September 18, 1947 movement for ballroom, and learning much new Rhumba and Samba. She brought back with her, too, Astaire's novel and exciting dances, "The Adele Waltz," and the "Astaire Swing Trot," which will be taught to her classes and later shown in the movies. Miss Lois, her chief assistant, has studied with Miss Keeney for many years and is a graduate of Stephens college, majoring in dance. Specializing in "Rhythm and Dance Technique for Children" and "Rhythmic F o r m and Analysis" at the University of Wisconsin, she studied with nationally known Margaret d'Houbler and Louise Kloepper. The past summer she conducted a course for high school and college students in contemporary dance and accompaniment for dance. Miss Keeney's classes in ballet and modern will open on the following schedule: Evanston, September 29; Kenilworth club, October 2; Highland P a r k Woman's club, October 3; Winnetka studio, October 4 through 49 DISHWASHERS -- DISPOSALS GENERAL % ELECTRIC Washers 874 G r e e n Bay Road Refrigerators W i n n e t k a 900 KENNA APPLIANCE COMPANY OFFERS MOTHERS: 1--THREE DELIVERIES WEEKLY! 2--Diapers delivered in METAL CONTAINERS! 3-- Choice of Birdseye or Curity -^'ORIGINAL DIAPER SERVICE For Further Information Call diapers t<*ated at no additional charge. 10 Dy-dees Daily, $1.65 weekly 15 Dy-dees Daily, 2.00 weekly 20 Dy-dees Daily, 2.30 weekly RAYENSWOOD 4700 Toll calls refunded on initial orders DY-DEE WASH, Inc. 5527 N. M a p l e w o o d A v e n u e C H I C A G O 25 DANCE E X P O N E N T -- Miss Marian Keeney, well known North Shore dancing teacher, has recently returned from a visit in New Y o r k where, as has been her custom, she devoted a period to study of the dance, this time four weeks at the Ballet Arts school with M a r i a n Ladre, L i s a n K a y and Vera Nemtchinova. Miss Keeney also took the F r e d Astaire teachers' course, acquainting herself with his new theory of Do You KnowV A most effective suit with a talent for looking slim and small-waisted. In brown and white, or black and wnite sharkskin, sises 10 to 20. $6995 Stop in and we'll tell you the answer to this startling statement! ALL CHILDREN LOVE A "TREAT" And what "treat" would delight them more than a drive to N O T T ' S for a super soda or sundae or an extra-rich milk shake or malted. And should you suggest a NOTT'S hamburger with a heap of French fries, their eyes w i l l light up like a Christmas tree! Ask for NOTT'S HEAVY PACK It's the famous rich extra readypacked ice cream that is the equivalent ci hand-packed. Vanilla, Chocolate, New Y o r k and Fresh Banana. There's a dealer in your neighborhood who sells It. O P E N 'TIL MIDNIGHT DAILY ICE C R E A M BAR PHONE WILMETTE 4023 WILMETTE IS3 GREEN I A Y ROAD T H E DRAKE SHOP · IN T H E DRAKE HOTEL T H E E V A N S T O N S H O P · 1636 O R R I N G T O N T H E 950 S H O P . 950 N . M I C H I G A N AVE. T H E O A K P A R K S H O P . 730 L A K E S T R E E T