea and is a member of thetour in the British Isles.

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