THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 13,1921 'Morning Report9 of the Wilmette Legion BY TOE ADJUTANT Dust off that uniform and get ready for that Memorial Day parade! The Legion is to have a big part_Jn that •parade, and we must not fail to ap- pear in large numbers. The men who haven't their uniforms are going to march, too, so you have no reason for not coming. So roll out, you slab-sided deck liands, and fall in t William R. McCauley, Commander of the Illinois Department, is to soealc here on /Sunday.evening, May 29. Be sure to come and hear him! He's one of the finest speakers you ever heard. He knows how to tell the world, and he does it! If you know anybody who wants to know anything about the American -Legion, drag 'em out -to-hear--Mc- Cauley. They may be skeptical when thev go in, but they'll be Legion enthusiasts when they leave. Commander McCauley will be ac- rdmpanied by William Q'« Setliffe, State Adjutant. He has a story that will stir your blood. If,you don't want to know what the Legion is doinpr DON'T come to the meeting May 29. But if you ARE anxious to know what it is doing and how the Legion's work affects YOUâ€" come and hear! Social BapiKiimgs Miss Elizabeth Gemmell, who has been making her home with her sis- ter, Mrs. Frances Cutler, at 1001 Lake avenue, has moved to 812 Lincoln avenue;-----------------* We are to h?ve. also, some of the finest music in this part of the coun tryâ€"The Chicago Philharmonic Or- chestra. The Women's Auxiliary of the Am- erican Legion is being formed in Wil- jnetie. All mothers, sisters, and wives are eligible for membership, and we are very anxious to have a full mem- bership list. The next meeting of the Auxiliary is to be.Tuesday, May 17, at Community House"and all wom- en eligible for membership will be more than welcome. Don't wait for a personal invitationâ€"just come! The next meeting of the Post will be Monday, May 16. Bringout that new member yourwere^thinking about the other day. This is going to be a good meeting, so they say.-^better come. On Memorial Day Wilmette is to have one of the finest parades in her history. This wilLbe a real Memorial Day in this village. But it takes money to do a thing of this sort. All you folks who cannot march in the parade want to have some part in the dayâ€"don't you? Just send a check for your part to cashier of the First National Bank of Wilmette. HELP PUT IT OVER! TELL THE JUDGE HOW SHE CAME BY COAT Rose Harris, alias Ross Miller, alias Rose Meyer, will appear in Wilmette Police court Monday, May 16, at 4 o'clock, to explain to Magistrate Mickey how she came by a fur coat the property, of a member of the Ed- ward H. Weihe household at 144 Maple avenue. ~ The girl was apprehended this week by operatives of the Chicago Detect ive Bureau. She is at liberty on $5,000 bail. . PREVENTION BEST REMEDY Prevalence of an epidemic of "private stock burglaries" in Kenil- worth has led the village officials to appoint four policemen „ to help Capt. Patrick J. Murray in fighting this pe- culiar departure in crime. Captain Murray has been successful in round- ing up the culprits in several in- stances Uut a situation developed too big for one--mati-to handle with the result that officials augmented the police force in the .determination to stamp out the evil practice. LEGION AUXILIARY Mothers, sisters and wives of Wil- mette American legion men have fol- lowed the plan of women in other communities in organizing a Wom- en's auxiliary and have announced a meeting of the auxiliary for Tuesday evening, May 17. at Wilmette Com- munity House. Women* in. the vil- lage eligible to membership in the auxiliary are invited to attend this meeting, not awaiting personal in- _vita±ion^__________------------ ... . Rangers in the government service in the Yosemite' national park are among the former service men to re- ceive charters for posts of the Am- erican Legion. The post, which will be known as Yosemite No. 258, is the first to be organized in the National Park. The next state convention of the California Legion will be held in Yosemite valley. All industry and travel in the state of Oklahoma were stopped for a minute^rt-H-o^ciock on the morning of April 18. during which Oklahomans with bowed head repeated a creed of loyalty to the American' flag. The Mrs. Roy E. Bowers of Lakewood, Ohio, formerly of Wilmette, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, 1123 Elmwood avenue, for the coming fortnight. , â€"♦â€" Mr. Peter J. Schaefer, 1501 Wash- ington avenue, returned Tuesday evening from Bloomington, 111., where he attended, a convention of St. Jo- seph's society. -â€" ♦â€" Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, left on Wednesday for a ten day's stay in Waukesha, Wis^, where sne will locate at the Grand" View hotel. