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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Sep 1947, Anniversary Supplement, p. 96

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Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WIlMETIE LIFEParent-Teacher1924, the first meeting of the Logan-Ysntis as the first Harper Unit pres- AssociationRidge P.T.A. was held in the audi-ident.torium, Mrs. Maxwell, first presi-Last year, 1946, it was found nec-Wentdent, presiding. By the time the sec-essary to reopen Highcrest school. Through Many Changesond meeting was held in NovemberMrs. Ruth Kludy, a teacher fromthe name of the school ha.d beenHoward school, was appointed prin-Bychanged to the Arthur H. Howard Mrs. Frederick T. Calkinscipal. She immediately recommend-President,school and the name of the P.T.A.ed to the parents that a Highcrest Wilmette P.T.A.group existed as a Mothers clubautomatically changed to the Logan-Tracinunit of the Wilmette P.T.A. begfor about two years when it joined the history of the Wil-mettHoward P.T.A.formed. On February 17, 1947, theethe state group and included the Parent-Teacher associationfirst meeting of the newly formedhasteachers. Mrs. Harper became theWhen Highcrest school was taken proved somewhat difficult be-unit was held at which time Mrs.causepresident of this first official organ-into District 39, Mrs. Dorothy J. Ol- of the many changes the or-Franklin P. Robinson of Glenviewganizationization. Also about this time thedendorf became its first principal. has gone through beforewas elected president.reachingmothers first began to recognize theAt her suggestion, a mothers study its present status.Fromfathers responsibility and the or-group was formed with Mrs. William a letter written by Mrs.Nearly 2,000 MembersDoraganization became the "Parent-K. Wanner as the first chairman. A. Harper, wife of J. RobbHFrom the humble beginning backleacher Association."A year later this group became aWairlmpeert,t retired superintendent of thein 1912 when a group of mothersep&rt of the Logan-Howard P.T.A. schools, it is believed thatWere Charter Memberswithheld very "informal meetings con- Mrs. Wanner as the first repre-the first parent interest began atsisting chiefly of conversation andLoganMrs. Earl E. Orner and Mrs. E. J.sentative on that board. It was sev- school about 1912 or 1913Hoffmanrefreshments" to 1946-47 when the were charter members.eral years before the name of theshortly after that school was built.membership grew to just six. lessMrsMrs. Donald Maxwell, though not aorganization was changed to include. Harper says in her letter thatcharter member, was very activeHighcrest but it was finally called,a Mrs. Thompson who lived on Cen-Wthailnm e2t,0t00 is a long way. Today thee Parent-Teacher associa-in the early Logan days.Logan-Howard-Highcrest P.T.A.tral avenue just opposite the Logantion enjoys the largest membershipschool thought it would be helpfulIn 1915, Mrs. Donald Gallie, thenEast and Westof any group in the village.if the mothers of the Logan childrenpresident of the Wilmette WomansThe Wilmette P.T.A. re-affirmswould meet together and discussclubFor several years, then, there, at a meeting at New Trieracherits pledge to the community in thetheir problems and exchange sugges-Highwere two active Parent-Te school, made a motion to or-groups in Wilmette. In 1941 Central-words taken from the history of thetions. She therefore called them to-ganize a Mothers club or parentsLaurel P.T.A. was headed by Mrs.state organization, the Illinois Con-gether and the Logan Mothersgroup at Central school. This or- clubwaPaul K. Robertson and Logan-How-gress of Parents and Teachers;s organized with Mrs. Thompsonganization apparently came into be-"Holding steadfast through the yearsas president or chairman.ing that year and had as its firstpresidentWardin-kHlieghcrest by Mrs. H. G. Van. Parent-teacher activities into its high ideals, and standards,, Mrs. Morton Patterson.the Village seemed always to be