Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WILMETTE LIFEDARING YOUNG MEN Thirty years ago or so, this is the way themore daring young men togged themselves out lor an afternoon at thebeach. The pictures date can be set with some degree of certainty,because these suits gave way to sportier numbers (with tops) by1920. And prior to the establishment of a regular Wilmette beachabout 1916. the boys used to go swimming in a lot more abbreviatedcostumes than they wear even today. In other words, to the horror oflake side householders and the futile chagrin of the cops, they dovein quite raw.COUNTRY CLUB The original Ouilmette Country club (upper left)around the early years of the century was located at Ninth streetand Ashland avenue. To reach it one strolled through the woods on thewooden walk shown at the upper right. Lower photo shows the countryclubs building at Michigan and Lake avenues. The organization laterbecame the Shawnee County club and still later the Michigan Shoresclub.INDIAN TRAIL TREES Although the Indians have not roamedthe North Shores woods for over 100 years, their trail-marking treesFIFTY YEARS AGO This is Mrs. Mary C. Lauermanns barn atare still reminders that within the memories of our grandparents,Glenview roaS and Cicero avenue (now Skokie boulevard) in 1897.all this land was wilderness.The young men are probably Chicagoans who rode out to Gross Pointon a Ceniury or 100-mile run, a popular fad in those days.Here are three of the trees bentrwhile saplings by the red men. Theone at the left is at Sixth streetand Forest avenue; that in the cen-ter is at Seventh street and Lindenavenue; that at the right is atTenth street and Greenwood avenue.The photographs are from the col-lection of the public library.Police MagistratesWilmette police magistrates andthe dates in which they served, areIN THE OLDEN DAYS Ridge avenue (or Ridge road as known today)as follows:just north of Schiller avenue looked like this.Mathias A. Gedney 1873-1877J. C. Griffiths1877-1878Head of his own contracting con-Edward F. Russell 1878-1881FrankFrank M. Cornell-1881-1886 J., Edward L.cern, he was also an active memberof the Wilmette Masonic lodge. HeEdward F. Russell 1886-1897Scheidenhelm Leadwas chairman of the commissionHVillagwhich drew up the village plan ofW. S. Gemmell1897-1901. H. MacLean 1901-1903e Enterprises1922.John Ling1903-1917TheEdmund P. Dunshee 1917-1919 late Mrs. Margaret S. Pier-WAilmlmeottst unique in the annuals ofJohn Ling1919-1928e were the records of civicson, for 23 years clerk of New TrierEarl A. Pettibone 1928-1933service made by the Scheidenhelmtownship, was a daughter ofbrothersJohn J. Peters1933-, Frank J. and Edward L.Frank J.Frank, born in 1867, came to Wil-mettFIRST WHITE CHILD Johne in 1896. He was active in theaffairs of the First CongregationalPARK SUPERINTENDENTSchaefer, who was born on Oc-POPULAR CITIZENchurch, served as village treasurerAlthough the Wilmette park dis-Nathaniel F. Webb, 506 Fifthtober 23, 1844, was the firstfrom 1902 to 1905, as member of thetrict was organized in 1908, it wasstreet, has. been chosen for a num-board of education from 1904 toI not until 1937 that a full-time super-white child born in Gross Point.ber of local civic offices by the1912, and treasurer of the park dis-intendent, Gordon B. Wallace, wasHvoters of the village. He was a di-e was the son of Peter Schaef-trict from 1909 until his death inemployed. Previously various com-rector of the public library from1936. He was a banker by profes-missioners had taken what timeer, and the first village treas-1906 to 1910, a village trustee fromsion.they1909 to 1913 and again from 1935 could from their business af-urer of Gross Point. He diedEdwardto 1937, and village treasurer from, who passed away onlyI fairs to superintendent various parkthis year, was two years younger.I activities.April 13, 1917.1912 to 1913.