THE LONI » ! · N LOOK AT THE FELL COMPANY We've assembled bright new fashion inspired by "The Swinging City" Fashion news these days flows down the Thames and out into the wide world. T h e r e ' s excitement e v e r y where in London ( *Time Magazine called it The Swinging City! ) reflected in a new idea in men's a p p a r e l . Here it i s - - f r e e and easy, colorful, in tune with today's world. We've gathered the top of the style ( leaving out the somewhat kookie fringe ideas ) and we ask you to look, to experiment, to enjoy it a l l . Come in and s t a r t swinging! SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY CHEST VFamous name Formal Wear for Rent or Sale Open Monday & Thursday Eves. 7 to 9 WINNETKA -- Exclusively for Men -- Men's, Women's end Boys' Wear 520 Green Bay Rd. 595 Central Ave. »· | _ _ _ _ . -- M e n ' s , Women's end eiencoe W i n n e t k a Boyl. Wear Bov 332 Park Ave. 811 Elm St. HIGHLAND PARK «' Exclusively