Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947September 18, 1947Recall Home Guardin World War IChief among the "home front" or-ganizations in Wilmette during the\First World war was the "HomeGuard," which comprised manyunits. Major Floyd L. Bateman head-ed the finance battalion, chargedwith collecting funds. Hoyt King was! colonel of the Home Guard, and Ben-jamin E. Gage headed the farmingbattalion. In charge of soldiers aidwork was Joseph Gorham Tys-sowski. Company "D" of the Illinoisreserve militia (North Shore regi-ment) was formed with Capt. ArthurI H. Howard as the commanding offi-I cer. Company "K" (11th regimentPATIENTS Two young pa-)tients of the Wilmette healthof the Illinois National Guard wascenter, 905 Ridge road, awaitcomposed largely of Wilmette men.their turns at one of the peri-odic well-baby clinics.Otto Kempe OpenedOffered Loop AcreageShoe Store in 1881in Lieu of His WagesHand-madeThe Nicholas Wagners were count- shoes were the onlykinded among the pioneers of Gross available when Otto L. KempefirsPoint, where Mr. Wagner was bornt opened his shop in 1881 in theVillagein 1850, a son of John and Barbara of Gross Point. He came toGross(Lauermann) Wagner. The latter Point at the age of 28, havingwas a daughter of John Lauermann,learned the cobblers trade as anapprenticea carpenter and farmer, who was at 14 in Germany. Hesuffereoborn in Trier, Germany. several set-backs, includinga robbery, but by 1903 he was ableMr. Wagners parents were alsoto build the brick building that thenatives of Trier. They came to thisstore now occupies at 418 Ridgecountry in 1843, taking up theirroad, Wilmette. The business is stillrIWesaigdneence at Gross Point, where Mr.r purchased 90 acres of land in the Kempe family since Mr.Kempesand began farming. daughter, Matilda, took overin 1923.WWaghneenr John, father of Nicholas, first arrived in Chicago,from his native Trier, he was of-OLDEST CLUBfered for one years work five acresOldest of the villages service or-of land at the corner of Washingtonganizations is the Wilmette Opti-and Clark streets, together withmist club, founded in 1923 withclothes and tobacco for that lengthFormer (above) and modern views of Wilmette Womans club buildings. Christy Brown as the first president.of time.Two of our present exclu-sive representations of thetype of homes we have tooffer.WESTDN E. DAVIE & CD.REAL ESTATE42 Green Bay RoadWinnetLa 4500We congratulateWilmette on its75th Anniversary