Wilmette 75th Anniversary 1872-1947 WILMETTE LIFE moved to Lake avenue where he resided until his death. He retired from business for a while on account of poor health,but resumed it later and built afactory in Evanston. He was active in this business in which his eldest son was partner until his death, June 3, 1899. Wilmette's Police Chiefs Are Listed Chiefs of the Wilmette police department have included the follow-ing:Edward G. Sieber 1888-1923Albert L. Denman1923-1924Henry Brautigam 1924-1926Charles W. Leggett1926-1929Henry Brautigam .1929-1935Cloyd C. McGuire1935-1942Theo Hall1942-1945Charles L. Lineback 1945-1946 Edwin F. Whiteside 1946- RECTOR The late Rt. Rev.Frank E. Wilson, bishop of EauClaire, Wis., was appointed rec-tor of St. Augustines Episcopalchurch in 1915. He resigned toenter the army as a chaplain inWorld War I. Bishop Wilsonslast visit to his old parish wasAh!in 1943. Perfection Yes we strive for perfection at ScarlettsCame West to Buyand we invite you to perfect entertainmentGame; Remained tofor a perfect evening.Organize Own FirmSamuel Merritt Dingee, owner ofa pickle factory here in the latterPerfectpart of the last century, was a vil- Food lage trustee from 1873 to 1875, andfrom 1883 to 1887. He was born onWNovember 20, 1824, in Somerstown,e offer you perfect food prepared by ex-N. Y., to Solomon and Nancy WrightperDingee. His father, a farmer byt chefs from the finest meats andtrade, died when he was a little overgroceries that money can buy.two years old.His first position was with CharlesRoberts, husband of his fatherssisterEX-PRESIDENT Carbon P., who built high bridges overDubbs, by profession a chem-the Harlem river, as part of anPerfectical engineer, and noted figure Atmosphere .aqueduct to carry the water fromCrotonin the production and refining river to New York City. Theof petroleum, was village presi-Yobridge is still standing althoughu will find a courteous and friendly at-somedent from 1931 to 1935. of the arches have been re-mosphermoved because of navigation. Thee at Scarletts, our staff knowsaqueduct is no longer in use but isBorn in Franklin, Pa., in 1881, hehow to make you feel at home.still considered the most beautifulwof the old bridges in New York.Waess teerducated at the University ofn Pennsylvania and at theMrPhiladelphia College of Pharmacy. Roberts name is carved onand Science. He was awarded thethe bridge, although Samuel M. Din-John Scott medal for scientificgee was a superintendent and laterachievement in 1929.Perfect Beverages served in the same capacity whenHis home is at 1004 Michigan ave-his uncle developed Prospect parknue, but of recent years he hasWin Brooklyn.spent much time at his residence ine carry a complete line of the finest ofBought Game for MarketPaget, Bermuda.beverages we can mix your favoriteInMr. Dubbs administration oc- the late forties, he came Westdrinkandcurred during the period of. severe bought game in Illinois and Wis- perfectly.consinfinancial strain to the village gov- for the New York market.Heernment, caused by the depression made his home with his sisterandand by a tax-collection lag due to brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Johna legal tangle over assessments. For G. Westerfleld. In 1860, hemarriedsome time the only revenue the Helen Welstead of Yonkers,VisiNvillage had was from the sale of. Y.t Scarletts and enjoy a perfect time, as wetax-anticipation warrants.Their first home, a two-storycongratulate Wilmette on its Seventy-Fifth Anni-Drastic Cutsframe house, was a farm on Greenversary.Bay road, which is now Sheridan1Mr. Dubbs brought the municipalroad, at the present location oftreasury back to solvency. He madethe National College of Education. |drastic cuts in the village budget,SCARLETTSThey were living there when theamong them being the abolishmentLady Elgin was wrecked off Win-of his own salary.netka in a severe storm in 1860,Among the chief accomplishmentsand cared for some of the survivorsof his administration was the erec-Skokie Blvd. and County Line.intion of the municipal water plant, their home.whose profits form a considerableGLENCOEStarted Pickle Businesspart of the villages revenue1,. Pre- 18OSLater Mr. Dingee started a pickleviously, Wilmette had purchased itsbusiness which he carried on alonewater from Evanston.for sometime before he went intoMr. Dubbs was one of the found-partnership with an older brother,Squire Dingee. In 1870, Mr. Dingee,Wersi lmoeft,t and active leader in, thee Home Owners association.