Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947September 18, 1947PlaygroundSystem Now21 Years OldCoordinated Program SetUp Under Joint Auspices ofVillage Governing BoardsEarly in 1926, the various officialboards of the village appointed aspecial committee from their severalmembers to investigate the problemof coordinating the recreational fa-cilities of the village into one in-tegrated recreational program.Members of this committee includ-LAST REUNION Men who served in Company "D", Illinois Re-ed J. C. Capen, chairman, Enochserve Militia (the "Home Guard") during the First World war, heldSteen, representing the school board,one of their last reunions in 1925. William Lehle took this photograph.Henry Fowler of the park board,"L"Took OverIra Reynolds of the village plancommission, and John Steffens ofOddong those in the picture are, FellowsAm Lodgestanding: Frederick Z. Favor, Lorinthe playground trustees. Earl E. Or-A. Bower, Miles McMillen, R. J.Old Servicener, president of the village at that7V/7mp/7 in TTnrtOr of Mulvey, Robert L. F. Biesemeier,time, and Herbert B. Mulford, presi-dent of the school board then, gavenarneu in nunur ui Herbert LiUyF Karl D Kingr H- H.strongof C. M. & St. P. support to this committee.Culver, Dr. D. R. Brown, S. W.* * The southeastern section of thehvtsted Herwig ToePPen, G. W.FollowingVillage of Wilmette, known as Hill- recommendations ofThe Odd Fellows lodge was in- Carrington.thisville in the earlier days, was re- special committee, it washstailtlu te(tdh eni nl ocWatielmd eottne Wines t MRcaDilainoiaedl J. RRea.r Mroawc,F saeralatend:, JS. R. oCb.b BHeanrnpeetrt,voted at the village election ofmote from transportation until theApriavenue) on October 26, 1899, as NewGeorge R. Harbaugh (Captain ofl 30, 1926, to set up a rec-Trielatter part of the 19th century.r lodge, No. 892, I.O.O.F., withCompany "K", National Guard),reation board with a maximumHerbert Mackie, F. L. Miller, F. A.In 1887, the Chicago, Evanston,the following charter members:taxing authority of one and one-Edwarand Lake Superior railway companydBedlan, Harry Hammill, J. C. Nitz. P. Jones, Max L. Levit,third mills under the State Play-pushed its line from Union station,groundSamuel C. Sexauer, Herbert \.Second row: Dr. George D. Up- act. Such a board wasChicago, as far as Calvary ceme-constitutedEadie, Henry A. Crane, Jonas Bier-son (second from left), John J. with the late Johntery, and obtained rights to buildClarPk| wert, Enos W. Raff, Frank H. Baker as its first chair-through South Evanston and Evans-manDruryWeters, Lewis Starkel, J. M. Mills,. G. Beyrer, Edward P. Fatch,, the Rev. Frank C. Brandt,, and began operation withton. The Chicago, Milwaukee, anda tax of % mill.and(company clerk), Ed Kirchberg, George Rasmussen.HerberSt. Paul (it now has the additionalt J. Leach, Ira Jones. * *Thetitle of "and Pacific") acquired the first officers of the lodgeForeground: J. N. Macalister, C.Subsequentlyroad and operated it as a local line. the board in 1926, ap-were: Samuel C. Sexauer, noble Miles McDonaid, G. L. Martin,pointed Daniel Davis, head of thegrand; Enos W. Raff, vice-grand:Needed Terminal Albjn Carlen.department of physical education inhe7weIr;n: J"* P^graph was supplied byIn order to obtain necessary ter-the Terre Haute schools, as its first UT Uminal space the line was extendeddirector of recreation. Mr. Davisstalled on the same date by the-PSO"-to the Hillville area. A station wssserved in this capacity until hisfollowing installing offices: Deputyestablished at the Hill street (nowdeath in July, 1944, when he wasan1 _Grvrd Master, William Stacy; | Barnard lhalmann WasMaple avenue) crossing and namedsucceeded by Howard F. Copp, whoGndLlewellyn park, after a nearbywas recently succeeded by Russellboth of ESvanTsto n lodged hema; Grand Sec:- Pioneer Farmer Hereproperty owner. As stated else-Perry of Aurora, 111., present direc-retary, Brother Meisner, of South Barnard Thalmann, a pioneerwhere, the Chicago, North Shore,tor.Park lodge; Grand Treasurer, J. T. farmer of New Trier, was born inand Milwaukee line was builtThe chief activities of the recrea-Hubert, of Cook county lodge; and Prussia, March 23, 1836 and spentthrough Wilmette and into Evans-tion board have been the organizedGrand Marshal, Joseph Parks, of the first 11 years of his life in histon by 1899. The station at Centralintra-village sports activities and theEvanston lodge.native land.street, Evanston was used as thewinter and summer playground pro-transfer point.Immediately following the instl He wa-* a sonf Gerhard Thal-grams. The park board retained con-tutionalThe Northwestern Elevated