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. William R. Crawford of 527 Laurel avenue, were hosts to twenty guests at a dinner dance given at their home on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. F. M. Ryner of Long Beach, CaL is spending several days with hit son, Mr. Ira Ryner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs B. J. Hens, 623 Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. HolHster and family of 520 Eleventh street, moved early this week to Glen Ellyn. Miss Marjorie West, 1033 Greenleaf avenue." left last week for a months Mr. and Mrs. ~J. M. Brown who have been making their home in Sandusky, Ohio, moved on Friday of last week to 1537 Central avenue. Mrs.. Carl Schroeder spent the week end and Mothers' Day with her son. Bernard who is a sophomore at the University of Illinois. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Patterson of "*>. Prairie avenue, announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Marjorie Ann. on Sunday, May 8. _♦_ Mrs. Gertrude Lees-Roberts will present her oupils in recital on Wed- nesday evening, May 25, at 8 o'clock, at the Wilmette Woman's club. â- â€"♦â€" Miss Ruth Lasher entertained a few friends informally on Wednesday afternoon in her home, 124 Laurel avenue. Mrs. Josephine Remington of 1136 Greenleaf avenue has returned from a most enjoyable trip to Hot Springs, ^Arlc---------â€" Miss Jessie U. Hess, 1607 Lake ave- nue, will entertain informally for Miss Dorothy Bushnell on Saturday afternoon. â€"Mr. and Mrsâ€"Giâ€"M^-Culver, whro have been making, their home in Chi- cago are now occupying the house at 910 Elmwood avenue. â€"♦.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Eldridge of 1011 Greenwood avenue, have mov- ed into their new home at 1029 Lake avenue. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs.'C. C. Cameron, who have been making their home in Chi- cago, recently moved into the A. B. Wilson home at 510 Central avenue. â€"♦â€" . Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bowers of 1514 Highland avenue, have moved back into their old home at 246 Wentworth avenue. Glencoe. â€"•â€" "Mrs7 Charles Hastings, 502 Central .tvenue, was recently called to Den - ver, Colo., owing to the sudden death of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Tolman have moved from 1030 Greenleaf avenue to 1105 Lake avenue. _*_ The Travel club was entertained on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. S. A. Wheelock. 822 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C- R- Shepherd have moved from 1620 Wilmette avenue, To" 823 Fifteenth street. â€"♦â€" ' Mr. Paul Hoffman. 1638 Washington avenue, is in Cincinnati, O., on a business trip this week. â€"♦â€" Mr. Otto Stordeur, 1445 Wilmette avenue, is confined to his Jiome With i lines s. L______u . â€"♦â€" visit in Atlanta and Memphis. Kenilworth Happenings The Kenilworth Branch of the Ev- anston Hospital Guild wil.l have a sale of fancy articles at the home of Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp on Saturday, May 21. at 2:30 o'clock in the after- noon. Tea will be served. The sale is being given to raise money to help furnish rooms in the-new addition of the Evanston hospital. Those in charge of the sale earnestly hope that everyone will attend, as Kenilworth wishes to furnish two of the rooms. It will cost $50,000 to furnish all of the rooms at the hospital and all the suburbs are doing the'ir share in help- ing raise the funds. Wilmette gave a charity bridge for the benefit last Tuesday evening at the Country club, and has already raised enough funds for the complete furnishing of one room. â€"♦â€" Mrs. F/ D. Parmelee ,after stopping a few days in Omaha, to visit Mrs. Frederick Buckholz. arrived" Home from Pasadena, where she has been visiting for the pas,t month, last Tuesday afternoon. •nounce< Report of Condition of The First National Bank OF WILMETTE 364.01 180.22 $283,765.24.1 544.23 62,404.5? 189,066.44 2,669.49 6,732.09 / RESOURCES at Wilmette in the State of Illinois, at the close of business on April 28^ 1921. I .nil us and discounts Overdrafts, secured unsecured ........ 17. S. Government seearltlea owned t All other United States Govern- ment securities . . Other bonds* secur- ..Itlea. etc.t.-----. .. Furniture and fix- tures ....... Cash- in vault....... ==*=*, Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ............ Net amounts due from national tiiiiiks •••••••••• Net amounts due from banks, bank- ers, and trust' companies In the • United States. ... Checks on other banks in the same city or town re- porting: bank Total of Items 12, 13. 14. 15. and 16. 75,139.71 Other assets, if any I n t e rest earned [collected s Priscilla Allen entertained the Young People's Bridge clubmeni Wed- nesday evening. The club also cele- brated with a birthday party for Miss Olive Bulley, daughter of Mr. atm Mrs. Fred Bulley, who recentlyjin- ngagementâ€"tot^Jtfi Ward Starrett of Chicago, and whose marriage will take place on June Z. Among the Kenilworth people who attended the charity bridge given for the benefit of St. Marys Home for Children, at the Drake hotel on Mon- day last, were Mrs. William J. Tay- lor, Mrs. Warren Pease, Mrs. Irving W. Woodward, Mrs. George Keenn, Mrs Leroy Woodland, Mrs. Frank E. Xellis. and Mrs Oswald Lockett, Jr. â- •+. '. Miss Louisa Sanborn, formerly of Kenilworth, now of Chicago, who is traveling in the east, was the guest of the Misses Emily and Dorothy Foresman, over the week-end at Smith college. The Kenilworth Sewing club met with Mrs. Stanley Farwell, formerly of Kenilworth, now of Evanston, at the North Shore hotel, last Thursday. â€"♦â€" The Smith College girls are making preparations for the Junior prom, the big event of the year, which will take place next Friday night. â€"♦.