WIL:\lETTE 1924 basement Sue "Young women from sp~ec h at Northwestern assist her. "Only the best stories to the children," said "none of the blood and They will be mostly fairy ... logical tales." For the past several yean ly story hour has been heW winter in Wilm.ette. average of from 25 to 100 tended regularly. ROAD PLANTING IDEA FOSTERED Jena Jensen Explains Plan for Making Country Highways Attractive A TRUE INSPIRATION Lanes Preferable to "Avenues of Monarchies" Editor's Xote : ]ens Jensen, one of America 's leading land cape architects, the man who has had mo t to do with the dnelopment of Chicago'· wonderful park system since 1890, was respon ible ior the beautirication of the Ideal Section oi the Lincoln Highway. He is a pioneer in road:.ide beautification in America. He is a resident l\e,·er have 1 seen a white oak of \\'ilmette. prettier and the landscape nobler by B,. JENS JENSEN the oak being a part of it. than on one Roadside planting should be a part beautiful May day in ~[is souri with of tbe general character of the land-~ the oak crowned with golden tas els scape so that the roads themselves do against the blue sky. It is just one not appear as a definite line apart irom iustance where the oak or any other the rest of the ~a~dscape, but a mea.n s tree "·ill bring ~mt its _g~eat es~ bea.uty ~o an end that 1s m sympathy with tis when planted m a fittmg SltuatJon. surroundings. The highways are the EHry plant has its proper place in the points from which the traveler sees out-of-doors. To find this place is ;md enjoys the surrounding country. worth while because here it reveals 1t is !here fore, _of importance that the its greatest beauty and gives us joy road 1de plantmg does not shut out in the fullest measure. Trees adapted adjacent land . Out on the plains, the to their environs may grow to great c:bannand and the in piration. Even op an ..--\ country freedom of it roadsides lined with rows oi trees in the Avenue fashion would be a mistake. This not only would change the broad expanse oi prairie countrY, but would tend to checkerboard the prairie land cape. De6aea Americ- Hi.bway· Scattered tree; planted promiscuously along the highway. as one sees them in the fore t. art morl' in keeping with our land scape and with the Amt>rican mint! than 'Lllelv a1·enues of mona rch it·,. It i' rather 'tanes that we want. or "pil.,l', .·· ·" they are called in th~ ~outh, 1d1lrl trees seem to enjoy tfw road-id~ and each other - comP<Iny. Thcrl' t' nothing stiff or et about it. A lane or pike is tolerant even to the shy hut ,weet violet that may be permitted to catter )\'!' per- I have see n \'- ay planting will becc :n.: ~ _most im' ·ortant task ·in the t·.. l kmg of our pikes in Kentucky that come as ned:r - ural landsca""'s. This · points t.o a. nto what I consider a beautiful Amen: .,can highway as anything I know or. llthe r important matt er-the des1g~mg They are serviceable. beautiful_ a_ nd and supervision of the work. lt IS a cool on hot summer days. :\attH~ nu tter of great importance, a matter plants of all sorts find a happy hon~l ·ha t requires great knowledge of pl~nt alon g these roadside s and gt\·e the ir 'iic:: as well as the vision of the arttst. beauty and their wo_nderiul message I Important a· City Plannin1 to the passerby. and Ill them nest our · Roadside planting, the development birds that thnll us with their songs. oi tate reservations, and rural parks We want this expression of freedom are equal in importance to city planalong the open road. \Ve want nine: and are far greater in scope an~ · hadows and we want sunlight. ·w e ,·i ·ion than the latter. A period of want the comiort oi shady lanes and grt·a t cultural adva!l~ement is always we want the beautiiul outlooks over me:bured by the ns1on and the outthe surrou nding country. look for the future. Roadside plant- Wilmette Children to ing belongs to such a pe~io~. It i Have Their Story Hour Plant Nathl'e Veaetatioo pioneer work with us, but 1t IS a part :\ll roadside planting should be de- of a great cultural movement of our "-and the good prince _ married t~e termined and based on the country and fairy princ.~s and they hved happily people. its nati,·e \'Cgdation through which ever after. the road winrl> its way. In this way Tingling with excitement, a gro.up the road,ide plan ting will become a T 0 I ns tall Sewer, Wa t er of Wilmette children will beam With part of the general landscape and enon Development Property delight at " such happy stor.y endi':lgs hance the beauty of its surroundings An application by the Kenilworth a~ this next Saturday mornmg durm_g as far as this is possible ior a highway to do. For instance, swamp or Rcalt\· a .sociation for permits to in· t.h e story hour at the free pubhc . lowland landscape are of a widely dif- stall ~ewe rage. l\'ater and gas system, hbrary. , h Saturday mornmg ferent character than prairie or hilly in the Commu nity Development sub- ~ At 11 o clo~k eac_ country and the ,·egetat ion fitting ior division was granted by the Villa ge hereafter unt1l Apnl, when the weather these different types of landscapes are board of tru tees at their regula r becomes goo? for outd?or plar, the monthly session ~!onday evening, Jan - story hour wtll be held m the l1b~ary equally as different. fume along the higpway. Min COA You can get immediate deliveries Evanston Material AUTO GLASS PLATE and WINDOW GLASS- MIRRORS PAINTS WHOLESALE-RETAIL EVANSTON, ILLINOI Phoae EYallltoa 1320 St. 1133 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette %508 ~g=e~a~n~d~n~o~b~i~li~t=y~a=n~d~in~t~h~is::~: · a~y=h~t~ 'g~~=-~====~~~~~~~~~~::::::;;i=====~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wilmette Glass and Paint Works sa..- s· "Warm up for Outdoors" Eat good food with lots Eat···aa·H .... A. C. WOLFF's TIN SHOP Furnaces and Repain Cleaaia· and Repairia· GUTTERS. SPOUTS, SKY· L.IGHTS, TILE, SLATE AND LEAKY ROOFS g-ood health-gi\·ing quality in it. oi THE SHERIDAN CAFE # - ·· 601 M_ain Street Wrlmette Merchant's Lunch Served from 11:30 to 2 EYaaaton to CleacShop I U4 Greenleaf A-. PhODe Wil. 151 P e , _. . Sa~_..._ Co·eftil Wew-Ju.e... C..· ~~e·-tl·· ·7 Oflice 117 Maia St. ·----ee Phone Wil. 211 SHOE CLEARANCE SALE Our entire stock of high grade shoes has been reduced to · · · amaztng prtces. This sale lS now in effect. Come in today and buy your shoes cit · a great sav1ng The exceptional values we are offering during this sale warrant your investigation. WILMETTE SHOE STO. E Z. RAFALSKI, Prop. 1150 Central Avenue Telephone Wilmette 1779