Rail- ceremonies, and wh wa b the elec- marm, J; m the f* etrol of the beach which has alwaysway company leased the right oftion and installation of officers, country July 24, 1801, made farm-been divorced from the recreationWilliamway north of Wilson avenue from J. Schatz, Charles H. Rush m* hls Me work, and died July 16,boards activities since it has beenthe Milwaukee road in 1907. The(who started and published for manv1867.a source of revenue to the park dis-yearline south of Church street in Ev-s Wilmettes earlier newspaper,The parents came to America intrict.T1847anston was elevated in 1910 and, landing in New York on AprilThe recreation board has co-oper-Whe Local News), G. S Millar,that north of Church street in 1928-. E. Hunnewell, J. B. Young, J.14, after 30 days spent on the voy-ated with success and amity withMcDaniel1932., G. W. Cady, L. A. Per-agthe village, park, and school boardsrault, Robert Steele, H. D. Skelton,Teh.e elder Thalmann purchasedCame in Overnightin the attempt to co-ordinate theFred Reford, J. O. Brosard, Dr.80 acres of land in section 30. NewThe elevated road, too, found itrecreational sources of the schoolJohn Segsworth and Charles Rosen-Trier township, and later added 44playgroundneeded a terminal yard in Wilmette.s and gymnasia, the vil-berg were elected to membershipacres in section 33 and there madeSuch a plan was vigorously blockedlage green (owned by the village)and given the initiatory degree,his home until his death.by villagers, until, late one eveningand the two larger parks, Washing-ton and Vattman.NameBernard Thalmann was united indin 1912, the contractors moved in for Shermanmarriage with Miss Mary Feldman,In its earlier years the tax revenueBecausa large gang of men and the projecte A. T. Sherman was held September 26, 1865. She was bornwas completed before the citizensof the recreation board, along within such high esteem by the local in Gross Point in 1848, a daughterhad time to organize.occasional fees and with yearlyorder, it was the unanimous wish of Joseph Feldmann, a native ofgrants from the Community GolfoThe right of way is still ownedf the charter members that the pruSsia, who came to this countryby the Milwaukee road. Freightcourse revenues, was sufficient tolodge be named A. T. Shermanmaintaiwith his parents in August, 1833.nservice is provided to sidings be- a fairly representative rec-lodge- They were informed, how-tween Wilson avenue and Churchreation program. Its declining taxever, that it was contrary to thestreet, Evanston, and the railroadsrevenues in the early 30s along withlaws of the order to name a lodgnese J .. gilding. On June 1, 1922,diminutionfreight station is located at the of revenues from the golfafter a living brother, so New Trier *hls building was purchased by A;nlatter point alongside the Northcourse were bolstered up temporari-lodge was retained until after M S1erma lodr J-l"f ?* 5Tlf?Shore lines depot. South of Wilsonly by the use of W.P.A. employees ShermansI.O.O.F. building, located at 1211 to death in 1901, when itb outhn tilaborers and program workerswa1217 Wilmette avenue. The first flooravenue, the branch line, used fors officially changed to A. Tfreight service only, runs in al the W.P.A. was discontinued.Shermanaccommodates four stores, while the lodge, on March 14 of thatsoutherly direction until- it reaches* * yearsecond floor has three living apart-.the north branch of the ChicagoThe recreation board had fin-Witments, two large halls and oneh the small beginning in mem-smaller hall.river near Goose Island, followsanced the ice skating programsi bership the lodge prospered until The present officers of A. T.the branch to its junction with theuntil in 1942-1943, when it wasamain stream and crosses to entert one time it reached a total of Sherman lodge are: Nash C. Cazel,necessary to make a nominal2the yards near the Union station.charge to build and maintain theW83il mmetetmebers, including many of noble grand; Robert Robertson,s and the North Shoresvice-grand; Bertram B. Udell, re-ice rinks. About $1,200 wasmost prominent citizens. As thecording secretary; George N. Mor-ON TWO BOARDSraised from these ticket sales,lodge grew its quarters in the Mc-whicgenthaler, financial secretary: Vic-h along with sums donatedDanieEdward Corette served as villagel hall became too small, andtor W. Hill, treasurer; Henry H.by the village, school, and parkafter several years they moved intoAbeggtrustee from 1902 to 1906 and as a, warden; and Frederick A.member of the board of education(Continued on page 114)their present quarters in the thenRadmer, deputy grand master.from 1907 to 1915. He died in 1938.