â€" Mrs. George Shipman entertained a few tables of bridge on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs Frederic A. Willis. Mrs. Julius A. Petersen gave an in- formal dinner party Friday evening. North Shore Baths Mrs. Rufus Chandler of D* * III., was the guest of Mrs. MiuT1 Taylor, this week. The Afternoon Bridge with Mrs. Alfred McDougallSi day last.------------------------ onj&j Motion picture films were mu Harry Kelley, member of *!& Orleans. La., post of »h. a * ** Orleans, La., post of the Ati£ Legion, who risked his life iT^ times daily iiTthe interest of!? Legion's campaign for new mL& in New Orleans. Kelley hun* J?2 toes from the tallest buildin* ei;L7! up the highest flag pole he cc-Sdffi rocked it until it broke, then i dropped into a net below. Ty Cobb, manager of the Det«* Tigers, is a recent recruit signed!! Charles A. Learned Post of the A? erican Legion, in Detroit, Mich. K post received the famous ball playi1 application through Harry TutS former trainer of the Tiger team* now football coach at JWest ftjS Tuthill has promised that even eligible player on the Tiger u_ will become affiliated with his hon post of the Legion. m Postage to the amount of will be paid by the PennsyhS state highway department tor the4 livery of 1921 motor license tags. Thu year the receipts from fees are ex pected to be $8,100,000.â€" ^•-^" mm M « t m £ €/« 28,764.38 38,876.34 5/318.40 2,180,59 453.06 Total ...........____•>. .$620,774.83 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In.............. Surplus fund ..... Undivided profits. .$15,931.03 Reserved for inter- est and taxes ac- crued ........... 1,328.81 Leas current ex- penses, interest, and taxes paid... 8,141.29 Certifiedâ€"ohackiâ€" â- outstanding ..... Total of Items 22. 23. 24, 25, and 26 ..."...'......... 192.96 $ 60,000.00 10,000.00 9,118.55 Demand deposits (other than bank (lepoMltn) Hubject to Reserves Individual deposits subject to check. Certificates of de- posit due in less â€"^t^a-hâ€"30 days (other than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal, deposits secured by pledge of as- . .sets of this bank .--------â- Dividends unpaid . . Total of demand deposits â- ........316,006.16 Time deposits sub- ject to Reserves Certificates Of de- :____ posit (other than for money bor- rowed) .......... Q the r - -t ime- deposit*â€" â€";â€" Postal savings de- • posits .......... Total of time de- posits subject to Reserve. Items 33, 34. 35. and 36 ...182,817.96 United States de- 2.060.25 180.587.19 170.52 ^.'t utiiiit.....iiMniiitii......ttiiriiiiiMiititiiiiiiiiittiriiiMitiiiciiiiiiiirttriiiiiiirMiitMiiMfiiiitdfi i â- f utti â- â- ji tajaiiti in •tJi«itct«f «iif »tt 11 e«f it etetctf cisv st x ct t«ttt liiiiiiiritmiittsa 46 Inch Simplex Ironer $160.02 Sinplez Ironer Weeks May 16th to Mar 28th ORDER NOW! ^â- iaiaaiipBeipieiBBBpmmiBiasBamiaanpnaaajaaBBsa _.., You can^t afford not to own a Simplex Ironer ceremony was a part of Americanism programs in 225 cities arranged under ~of7the American Legion. Mrs George Slocum has as her house guest, her sister, Mrs. E. S. Longfellow of Omaha, Neb. â€"e__ Miss Marjorie West is spending a month" as the guest of Mrs| V. Illges, in Atlanta. Ga. Mr and Mrs. Myron C. Leckner of 1105 Lake avenue, moved__this week to the northern section of Evanston. ^Mr^^nd^Mrs.^R, H. Palenske of 2264 Tenth street, left last week for their summer home at Crystal Lake, 111.' Mr; and Mr*. J. E. Edge of 1400 Washington avenue, have moved to 1520 -Elmwood avenue^ ------ powltN (other than postal savings) i n c I u d f hg~Tv*ar Loan deposit ac- count and depos- its of United States Disbursing officers . . ,....... Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank ............ L i a b i 1 i t ies other than those above stated Discount collected unearn- ed................ Total ....... STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) 5.000.00 42,500.00 5.139.20 • 1620,774.83 Easy Payments F. A. Darby, Electric Shop 11046 Davis St., Evanston .•.iiiiiuniiiiiiHiiuiitininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminH.....iiiinniiiiimiii.......litiminiiii..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiMiiiimiiiniwn T«3~ WUNTY OF COOK ) I. R. W. Webber, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best 3o£ my knowledge and belief. â€"----- R. W. WEBBER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of May, 1921. W^D^EiEART, Notary Public, Correctâ€"Attest: DAVID NELSON, FRANK J..BAKBaV TrSC^KFFEU Directors. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor-Sales Co. 1629 Orrington Are., Evanston Phone 5700 Dr. CharlctJLCeitse Osteopathic Physician Bfcaaas WSl JMBI 1150 Wilmette Are, RESIDENCE PHONE 537 Painting and Paper! Call WILMETTE 796-J H. J. MILLER •18 Prairie Avenue GEORGE STUMP TENOR of 718 Fin* Arts]