di-and adhering to its non-partisan,Informal Meetingsvided into East side, and West sidenon-sectarian, non-commercial poli-ThAt Laurel Schoole meetings of this group wereand the two organizations foundcy, the Illinois Congress is now def-veryAbout 1925, Mrs. Karl D. King, informal, consisting chiefly ofthemselves many times to be work-initely recognized and accepted asconversation and refreshments. Mrs.president of the Central P.T.A.,ing at cross purposes and duplicat-an organization pledged to a pro-Carl Schroeder of Park avenue gotsuggested to Mrs. Ernest Freemaning their efforts.gram of service to childhood."the older girls, fifth and sixth grad-that a group of mothers be organ-ersActive workers at that time, the, together and formed a sewingized at the new Laurel school. Thisclassspring of 1941, decided it would be. This, of course, was beforewas done, the new group meetingmuch better if Wilmette had oneBrethold Built Morethere was a domestic science teach-for several years as an independenteParent-Teacher organization. Conse-r in the schools.organization with Mrs. Freeman asquentlyThan 600 Homes Here, the five schools of DistrictTherechairman. In 1928 under a renewal was at this time a state39, Central-Stolp, Highcrest, Howard,One of the pioneers in construc-organizationcharter from the state organization known as the IllinoisCongresLsurel, and Logan formed the Wil-tion and real estate business on thes of Mothers. Mrs. Orvillehev joined the Central P.T.A. andmette Parent - Teacher association INorth Shore, Charles Henry Bret-T. Bright and Mrs. Louis K. Gill-became known as the Central-which was to function in two ways:hold was a resident of Wilmette forson were state officers. Mrs. GillsonI Laurel P.T.A.me(1) individually to bring about in-about 50 years. Mr. Brethold, whot with the Logan group and sug-In the meantime Howard schoolcreased interest in each school bydied at the age -of 90 in 1939, man-gested that it become a member of! was built but was originally knownthe parents of that school, and (2) |aged the construction of more thanthe state organization. The Loganas the Ridge school. On October 6,collectively to coordinate all the par-600 homes in this area.ent-teacher work in the village.A native of Hanover, Germany,Firshe was brought to this country as at PresidentMrschild by his parents, who made. Robert Seashore was the firsttheir home in Cincinnati. After hepresident of the newly formed Wil-moved to Chicago as a young man,BILLmette Parent-Teacher association.he was engaged in the retail meatSThe central board of directors wasbusiness. He settled in Wilmette inmade up with equal representation1892 and turned to contracting andfrom the five schools.real estate. He was a member of Still another change was made inthe Masonic order and the Rotary1942 when the J. R. Harper schoolclub.was opened and Highcrest closed.Mr. Brethold had one son, Rob-REALTYHarper became the fifth school unitert, who died in 1922, and a daugh-instead of Highcrest with Mrs. F. S.ter, Mrs. Emilie Schulz.INC.HOMESHOMESITESACREAGEMORTGAGESINSURANCEFOSTERED PARENT-TEACHER MOVEMENT Among these sixNORTH SHORE OFFICE EVANSTONpast residents (photographed above) of the Illinois Congress ofParents and Teachers who attended a state meeting in Chicago510 Davis Streetabout 1326. were Mrs. Benjamin F, Langworthy. 832 Bryant avenue,Winnetka, and the late Mrs. Gillson, first wife of the late Louis K.WilmettGillson, Wilmette. Also shown in the picture are, left to rieht, thee 3740 Briargate 1106 Greenleaf 1166late Mrs. O. T. Bright, Chicago; Mrs. Gillson and Mrs. Langworthy.Standing, Mrs, Harry L. Fleming, Bloomington; the late Mrs. J. K.Kilbride, Springfield, and Mrs. Mark P. Meats, Chicago. (Mrs. Lang-Other Offices Chicago Northbrook Glen view Deerfieldworthy was one of the three living past presidents of the NationalCongress of Parents and Teachers who was present at the 50thanniversary meeting held recently in Chicago.)

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